This binding is used to control on-board LEDs.
// Get all BoardLed instances of on-board LEDs.
IEnumerable<BoardLed> leds = BoardLed.EnumerateLeds();
// Open the LED with the specified name.
BoardLed led = new BoardLed("led0");
// Get all triggers of current LED.
IEnumerable<string> triggers = led.EnumerateTriggers();
// Set trigger.
// The kernel provides some triggers which let the kernel control the LED.
// For example, the red light of Raspberry Pi, whose trigger is "default-on", which makes it keep lighting up.
// If you want to operate the LED, you need to remove the trigger, which is to set its trigger to "none".
led.Trigger = "none";
// Get the max brightness of current LED.
int maxBrightness = led.MaxBrightness;
// Set brightness.
led.Brightness = 255;