From 54b80786052256a61aae76b19ea18721f3d6c54d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pubkey <> Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 23:03:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] 5.1.0 --- dist/es5node/leader-election-web-lock.js | 3 +- dist/es5node/methods/native.js | 5 +- dist/esbrowser/leader-election-web-lock.js | 3 +- dist/esbrowser/methods/native.js | 5 +- dist/esnode/leader-election-web-lock.js | 3 +- dist/esnode/methods/native.js | 5 +- dist/lib/browser.js | 8 +- dist/lib/browser.min.js | 2 +- dist/lib/leader-election-web-lock.js | 3 +- dist/lib/methods/native.js | 5 +- docs/e2e.js | 4303 +++++++++++++++++--- docs/iframe.js | 8 +- docs/index.js | 8 +- docs/leader-iframe.js | 8 +- docs/worker.js | 4301 ++++++++++++++++--- package.json | 2 +- src/leader-election-web-lock.js | 3 +- 17 files changed, 7654 insertions(+), 1021 deletions(-) diff --git a/dist/es5node/leader-election-web-lock.js b/dist/es5node/leader-election-web-lock.js index 63ed9092..bd245d9f 100644 --- a/dist/es5node/leader-election-web-lock.js +++ b/dist/es5node/leader-election-web-lock.js @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -91,6 +90,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/es5node/methods/native.js b/dist/es5node/methods/native.js index 739200f5..245b6995 100644 --- a/dist/es5node/methods/native.js +++ b/dist/es5node/methods/native.js @@ -47,10 +47,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/dist/esbrowser/leader-election-web-lock.js b/dist/esbrowser/leader-election-web-lock.js index 6f83d418..a1b1b6d8 100644 --- a/dist/esbrowser/leader-election-web-lock.js +++ b/dist/esbrowser/leader-election-web-lock.js @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -85,6 +84,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); } }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/esbrowser/methods/native.js b/dist/esbrowser/methods/native.js index 03713d09..cd27da13 100644 --- a/dist/esbrowser/methods/native.js +++ b/dist/esbrowser/methods/native.js @@ -31,10 +31,7 @@ export function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } export function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/dist/esnode/leader-election-web-lock.js b/dist/esnode/leader-election-web-lock.js index 6f83d418..a1b1b6d8 100644 --- a/dist/esnode/leader-election-web-lock.js +++ b/dist/esnode/leader-election-web-lock.js @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -85,6 +84,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); } }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/esnode/methods/native.js b/dist/esnode/methods/native.js index 03713d09..cd27da13 100644 --- a/dist/esnode/methods/native.js +++ b/dist/esnode/methods/native.js @@ -31,10 +31,7 @@ export function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } export function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/dist/lib/browser.js b/dist/lib/browser.js index 8a6ed431..f3f80ecc 100644 --- a/dist/lib/browser.js +++ b/dist/lib/browser.js @@ -474,7 +474,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -493,7 +492,7 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; },{"./leader-election-util.js":5,"./util.js":14}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ @@ -1441,10 +1440,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/dist/lib/browser.min.js b/dist/lib/browser.min.js index e015c987..b4b7842b 100644 --- a/dist/lib/browser.min.js +++ b/dist/lib/browser.min.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -!function o(r,i,s){function a(t,e){if(!i[t]){if(!r[t]){var n="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!e&&n)return n(t,!0);if(u)return u(t,!0);throw(e=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'")).code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",e}n=i[t]={exports:{}},r[t][0].call(n.exports,function(e){return a(r[t][1][e]||e)},n,n.exports,o,r,i,s)}return i[t].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,e=0;e=t&&e.fn(})},r=i.method.microSeconds(),i._prepP?i._prepP.then(function(){i._iL=!0,i.method.onMessage(i._state,o,r)}):(i._iL=!0,i.method.onMessage(i._state,o,r)))}function h(e,t,n){e._addEL[t]=e._addEL[t].filter(function(e){return e!==n});t=e;t._iL&&!d(t)&&(t._iL=!1,e=t.method.microSeconds(),t.method.onMessage(t._state,null,e))}(n.BroadcastChannel=o)._pubkey=!0,o.prototype={postMessage:function(e){if(this.closed)throw new Error("BroadcastChannel.postMessage(): Cannot post message after channel has closed "+JSON.stringify(e));return l(this,"message",e)},postInternal:function(e){return l(this,"internal",e)},set onmessage(e){var t={time:this.method.microSeconds(),fn:e};h(this,"message",this._onML),e&&"function"==typeof e?(this._onML=t,f(this,"message",t)):this._onML=null},addEventListener:function(e,t){var n=this.method.microSeconds();f(this,e,{time:n,fn:t})},removeEventListener:function(e,t){var n=this._addEL[e].find(function(e){return e.fn===t});h(this,e,n)},close:function(){var e,t=this;if(!this.closed)return u.delete(this),this.closed=!0,e=this._prepP||i.PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID,this._onML=null,this._addEL.message=[],e.then(function(){return Promise.all(Array.from(t._uMP))}).then(function(){return Promise.all({return e()}))}).then(function(){return t.method.close(t._state)})},get type(){return this.method.type},get isClosed(){return this.closed}}},{"./method-chooser.js":8,"./options.js":13,"./util.js":14}],2:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";var e=e("./index.es5.js"),o=e.BroadcastChannel,e=e.createLeaderElection;window.BroadcastChannel2=o,window.createLeaderElection=e},{"./index.es5.js":3}],3:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";e=e("./index.js");t.exports={BroadcastChannel:e.BroadcastChannel,createLeaderElection:e.createLeaderElection,clearNodeFolder:e.clearNodeFolder,enforceOptions:e.enforceOptions,beLeader:e.beLeader}},{"./index.js":4}],4:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),Object.defineProperty(n,"BroadcastChannel",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.BroadcastChannel}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"beLeader",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i.beLeader}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"clearNodeFolder",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.clearNodeFolder}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"createLeaderElection",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r.createLeaderElection}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"enforceOptions",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.enforceOptions}});var o=e("./broadcast-channel.js"),r=e("./leader-election.js"),i=e("./leader-election-util.js")},{"./broadcast-channel.js":1,"./leader-election-util.js":5,"./leader-election.js":7}],5:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.beLeader=function(t){t.isLeader=!0,t._hasLeader=!0;function e(e){"leader"===e.context&&"apply"===e.action&&r(t,"tell"),"leader"!==e.context||"tell"!==e.action||t._dpLC||(t._dpLC=!0,t._dpL(),r(t,"tell"))}var n=(0,o.add)(function(){return t.die()});t._unl.push(n);return t.broadcastChannel.addEventListener("internal",e),t._lstns.push(e),r(t,"tell")},n.sendLeaderMessage=r;var o=e("unload");function r(e,t){t={context:"leader",action:t,token:e.token};return e.broadcastChannel.postInternal(t)}},{unload:19}],6:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.LeaderElectionWebLock=void 0;function o(e,t){var n=this;(this.broadcastChannel=e)._befC.push(function(){return n.die()}),this._options=t,this.isLeader=!1,this.isDead=!1,this.token=(0,r.randomToken)(),this._lstns=[],this._unl=[],this._dpL=function(){},this._dpLC=!1,this._wKMC={},this.lN="pubkey-bc||"+e.method.type+"||"}var r=e("./util.js"),i=e("./leader-election-util.js");(n.LeaderElectionWebLock=o).prototype={hasLeader:function(){var t=this;return navigator.locks.query().then(function(e){e=e.held?e.held.filter(function(e){return}):[];return!!(e&&0s.token&&n(),"tell"===e.action)&&(n(),s._hasLeader=!0)}),r=i?4*s._options.responseTime:s._options.responseTime,(0,u.sendLeaderMessage)(s,"apply").then(function(){return Promise.race([(0,a.sleep)(r),e.then(function(){return Promise.reject(new Error)})])}).then(function(){return(0,u.sendLeaderMessage)(s,"apply")}).then(function(){return Promise.race([(0,a.sleep)(r),e.then(function(){return Promise.reject(new Error)})])}).catch(function(){}).then(function(){return s.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener("internal",o),!t&&(0,u.beLeader)(s).then(function(){return!0})}));var t,n,e,o,r}).then(function(){s._aplQC=s._aplQC-1}),this._aplQ.then(function(){return s.isLeader}))},awaitLeadership:function(){return this._aLP||(this._aLP=function(r){if(r.isLeader)return a.PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;return new Promise(function(e){var t=!1;function n(){t||(t=!0,r.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener("internal",o),e(!0))}r.applyOnce().then(function(){r.isLeader&&n()});(function e(){return(0,a.sleep)(r._options.fallbackInterval).then(function(){if(!r.isDead&&!t)return r.isLeader?void n():r.applyOnce(!0).then(function(){(r.isLeader?n:e)()})})})();var o=function(e){"leader"===e.context&&"death"===e.action&&(r._hasLeader=!1,r.applyOnce().then(function(){r.isLeader&&n()}))};r.broadcastChannel.addEventListener("internal",o),r._lstns.push(o)})}(this)),this._aLP},set onduplicate(e){this._dpL=e},die:function(){var t=this;return this._lstns.forEach(function(e){return t.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener("internal",e)}),this._lstns=[],this._unl.forEach(function(e){return e.remove()}),this._unl=[],this.isLeader&&(this._hasLeader=!1,this.isLeader=!1),this.isDead=!0,(0,u.sendLeaderMessage)(this,"death")}}},{"./leader-election-util.js":5,"./leader-election-web-lock.js":6,"./util.js":14}],8:[function(e,t,n){"use 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strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.TRANSACTION_SETTINGS=n.IndexedDBMethod=void 0,n.averageResponseTime=E,n.canBeUsed=y,n.cleanOldMessages=v,n.close=g,n.commitIndexedDBTransaction=d,n.create=_,n.createDatabase=u,n.getAllMessages=function(e){var n=e.transaction(c,"readonly",l),o=n.objectStore(c),r=[];return new Promise(function(t){o.openCursor().onsuccess=function(e){;e?