If you are interested in contributing to this project, you will need to be able to manually build it.
However, if you just want to download and use this project, please refer back to the Installation instructions in the README file.
This project is built with Poetry. In order to build it, please follow the installation instructions for poetry first. If you are unfamiliar with poetry as a build tool, it is recommended to review the Basic Usage documentation before continuing.
poetry install
All tests
poetry run pytest
Exclude regression tests
poetry run pytest -m "not regression"
Only regression tests
poetry run pytest -m "regression"
rm -r dist
poetry install
poetry build
# pypi test upload
# poetry config repositories.testpypi https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
# poetry publish -r testpypi
#pypi upload
poetry publish
pip install podaac-data-subscriber==1.7.0
podaac-data-subscriber -c xxx -d ddd --version