Class | Role |
Step | algorithm implementation step |
Round | step manager within the algorithm round |
Agreement | round manager and the front-end of the algorithm |
Options | initial parameters of the algorithm |
Network message classes | communication links between network nodes |
class is the main algorithm implementation class - an interface for external use.
The class implements the following functionality:
- storage of configuration parameters, such as:
- parameters for the algorithm operation (maximum number of steps, timeouts, etc.);
$Q (r-1)$ initial value (random variable from the previous block); -
$HB (r-1)$ initial value (SHA-256 hash address of the previous block); - access interface to public keys of the relevant parties for verifying the signature;
- block validation interface;
- each party's private keys on the node.
- configuration settings;
- start-up and shutdown of the algorithm operation as a whole.
As part of the algorithm operation:
- start of rounds;
- storing links to the rounds;
- suspension of a round to add a new block to the database blockchain;
- initial reception of network messages and their transfer to the corresponding rounds;
- providing the rounds with links to specific interfaces, through the adapter implementation.
All steps of the algorithm are implemented within the context of a particular round.
Each round has its own number.
- owns all its steps and shared data. Algorithm steps generate the shared data, save and exchange them, where necessary, through the round;
- receives network messages from
and transfers them to the corresponding step of the algorithm; - forwards network messages to the other nodes in accordance with the algorithm described in the technical description;
- runs the steps of the algorithm;
- waits for the notification of a step suspension and decides on the start of the next step or the end of the round;
- notifies
about its suspension.
The round can be ended only from the bba
The result of the ended round is the new block's signature and, optionally, the new block itself.
If the round is ended without a block, a new round starts, while the ongoing round is waiting for a new block to arrive launching a specific step_finish
step. The decision is made by agreement
, analyzing the operation results of the round that sent the notification of suspension.
It should be noted that theoretically there might be a situation where there are several rounds in step_finish
, and thus several blocks. Via the network there can arrive the block n, while the block n-1 is still in step_finish
- tail fragmentation blockchain. Such a situation should be foreseen in the agreement
class. For example, by entering a variable of the state of the round, which takes the following values:
- gets implemented;
- waits for a block;
- waits to be added to blockchain.
Each step of the algorithm must be implemented asynchronously, responding simultaneously to the timer events and events of the network, such as network messages arrival.
Each step of the algorithm has its own number.
All steps of the algorithm are divided into groups: gc
, gc-bba
and bba
, each of which shows significantly different behavior.
The steps of the gc
group start all together with the start of the round and work simultaneously.
The only gc-bba
group step starts after the end of the last step of the gc
This refers to the last step by number, not the last step that was ended.
However, the timeouts for the steps are chosen in such a way that the last step by number actually becomes the last ended step of the group
The steps of the bba
group start immediately after the end of the gc-bba
step and work sequentially, one after the other till the end of the round, or till reaching a certain step limit. The step limit for the group bba
is set from the outside of the algorithm implementation, as a configuration parameter.
The structure used during the initialization of the agreement
class and for the subsequent storing of parameters inside the class. In general, it's always possible to get the agreement
from the structure privately.
It can be implemented as a separate interface.
Also, if you have a base class for all network messages, it can be also implemented through a simple transfer of a functor to the agreement
class. Pretty much like this:
using network_sender_t = std::function<bool (const graphene::net::echorand_message&)>;
network_sender_t _send_message;
bool send_message(graphene::net::echorand_message& msg) { _send_message(msg); }
At the end of the round agreement
class should add a new block to the local database.
For interacting with the Graphene API
, the same mechanism as with the messaging interface can be envisaged.
using block_handler_t = std::function<bool (const graphene::chain::signed_block&)>;
void send_message(const graphene::net::echorand_message& msg) const noexcept;
During the operation of the algorithm, it's necessary to check the validation of the arrived block. Basically it means to check its transactions using the Graphene API
Such an interface can also be implemented like the interface for creating a new block described in the previous point.
using block_handler_t = std::function<bool (const graphene::chain::signed_block&)>;
void check_block(const graphene::chain::signed_block& block) const noexcept;
At the start of the round, and at the start of the following series of the bba
steps, you will need to receive a list of the involved parties with their keys. Local parties on the network node need a pair of keys - a private and a public one, for remoted parties only a public key is required.