(r.push(e.value),e.continue()):(d(n),t(r))}})},n.getIdb=a,n.getMessagesHigherThan=h,n.getOldMessages=m,n.microSeconds=void 0,n.onMessage=L,n.postMessage=w,n.removeMessagesById=p,n.type=void 0,n.writeMessage=f;var r=e("../util.js"),i=e("oblivious-set"),s=e("../options.js"),e=r.microSeconds,o=(n.microSeconds=e,"pubkey.broadcast-channel-0-"),c="messages",l={durability:"relaxed"};n.TRANSACTION_SETTINGS=l;function a(){if("undefined"!=typeof indexedDB)return indexedDB;if("undefined"!=typeof window){if(void 0!==window.mozIndexedDB)return window.mozIndexedDB;if(void 0!==window.webkitIndexedDB)return window.webkitIndexedDB;if(void 0!==window.msIndexedDB)return window.msIndexedDB}return!1}function d(e){e.commit&&e.commit()}function u(e){var n=a().open(o+e);return n.onupgradeneeded=function(e){,{keyPath:"id",autoIncrement:!0})},new Promise(function(e,t){n.onerror=function(e){return t(e)},n.onsuccess=function(){e(n.result)}})}function f(e,t,n){var o={uuid:t,time:(new Date).getTime(),data:n},r=e.transaction([c],"readwrite",l);return new Promise(function(e,t){r.oncomplete=function(){return e()},r.onerror=function(e){return t(e)},r.objectStore(c).add(o),d(r)})}function h(e,o){var r,i=e.transaction(c,"readonly",l),s=i.objectStore(c),a=[],u=IDBKeyRange.bound(o+1,1/0);return s.getAll?(r=s.getAll(u),new Promise(function(t,n){r.onerror=function(e){return n(e)},r.onsuccess=function(e){t(}})):new Promise(function(t,n){var e=function(){try{return u=IDBKeyRange.bound(o+1,1/0),s.openCursor(u)}catch(e){return s.openCursor()}}();e.onerror=function(e){return n(e)},e.onsuccess=function(e){;e?e.value.idn.lastCursorId&&(,e}).filter(function(e){return t=n,(e=e).uuid!==t.uuid&&!(t.eMIs.has(||})},r=i.method.microSeconds(),i._prepP?i._prepP.then(function(){i._iL=!0,i.method.onMessage(i._state,o,r)}):(i._iL=!0,i.method.onMessage(i._state,o,r)))}function h(e,t,n){e._addEL[t]=e._addEL[t].filter(function(e){return e!==n});t=e;t._iL&&!d(t)&&(t._iL=!1,e=t.method.microSeconds(),t.method.onMessage(t._state,null,e))}(n.BroadcastChannel=o)._pubkey=!0,o.prototype={postMessage:function(e){if(this.closed)throw new Error("BroadcastChannel.postMessage(): Cannot post message after channel has closed "+JSON.stringify(e));return l(this,"message",e)},postInternal:function(e){return l(this,"internal",e)},set onmessage(e){var t={time:this.method.microSeconds(),fn:e};h(this,"message",this._onML),e&&"function"==typeof e?(this._onML=t,f(this,"message",t)):this._onML=null},addEventListener:function(e,t){var n=this.method.microSeconds();f(this,e,{time:n,fn:t})},removeEventListener:function(e,t){var n=this._addEL[e].find(function(e){return e.fn===t});h(this,e,n)},close:function(){var e,t=this;if(!this.closed)return u.delete(this),this.closed=!0,e=this._prepP||i.PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID,this._onML=null,this._addEL.message=[],e.then(function(){return Promise.all(Array.from(t._uMP))}).then(function(){return Promise.all({return e()}))}).then(function(){return t.method.close(t._state)})},get type(){return this.method.type},get isClosed(){return this.closed}}},{"./method-chooser.js":8,"./options.js":13,"./util.js":14}],2:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";var e=e("./index.es5.js"),o=e.BroadcastChannel,e=e.createLeaderElection;window.BroadcastChannel2=o,window.createLeaderElection=e},{"./index.es5.js":3}],3:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";e=e("./index.js");t.exports={BroadcastChannel:e.BroadcastChannel,createLeaderElection:e.createLeaderElection,clearNodeFolder:e.clearNodeFolder,enforceOptions:e.enforceOptions,beLeader:e.beLeader}},{"./index.js":4}],4:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),Object.defineProperty(n,"BroadcastChannel",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.BroadcastChannel}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"beLeader",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i.beLeader}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"clearNodeFolder",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.clearNodeFolder}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"createLeaderElection",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r.createLeaderElection}}),Object.defineProperty(n,"enforceOptions",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.enforceOptions}});var o=e("./broadcast-channel.js"),r=e("./leader-election.js"),i=e("./leader-election-util.js")},{"./broadcast-channel.js":1,"./leader-election-util.js":5,"./leader-election.js":7}],5:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.beLeader=function(t){t.isLeader=!0,t._hasLeader=!0;function e(e){"leader"===e.context&&"apply"===e.action&&r(t,"tell"),"leader"!==e.context||"tell"!==e.action||t._dpLC||(t._dpLC=!0,t._dpL(),r(t,"tell"))}var n=(0,o.add)(function(){return t.die()});t._unl.push(n);return t.broadcastChannel.addEventListener("internal",e),t._lstns.push(e),r(t,"tell")},n.sendLeaderMessage=r;var o=e("unload");function r(e,t){t={context:"leader",action:t,token:e.token};return e.broadcastChannel.postInternal(t)}},{unload:19}],6:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.LeaderElectionWebLock=void 0;function o(e,t){var n=this;(this.broadcastChannel=e)._befC.push(function(){return n.die()}),this._options=t,this.isLeader=!1,this.isDead=!1,this.token=(0,r.randomToken)(),this._lstns=[],this._unl=[],this._dpL=function(){},this._dpLC=!1,this._wKMC={},this.lN="pubkey-bc||"+e.method.type+"||"}var r=e("./util.js"),i=e("./leader-election-util.js");(n.LeaderElectionWebLock=o).prototype={hasLeader:function(){var t=this;return navigator.locks.query().then(function(e){e=e.held?e.held.filter(function(e){return}):[];return!!(e&&0s.token&&n(),"tell"===e.action)&&(n(),s._hasLeader=!0)}),r=i?4*s._options.responseTime:s._options.responseTime,(0,u.sendLeaderMessage)(s,"apply").then(function(){return Promise.race([(0,a.sleep)(r),e.then(function(){return Promise.reject(new Error)})])}).then(function(){return(0,u.sendLeaderMessage)(s,"apply")}).then(function(){return Promise.race([(0,a.sleep)(r),e.then(function(){return Promise.reject(new Error)})])}).catch(function(){}).then(function(){return 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module.exports = require('../modules/_core').global; -},{"../modules/_core":57,"../modules/":71}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"../modules/_core":60,"../modules/":74}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it) { if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); return it; }; -},{}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); return it; }; -},{"./_is-object":67}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":70}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ var core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.12' }; if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef -},{}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ // optional / simple context binding var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); module.exports = function (fn, that, length) { @@ -5024,13 +5133,13 @@ module.exports = function (fn, that, length) { }; }; -},{"./_a-function":55}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":58}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !require('./_fails')(function () { return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); -},{"./_fails":62}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_fails":65}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var document = require('./_global').document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE @@ -5039,7 +5148,7 @@ module.exports = function (it) { return is ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; -},{"./_global":63,"./_is-object":67}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":66,"./_is-object":70}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var core = require('./_core'); var ctx = require('./_ctx'); @@ -5103,7 +5212,7 @@ $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; -},{"./_core":57,"./_ctx":58,"./_global":63,"./_has":64,"./_hide":65}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":60,"./_ctx":61,"./_global":66,"./_has":67,"./_hide":68}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); @@ -5112,7 +5221,7 @@ module.exports = function (exec) { } }; -},{}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ // var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self @@ -5120,13 +5229,13 @@ var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Mat : Function('return this')(); if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef -},{}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function (it, key) { return, key); }; -},{}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp'); var createDesc = require('./_property-desc'); module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? function (object, key, value) { @@ -5136,17 +5245,17 @@ module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? function (object, key, value) { return object; }; -},{"./_descriptors":59,"./_object-dp":68,"./_property-desc":69}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":62,"./_object-dp":71,"./_property-desc":72}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = !require('./_descriptors') && !require('./_fails')(function () { return Object.defineProperty(require('./_dom-create')('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); -},{"./_descriptors":59,"./_dom-create":60,"./_fails":62}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":62,"./_dom-create":63,"./_fails":65}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; -},{}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('./_ie8-dom-define'); var toPrimitive = require('./_to-primitive'); @@ -5164,7 +5273,7 @@ exports.f = require('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperty : function defineP return O; }; -},{"./_an-object":56,"./_descriptors":59,"./_ie8-dom-define":66,"./_to-primitive":70}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":59,"./_descriptors":62,"./_ie8-dom-define":69,"./_to-primitive":73}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), @@ -5174,7 +5283,7 @@ module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { }; }; -},{}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case @@ -5188,22 +5297,22 @@ module.exports = function (it, S) { throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; -},{"./_is-object":67}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":70}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.G, { global: require('./_global') }); -},{"./_export":61,"./_global":63}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][55][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":55}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":64,"./_global":66}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][58][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":58}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ var cof = require('./_cof'); module.exports = function (it, msg) { if (typeof it != 'number' && cof(it) != 'Number') throw TypeError(msg); return +it; }; -},{"./_cof":87}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] var UNSCOPABLES = require('./_wks')('unscopables'); var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; @@ -5212,7 +5321,7 @@ module.exports = function (key) { ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; -},{"./_hide":111,"./_wks":191}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_hide":114,"./_wks":194}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var at = require('./_string-at')(true); @@ -5222,16 +5331,16 @@ module.exports = function (S, index, unicode) { return index + (unicode ? at(S, index).length : 1); }; -},{"./_string-at":168}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-at":171}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) { throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!'); } return it; }; -},{}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][56][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"./_is-object":120,"dup":56}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][59][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"./_is-object":123,"dup":59}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype.copyWithin(target, start, end = this.length) 'use strict'; var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -5259,7 +5368,7 @@ module.exports = [].copyWithin || function copyWithin(target /* = 0 */, start /* } return O; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":176,"./_to-length":180,"./_to-object":181}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":179,"./_to-length":183,"./_to-object":184}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype.fill(value, start = 0, end = this.length) 'use strict'; var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -5276,7 +5385,7 @@ module.exports = function fill(value /* , start = 0, end = @length */) { return O; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":176,"./_to-length":180,"./_to-object":181}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":179,"./_to-length":183,"./_to-object":184}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -5301,7 +5410,7 @@ module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) { }; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":176,"./_to-iobject":179,"./_to-length":180}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":179,"./_to-iobject":182,"./_to-length":183}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ // 0 -> Array#forEach // 1 -> Array#map // 2 -> Array#filter @@ -5347,7 +5456,7 @@ module.exports = function (TYPE, $create) { }; }; -},{"./_array-species-create":84,"./_ctx":93,"./_iobject":116,"./_to-length":180,"./_to-object":181}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-species-create":87,"./_ctx":96,"./_iobject":119,"./_to-length":183,"./_to-object":184}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); var toObject = require('./_to-object'); var IObject = require('./_iobject'); @@ -5377,7 +5486,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, callbackfn, aLen, memo, isRight) { return memo; }; -},{"./_a-function":72,"./_iobject":116,"./_to-length":180,"./_to-object":181}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":75,"./_iobject":119,"./_to-length":183,"./_to-object":184}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var isArray = require('./_is-array'); var SPECIES = require('./_wks')('species'); @@ -5395,7 +5504,7 @@ module.exports = function (original) { } return C === undefined ? Array : C; }; -},{"./_is-array":118,"./_is-object":120,"./_wks":191}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-array":121,"./_is-object":123,"./_wks":194}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ // ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) var speciesConstructor = require('./_array-species-constructor'); @@ -5403,7 +5512,7 @@ module.exports = function (original, length) { return new (speciesConstructor(original))(length); }; -},{"./_array-species-constructor":83}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-species-constructor":86}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); @@ -5430,7 +5539,7 @@ module.exports = Function.bind || function bind(that /* , ...args */) { return bound; }; -},{"./_a-function":72,"./_invoke":115,"./_is-object":120}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":75,"./_invoke":118,"./_is-object":123}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() var cof = require('./_cof'); var TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); @@ -5455,14 +5564,14 @@ module.exports = function (it) { : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; -},{"./_cof":87,"./_wks":191}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90,"./_wks":194}],90:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function (it) { return, -1); }; -},{}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],91:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var dP = require('./_object-dp').f; var create = require('./_object-create'); @@ -5608,7 +5717,7 @@ module.exports = { } }; -},{"./_an-instance":76,"./_ctx":93,"./_descriptors":97,"./_for-of":107,"./_iter-define":124,"./_iter-step":126,"./_meta":133,"./_object-create":137,"./_object-dp":138,"./_redefine-all":156,"./_set-species":162,"./_validate-collection":188}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":79,"./_ctx":96,"./_descriptors":100,"./_for-of":110,"./_iter-define":127,"./_iter-step":129,"./_meta":136,"./_object-create":140,"./_object-dp":141,"./_redefine-all":159,"./_set-species":165,"./_validate-collection":191}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var redefineAll = require('./_redefine-all'); var getWeak = require('./_meta').getWeak; @@ -5695,7 +5804,7 @@ module.exports = { ufstore: uncaughtFrozenStore }; -},{"./_an-instance":76,"./_an-object":77,"./_array-methods":81,"./_for-of":107,"./_has":110,"./_is-object":120,"./_meta":133,"./_redefine-all":156,"./_validate-collection":188}],90:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":79,"./_an-object":80,"./_array-methods":84,"./_for-of":110,"./_has":113,"./_is-object":123,"./_meta":136,"./_redefine-all":159,"./_validate-collection":191}],93:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -5782,9 +5891,9 @@ module.exports = function (NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) { return C; }; -},{"./_an-instance":76,"./_export":101,"./_fails":103,"./_for-of":107,"./_global":109,"./_inherit-if-required":114,"./_is-object":120,"./_iter-detect":125,"./_meta":133,"./_redefine":157,"./_redefine-all":156,"./_set-to-string-tag":163}],91:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][57][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":57}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":79,"./_export":104,"./_fails":106,"./_for-of":110,"./_global":112,"./_inherit-if-required":117,"./_is-object":123,"./_iter-detect":128,"./_meta":136,"./_redefine":160,"./_redefine-all":159,"./_set-to-string-tag":166}],94:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][60][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":60}],95:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; 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-},{}],100:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],103:[function(require,module,exports){ // all enumerable object keys, includes symbols var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var gOPS = require('./_object-gops'); @@ -5869,7 +5978,7 @@ module.exports = function (it) { } return result; }; -},{"./_object-gops":143,"./_object-keys":146,"./_object-pie":147}],101:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_object-gops":146,"./_object-keys":149,"./_object-pie":150}],104:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var core = require('./_core'); var hide = require('./_hide'); @@ -5914,7 +6023,7 @@ $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; -},{"./_core":91,"./_ctx":93,"./_global":109,"./_hide":111,"./_redefine":157}],102:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":94,"./_ctx":96,"./_global":112,"./_hide":114,"./_redefine":160}],105:[function(require,module,exports){ var MATCH = require('./_wks')('match'); 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var setPrototypeOf = require('./_set-proto').set; module.exports = function (that, target, C) { @@ -6137,7 +6246,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, target, C) { } return that; }; -},{"./_is-object":120,"./_set-proto":161}],115:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":123,"./_set-proto":164}],118:[function(require,module,exports){ // fast apply, module.exports = function (fn, args, that) { var un = that === undefined; @@ -6155,7 +6264,7 @@ module.exports = function (fn, args, that) { } return fn.apply(that, args); }; -},{}],116:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],119:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var cof = require('./_cof'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins @@ -6163,7 +6272,7 @@ module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; -},{"./_cof":87}],117:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90}],120:[function(require,module,exports){ // check on default Array iterator var Iterators = require('./_iterators'); var ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator'); @@ -6173,14 +6282,14 @@ module.exports = function (it) { return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it); }; -},{"./_iterators":127,"./_wks":191}],118:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_iterators":130,"./_wks":194}],121:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) var cof = require('./_cof'); module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return cof(arg) == 'Array'; }; -},{"./_cof":87}],119:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90}],122:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isInteger(number) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var floor = Math.floor; @@ -6188,9 +6297,9 @@ module.exports = function isInteger(it) { return !isObject(it) && isFinite(it) && floor(it) === it; }; -},{"./_is-object":120}],120:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][67][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":67}],121:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":123}],123:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][70][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":70}],124:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.8 IsRegExp(argument) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var cof = require('./_cof'); @@ -6200,7 +6309,7 @@ module.exports = function (it) { return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : cof(it) == 'RegExp'); }; -},{"./_cof":87,"./_is-object":120,"./_wks":191}],122:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90,"./_is-object":123,"./_wks":194}],125:[function(require,module,exports){ // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error var anObject = require('./_an-object'); module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { @@ -6214,7 +6323,7 @@ module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { } }; -},{"./_an-object":77}],123:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80}],126:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var create = require('./_object-create'); var descriptor = require('./_property-desc'); @@ -6229,7 +6338,7 @@ module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) { setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; -},{"./_hide":111,"./_object-create":137,"./_property-desc":155,"./_set-to-string-tag":163,"./_wks":191}],124:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_hide":114,"./_object-create":140,"./_property-desc":158,"./_set-to-string-tag":166,"./_wks":194}],127:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var LIBRARY = require('./_library'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -6300,7 +6409,7 @@ module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCE return methods; }; -},{"./_export":101,"./_hide":111,"./_iter-create":123,"./_iterators":127,"./_library":128,"./_object-gpo":144,"./_redefine":157,"./_set-to-string-tag":163,"./_wks":191}],125:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_hide":114,"./_iter-create":126,"./_iterators":130,"./_library":131,"./_object-gpo":147,"./_redefine":160,"./_set-to-string-tag":166,"./_wks":194}],128:[function(require,module,exports){ var ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator'); var SAFE_CLOSING = false; @@ -6324,18 +6433,18 @@ module.exports = function (exec, skipClosing) { return safe; }; -},{"./_wks":191}],126:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_wks":194}],129:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (done, value) { return { value: value, done: !!done }; }; -},{}],127:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],130:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = {}; -},{}],128:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],131:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = false; -},{}],129:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],132:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.expm1(x) var $expm1 = Math.expm1; module.exports = (!$expm1 @@ -6347,7 +6456,7 @@ module.exports = (!$expm1 return (x = +x) == 0 ? x : x > -1e-6 && x < 1e-6 ? x + x * x / 2 : Math.exp(x) - 1; } : $expm1; -},{}],130:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],133:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.fround(x) var sign = require('./_math-sign'); var pow = Math.pow; @@ -6372,20 +6481,20 @@ module.exports = Math.fround || function fround(x) { return $sign * result; }; -},{"./_math-sign":132}],131:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_math-sign":135}],134:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.log1p(x) module.exports = Math.log1p || function log1p(x) { return (x = +x) > -1e-8 && x < 1e-8 ? x - x * x / 2 : Math.log(1 + x); }; -},{}],132:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],135:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.sign(x) module.exports = Math.sign || function sign(x) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare return (x = +x) == 0 || x != x ? x : x < 0 ? -1 : 1; }; -},{}],133:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],136:[function(require,module,exports){ var META = require('./_uid')('meta'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -6440,7 +6549,7 @@ var meta = module.exports = { onFreeze: onFreeze }; -},{"./_fails":103,"./_has":110,"./_is-object":120,"./_object-dp":138,"./_uid":186}],134:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_fails":106,"./_has":113,"./_is-object":123,"./_object-dp":141,"./_uid":189}],137:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var macrotask = require('./_task').set; var Observer = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver; @@ -6511,7 +6620,7 @@ module.exports = function () { }; }; -},{"./_cof":87,"./_global":109,"./_task":175}],135:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90,"./_global":112,"./_task":178}],138:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // NewPromiseCapability(C) var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); @@ -6531,7 +6640,7 @@ module.exports.f = function (C) { return new PromiseCapability(C); }; -},{"./_a-function":72}],136:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":75}],139:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Object.assign(target, source, ...) var DESCRIPTORS = require('./_descriptors'); @@ -6571,7 +6680,7 @@ module.exports = !$assign || require('./_fails')(function () { } return T; } : $assign; -},{"./_descriptors":97,"./_fails":103,"./_iobject":116,"./_object-gops":143,"./_object-keys":146,"./_object-pie":147,"./_to-object":181}],137:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":100,"./_fails":106,"./_iobject":119,"./_object-gops":146,"./_object-keys":149,"./_object-pie":150,"./_to-object":184}],140:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var dPs = require('./_object-dps'); @@ -6614,9 +6723,9 @@ module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties); }; -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_dom-create":98,"./_enum-bug-keys":99,"./_html":112,"./_object-dps":139,"./_shared-key":164}],138:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][68][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_descriptors":97,"./_ie8-dom-define":113,"./_to-primitive":182,"dup":68}],139:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_dom-create":101,"./_enum-bug-keys":102,"./_html":115,"./_object-dps":142,"./_shared-key":167}],141:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][71][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_descriptors":100,"./_ie8-dom-define":116,"./_to-primitive":185,"dup":71}],142:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp'); var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); @@ -6631,7 +6740,7 @@ module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperties : function return O; }; -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_descriptors":97,"./_object-dp":138,"./_object-keys":146}],140:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_descriptors":100,"./_object-dp":141,"./_object-keys":149}],143:[function(require,module,exports){ var pIE = require('./_object-pie'); var createDesc = require('./_property-desc'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -6649,7 +6758,7 @@ exports.f = require('./_descriptors') ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!, P), O[P]); }; -},{"./_descriptors":97,"./_has":110,"./_ie8-dom-define":113,"./_object-pie":147,"./_property-desc":155,"./_to-iobject":179,"./_to-primitive":182}],141:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":100,"./_has":113,"./_ie8-dom-define":116,"./_object-pie":150,"./_property-desc":158,"./_to-iobject":182,"./_to-primitive":185}],144:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); var gOPN = require('./_object-gopn').f; @@ -6670,7 +6779,7 @@ module.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { return windowNames && == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(toIObject(it)); }; -},{"./_object-gopn":142,"./_to-iobject":179}],142:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_object-gopn":145,"./_to-iobject":182}],145:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) var $keys = require('./_object-keys-internal'); var hiddenKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys').concat('length', 'prototype'); @@ -6679,10 +6788,10 @@ exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return $keys(O, hiddenKeys); }; -},{"./_enum-bug-keys":99,"./_object-keys-internal":145}],143:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_enum-bug-keys":102,"./_object-keys-internal":148}],146:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; -},{}],144:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],147:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var has = require('./_has'); var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -6697,7 +6806,7 @@ module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; -},{"./_has":110,"./_shared-key":164,"./_to-object":181}],145:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_has":113,"./_shared-key":167,"./_to-object":184}],148:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('./_has'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); var arrayIndexOf = require('./_array-includes')(false); @@ -6716,7 +6825,7 @@ module.exports = function (object, names) { return