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Artifactory in Kubernetes examples

This directory has some examples for setting up Artifactory running in a Kubernetes cluster.


Kubernetes is an open-source system for orchestrating containerized applications. To learn more about Kubernetes, see details in the Kubernetes documentation.
This page assumes you have prior knowledge of Kubernetes and have a working cluster to deploy in.


The examples are defines and deployed using the kubectl command line tool. See more details in the kubectl documentation.
Also see a useful cheat sheet with a good summary of the useful commands and usage.

In these examples Kubernetes objects are defines as Yaml files, so applying them is very easy

$ kubectl create -f artifactory.yml

This will create the object(s) defined in artifactory.yml in your Kubernetes cluster.

Persistent Storage

For persistent storage, all volumes are mounted from the cluster's hosts.
NOTE: The examples here use a simple PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim for example purposes. This setup should NOT be used for production! You should find your best matching storage solution and use it.

Database Driver

The databases used in these examples are PostgreSQL and MySQL.
For Artifactory to communicate with the database, it needs the database driver in its Tomcat's lib directory.

For this, you should build your own Artifactory Docker image using the Dockerfiles in this directory that already adds the driver.
To build the image

# PostgreSQL
$ docker build -t <your-docker-reg>/jfrog/artifactory-pro-postgresql:<version> -f Dockerfile.postgresql .

$ docker build -t <your-docker-reg>/jfrog/artifactory-pro-mysql:<version> -f Dockerfile.mysql .

This will build an image of artifactory-pro that includes the PostgreSQL or MySQL driver in it. Make sure to push it into your registry

# PostgreSQL
$ docker push <your-docker-reg>/jfrog/artifactory-pro-postgresql:<version>

$ docker push <your-docker-reg>/jfrog/artifactory-pro-mysql:<version>

And edit the artifactory-service.yml to use this image.

Using Different Databases

Artifactory can run with other databases. For more details on supported databases and how to set them up for use with Artifactory, please refer to Changing the Database in the JFrog Artifactory Use Guide.

Deploying your Artifactory to Kubernetes

The following describes the steps to do the actual deployment of the Artifactory and its services to Kubernetes.

Preparing Resources

Need to create some resources that will be used by Nginx as SSL and Artifactory reverse proxy configuration

Docker registry secret

In case you built your own Artifactory image and pushed it to your private registry as suggested above, you might need to define a docker-registry secret to be used by Kubernetes to pull images

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-reg-secret --docker-server=<your-docker-reg> --docker-username=${USER} --docker-password=${PASSWORD} [email protected]

SSL secret

Create the SSL secret that will be used by Nginx's container
NOTE: These are self signed key and certificate for demo use only!

$ kubectl create secret tls art-tls --cert=../files/nginx/ssl/demo.pem --key=../files/nginx/ssl/demo.key

You can replace the key and certificate with your own files

$ kubectl create secret tls art-tls --cert=<path_to>/myssl.pem --key=<path_to>/myssl.key

Artifactory Nginx configuration

Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap from artifactory.conf

Artifactory Pro

$ kubectl create configmap nginx-artifactory-conf --from-file=../files/nginx/conf.d/pro/artifactory.conf

Artifactory HA

$ kubectl create configmap nginx-artifactory-conf --from-file=../files/nginx/conf.d/ha/artifactory.conf

Deploying the applications

Now you are ready to create the applications in Kubernetes.
The following sequence deploys

  • PostgreSQL or MySQL database
  • Artifactory Pro or HA
  • Nginx

Note that the resources to use are already defined in the Yaml files.

NOTE: If running on Minikube, you will need to deploy a simpler service (NodePort). See the differences in the code examples below.

Artifactory Pro


# PostgreSQL storage, pods and service
$ kubectl create -f postgresql-storage.yml
$ kubectl create -f postgresql-service.yml

Artifactory Pro

# Artifactory storage, pods and service
$ kubectl create -f artifactory-storage.yml
$ kubectl create -f artifactory-service.yml


# Nginx storage and deployment
$ kubectl create -f nginx-storage.yml
$ kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yml

# Nginx service
# If running on a standard Kubernetes cluster
$ kubectl create -f nginx-service.yml

# If running on Minikube
$ kubectl create -f nginx-service-minikube.yml

Once done, you should be able to see the deployed pods and services

# Get pods and their status
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                          READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
artifactory-k8s-deployment-1732455857-7w6gw   1/1       Running   0          31m
nginx-k8s-deployment-3171003233-q8gb2         1/1       Running   0          25m
postgresql-k8s-deployment-1240329637-25325    1/1       Running   0          33m