Such an interface can also be implemented like the one described in the previous point.
using witness_getter_t = std::function<witnesses_t (unsigned, unsigned)>;
witnesses_t get_witnesses(unsigned round_id, unsigned step_id) const noexcept;
Get implemented separately within the corresponding Graphene API
If Graphene API
allows, it's better to implement the message classes as a hierarchy:
graph TD;
The object agreement
is created in the graphene::app::application
class constructor using the echo::randopt
The graphene::app::application
class controls the switching on and off function of the agreement
algorithm rounds depending on the block synchronization process activity. If necessary, it changes Q(r-1) и HB(r-1) in the parameters of agreement
after synchronization before running the algorithm.
class transfers all the messages coming through the echorand_message
network to the agreement
It's also required to consider modifications of the private keys of the involved parties on the node in the agreement
class parameters.
Since the fc::schedule
interface is used, all the rounds and steps should be created like the std::shared_ptr
, must be inherited from std::enable_shared_from_this<...>
and, when scheduling an event from the timer, must use the following scheme:
auto pThis = shared_from_this();
fs::schedule( [pThis, this](){ onTimer(); }, timeout );
which will be done in the base class of the step, for the timer functionality implementation.
After the start, the agreement
class creates a round. In the constructor the round creates three steps: step_gc1
, step_gc2
, step_gc3
The steps are run automatically, by a round. In their corresponding constructors, if necessary, they produce the necessary preliminary calculations and become scheduled for the timers.
The algorithm receives network messages from the application and sends them to the corresponding round with their relevant number. The round sends them to the specified step, in accordance with the step number in the message.
As soon as a result of a network message or when the timer goes off a step decides to end, it saves the results of its work in a round. After this, the step marks the fact that it's over inside itself and reports this to the round. Then, the round removes this step from its collection.
Most likely, the end of the step will be a result of a network message. In this case, the event will still be recorded on the timer and, therefore, will keep the step in memory. Unfortunately, in the Graphene API
the timer functors cannot be canceled and they always work. In this case, after the timer goes off, the processing event will see that the step is marked as completed and will simply exit. As a result, the step will be removed from memory.
Another option is to stop the algorithm. In this case, the Graphene App
application library calls a method of ending the algorithm. This method will remove all the rounds. The rounds will remove all the steps, marking them as completed. In case some steps remain registered on the timers, after a while they will be removed from memory, as it is described above.
graph TD;
step("step [abstract]")-->step_gc("step_gc [abstract]");
step-->step_bba("step_bba [abstract]");
graph LR;
All classes are mentioned in the echo::rand
Only basic architecture classes are demonstrated.
/// configuration options for echorand protocol
struct options
using network_sender_t = std::function<bool (const message&)>;
using block_producer_t = std::function<payset_t (const block_context_t&)>;
using block_handler_t = std::function<bool (const block_t&)>;
using verifiers_getter_t = std::function<verifiers_t (uint64_t, unsigned, unsigned)>;
unsigned _time_net_1mb = 0; ///< timeout in mills for 1Mb message spreads over the network
unsigned _time_net_256b = 0; ///< timeout in mills for 256b message spreads over the network
unsigned _creator_count = 0; ///< number of max block creators for this node
unsigned _verifier_count = 0; ///< number of max block verifiers for this node
unsigned _ok_threshold = 0; ///< threshold to made ok decision, recommended eq. 0.69 * _creator_count
unsigned _max_bba_steps = 0; ///< max number of BBA steps
fc::sha256 _last_rand; ///< Q(r-1) of last block
fc::sha256 _last_block_hash; ///< hash of last block
uint64_t _last_round = 0; ///< last number of round
bool _bba_enabled = true; ///< enables BBA part, otherwise runs onlyy GC part
block_handler_t _save_block; ///< saver for new blocks into chain db
network_sender_t _send_message; ///< sender for network messages
block_handler_t _check_block; ///< checker for received blocks
verifiers_getter_t _get_verifiers; ///< get info about all verifiers scheduled for given round/step
block_producer_t _produce_block; ///< producer of new block for echorand algorithm
/// declaration of echorand agreement instance
class agreement : private options
