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Dirk Rombauts edited this page Mar 31, 2015 · 32 revisions

Release Process

We denote versions with x.y.z where x is the major version, y the minor version and z the revision number

  1. Update to include the new release
    1. Release Number
    2. Date
    3. New Feature(s) if any
    4. Bug(s) Fixed if any
  2. Check the version number in build.bat
  3. Open a command line and run "build.bat". This will do the following:
    1. build the code
    2. run unit tests
    3. zip the runners
    4. create nuget and chocolatey packages
    5. Unzip the files in the deploy folder by running "unzip x.y.z"
    6. Test the runners
      1. testRunnerCmd.cmd x.y.z
      2. testRunnerMsBuild.cmd x.y.z
      3. testRunnerPowerShell x.y.z
  4. Create a release on GitHub
    1. called vx.y.z
    2. with release notes
    3. tag it with 'vx.y.z' on branch release
    4. Upload file "$/deploy/" for each RUNNER to the release
  5. Generate outputs with new version (this is already done by the "test the runners" step) and add to website
  6. Update the picklesdoc website to point to the new version
  7. Push the nuget packages from myget to nuget gallery by running "DeployToNuget x.y.z"
  8. Upload the chocolatey package to chocolatey by running "DeployToChocolatey x.y.z"
  9. Make an announcement on pickles-dev group.
  10. Tweet using @PicklesDoc
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