result; }; -},{"./_array-includes":80,"./_has":110,"./_shared-key":164,"./_to-iobject":179}],146:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-includes":83,"./_has":113,"./_shared-key":167,"./_to-iobject":182}],149:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.keys(O) var $keys = require('./_object-keys-internal'); var enumBugKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys'); @@ -6725,10 +6834,10 @@ module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return $keys(O, enumBugKeys); }; -},{"./_enum-bug-keys":99,"./_object-keys-internal":145}],147:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_enum-bug-keys":102,"./_object-keys-internal":148}],150:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; -},{}],148:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],151:[function(require,module,exports){ // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives var $export = require('./_export'); var core = require('./_core'); @@ -6740,7 +6849,7 @@ module.exports = function (KEY, exec) { $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); }; -},{"./_core":91,"./_export":101,"./_fails":103}],149:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":94,"./_export":104,"./_fails":106}],152:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('./_descriptors'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -6763,7 +6872,7 @@ module.exports = function (isEntries) { }; }; -},{"./_descriptors":97,"./_object-keys":146,"./_object-pie":147,"./_to-iobject":179}],150:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":100,"./_object-keys":149,"./_object-pie":150,"./_to-iobject":182}],153:[function(require,module,exports){ // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols var gOPN = require('./_object-gopn'); var gOPS = require('./_object-gops'); @@ -6775,7 +6884,7 @@ module.exports = Reflect && Reflect.ownKeys || function ownKeys(it) { return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys; }; -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_global":109,"./_object-gopn":142,"./_object-gops":143}],151:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_global":112,"./_object-gopn":145,"./_object-gops":146}],154:[function(require,module,exports){ var $parseFloat = require('./_global').parseFloat; var $trim = require('./_string-trim').trim; @@ -6785,7 +6894,7 @@ module.exports = 1 / $parseFloat(require('./_string-ws') + '-0') !== -Infinity ? return result === 0 && string.charAt(0) == '-' ? -0 : result; } : $parseFloat; -},{"./_global":109,"./_string-trim":173,"./_string-ws":174}],152:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":112,"./_string-trim":176,"./_string-ws":177}],155:[function(require,module,exports){ var $parseInt = require('./_global').parseInt; var $trim = require('./_string-trim').trim; var ws = require('./_string-ws'); @@ -6796,7 +6905,7 @@ module.exports = $parseInt(ws + '08') !== 8 || $parseInt(ws + '0x16') !== 22 ? f return $parseInt(string, (radix >>> 0) || (hex.test(string) ? 16 : 10)); } : $parseInt; -},{"./_global":109,"./_string-trim":173,"./_string-ws":174}],153:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":112,"./_string-trim":176,"./_string-ws":177}],156:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (exec) { try { return { e: false, v: exec() }; @@ -6805,7 +6914,7 @@ module.exports = function (exec) { } }; -},{}],154:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],157:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var newPromiseCapability = require('./_new-promise-capability'); @@ -6819,16 +6928,16 @@ module.exports = function (C, x) { return promiseCapability.promise; }; -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_is-object":120,"./_new-promise-capability":135}],155:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][69][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":69}],156:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_is-object":123,"./_new-promise-capability":138}],158:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][72][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":72}],159:[function(require,module,exports){ var redefine = require('./_redefine'); module.exports = function (target, src, safe) { for (var key in src) redefine(target, key, src[key], safe); return target; }; -},{"./_redefine":157}],157:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_redefine":160}],160:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var hide = require('./_hide'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -6861,7 +6970,7 @@ require('./_core').inspectSource = function (it) { return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $; }); -},{"./_core":91,"./_function-to-string":108,"./_global":109,"./_has":110,"./_hide":111,"./_uid":186}],158:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":94,"./_function-to-string":111,"./_global":112,"./_has":113,"./_hide":114,"./_uid":189}],161:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var classof = require('./_classof'); @@ -6884,7 +6993,7 @@ module.exports = function (R, S) { return, S); }; -},{"./_classof":86}],159:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_classof":89}],162:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var regexpFlags = require('./_flags'); @@ -6944,14 +7053,14 @@ if (PATCH) { module.exports = patchedExec; -},{"./_flags":105}],160:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_flags":108}],163:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.9 SameValue(x, y) module.exports = || function is(x, y) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare return x === y ? x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y : x != x && y != y; }; -},{}],161:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],164:[function(require,module,exports){ // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. /* eslint-disable no-proto */ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); @@ -6978,7 +7087,7 @@ module.exports = { check: check }; -},{"./_an-object":77,"./_ctx":93,"./_is-object":120,"./_object-gopd":140}],162:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":80,"./_ctx":96,"./_is-object":123,"./_object-gopd":143}],165:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var dP = require('./_object-dp'); @@ -6993,7 +7102,7 @@ module.exports = function (KEY) { }); }; -},{"./_descriptors":97,"./_global":109,"./_object-dp":138,"./_wks":191}],163:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":100,"./_global":112,"./_object-dp":141,"./_wks":194}],166:[function(require,module,exports){ var def = require('./_object-dp').f; var has = require('./_has'); var TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); @@ -7002,14 +7111,14 @@ module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) { if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; -},{"./_has":110,"./_object-dp":138,"./_wks":191}],164:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_has":113,"./_object-dp":141,"./_wks":194}],167:[function(require,module,exports){ var shared = require('./_shared')('keys'); var uid = require('./_uid'); module.exports = function (key) { return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key)); }; -},{"./_shared":165,"./_uid":186}],165:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_shared":168,"./_uid":189}],168:[function(require,module,exports){ var core = require('./_core'); var global = require('./_global'); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; @@ -7023,7 +7132,7 @@ var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {}); copyright: '© 2020 Denis Pushkarev (' }); -},{"./_core":91,"./_global":109,"./_library":128}],166:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":94,"./_global":112,"./_library":131}],169:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor) var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); @@ -7034,7 +7143,7 @@ module.exports = function (O, D) { return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? D : aFunction(S); }; -},{"./_a-function":72,"./_an-object":77,"./_wks":191}],167:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":75,"./_an-object":80,"./_wks":194}],170:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var fails = require('./_fails'); @@ -7045,7 +7154,7 @@ module.exports = function (method, arg) { }); }; -},{"./_fails":103}],168:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_fails":106}],171:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('./_to-integer'); var defined = require('./_defined'); // true -> String#at @@ -7064,7 +7173,7 @@ module.exports = function (TO_STRING) { }; }; -},{"./_defined":96,"./_to-integer":178}],169:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":99,"./_to-integer":181}],172:[function(require,module,exports){ // helper for String#{startsWith, endsWith, includes} var isRegExp = require('./_is-regexp'); var defined = require('./_defined'); @@ -7074,7 +7183,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, searchString, NAME) { return String(defined(that)); }; -},{"./_defined":96,"./_is-regexp":121}],170:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":99,"./_is-regexp":124}],173:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); var fails = require('./_fails'); var defined = require('./_defined'); @@ -7095,7 +7204,7 @@ module.exports = function (NAME, exec) { }), 'String', O); }; -},{"./_defined":96,"./_export":101,"./_fails":103}],171:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":99,"./_export":104,"./_fails":106}],174:[function(require,module,exports){ // var toLength = require('./_to-length'); var repeat = require('./_string-repeat'); @@ -7113,7 +7222,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, maxLength, fillString, left) { return left ? 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-},{"./_export":101}],225:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],228:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.atanh(x) var $export = require('./_export'); var $atanh = Math.atanh; @@ -8656,7 +8765,7 @@ $export($export.S + $export.F * !