# Get services
# On a standard Kubernetes cluster
$ kubectl get services
NAME                     CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
artifactory       <nodes>       8081/TCP         31m
kubernetes            <none>        443/TCP          3d
nginx-k8s-service   80/TCP,443/TCP   25m
postgresql-k8s-service    <none>        5432/TCP         33m

# On Minikube
$ kubectl get services
NAME                     CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
artifactory       <nodes>       8081:32355/TCP               57m
kubernetes          <none>        443/TCP                      1h
nginx-k8s-service   <nodes>       80:30002/TCP,443:32600/TCP   48m
postgresql-k8s-service   <none>        5432/TCP                     1h

Artifactory HA


$ kubectl create -f mysql-storage.yml
$ kubectl create -f mysql-service.yml

Artifactory storage

Prepare 3 storage volumes.

$ kubectl create -f artifactory-ha-storage.yml

Prepare the binary storage configuration

Artifactory HA can be configured with various storage solutions.
You can see more details in Configuring the Filestore.
In our examples, we have an example binarystore.xml that configures a simple cache-fs template.

  • Place the file in the directory defined by the artifactory-extra-conf persistent volume in artifactory-ha-storage.yml (defaults to /data/art-extra-conf/)

Artifactory HA nodes

Spin up the two nodes.

$ kubectl create -f artifactory-ha-node1.yml
$ kubectl create -f artifactory-ha-node2.yml

Joining node 2 to the HA cluster

Once node 1 start, you need to prepare the configuration to pass to node 2 in order for it to join the cluster.
You can see more details in Artifactory HA setup.
The following steps need to completed before node 2 can join the cluster

  • Connect to node 1 and complete the initial onboarding process
    • Use kubectl get services to get the art_node1_service_ip
    • Open a web browser to http://<cluster_ip>:<art_node1_service_ip>/artifactory
    • Install a license
    • Complete any additional steps you require (you can come back to this later)
  • Create a bootstrap bundle in node 1 to be copied over to node 2
    • curl -XPOST -uadmin:password http://<cluster_ip>:<art_node1_service_ip>/artifactory/api/system/bootstrap_bundle
    • This will place the bootstrap.bundle.tar.gz under node 1's ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc directory
  • Copy the bootstrap.bundle.tar.gz into node 2's ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc
    • Node 2 will detect it and continue its automatic setup and joining to the cluster


# Storage and deployment
$ kubectl create -f nginx-storage.yml
$ kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yml

# Service
# If running on a standard Kubernetes cluster
$ kubectl create -f nginx-service.yml

# If running on Minikube
$ kubectl create -f nginx-service-minikube.yml

Once done, you should be able to see the deployed pods and services

# Get pods and their status (example output)
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
artifactory-ha-node1-3776668781-fc3wq   1/1       Running   0          7m
artifactory-ha-node2-3265495874-cz6rj   1/1       Running   0          7m
mysql-k8s-deployment-4196928137-3s6tn   1/1       Running   0          7m
nginx-k8s-deployment-1544469967-bt5m1   1/1       Running   0          1m

# Get services (example output)
# On a standard Kubernetes cluster
$ kubectl get services
NAME                CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
artifactory-node1   <nodes>       8081:30690/TCP               8m
artifactory-node2   <nodes>       8081:30981/TCP               7m
kubernetes     <none>        443/TCP                      3d
mysql-k8s-service    <none>        3306/TCP                     8m
nginx-k8s-service   80:32094/TCP,443:30063/TCP   2m

# On Minikube
$ kubectl get services
NAME                CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
artifactory-node1   <nodes>       8081:30690/TCP               8m
artifactory-node2   <nodes>       8081:30981/TCP               7m
kubernetes     <none>        443/TCP                      3d
mysql-k8s-service    <none>        3306/TCP                     8m
nginx-k8s-service    <nodes>       80:30002/TCP,443:32600/TCP   2m

Accessing your Artifactory

Depending on your deployment type, you can now access Artifactory through its Nginx.

Standard Kubernetes

You can see the Nginx is exposed with a public IP of on ports 80 and 443.
Now just point your browser to or


You need to use the Minikube's IP with the assigned port like
You can get the Minikube IP with the command minikube ip.
The assigned ports can be seen in the output of kubectl get services as seen above.
Now point your browser to or
NOTE: When using https, you might need to confirm trusting the certificate and that will redirect you back to, resulting in an error. Just put the port 32600 again in the URL, refresh your page, and Artifactory should now load properly.