using rounds = std::map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<round>>;
/// constructs echorand instance from options structure and
/// automatically starts new round
agreement(const options& arg);
/// stops running rounds and stops echorand instance
unsigned time_net_1mb() const noexcept; ///< timeout in mills for 1Mb message spreads over the network
unsigned time_net_256b() const noexcept; ///< timeout in mills for 256b message spreads over the network
unsigned creator_count() const noexcept; ///< number of max block creators for this node
unsigned verifier_count() const noexcept; ///< number of max block verifiers for this node
unsigned ok_threshold() const noexcept; ///< threshold to make ok decision, recommended eq. 0.69 * _creator_count
unsigned max_bba_steps() const noexcept; ///< max number of BBA steps
const fc::sha256& last_rand() const noexcept; ///< Q(r-1) of last block
const fc::sha256& last_block_hash() const noexcept; ///< hash of last block
uint64_t last_round() const noexcept; ///< last number of round
bool bba_enabled() const noexcept; ///< enables BBA part, otherwise runs onlyy GC part
rounds::const_iterator begin() const noexcept; ///< returns an iterator to the first round
rounds::const_iterator end() const noexcept; ///< returns an iterator past the last round
const round& get(uint64_t round_id) const; ///< get round by its number/id,
///< @throws std::out_of_range if not found
/// event handler for echorand messages from network,
/// make decision to forward message using send_message
/// as a result of internal call to round::handle_message
void dispatch_message(const message& msg);
/// broadcast echorand message to network
void send_message(const message& msg) const;
/// produce new block at local echo node
payset_t produce_block(const block_context_t& ctx) const;
/// check given block
bool check_block(const block_t& block) const;
/// get info about all verifiers scheduled for given round/step
verifiers_t get_verifiers(uint64_t round_id, unsigned step_id) const;
/// finishes round with certificate
void finish(uint64_t round_id, const certificate_t& cert);
/// finishes round with block
void finish(uint64_t round_id, const block_t& block);
rounds _rounds;
round& start_next_round();
/// represents single round of echorand algorithm
class round : public std::enable_shared_from_this<round>
/// starts first three steps of GC
round(uint64_t round_id, agreement& a);
using steps = std::unordered_map<unsigned,std::shared_ptr<step>>;
/// starts new round of echorand algorithm
static std::shared_ptr<round> start(uint64_t round_id, agreement& a);
/// finishes and destroys all steps (if any)
agreement& parent() const; ///< parent class
uint64_t id() const; ///< id of round
const fc::sha256& prev_rand() const; ///< Q(r-1) of last block
const fc::sha256& prev_block_hash() const; ///< hash of last block
steps::const_iterator begin() const; ///< begin iterator to active steps
steps::const_iterator end() const; ///< end iterator to active steps
const step& get(unsigned step_id) const; ///< get step by its number/id,
///< @throws std::out_of_range if not found
/// get typed step by its number/id
///< @throws std::out_of_range if not found
///< @throws std::bad_cast on case of wrong type
template<typename _Step>
const _Step& get(unsigned step_id = 0) const
if(step_id == 0)
return dynamic_cast<const _Step&>(get(resolve_id_t<_Step>::id));
return dynamic_cast<const _Step&>(get(step_id));
/// broadcast echorand message to network and to related steps
template<typename _Msg>
void send_message(const _Msg& msg)
/// dispatch received echorand message to steps
result_t dispatch_message(const message& msg);
/// finish step, start next if required
void finish(unsigned step_id);
/// finish step with certificate
void finish(unsigned step_id, const certificate_t& cert);
/// finish step with block
void finish(unsigned step_id, const block_t& b);
/// generated certificate
const certificate_t* certificate() const;
/// generated block
const block_t* const block() const;
/// empty block for this round
const block_t& empty_block() const;
/// empty block hash for this round
const fc::sha256& empty_block_hash() const;
using certificate_ptr = std::unique_ptr<certificate_t>;
using block_ptr = std::unique_ptr<block_t>;
using block_hash_ptr = std::unique_ptr<fc::sha256>;
using messages = std::deque<std::unique_ptr<message>>;
const uint64_t _id; ///< id of round, initialized from a.last_round() + 1
const fc::sha256 _prev_rand; ///< Q(r-1) of last block
const fc::sha256 _prev_block_hash; ///< hash of last block
agreement& _parent; ///< parent class
steps _steps; ///< collection of active steps
certificate_ptr _certificate; /// certificate for block, generated at this round
block_ptr _block; ///< block generated at this round
