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Syed Talha Tirmizi s-tirmizi
PhD student at The University of Texas at Austin, USA | SLB | BEG | Hydrogen | Geothermal | President, Switch Energy Club UT

@UTAustin Austin, Texas, USA

Edgar L. Carrillo elcarrillo
I am a researcher advancing volcanology through computational science. I develop open-source tools.

Nashville, TN

Sony AnnemSony
KangYopchi KangYopchi
Digital Creator

Seoul, Korea Republic of.

Piyush Pradhan piyush-ppradhan
PhD. Candidate @columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering

Columbia University

Livia Correa McCormack liviacorrea
Mechanical engineering PhD student at the University of Utah. MSc and BEng in Mechanical Engineering from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)

University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT

Syam S. syam-s
Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur @IITKharagpur

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India

Hao Tran haotran-california
interested in the internals of web dev tools


Alex alex-ack
This is a new account. I keep my repositories private. If you'd like to see my work, please check the links on my resume/email me ([email protected])

DOE at Idaho National Laboratory

John UTJFritz

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN

Gerard Guillamet gguillam
Doing solidz things

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona

Shane Aldridge aldrshan
Just a nerd with a computer 🤓

Atlanta Georgia

Gao Yi EdanGao
Nuclear Engineering undergraduate in Xi'an Jiao tong University.

Xi'an Jiaotong University China Xi’an

Yutong CHEN yutongchen1997
Happiness above all.

Paul Scherrer Institut

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Sandeep Kumar aero29
Non-axisymmetric turbomachinery blade 3D design

University of Cincinnati OH,USA

PV Martins pvmartins87
NVH Specialist and Software enthusiast

Graz, Austria

Martina Di Gennaro martidig
PhD Student in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology.

Politecnico di Milano Milano (Italy)

Liang liang-tech
A Phd student focus on phase-field model for additive manufacturring.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing, China