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JoĂŁo Correia jcorreia11
Hi đź‘‹, I'm JoĂŁo, a Ph.D. Student at University of Minho.

University of Minho Braga, Portugal

Kato Steven Mubiru KatoStevenMubiru
AI/ML engineer with skills in iOS, Android, and XR development. Pursuing applied AI research in healthcare, energy, finance, autonomous systems and telecoms.

@unifyai Kampala, Uganda

₸ornike e-tornike
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Machine Learning | Happy to talk about NLP/ML | Interested in tennis and windsurfing

University of Mannheim Germany

Danyal Rehman danyalrehman
Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Mila - Québec Artificial Intelligence Institute. Visiting Researcher at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. Ph.D. from MIT.

@mila-iqia @broadinstitute @mit Montréal, Québecc

Cyprien Quéméneur CyprienQuemeneur
Recent ML graduate. Lost in latent space techno-optimist. Previously worked on federated learning and computer vision @PolytechniqueMontreal.


Yuchen Xi YuchenHui22314
A student at the Université de Montréal
FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Shifath Nafis snafis
data science x product design

Fjord London, GB

Cancer systems biology • Single-cell phenomics • Machine learning
Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Ye Yuan StevenYuan666
Ph.D. of CS@McGill&Mila ; BSc of Honours CS@McGill

McGill University Beijing, Montreal

Shreyas Jena jena-shreyas

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Kharagpur

Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA

Caglar Gulcehre caglar

EPFL CLAIRE Lab Lausanne

Rodrigue de Schaetzen rdesc
Ph.D. student at Mila | UdeM

Mila - Quebec AI Institute Montreal, Canada

CĂ©sar Miguel Valdez CĂłrdova cmvcordova
PhD Student - Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS)

McGill University/Mila Montreal, Canada

Fabrice Normandin lebrice
Machine Learning Software Developer at Mila (Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute)

Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute @mila-iqia Montreal, Canada

Giovanni Versiglioni versi379
MSc Computer Science Engineering at Politecnico di Milano
Firat Oncel firatoncel
Concordia University


Yonah yonahcodes
🛩️ Pilot Transitioning to Tech | 🤖 Studying Computer Science

Montreal, Canada

Maryam Alipourhajiagha mariual
Graduate Research Assistant at Polytechnique Montréal

Polytechnique Montréal Montréal

Mansour Osman mansourhas
Machine learning engineer. I am interested in all things open source.
Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Paolo Cudrano PCudrano
PhD Candidate in Comptuer Science working on Continual Learning for Robotics

Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy

Chong Chong-source
Uoft CS Undergraduate - Interested in the cross-disciplinary study of Health Care and Computer Science

University of Toronto Toronto

Xin Lei Lin xinlei55555
UofT CS + Molecular Genetics -- Always passionate about creating, open to any project idea in AI x healthcare -- xinlei55555 [a]