messages _messages; ///< message cache for dispatching to the next step at this node
mutable block_ptr _empty_block; ///< empty block for this round
mutable block_hash_ptr _empty_block_hash; ///< hash of empty block
/// broadcast echorand message to network and to related steps
/// @returns true - if message was successfully dispatched to next local step
bool send_message_internal(const message& msg);
/// start step with specified id
void start(unsigned step_id);
/// wait block, start finish step at the place of GC2 step
void wait_block();
/// base for all steps of echorand algorithm
class step : public std::enable_shared_from_this<step>
/// initialize base instance
step(std::shared_ptr<round> r, unsigned step_id);
virtual ~step(); ///< destruct virtually, do nothing
std::shared_ptr<round> parent() const; ///< parent round
unsigned round_id() const; ///< round id
unsigned id() const; ///< step id, fixed for gc and gc_bba, variable for bba steps
bool finished() const; ///< indicates this step is already finished
/// fired when echorand message received from network
virtual result_t handle_message(const message& msg);
/// finish this step by setting finished only
void set_finished();
/// step initialization
virtual void init() {}
/// sets timer_expired event to fire in specified number of milliseconds
void set_timer(unsigned mills, const char* desc = nullptr);
/// timer event handler
virtual void timer_expired() {}
/// finish this step by setting finished and
/// try to signal parent round about this step is finished
void finish();
/// finish step with certificate
void finish(const certificate_t& cert);
/// finish step with block
void finish(const block_t& b);
/// @return verifiers for this step
verifiers_t verifiers(bool local = true) const;
/// setup common message header and sign message
void prepare_message(message& m, unsigned producer) const;
const unsigned _round_id; ///< round id
const unsigned _id; ///< id of this step
const std::weak_ptr<round> _parent; ///< ptr to parent round
bool _finished = false; ///< this step finished?
verifiers_t _step_verifiers; ///< verifiers for this step
verifiers_t _msg_verifiers; ///< verifiers for network messages (prev step)
void timer_handler();
/// factory class to start steps with automatic initialization
template<typename _Step>
class step_t final : public _Step
template<typename ..._Args>
step_t(_Args&&... args)
: _Step(std::forward<_Args>(args)...)
using type = step_t<_Step>;
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr<type>;
/// factory method to start steps
template<typename ..._Args>
static shared_ptr start(_Args&&... args)
auto s = shared_ptr(new type(std::forward<_Args>(args)...));
return {};
return s;
Designation | Description |
message of the participant of a step transmitted between nodes | |
EdDSA signature of |
SHA-256 hash of |
current round of the algorithm, which is equivalent to the number of blocks in the database plus one. |
current step number of the algorithm in the round. |
block created in round |
hash of |
set of transactions contained in block |
shared randomness seed of round |
signature of a random vector of the |
signature of a block of the |
round |
bba_signature messages |
set of participants who act in step |
account identifier in the blockchain | |
array of account identifiers selected as participants at the step |
array of |
identifier of the producer who is the leader in this round | |
context of current round, an object which contains all received messages for the round |
The following algorithm parameters are set by constants, or configured at the echo_node startup and can potentially be adjusted within certain limits during the process of the algorithm operation.
Designation | Description |
"large" interval, the average time required to distribute a 1 MB message across Echo network | |
"small" interval, the average time required to distribute a 256 bit message across Echo network | |
the number of block producers in a round, used in the function |
the number of block verifiers in a round, used in the function |
threshold for making positive decision during verifying, set by default to |
Executor - the network account selected in the step of the round for performing a specific consensus action
Local configuration - a certain set of parameters accessible only to the running network node.
Base (database) - a blockchain with a certain set of blocks, possibly "lagging behind" the state of most other network nodes. It stores public EDS keys of all the participants of the algorithm operation.
Participant - a set of EdDSA private/public keys and an account balance within the Echo network. Basically
it's an Echo network user, specially registered on a specific network node. A user can be registered as a participant
only on a single network node at a given time. A network node permits registration of several participants.
