Code for the research paper: Active-Perceptive Motion Generation for Mobile Manipulation [1] [Paper] [Project site]
This code is an active perception pipeline for mobile manipulators with embodied cameras to grasp in cluttered and unscructured scenes. Specifically, it employs a receding horizon planning approach considering expected information gain and reachability of detected grasps.
This repository contains a gym-style environment for the Tiago++ mobile manipulator and uses the NVIDIA Isaac Sim simulator (Adapted from OmniIsaacGymEnvs [2]).
Requirements: The NVIDIA ISAAC Sim simulator requires a GPU with RT (RayTracing) cores. This typically means an RTX GPU. The recommended specs are provided here Besides this, in our experience, to run the ActPerMoMA pipeline, at least 32GB CPU RAM is needed.
Install isaac-sim on your PC by following the procedure outlined [here](\)
Note: This code was tested on isaac-sim version 2023.1.0-hotfix.1.
Troubleshooting (common error when starting up) -
As we use pinocchio for kinematics [3], we may need to disable isaac motion planning, because at the moment it is incompatible with pinocchio. In your isaac installation, edit the file omni.isaac.sim.python.kit and comment out lula, motion planning.
- Follow the isaac-sim python conda environment installation [here](\)
Note that we use a modified version of the isaac-sim conda environmentactpermoma
which needs to be used instead and is available atenv.yaml
in this repo. Don't forget to source
script in the isaac-sim directory before running experiments. (You could also add it to the .bashrc)
Install our fork of the mushroom library [4]:
git clone
cd mushroom-rl
pip install -e .
Install the devel branch of the VGN network [5]:
git clone -b devel
cd vgn
pip install -e .
Also download the network weights from the VGN repo [] and place them inside vgn/assets
git clone
cd robot_helpers
pip install -e .
Left arm: [] Right arm: []
Download the reachability maps from the above links and place them in the reachability folder (<repo_root>/actpermoma/algos/reachability/<>). If you need to generate reachability maps for another robot, have a look at the repo: []
- Activate the conda environment:
conda activate actpermoma
- source the isaac-sim conda_setup file:
source <PATH_TO_ISAAC_SIM>/isaac_sim-2023.1.0-hotfix.1/
- run the desired method:
python actpermoma/scripts/ task=TiagoDualActivePerception train=TiagoDualActPerMoMa
[1]: S. Jauhri*, S. Lueth*, and G. Chalvatzaki. Active-perceptive motion generation for mobile manipulation. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), 2024.
[4]: C. D’Eramo, D. Tateo, A. Bonarini, M. Restelli, and J. Peters, “Mushroom-rl: Simplifying reinforcement learning research,” JMLR, vol. 22, pp. 131:1–131:5, 2021
[5]: M. Breyer, J. J. Chung, L. Ott, R. Siegwart, and J. Nieto. Volumetric Grasping Network: Real-time 6 DOF Grasp Detection in Clutter. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2020), 2020. \
- "[Error] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX error: PxRigidDynamic::setGlobalPose: pose is not valid." This error can be ignored for now. Isaac-sim may have some trouble handling the set_world_pose() function for RigidPrims, but this doesn't affect the experiments.
- "[Error] no space left on device"