- load OL source in browser without installing
- create build with OL source without installing
- load OL build in browser
- import maps: supported in Deno and Chrome (by default from v89), Node Rollup partially with plugin, deno-rollup with plugin, denopack with plugin (denopack does not work with 1.7.0, so installed
and edited~/.deno/bin/denopack
to use it, but denopack seems to be inactive) - jspm.dev or esm.sh can serve npm packages as ES module; jspm serves zipped file which rollup import map plugin can't use; esm.sh serves unzipped file
- deno info xxx (gives dependency graph)
- rollup/terser in Node; needs
to resolve and bundle remote urlsrollup-plugin-import-map
to use import maps; marks urls as external, so needs changing/hacking to work in conjunction withurl-import
; doesn't currently support generic addresses
(Rollup for Deno) supports rollup for remote urls, usesdenopack
Terser plugin, and has plugin for (partial) import map support
- rbush (used in layer/BaseVector, source/Vector, interaction/Modify)
- pbf (used by MVT)
- ol-mapbox-style (in package.json, but only used in an example)
defs and reprojection modules
- for rbush/pbf (always built):
- import map: map
with https://jspm.dev/npm:[email protected]!cjs (faster on Chrome) or https://esm.sh/rbush (Rollup with plugin) - deno-rollup can use a simple plugin to map 'rbush' and 'ol/'
- if other bundlers support import maps, could edit ol code to use url
- better would be for rbush/pbf to provide ES-module version on npm/gh
- import map: map
- for proj:
- currently bundle-external, hard-coded as
'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/probins/[email protected]/...
; would have to be changed on new version (then again, probably won't happen very often) - import map would be better, but can only use when implemented in all browsers
- could bundle with user code, or download so can use relative address
- currently bundle-external, hard-coded as
- code entry points as
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/[email protected]/src/ol/...
; this means all entry points have to be changed every time new version - code entry points as
, and use import map to map to jsdelivr - code entry points as
, and then have differentdeps.js
files- default
hasexport * from './ext/ol.js'
(single-build file) depsfromoldeps.js
hasexport * from './oldeps.js'
, which re-exports all ol imports: for example,export { default as Map } from 'ol/Map.js';
, i.e. named exportsdepsfromoldepscdn.js
hasexport * from './oldepscdn.js'
, which exports from jsDelivr, e.g.export { default as Map } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/[email protected]/src/ol/Map.js';
(of course, all imports inoldepscdn.js
have to be changed whenever new version)
- default
- user-code modules
import { Class/function } from 'ol/...';
, and then access imported name, for example,new Map()
; all oldol.***
function calls etc in modules have to be changed to use imported name, e.g.controlDefaults
; beware of conflicting names.
- browser loading source with import map: use
baseURL: lib/
(could also be used withdist/
if needed) - browser loading split-file build (import map not needed): use
baseURL: split/
Code splitting; include map-make code in build
- user code needs to refer to
(for building with import map) - can use
deno run -A --unstable ./drollup.split.js
, though first clear dir (everything other thancss/
)- changes output config to dir
- lists all entry points
- outputs to
is external; component exts are bundled in
- creates 98k olMap, 27k size, 12k toolbar (total 156k) for minimal map; + 140k vectors, 37k draw, 34k TileImage, and small files for everything else. Total size 492K.
needs to be Tersered todist/
whenever changed- OL should have better tree-shaking:
- View imports vectors whether used or not
- remove 3857/4326 variants
- format/geometry deps wrong way round; separate read/write
- PluggableMap not much use any more (to be removed in v7)
Use relative addresses from src, e.g. import Map from '../src/ol/Map.js';
, which is then built with parcel build --experimental-scope-hoisting --public-url . index.html
; this creates small minified simple.js
, plus 240kB common.js
; displays js with Node-style addresses with no .js
, e.g. import Map from 'ol/Map';
, which is what is also given as example in Readme
ol is imported in:
- mongo.js (Feature, GeoJSON), olMap.js (Map, controlDefaults, ScaleLine, GroupLayer, transform, View, Control), rasters.js (Projection, transformExtent), select.js (Select, unByKey), vectors.js (transformExtent, VectorSource, VectorLayer, Style, Stroke, Fill, Circle)
- registry/components/center.js (transform), cursorposition.js (MousePosition), draw.js (Draw, Modify, unByKey, LineString, Feature), geolocation.js (Overlay, transform), mapdef.js (transform), placesearch.js (transform), popup.js (Overlay), serialise.js (Feature), tooltip.js (Select)
- registry/projections/common.js (addProjection, Projection, addCoordinateTransforms)
- registry/sources/bing/common.js (Bing, TileLayer), gb/os.js, it/pcn.js, it/pcn32633.js, pt/dgt/sc.js, pt/dgt/sc200.js, si/gurs.js, tileimage.js (TileGrid, TileImage, TileLayer), wms.js (TileGrid, TileLayer, TileWMS), wmts.js (WMTSTileGrid, TileLayer, WMTS), xyz.js (TileGrid, TileLayer, XYZ)
"ol.Feature": mongo, components/draw, components/serialise "ol.Map": olMap "ol.Overlay": components/geolocation, components/popup "ol.View": olMap "ol.control.Control": olMap "ol.control.MousePosition": components/cursorposition "ol.control.ScaleLine": olMap "ol.format.GeoJSON": mongo, vectors "ol.format.GPX": vectors "ol.format.KML": vectors "ol.geom.LineString": components/draw, mongo "ol.geom.MultiLineString": components/draw, mongo "ol.geom.Point": components/draw, mongo "ol.geom.Polygon": components/draw, mongo "ol.interaction.Draw": components/draw "ol.interaction.Modify": components/draw "ol.interaction.Select": select "ol.layer.Group": olMap "ol.layer.Tile": sources/* "ol.layer.Vector": vectors "ol.proj.Projection": projections/common "ol.source.BingMaps": sources/bing/* "ol.source.TileImage": sources/srtm/* "ol.source.TileWMS": sources/wms, sources/gb/os, sources/it/pcn..., sources/pt/dgt/, sources/si/gurs "ol.source.Vector": vectors "ol.source.WMTS": sources/wmts "ol.source.XYZ": sources/xyz "ol.style.Circle": vectors "ol.style.Fill": vectors "ol.style.Image": NOT USED "ol.style.Stroke": vectors "ol.style.Style": vectors "ol.tilegrid.TileGrid": as source.TileWMS "ol.tilegrid.WMTS": as source.WMTS
"ol.Observable.unByKey": components/draw, select "ol.control.defaults": olMap "ol.proj.addCoordinateTransforms": projections/common "ol.proj.addProjection": projections/common "ol.proj.transform": olMap, components/center,geolocation,mapdef,locationsearch, "ol.proj.transformExtent": rasters, vectors