Input data:
$Q_{r-1}$ from$CERT_{r-1}$
The round
Input data:
$H(B_{r-1})$ from$CERT_{r-1}$ -
$A_1$ ,$N_1$ from the context of the round
Right after determining
- If
$N_{1} = ∅$ , complete the step - Select participant index
$n ∈ N_{1}$ , which generates the smallest$Q_r = sig(Q_{r-1}, r)$ , as a creator of new block on the node - Get actual ID of the participant in the blockchain:
$id_{1} = A_{1}[n]$ - Through
$id_{1}$ get all the private keys of a participant
- If
Block assembly:
- If all the previous blocks
$B(k), k=1..r-1$ are available, build$PAY_r$ - If at least one of the previous blocks is unavailable, build
$PAY_r = ∅$ - If
$PAY_r != ∅$ , create a new block$B_r = { r, PAY_r, Q_r, H(B_{r-1}) }$
- If all the previous blocks
- Sign with the key
$id_1$ and sendgc_signature
= {$r$ ,$id_1$ ,$Q_r$ ,$H(B_{r})$ } - Sign with the key
$id_1$ and sendgc_block
= {$r$ ,$id_1$ ,$B_r$ }
- Sign with the key
Input data:
$H(B_{r-1})$ ,$Q_{r-1}$ from$CERT_{r-1}$ -
$A_{1}$ ,$A_{2}$ ,$N_{2}$ from the context of the round
v - local structure to store information about leader candidate: producer ID and corresponding block hash.
The empty set symbol assigned to the elements v means "empty block" and "unknown leader". In the application, it can be a predefined constant or a separate flag in the data structure.
right after defining
Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to
$2 * λ$ , by a trigger:- Define
$l$ as$id$ existent in$ctx[id]$ with a minimum$Q_{r}$ - if the local cache for
$l$ has the block$B_{r}$ $v = { ctx[l].H(B_{r}), l }$ - go to Communication
- Define
Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to
$λ + Λ$ , by a trigger:$v = { ∅, ∅ }$ - go to Communication
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step- after receiving a message
of the round$r$ - verify the round number in the message
- verify the message step, must be equal to
- verify that
$ ∈ A_{1}$ and get the user's public key - verify the signature of the whole message
- verify that
$msg.block$ is correct- verify the block's round for equality to the current
- verify
is from$A_{1}$ - verify
$Q_{r}$ , if it already has thegc_signature
- verify the block signature using
of the block - verify
$HB_{r-1}$ from the block for equality to the local one from$CERT_{r-1}$ - verify the correctness of
$PAY_{r}$ in the block
- If
$ctx[]$ already exists- verify
$ctx[].H(B_{r}) == H(msg.block)$
- verify
- If it does not exist, save, msg.block
to the context of the round:$ctx[].B = msg.block$ $ctx[].H(B_{r}) = H(msg.block)$
- if
$l$ defined and$l == id$ :$v = { ctx[l].H(B_{r}), l }$ - go to Communication
- after receiving a message
of the round r- verify the round number in the message
- verify that
$ ∈ A_1$ and get the user's public key - verify the signature of the whole message
$msg.block_hash = ∅$ : verifymsg.rand
for equality to the local one from$CERT_{r-1}$ -
$msg.block_hash != ∅$ : verify the signaturemsg.rand
using$Q_{r-1}$ from$CERT_{r-1}$ - Save
$ => ∅$ in the context of the round, if it’s not saved yet:$ctx[].B = ∅$ $ctx[].HB = msg.block\_hash$ $ctx[].rand = msg.rand$
- after receiving a message
Communication: generating, signing and sending of messages
- stop timers, do not unsubscribe from network messages
- if
$N_{2} = ∅$ , end the step -
$∀n_{2} ∈ N_{2}$ :- get real user’s ID in the blockchain:
$id_2 = A_{2}[n_{2}]$ - sign with the key of
$id_{2}$ and send- if
$v != ∅$ :gc_proposal
= { r, 2,$id_2$ , v } - if
$v == ∅$ :gc_proposal
= { r, 2,$id_2$ , ∅ }
- if
- get real user’s ID in the blockchain:
Input data:
$A_{2}$ ,$A_{3}$ ,$N_{3}$ from the context of the round
right after defining
v - a local structure of a step that stores the hash of the block and the ID of the leader, who created the block.
Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to $3 λ + Λ$, by a trigger: 1.
= { ∅, ∅ } 1. go to *Communication -
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step, after receiving 1. verify the round number and the step number in the message 1. verify that$ ∈ A_{2}$ and get the user's public key 1. verify the signature of the whole message 1. verify that$msg.v = { msg.block\_hash, msg.leader }$ is in the context of the round. It should be collected in the context in the previous step, as a result ofgc_block
message processing. 1.$∃ ctx[msg.leader]$ - a record for such a potential leader exists in the context 1. $ctx[msg.leader].H(B) == msg.block\hash$ - the block hash coincides 1. $ctx[msg.leader].v3.push($, where $v3$ is unordered_set 1. if the counter is more than the threshold $t{h}$:$ctx[msg.leader].v3.size() > t_{h}$ 1.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }
1. go to Communication -
Communication: generating, signing and sending of messages 1. stop timers, unsubscribe from network messages 1. if
$N_{3} = ∅$ , end the step 1.$∀n_{3} ∈ N_{3}$ : 1. get real user’s ID in the blockchain:$id_3 = A_3[n_3]$ 1. sign with the user’s key$id_3$ and sendgc_proposal
= { r, 3,$id_3$ , v }
Start: right after finishing the step 3
Input data:
Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to
$2 _λ$ , by a trigger: 1. if$∃l | ctx[l].v4.size() > t_{h}/2$ :$v = { ctx[l].HB, l }$ 1. otherwise:$v = { ∅, ∅ }$ 1.$b = 1$ 1. go to *Communication_ -
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step and on receiving 1. verify the round number and the step number in the message 1. verify that$id ∈ A_{3}$ and get the user's public key 1. verify the signature of the whole message 1.msg.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }
1.msg.v != { ∅, ∅ }
: verify thatmsg.v
is in the context of the round (should be collected in step 2) 1.∃ ctx[msg.leader]
- a record for such a potential leader exists in the context 1.ctx[msg.leader].H(B) == msg.block_hash
- the block hash coincides 1.ctx[msg.leader].v4.push(
is unordered_set 1. if$ctx[msg.leader].v4.size() > t_{h}$ 1.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }
,b = 0
1. go to Communication 1.msg.v == { ∅, ∅ }
is unordered_set (value empty) 1. if$ctx.ve4.size() > t_{h}$ 1.v = { ∅, ∅ }
,b = 1
1. go to Communication -
Communication: generating, signing and sending of messages 1. stop timers, unsubscribe from network messages 1. if
$N_{4} = ∅$ , end the step 1.$∀ n_{4} ∈ N_{4}$ : 1. get real user’s ID in the blockchain:$id_4 = A_4[n_{4}]$ 1. sign with the user’s key$id_4$ and sendbba_signature
= { r, 4,$id_4$ , b, v, sign(v) }
There are several classes of algorithms for reaching the Byzantine Agreement. The one which is used in echorand is based on the use of a shared random value.
The central idea of the algorithm is the following. At each step of the algorithm, network nodes сan be divided into two sets:
- nodes that received a sufficient number of messages during the previous round(s) (with a certain equal value), allowing them to offer this value as a solutions.
- nodes that received two solution variants and can not give preference to either of them.
In the latter case, undecided nodes use VRF to generate a shared random value from the {0, 1}
set for making and sending their decisions. And since the random value will be the same for all the "uncertain" nodes, all such nodes will make just the same decision.
