Setup a typical CONDA installation with python3. Activate your environment first. You may install the requirements using:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Then you may run the installation of the euclid observational systematics package (euclid_obssys
) using
python3 [install, develop]
If you want only use the pipeline, use "install", but if you want your changes to the scripts to be immediately active, use "develop"
Two basic tool are made available through $PYTHON -m euclid_obssys.tool
and $PYTHON -m euclid_obssys.view
. Each command comes with an help message describing the input/output and the optional arguments. Please consult
for a complete example.
Build and install python package:
python2 install
You can obtain the selection of 2.0 Flagship mock needed by the pipeline as follows:
SELECT `ra_gal`, `dec_gal`, `x_gal`, `y_gal`, `z_gal`, `vx_gal`, `vy_gal`, `vz_gal`, `true_redshift_gal`, `observed_redshift_gal`, `logf_halpha_model3_ext`, `logf_hbeta_model3_ext`, `logf_o2_model3_ext`, `logf_n2_model3_ext`, `logf_o3_model3_ext`, `logf_s2_model3_ext`, `euclid_vis`, `euclid_nisp_h`, `euclid_nisp_j`, `euclid_nisp_y`, `abs_mag_r01`, `lm_halo`, `kind`, `halo_id`, `galaxy_id`, `bulge_fraction`, `bulge_r50`, `disk_r50`, `disk_axis_ratio`
FROM fs2_mock_std_spv3_epic_20220422
WHERE `true_redshift_halo`>=0.8
AND `true_redshift_halo`<2.0
AND `lm_halo` >=11
The catalog will be provided as a fits file like "12345.fits", the query number is a relevant information that will be needed.
You will be asked to specify paths for a Repo directory, that contains the Flagship catalog and other important files, and a Project directory, where the product of your analysis will be contained. More details later.
A default script that runs an entire example pipeline is available in
. You need to have downloaded the flagship halos in Repo/RawCatalogs/catalogs_8614.fits
[repo]/RawCatalogs # Cosmohub queries, from the database or with footprint applied /Footprints # survey footprints (see below) /ExtinctionMaps # extinction and reddening maps from various sources /SDHOD # Stripped-down HOD versions /LookUpTable # look-up tables to apply systematics /SelectionInputs # config files to obtain specific selections
[project]/GalaxyCatalogs # complete galaxy catalogs /RandomCatalogs # complete random catalogs /Selections # selections to be applied to galaxy catalogs /Catalogs4LE3 # catalogs readable by LE3 PFs, in redshift slices /NumberCounts # galaxy counts /Cls # angular maps and angular clustering measurements /PK # directory for OU-LE3 estimators, each directory /2PCF # contains: /BK # /Scripts where you find the scripts to launch the estimator /3PCF # /Params where parameter files are stored /CM-PK # /Measures where LE3 output is written /CM-2PCF #
config file: most scripts require a config file that contains all needed information for ALL the scripts. The name of the config file is provided to the scripts as an argument.
Survey footprint: a fits file with the fields FOOTPRINT_G, containing a boolean healpy map that is True/False in the sky pixels that are/are not observed, in galactic coordinates, and a redshift range of validity. It is defined by a footprint_tag in the config file. One can define in the config file a default footprint for a catalog, that would be called using footprint_tag=None. The footprint is read by the read_footprint() function defined in the config file, that returns the healpy resolution of the map, the redshift range in which the footprint is defined, the fraction of the sky covered by the survey and the footprint itself.
NOTE: it is assumed below that sky coordinates are ALWAYS galactic.
Master catalog: a catalog containing information on all dark matter halos and its central/satellite galaxies, coming from a CosmoHub query, or from applying a footprint on a Cosmohub query.
Galaxy catalog: a catalog that contains only galaxies subject to a basic selection, like Halpha flux > 2e-16 erg/cm^2/s. The basic selection is based on a flux_key, that may be logf_halpha_model1_ext (model '1'), logf_halpha_model3_ext (model '3'), euclid_nisp_H (model '9') or halo_lm (model '0'). The threshold criterion is based on logflux_limit, specified in the config file. A galaxy catalog contains the following fields (with the same meaning as the Flagship catalog): x_gal, y_gal, z_gal, ra_gal, dec_gal, kind, true_redshift_gal, observed_redshift_gal, halo_lm, id, halo_id, [flux_key], sh_[flux_key]. This last column contains the same fluxes, shuffled among galaxies at fixed redshift to suppress luminosity-dependent bias.
