A simple docker container exposing a http server on port 3000
- Supports http requests for testing routing
- Supports Prometheus for testing scraping
- Supports Postgres for testing database connectivity
Path | Description |
/health |
Returns OK |
/metrics |
Exposes metrics which can be generated by accessing / and /logo.png |
/postgres/read |
Returns an integer from a database |
/postgres/write |
Bumps the integer returned by /postgres/read |
/kill |
Kills the container. Adjust severity with param mode . Possible mode values: ["graceful", "", "panic"] |
Name: DSN Format: postgres://username:password@host:5432/dbName Example: postgres://bobs:youruncle@postgres-server:5432/ranch Description: A data source name(DSN) refering to a Postgres instance
Name: DEBUG Syntax: true | false Example: true Description: Defaults to false. Set to true to enable debug logging.