Designations used for data storage:
- messages with anon-empty
block and a vote equal to0
- messages with anon-empty
block and a vote equal to1
- messages with anempty
block and a vote equal to0
- messages with anempty
block and a vote equal to1
Start: right after the step
Input data:
$A_{s-1}$ ,$N_{s-1}$ ,$A_{s}$ ,$N_{s}$ from the context of the round -
$HB_{r-1}$ ,$Q_{r-1}$ из$CERT_{r-1}$ - to generate an empty block
field of the bba_signature
- Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to $2 λ$, by a trigger: 1. $b = 0$ 1. go to *Communication
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step, after receiving 1. verify that$ ∈ A_{s-1}$ and get the user's public key 1. verify the signatures of the whole message 1.$msg.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }$ 1.$msg.v != { ∅, ∅ }$ : 1.$∃ ctx[msg.leader]$ - a record for such a potential leader exists in the context 1.$ctx[msg.leader].HB == v.HB_{r}$ - the block hash coincides 1.$msg.value == 0$ :$ctx[v.l].bba0[msg.s].push(, msg)$ , where$bba0$ array unordered_map 1.$msg.value == 1$ :$ctx[v.l].bba1[msg.s].push(, msg)$ , where$bba1$ array unordered_map 1.$msg.v == { ∅, ∅ }$ : 1.$msg.value == 0$ :$ctx.bbae0[msg.s].push(, msg)$ ,$bbae0$ is an array unordered_map 1.$msg.value == 1$ :$ctx.bbae1[msg.s].push(, msg)$ ,$bbae1$ is an array unordered_map 1. if$∀ s >= 5 && s - 2 ≡ 0 mod 3$ $(s == 5,8,11,...)$ - Ending Condition 0 1. if$∃l | ctx[l].bba0[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ : 1.$B_{r} = ctx[l].B$ 1.$Q_{r}$ is calculated from$ctx[l].signQ$ , specified in step 2 1.$CERT_{r}$ is generated from$ctx.bba1[s-1]$ ,$ctx.bbae1[s-1]$ ,$ctx.bba0[s-1]$ ,$ctx.bbae0[s-1]$ 1. $b = 0^$ 1. END OF THE ROUND!!! 1. if $∀ s >= 6 && s - 2 ≡ 1 mod 3$ $(s == 6,9,12,...)$ - Ending Condition 1 1. if $\sum{n}ctx[n].bba1[s-1].size() + ctx.bbae1[s-1].size() > t{h}$: 1. $B{r} = ∅$ 1. $Q{r}$ is calculated from $Q{r-1}$ 1. $CERT{r}$ is generated from $ctx.bba1[s-1]$, $ctx.bbae1[s-1]$, $ctx.bba0[s-1]$, $ctx.bbae0[s-1]$ 1. $b = 1^$ 1. END OF THE ROUND!!! 1. if$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba1[s-1].size() + ctx.bbae1[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ :$b = 1$ , go to Communication 1. if$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba0[s-1].size() + ctx.bbae0[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ :$b = 0$ , go to Communication -
Communication: generating, signing and sending of messages 1. stop timers, do not unsubscribe from network messages 1. stop verifying the last two conditions from the previous point 1. if
$N_{s} = ∅$ , end the step 1.$∀n_{s} ∈ N_{s}$ : 1. get real user’s ID in the blockchain:$id_{s} = A4[n_{s}]$ 1. sign with the key$id_{s}$ and send$bba_signature = { r, s, id_{s}, b, v, sign(b, v) }$ 1. where$v$ is the value calculated in step 4
Start: right after the step
Input data:
$A_{s-1}$ ,$N_{s-1}$ ,$A_{s}$ ,$N_{s}$ from the context of the round -
$HB_{r-1}$ ,$Q_{r-1}$ из$CERT_{r-1}$ - to generate an empty block
- Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to $2 λ$, by a trigger: 1. $b = 1$ 1. go to *Communication
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step, after receiving 1. verify that$ ∈ A_{s-1}$ and get the user's public key 1. verify the signatures of the whole message 1.$msg.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }$ 1.$msg.v != { ∅, ∅ }$ : like in step$5$ 1.$msg.v == { ∅, ∅ }$ : like in step$5$ 1. if$∀ s >= 5 && s - 2 ≡ 0 mod 3$ $(s == 5,8,11,...)$ : like in step$5$ - Ending Condition 0 1. if$∀ s >= 6 && s - 2 ≡ 1 mod 3$ $(s == 6,9,12,...)$ : like in step$5$ - Ending Condition 1 1. if$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba0[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ :$b = 0$ and go to Communication - Communication: like in step 5
$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba1[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ in this step there's no need to verify how it's done in the other steps. In this particular step, the condition is equal to the condition of Ending Condition 1.
