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hot-formula-parser 4.2.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @time-loop/hot-formula-parser@4.2.0
Install via package.json:
"@time-loop/hot-formula-parser": "4.2.0"

About this version

Formula Parser @time-loop/hot-formula-parser

Library provides a Parser class that evaluates excel and mathematical formulas.


A recommended way to install Formula Parser is through NPM using the following command:

$ npm install --save @time-loop/hot-formula-parser

Simple usage:

import { ClickUpParser } from '@time-loop/hot-formula-parser';

const parser = ClickUpParser.create();

parser.parse('SUM(1, 6, 7)'); // It returns `Object {error: null, result: 14}`


It supports:

  • Any numbers, negative and positive as float or integer;
  • Arithmetic operations like +, -, /, *, %, ^;
  • Logical operations like AND(), OR(), NOT(), XOR();
  • Comparison operations like =, >, >=, <, <=, <>;
  • All JavaScript Math constants like PI(), E(), LN10(), LN2(), LOG10E(), LOG2E(), SQRT1_2(), SQRT2();
  • String operations like & (concatenation eq. parser.parse('-(2&5)'); will return -25);
  • All excel formulas defined in formula.js;
  • Relative and absolute cell coordinates like A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1;
  • Build-in variables like TRUE, FALSE, NULL
  • Custom variables;
  • Custom functions/formulas;
  • Node and Browser environment.

API (methods)

import { ClickUpParser } from '@time-loop/hot-formula-parser';

const parser = ClickUpParser.create();


Parses and evaluates provided expression. It always returns an object with result and error properties. result property always keep evaluated value. If error occurs error property will be set as:

  • #ERROR! General error;
  • #DIV/0! Divide by zero error;
  • #NAME? Not recognised function name or variable name;
  • #N/A Indicates that a value is not available to a formula;
  • #NUM! Occurs when formula encounters an invalid number;
  • #VALUE! Occurs when one of formula arguments is of the wrong type.
parser.parse('(1 + 5 + (5 * 10)) / 10'); // returns `Object {error: null, result: 5.6}`
parser.parse('SUM(MY_VAR)'); // returns `Object {error: "#NAME?", result: null}`
parser.parse('1;;1'); // returns `Object {error: "#ERROR!", result: null}`

.setVariable(name, value)

Set predefined variable name which can be visible while parsing formula expression.

parser.setVariable('MY_VARIABLE', 5);
parser.setVariable('fooBar', 10);

parser.parse('(1 + MY_VARIABLE + (5 * fooBar)) / fooBar'); // returns `5.6`


Get variable name.

parser.setVariable('fooBar', 10);

parser.getVariable('fooBar'); // returns `10`

.setFunction(name, fn)

Set custom function which can be visible while parsing formula expression.

parser.setFunction('ADD_5', function(params) {
  return params[0] + 5;
parser.setFunction('GET_LETTER', function(params) {
  var string = params[0];
  var index = params[1] - 1;

  return string.charAt(index);

parser.parse('SUM(4, ADD_5(1))'); // returns `10`
parser.parse('GET_LETTER("Some string", 3)'); // returns `m`


Get custom function.

parser.setFunction('ADD_5', function(params) {
  return params[0] + 5;

parser.getFunction('ADD_5')([1]); // returns `6`


List of all supported formulas function.

import { SUPPORTED_FORMULAS } from '@time-loop/hot-formula-parser'; // An array of formula names

API (hooks)

'callVariable' (name, done)

Fired while retrieving variable. If variable was defined earlier using setVariable you can overwrite it by this hook.

parser.on('callVariable', function(name, done) {
  if (name === 'foo') {
    done(Math.PI / 2);

parser.parse('SUM(SIN(foo), COS(foo))'); // returns `1`

'callFunction' (name, params, done)

Fired while calling function. If function was defined earlier using setFunction you can overwrite it's result by this hook. You can also use this to override result of build-in formulas.

parser.on('callFunction', function(name, params, done) {
  if (name === 'ADD_5') {
    done(params[0] + 5);

parser.parse('ADD_5(3)'); // returns `8`

'callCellValue' (cellCoord, done)

Fired while retrieving cell value by its label (eq: B3, B$3, B$3, $B$3).

parser.on('callCellValue', function(cellCoord, done) {
  // using label
  if (cellCoord.label === 'B$6') {
  // or using indexes
  if (cellCoord.row.index === 5 && cellCoord.row.isAbsolute && cellCoord.column.index === 1 && !cellCoord.column.isAbsolute) {

  if (cellCoord.label === 'C6') {

parser.parse('B$6'); // returns `"hello"`
parser.parse('B$6&" world"'); // returns `"hello world"`
parser.parse('FISHER(C6)'); // returns `0.9729550745276566`

'callRangeValue' (startCellCoord, endCellCoord, done)

Fired while retrieving cells range value (eq: A1:B3, $A1:B$3, A$1:B$3, $A$1:$B$3).

parser.on('callRangeValue', function(startCellCoord, endCellCoord, done) {
  var data = [
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
    [11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
    [16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
  var fragment = [];

  for (var row = startCellCoord.row.index; row <= endCellCoord.row.index; row++) {
    var rowData = data[row];
    var colFragment = [];

    for (var col = startCellCoord.column.index; col <= endCellCoord.column.index; col++) {

  if (fragment) {

parser.parse('JOIN(A1:E2)'); // returns `"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"`
parser.parse('COLUMNS(A1:E2)'); // returns `5`
parser.parse('ROWS(A1:E2)'); // returns `2`
parser.parse('COUNT(A1:E2)'); // returns `10`
parser.parse('COUNTIF(A1:E2, ">5")'); // returns `5`



  • hot-formula-parser-4.2.0.tgz

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