Selection: a boolean array of the same size of its reference galaxy or random catalog, that selects galaxies according to:
- fluxcut: a simple cut in a reference variable (may be Halpha flux, H band magnitude, halo mass);
- central / satellite: central or satellite galaxies;
- extinction: galaxies are selected accorting to their extincted flux;
- visibilitymask: a boolean visibility mask is applied to the catalog.
- lookup: a lookup table is used to determine what galaxies are detected. A selection is defined by a tag specified in the config file, and requires a separate sel_input_[tag].py file to be created. It can be applied to a galaxy or a random catalog. The config file specifies two selection tags, selection_data_tag for the galaxy catalog and selection_random_tag for the random.
Random catalog: it is created by (randomly) replicating the data catalog alpha times in redshift and flux, and by distributing galaxies uniformly on the sky (within the footprint). It assumed to be unmodulated on the sky. It can follow a specific number density if required TO BE IMPLEMENTED.
Catalogs for LE3: these are extracted from galaxy and random catalogs, give galaxies in specified redshift bins, and are readable by LE3 codes.
Pinocchio light cones: the pipeline can process a set of pinocchio light cones. In this case it will be possible to compute the galaxy number density averaged over the mocks, and a random that follows this averaged number density.
- must be run on a master catalog to create pointers of satellite galaxies to their main halo in that catalog. They are needed to create the SDHOD. This script must be edited to type in the name of the master catalog.
- creates a survey footprint for the Flagship octant.
- this is an example script for creating a survey footprint and writing its file. It creates either a square or a circle field around a given position of the sky.
- [config file]: it applies a footprint to the master catalog, extracting another (smaller) master catalog.
- [config file]: extracts a galaxy catalog from a master catalog by applying the standard flux limit, according to the model. It must be run separately for each model.
- [config file]: based on a master file, it measures the HOD curves and smooths them in redshift. It should be run on the full octant, there is no reason to run it many times for a specified model.
- [config file]: it creates a galaxy catalog by populating the halos of the master catalog with galaxies, using the SDHOD, including standard recipes to distribute satellites in halos.
- [config file] [first run] [last run]: it creates a set of galaxy catalog by populating the halos of pinocchio light cones with galaxies, using the SDHOD, including standard recipes to distribute satellites in halos. A calibration of halo masses is applied, to match them to the Flagship catalog either in abundance or in clustering amplitude.
- [config file]: given a galaxy catalog, it measures the number density of its galaxies (number of galaxies brighter than the flux limit in each redshift interval as a function of redshift). This is needed to create the random catalog. It also provides number densities smoothed in redshift. It accepts application of a selection as an option, though the random catalog will typically be created with the dndz of the unselected data catalog.
- [config file]: it creates a random for the galaxy catalog, with abundace alpha times the data catalog, alpha as specified in the config catalog. TO BE IMPLEMENTED: on request it can follow a specified galaxy number density.
- [config file] [random]: creates a selection for a
galaxy or a random catalog; the second option is chosen if "random"
or "1" is provided when calling the script. The parameters of the
selection are specified in the
, whereselection_tag
is given in the config file.
- [config file]: given a selection, it writes galaxy and random catalogs in redshift shells, in files that are readable by LE3 processing functions.
- [config file]: creates the parameter files and the scripts needed to run the LE3 PK code.
- [config file]: given a data catalog and a selection, it measures the differential number counts (number of galaxies per sq deg per redshift interval per magnitude as a function of flux) in redshift intervals.
[config file]: it builds the density contrast maps data and random galaxy catalogs, read from LE3 files, and measures their angular clustering with anafast. THIS IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS
- [config file]: plots the Ncen(Mh,z) and Nsat(Mh,z) curves for the SDHOD.
- [config file]: plots the number density of galaxies as a function of redshift, also separated into centrals and satellites, and compares it to the relative Pozzetti model if relevant. It is easy to edit the script to plot two sets of curves.
- [config file]: plots the differential number counts as a function of flux for specified redshift intervals, also separated into centrals and satellites, and compares it to Pozzetti model if relevant.
- [config file]: plot the measured PKs (monopole, quadrupole, exadecapole) in redshift intervals. It is easy to edit the script to plot two sets of curves.
- [config file]: plot the measured angular clustering in redshift intervals. It is easy to edit the script to plot two sets of curves. THIS IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS
- [filename] [selection] [zmin] [zmax]: reads the galaxy or random catalog specified in the command line argument, its selection ('None' to skip this) and plots its angular map of density contrast (with Nside=256) in the specified redshift interval. Very useful for quick checks of what a catalog is like.