Start: right after the step
Input data:
$A_{s-1}$ ,$N_{s-1}$ ,$A_{s}$ ,$N_{s}$ from the context of the round -
$HB_{r-1}$ ,$Q_{r-1}$ из$CERT_{r-1}$ - to generate an empty block
field of the bba_signature
Timer: schedule the timer after the time equal to
$2 _λ$ , by a trigger: 1. $b = BBA\RAND(r)$ 1. go to *Communication -
Network: subscribe to network messages
at the start of a step, after receiving 1. verify that$ ∈ A_{s-1}$ and get the user's public key 1. verify the signatures of the whole message 1.$msg.v = { msg.block_hash, msg.leader }$ 1.$msg.v != { ∅, ∅ }$ : like in step$5$ 1.$msg.v == { ∅, ∅ }$ : like in step$5$ 1. if$∀ s >= 5 && s - 2 ≡ 0 mod 3$ $(s == 5,8,11,...)$ : like in step$5$ - Ending Condition 0 1. if$∀ s >= 6 && s - 2 ≡ 1 mod 3$ $(s == 6,9,12,...)$ : like in step$5$ - Ending Condition 1 1. if$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba1[s-1].size() + ctx.bbae1[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ :$b = 1$ , go to Communication 1. if$\sum_{n}ctx[n].bba0[s-1].size() + ctx.bbae0[s-1].size() > t_{h}$ :$b = 0$ , go to Communication -
Communication: like in step
- a node has already completed the round
- the other nodes are still performing the subsequent steps
If the node, that has already completed the round, should send
Solution: Step
Input data:
- last value
$b$ - selected block
$v = { block\_hash, leader }$ - if there are no messages from the previous step and the other nodes - complete the step and the round
- otherwise:
- register the messages from the other nodes for the current round/step
- if
$N_{s} != ∅$ , send thebba_signature
messages with their choice
All the network nodes perform the round steps. Messages are sent to the network only by the nodes that have already their participants selected at a given step using the
Thus, all the network nodes reach the end of the round at one of the stages of the
If the value
$ctx[l].signQ == Q_{r-1}$ means that an empty block has been created. -
$ctx[l].signQ != Q_{r-1}$ means that a non-empty block has been created and the node has not received it.
In rare cases, a number of active network nodes may be below
In such a case message will have non-empty fallback field and message itself will be signed by the key of committee member.
Handling of such messages will be done at appropriate steps with prioritizing of originally generated messages.
Prioritizing can be done in both ways:
- GC related steps - wait original messages and collect fallback ones too. After some timeout fallback messages will be taken into account.
- BBA steps - fallback messages collected and counted as original ones. Original messages override fallback ones if any.
Each message is entirely signed with the EdDSA key of the participant who creates the message, i.e, basically, there is always a message_signature
field in a message.
Separate fields or groups of fields are also signed with an EdDSA key of the participant who creates the message.
Such a "double" signature is essential, since the signatures of certain groups of fields are later used in VRF to generate a random round value, and in the signature set
Following fields are included in any message, if not specially mentioned.
Field | Description |
round | current round |
step | current step |
id | ID of the participant who created the block |
fallback | fallback ID of the participant who created the block on behalf of ID |
signature | signature of the message with the participant’s key |
This message is sent in step 1
, in the case of creating a block with a non-empty set of transactions.
Field | Description |
block | a block containing: the current round, the participant's ID, the block signature, etc. |
This message is sent during step 1
, if there is at least one participant for the node for this step.
Field | Description |
rand |
block_hash | new block hash |
prev_rand |
prev_block_hash | previous block hash |
This message is sent during step 2
and step 3
, if there is at least one participant for the node for this step.
Field | Description |
block_hash | selected block hash |
leader | ID of a selected leader, who created the block |
This message is sent during step 4
and all the subsequent steps of the algorithm, if there is at least one participant for the node for this step.
Field | Description |
value | evaluation within the BBA algorithm, 0 or 1 |
block_hash | selected block hash |
leader | ID of a selected leader, who created the block |
bba_sign | signature for the fields round , step , value , block_hash , leader with the participant’s key |
This message is sent to synchronize start of new round over the ECHO network. It does not contain common message header.
Field | Description |
round | just finished round |
rand |