($atanh && 1 / $atanh(-0) < 0), 'Math', { } }); -},{"./_export":101}],226:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],229:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.cbrt(x) var $export = require('./_export'); var sign = require('./_math-sign'); @@ -8667,7 +8776,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Math', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_math-sign":132}],227:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_math-sign":135}],230:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.clz32(x) var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -8677,7 +8786,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Math', { } }); -},{"./_export":101}],228:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],231:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.cosh(x) var $export = require('./_export'); 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-},{"./_export":101}],240:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],243:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -8891,13 +9000,13 @@ if (!$Number(' 0o1') || !$Number('0b1') || $Number('+0x1')) { require('./_redefine')(global, NUMBER, $Number); } -},{"./_cof":87,"./_descriptors":97,"./_fails":103,"./_global":109,"./_has":110,"./_inherit-if-required":114,"./_object-create":137,"./_object-dp":138,"./_object-gopd":140,"./_object-gopn":142,"./_redefine":157,"./_string-trim":173,"./_to-primitive":182}],241:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":90,"./_descriptors":100,"./_fails":106,"./_global":112,"./_has":113,"./_inherit-if-required":117,"./_object-create":140,"./_object-dp":141,"./_object-gopd":143,"./_object-gopn":145,"./_redefine":160,"./_string-trim":176,"./_to-primitive":185}],244:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.EPSILON var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.S, 'Number', { EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52) }); -},{"./_export":101}],242:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],245:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isFinite(number) var $export = require('./_export'); var _isFinite = require('./_global').isFinite; @@ -8908,13 +9017,13 @@ $export($export.S, 'Number', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_global":109}],243:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_global":112}],246:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isInteger(number) var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.S, 'Number', { isInteger: require('./_is-integer') }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_is-integer":119}],244:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_is-integer":122}],247:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isNaN(number) var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -8925,7 +9034,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Number', { } }); -},{"./_export":101}],245:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104}],248:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isSafeInteger(number) var $export = require('./_export'); 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$export($export.S + $export.F, 'Object', { assign: require('./_object-assign') }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_object-assign":136}],253:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_object-assign":139}],256:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) $export($export.S, 'Object', { create: require('./_object-create') }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_object-create":137}],254:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_object-create":140}],257:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); // / Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) $export($export.S + $export.F * !require('./_descriptors'), 'Object', { defineProperties: require('./_object-dps') }); -},{"./_descriptors":97,"./_export":101,"./_object-dps":139}],255:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":100,"./_export":104,"./_object-dps":142}],258:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); 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}; }); -},{"./_typed-array":183}],325:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_typed-array":186}],328:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_typed-array')('Uint16', 2, function (init) { return function Uint16Array(data, byteOffset, length) { return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); }; }); -},{"./_typed-array":183}],326:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_typed-array":186}],329:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_typed-array')('Uint32', 4, function (init) { return function Uint32Array(data, byteOffset, length) { return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); }; }); -},{"./_typed-array":183}],327:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_typed-array":186}],330:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_typed-array')('Uint8', 1, function (init) { return function Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, length) { return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); }; }); -},{"./_typed-array":183}],328:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_typed-array":186}],331:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_typed-array')('Uint8', 1, function (init) { return function Uint8ClampedArray(data, byteOffset, length) { return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); }; }, true); -},{"./_typed-array":183}],329:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_typed-array":186}],332:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var each = require('./_array-methods')(0); @@ -10950,7 +11059,7 @@ if (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP && IS_IE11) { }); } -},{"./_array-methods":81,"./_collection":90,"./_collection-weak":89,"./_global":109,"./_is-object":120,"./_meta":133,"./_object-assign":136,"./_redefine":157,"./_validate-collection":188}],330:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-methods":84,"./_collection":93,"./_collection-weak":92,"./_global":112,"./_is-object":123,"./_meta":136,"./_object-assign":139,"./_redefine":160,"./_validate-collection":191}],333:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var weak = require('./_collection-weak'); var validate = require('./_validate-collection'); @@ -10966,7 +11075,7 @@ require('./_collection')(WEAK_SET, function (get) { } }, weak, false, true); -},{"./_collection":90,"./_collection-weak":89,"./_validate-collection":188}],331:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_collection":93,"./_collection-weak":92,"./_validate-collection":191}],334:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -10990,7 +11099,7 @@ $export($export.P, 'Array', { require('./_add-to-unscopables')('flatMap'); -},{"./_a-function":72,"./_add-to-unscopables":74,"./_array-species-create":84,"./_export":101,"./_flatten-into-array":106,"./_to-length":180,"./_to-object":181}],332:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":75,"./_add-to-unscopables":77,"./_array-species-create":87,"./_export":104,"./_flatten-into-array":109,"./_to-length":183,"./_to-object":184}],335:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -11004,7 +11113,7 @@ $export($export.P, 'Array', { require('./_add-to-unscopables')('includes'); -},{"./_add-to-unscopables":74,"./_array-includes":80,"./_export":101}],333:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_add-to-unscopables":77,"./_array-includes":83,"./_export":104}],336:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $export = require('./_export'); var $entries = require('./_object-to-array')(true); @@ -11015,7 +11124,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Object', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_object-to-array":149}],334:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_object-to-array":152}],337:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $export = require('./_export'); var ownKeys = require('./_own-keys'); @@ -11039,7 +11148,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Object', { } }); -},{"./_create-property":92,"./_export":101,"./_object-gopd":140,"./_own-keys":150,"./_to-iobject":179}],335:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_create-property":95,"./_export":104,"./_object-gopd":143,"./_own-keys":153,"./_to-iobject":182}],338:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $export = require('./_export'); var $values = require('./_object-to-array')(false); @@ -11050,7 +11159,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Object', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_object-to-array":149}],336:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_object-to-array":152}],339:[function(require,module,exports){ // 'use strict'; var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -11072,7 +11181,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.R, 'Promise', { 'finally': function (onFinally) { ); } }); -},{"./_core":91,"./_export":101,"./_global":109,"./_promise-resolve":154,"./_species-constructor":166}],337:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":94,"./_export":104,"./_global":112,"./_promise-resolve":157,"./_species-constructor":169}],340:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -11088,7 +11197,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.F * WEBKIT_BUG, 'String', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_string-pad":171,"./_user-agent":187}],338:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_string-pad":174,"./_user-agent":190}],341:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -11104,7 +11213,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.F * WEBKIT_BUG, 'String', { } }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_string-pad":171,"./_user-agent":187}],339:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_string-pad":174,"./_user-agent":190}],342:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // require('./_string-trim')('trimLeft', function ($trim) { @@ -11113,7 +11222,7 @@ require('./_string-trim')('trimLeft', function ($trim) { }; }, 'trimStart'); -},{"./_string-trim":173}],340:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-trim":176}],343:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // require('./_string-trim')('trimRight', function ($trim) { @@ -11122,10 +11231,10 @@ require('./_string-trim')('trimRight', function ($trim) { }; }, 