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164 lines (118 loc) · 5.8 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (118 loc) · 5.8 KB

UPGRADE FROM 6.3 to 6.4


  • Add argument $serverParameters to AbstractBrowser::click() and AbstractBrowser::clickLink()


  • [BC break] EarlyExpirationHandler no longer implements MessageHandlerInterface, rely on AsMessageHandler instead


  • Deprecate ContainerAwareInterface and ContainerAwareTrait, use dependency injection instead


    class MailingListService implements ContainerAwareInterface
        use ContainerAwareTrait;
        public function sendMails()
            $mailer = $this->container->get('mailer');
            // ...


    use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
    class MailingListService
        public function __construct(
            private MailerInterface $mailer,
        ) {
        public function sendMails()
            $mailer = $this->mailer;
            // ...

    To fetch services lazily, you can use a service subscriber.


  • Deprecate DbalLogger, use a middleware instead
  • Deprecate not constructing DoctrineDataCollector with an instance of DebugDataHolder
  • Deprecate DoctrineDataCollector::addLogger(), use a DebugDataHolder instead
  • Deprecate ContainerAwareLoader, use dependency injection in your fixtures instead


  • Add argument $default to Crawler::attr()


  • [BC break] FlattenExceptionNormalizer no longer implements ContextAwareNormalizerInterface


  • Deprecate using DateTime or DateTimeImmutable model data with a different timezone than configured with the model_timezone option in DateType, DateTimeType, and TimeType
  • Deprecate PostSetDataEvent::setData(), use PreSetDataEvent::setData() instead
  • Deprecate PostSubmitEvent::setData(), use PreSubmitDataEvent::setData() or SubmitDataEvent::setData() instead


  • [BC break] Add native return type to Translator and to Application::reset()
  • Deprecate the integration of Doctrine annotations, either uninstall the doctrine/annotations package or disable the integration by setting framework.annotations to false
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.handle_all_throwables config option; it will default to true in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.php_errors.log config option; it will default to true in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.session.cookie_secure config option; it will default to auto in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.session.cookie_samesite config option; it will default to lax in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting either framework.session.handler_id or save_path config options; handler_id will default to null in 7.0 if save_path is not set and to session.handler.native_file otherwise
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.uid.default_uuid_version config option; it will default to 7 in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.uid.time_based_uuid_version config option; it will default to 7 in 7.0
  • Deprecate not setting the framework.validation.email_validation_mode config option; it will default to html5 in 7.0
  • Deprecate framework.validation.enable_annotations, use framework.validation.enable_attributes instead
  • Deprecate framework.serializer.enable_annotations, use framework.serializer.enable_attributes instead


  • [BC break] Make HeaderBag::getDate(), Response::getDate(), getExpires() and getLastModified() return a DateTimeImmutable


  • [BC break] BundleInterface no longer extends ContainerAwareInterface
  • [BC break] Add native return types to TraceableEventDispatcher and to MergeExtensionConfigurationPass


  • Deprecate StopWorkerOnSignalsListener in favor of using the SignalableCommandInterface


  • [BC break] Add native return type to Logger::clear() and to DebugProcessor::clear()


  • Remove ArgumentValueResolverInterface from PsrServerRequestResolver


  • [BC break] Add native return type to AnnotationClassLoader::setResolver()
  • Deprecate Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes
  • Deprecate passing an annotation reader as first argument to AnnotationClassLoader (new signature: __construct(?string $env = null))


  • [BC break] UserValueResolver no longer implements ArgumentValueResolverInterface
  • [BC break] Make PersistentToken immutable
  • Deprecate accepting only DateTime for TokenProviderInterface::updateToken(), use DateTimeInterface instead


  • Deprecate the require_previous_session config option. Setting it has no effect anymore


  • Deprecate Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes
  • Deprecate passing an annotation reader to the constructor of AnnotationLoader


  • The component is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0, use Twig instead


  • Deprecate Doctrine annotations support in favor of native attributes
  • Deprecate ValidatorBuilder::setDoctrineAnnotationReader()
  • Deprecate ValidatorBuilder::addDefaultDoctrineAnnotationReader()
  • Deprecate ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping(), use ValidatorBuilder::enableAttributeMapping() instead
  • Deprecate ValidatorBuilder::disableAnnotationMapping(), use ValidatorBuilder::disableAttributeMapping() instead
  • Deprecate AnnotationLoader, use AttributeLoader instead