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Mochatitan Mochatitan
16 Year old coder man; i coded java for 3 years; Know very confidently: Java, sh; Know confidently: JS, NodeJS; Know: HTML, CSS; Learning: C++, React

Iced Java Robotics

rock808 david-slimp
I am.

Austin, TX

Is_52Hertz is52hertz
Hello! I'm is_52Hertz and I'm from China. Tags: learning, compiling, code


shailesh soni Shaileshsoni21101999
under graduate student basic of python,java,c,c++
Mikhail Kozitskii kekouke

Far Eastern Federal University Vladivostok, Russia

Punyaslok Dutta punyaslokdutta
Where does the recursive loop stops in your DNA/RNA?
Jia Xuan Ng jxng1
Ported various AAA Total War titles on various platforms, notably Warhammer 3, Warhammer 2 and Pharaoh!

United Kingdom

Para ParaXY
/爱喵汪&董姐撩/品域&战略风控#云容量化·XaaS#知行合一#互联協同合作联谊/随性随缘随法随心/握槽·倾天下;) 募志/尽人事&&听天命'无为无不为/KnowHow meansMore than KnowWhat/NULL Temporary...

DomIT Paradise.

kaanguru kaanguru
Svelte, Vue, GraphQL,strapi , directus looking for a remote job


Culi T tif-calin
culi currently codes cool contraptions $=_=>`$=${$};$()`;$()

buys post-exit-scam nfts off craigslist