'trimEnd'); -},{"./_string-trim":173}],341:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-trim":176}],344:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_wks-define')('asyncIterator'); -},{"./_wks-define":189}],342:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_wks-define":192}],345:[function(require,module,exports){ var $iterators = require('./es6.array.iterator'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var redefine = require('./_redefine'); @@ -11185,7 +11294,7 @@ for (var collections = getKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++ } } -},{"./_global":109,"./_hide":111,"./_iterators":127,"./_object-keys":146,"./_redefine":157,"./_wks":191,"./es6.array.iterator":203}],343:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":112,"./_hide":114,"./_iterators":130,"./_object-keys":149,"./_redefine":160,"./_wks":194,"./es6.array.iterator":206}],346:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); var $task = require('./_task'); $export($export.G + $export.B, { @@ -11193,7 +11302,7 @@ $export($export.G + $export.B, { clearImmediate: $task.clear }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_task":175}],344:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_task":178}],347:[function(require,module,exports){ // ie9- setTimeout & setInterval additional parameters fix var global = require('./_global'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -11215,180 +11324,1331 @@ $export($export.G + $export.B + $export.F * MSIE, { setInterval: wrap(global.setInterval) }); -},{"./_export":101,"./_global":109,"./_user-agent":187}],345:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":104,"./_global":112,"./_user-agent":190}],348:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../modules/web.timers'); require('../modules/web.immediate'); require('../modules/web.dom.iterable'); module.exports = require('../modules/_core'); -},{"../modules/_core":91,"../modules/web.dom.iterable":342,"../modules/web.immediate":343,"../modules/web.timers":344}],346:[function(require,module,exports){ -var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; -var objectKeys = require('./lib/keys.js'); -var isArguments = require('./lib/is_arguments.js'); +},{"../modules/_core":94,"../modules/web.dom.iterable":345,"../modules/web.immediate":346,"../modules/web.timers":347}],349:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var assign = require('object.assign'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var flags = require('regexp.prototype.flags'); +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var getIterator = require('es-get-iterator'); +var getSideChannel = require('side-channel'); +var is = require('object-is'); +var isArguments = require('is-arguments'); +var isArray = require('isarray'); +var isArrayBuffer = require('is-array-buffer'); +var isDate = require('is-date-object'); +var isRegex = require('is-regex'); +var isSharedArrayBuffer = require('is-shared-array-buffer'); +var objectKeys = require('object-keys'); +var whichBoxedPrimitive = require('which-boxed-primitive'); +var whichCollection = require('which-collection'); +var whichTypedArray = require('which-typed-array'); + +var byteLength = callBound('ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true) + || function byteLength(ab) { return ab.byteLength; }; // in node < 0.11, byteLength is an own nonconfigurable property +var sabByteLength = callBound('SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +var $getTime = callBound('Date.prototype.getTime'); +var gPO = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var $objToString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var $Set = GetIntrinsic('%Set%', true); +var $mapHas = callBound('Map.prototype.has', true); +var $mapGet = callBound('Map.prototype.get', true); +var $mapSize = callBound('Map.prototype.size', true); +var $setAdd = callBound('Set.prototype.add', true); +var $setDelete = callBound('Set.prototype.delete', true); +var $setHas = callBound('Set.prototype.has', true); +var $setSize = callBound('Set.prototype.size', true); + +// taken from +function setHasEqualElement(set, val1, opts, channel) { + var i = getIterator(set); + var result; + while ((result = && !result.done) { + if (internalDeepEqual(val1, result.value, opts, channel)) { // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define + // Remove the matching element to make sure we do not check that again. + $setDelete(set, result.value); + return true; + } + } + + return false; +} + +// taken from +function findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim) { + if (typeof prim === 'undefined') { + return null; + } + if (typeof prim === 'object') { // Only pass in null as object! + return void 0; + } + if (typeof prim === 'symbol') { + return false; + } + if (typeof prim === 'string' || typeof prim === 'number') { + // Loose equal entries exist only if the string is possible to convert to a regular number and not NaN. + return +prim === +prim; // eslint-disable-line no-implicit-coercion + } + return true; +} + +// taken from +function mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim, item, opts, channel) { + var altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); + if (altValue != null) { + return altValue; + } + var curB = $mapGet(b, altValue); + var looseOpts = assign({}, opts, { strict: false }); + if ( + (typeof curB === 'undefined' && !$mapHas(b, altValue)) + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + || !internalDeepEqual(item, curB, looseOpts, channel) + ) { + return false; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + return !$mapHas(a, altValue) && internalDeepEqual(item, curB, looseOpts, channel); +} + +// taken from +function setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim) { + var altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); + if (altValue != null) { + return altValue; + } + + return $setHas(b, altValue) && !$setHas(a, altValue); +} + +// taken from +function mapHasEqualEntry(set, map, key1, item1, opts, channel) { + var i = getIterator(set); + var result; + var key2; + while ((result = && !result.done) { + key2 = result.value; + if ( + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + internalDeepEqual(key1, key2, opts, channel) + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + && internalDeepEqual(item1, $mapGet(map, key2), opts, channel) + ) { + $setDelete(set, key2); + return true; + } + } + + return false; +} + +function internalDeepEqual(actual, expected, options, channel) { + var opts = options || {}; -var deepEqual = module.exports = function (actual, expected, opts) { - if (!opts) opts = {}; // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. - if (actual === expected) { + if (opts.strict ? is(actual, expected) : actual === expected) { return true; + } + + var actualBoxed = whichBoxedPrimitive(actual); + var expectedBoxed = whichBoxedPrimitive(expected); + if (actualBoxed !== expectedBoxed) { + return false; + } - } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) { - return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); + // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', equivalence is determined by ==. + if (!actual || !expected || (typeof actual !== 'object' && typeof expected !== 'object')) { + return opts.strict ? is(actual, expected) : actual == expected; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq + } - // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', - // equivalence is determined by ==. - } else if (!actual || !expected || typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') { - return opts.strict ? actual === expected : actual == expected; + /* + * 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is + * determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified + * with, the same set of keys + * (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every + * corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this + * accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. + */ + // see for memos/channel inspiration - // 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is - // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified - // with, the same set of keys - // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every - // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this - // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. + var hasActual = channel.has(actual); + var hasExpected = channel.has(expected); + var sentinel; + if (hasActual && hasExpected) { + if (channel.get(actual) === channel.get(expected)) { + return true; + } } else { - return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts); + sentinel = {}; } -} + if (!hasActual) { channel.set(actual, sentinel); } + if (!hasExpected) { channel.set(expected, sentinel); } -function isUndefinedOrNull(value) { - return value === null || value === undefined; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts, channel); } -function isBuffer (x) { - if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') return false; +function isBuffer(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') { + return false; + } if (typeof x.copy !== 'function' || typeof x.slice !== 'function') { return false; } - if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') return false; + if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') { + return false; + } + + return !!(x.constructor && x.constructor.isBuffer && x.constructor.isBuffer(x)); +} + +function setEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + if ($setSize(a) !== $setSize(b)) { + return false; + } + var iA = getIterator(a); + var iB = getIterator(b); + var resultA; + var resultB; + var set; + while ((resultA = && !resultA.done) { + if (resultA.value && typeof resultA.value === 'object') { + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, resultA.value); + } else if (!$setHas(b, resultA.value)) { + if (opts.strict) { return false; } + if (!setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, resultA.value)) { + return false; + } + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, resultA.value); + } + } + if (set) { + while ((resultB = && !resultB.done) { + // We have to check if a primitive value is already matching and only if it's not, go hunting for it. + if (resultB.value && typeof resultB.value === 'object') { + if (!setHasEqualElement(set, resultB.value, opts.strict, channel)) { + return false; + } + } else if ( + !opts.strict + && !$setHas(a, resultB.value) + && !setHasEqualElement(set, resultB.value, opts.strict, channel) + ) { + return false; + } + } + return $setSize(set) === 0; + } return true; } -function objEquiv(a, b, opts) { - var i, key; - if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b)) +function mapEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + if ($mapSize(a) !== $mapSize(b)) { return false; - // an identical 'prototype' property. - if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false; - //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing. - // Converting to array solves the problem. - if (isArguments(a)) { - if (!isArguments(b)) { - return false; + } + var iA = getIterator(a); + var iB = getIterator(b); + var resultA; + var resultB; + var set; + var key; + var item1; + var item2; + while ((resultA = && !resultA.done) { + key = resultA.value[0]; + item1 = resultA.value[1]; + if (key && typeof key === 'object') { + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, key); + } else { + item2 = $mapGet(b, key); + if ((typeof item2 === 'undefined' && !$mapHas(b, key)) || !internalDeepEqual(item1, item2, opts, channel)) { + if (opts.strict) { + return false; + } + if (!mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, key, item1, opts, channel)) { + return false; + } + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, key); + } } - a =; - b =; - return deepEqual(a, b, opts); } - if (isBuffer(a)) { - if (!isBuffer(b)) { - return false; + + if (set) { + while ((resultB = && !resultB.done) { + key = resultB.value[0]; + item2 = resultB.value[1]; + if (key && typeof key === 'object') { + if (!mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item2, opts, channel)) { + return false; + } + } else if ( + !opts.strict + && (!a.has(key) || !internalDeepEqual($mapGet(a, key), item2, opts, channel)) + && !mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item2, assign({}, opts, { strict: false }), channel) + ) { + return false; + } } - if (a.length !== b.length) return false; + return $setSize(set) === 0; + } + return true; +} + +function objEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + /* eslint max-statements: [2, 100], max-lines-per-function: [2, 120], max-depth: [2, 5], max-lines: [2, 400] */ + var i, key; + + if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } + if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } + + if ($objToString(a) !== $objToString(b)) { return false; } + + if (isArguments(a) !== isArguments(b)) { return false; } + + var aIsArray = isArray(a); + var bIsArray = isArray(b); + if (aIsArray !== bIsArray) { return false; } + + // TODO: replace when a cross-realm brand check is available + var aIsError = a instanceof Error; + var bIsError = b instanceof Error; + if (aIsError !== bIsError) { return false; } + if (aIsError || bIsError) { + if ( !== || a.message !== b.message) { return false; } + } + + var aIsRegex = isRegex(a); + var bIsRegex = isRegex(b); + if (aIsRegex !== bIsRegex) { return false; } + if ((aIsRegex || bIsRegex) && (a.source !== b.source || flags(a) !== flags(b))) { + return false; + } + + var aIsDate = isDate(a); + var bIsDate = isDate(b); + if (aIsDate !== bIsDate) { return false; } + if (aIsDate || bIsDate) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if ($getTime(a) !== $getTime(b)) { return false; } + } + if (opts.strict && gPO && gPO(a) !== gPO(b)) { return false; } + + var aWhich = whichTypedArray(a); + var bWhich = whichTypedArray(b); + if ((aWhich || bWhich) && aWhich !== bWhich) { + return false; + } + + var aIsBuffer = isBuffer(a); + var bIsBuffer = isBuffer(b); + if (aIsBuffer !== bIsBuffer) { return false; } + if (aIsBuffer || bIsBuffer) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { - if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; + if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } - try { - var ka = objectKeys(a), - kb = objectKeys(b); - } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't - return false; + + var aIsArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer(a); + var bIsArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer(b); + if (aIsArrayBuffer !== bIsArrayBuffer) { return false; } + if (aIsArrayBuffer || bIsArrayBuffer) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (byteLength(a) !== byteLength(b)) { return false; } + return typeof Uint8Array === 'function' && internalDeepEqual(new Uint8Array(a), new Uint8Array(b), opts, channel); } - // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates - // hasOwnProperty) - if (ka.length != kb.length) - return false; - //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), + + var aIsSAB = isSharedArrayBuffer(a); + var bIsSAB = isSharedArrayBuffer(b); + if (aIsSAB !== bIsSAB) { return false; } + if (aIsSAB || bIsSAB) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (sabByteLength(a) !== sabByteLength(b)) { return false; } + return typeof Uint8Array === 'function' && internalDeepEqual(new Uint8Array(a), new Uint8Array(b), opts, channel); + } + + if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } + + var ka = objectKeys(a); + var kb = objectKeys(b); + // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates hasOwnProperty) + if (ka.length !== kb.length) { return false; } + + // the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), ka.sort(); kb.sort(); - //~~~cheap key test + // ~~~cheap key test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - if (ka[i] != kb[i]) - return false; + if (ka[i] != kb[i]) { return false; } // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq } - //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and - //~~~possibly expensive deep test + + // equivalent values for every corresponding key, and ~~~possibly expensive deep test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = ka[i]; - if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts)) return false; + if (!internalDeepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts, channel)) { return false; } } - return typeof a === typeof b; -} -},{"./lib/is_arguments.js":347,"./lib/keys.js":348}],347:[function(require,module,exports){ -var supportsArgumentsClass = (function(){ - return -})() == '[object Arguments]'; + var aCollection = whichCollection(a); + var bCollection = whichCollection(b); + if (aCollection !== bCollection) { + return false; + } + if (aCollection === 'Set' || bCollection === 'Set') { // aCollection === bCollection + return setEquiv(a, b, opts, channel); + } + if (aCollection === 'Map') { // aCollection === bCollection + return mapEquiv(a, b, opts, channel); + } -exports = module.exports = supportsArgumentsClass ? supported : unsupported; + return true; +} -exports.supported = supported; -function supported(object) { - return == '[object Arguments]'; +module.exports = function deepEqual(a, b, opts) { + return internalDeepEqual(a, b, opts, getSideChannel()); }; -exports.unsupported = unsupported; -function unsupported(object){ - return object && - typeof object == 'object' && - typeof object.length == 'number' && -, 'callee') && - !, 'callee') || - false; +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"es-get-iterator":351,"get-intrinsic":356,"is-arguments":366,"is-array-buffer":367,"is-date-object":371,"is-regex":375,"is-shared-array-buffer":377,"isarray":383,"object-is":386,"object-keys":390,"object.assign":393,"regexp.prototype.flags":400,"side-channel":403,"which-boxed-primitive":408,"which-collection":409,"which-typed-array":410}],350:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var keys = require('object-keys'); +var hasSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol('foo') === 'symbol'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var concat = Array.prototype.concat; +var origDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; + +var isFunction = function (fn) { + return typeof fn === 'function' && === '[object Function]'; }; -},{}],348:[function(require,module,exports){ -exports = module.exports = typeof Object.keys === 'function' - ? Object.keys : shim; +var hasPropertyDescriptors = require('has-property-descriptors')(); -exports.shim = shim; -function shim (obj) { - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); - return keys; -} +var supportsDescriptors = origDefineProperty && hasPropertyDescriptors; -},{}],349:[function(require,module,exports){ -/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { - var e, m - var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 - var eBias = eMax >> 1 - var nBits = -7 - var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0 - var d = isLE ? -1 : 1 - var s = buffer[offset + i] +var defineProperty = function (object, name, value, predicate) { + if (name in object) { + if (predicate === true) { + if (object[name] === value) { + return; + } + } else if (!isFunction(predicate) || !predicate()) { + return; + } + } + if (supportsDescriptors) { + origDefineProperty(object, name, { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + value: value, + writable: true + }); + } else { + object[name] = value; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + } +}; - i += d +var defineProperties = function (object, map) { + var predicates = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {}; + var props = keys(map); + if (hasSymbols) { + props =, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(map)); + } + for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i += 1) { + defineProperty(object, props[i], map[props[i]], predicates[props[i]]); + } +}; - e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) - s >>= (-nBits) - nBits += eLen - for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} +defineProperties.supportsDescriptors = !!supportsDescriptors; - m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) - e >>= (-nBits) - nBits += mLen - for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} +module.exports = defineProperties; - if (e === 0) { - e = 1 - eBias - } else if (e === eMax) { - return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity) - } else { - m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen) - e = e - eBias - } - return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen) +},{"has-property-descriptors":359,"object-keys":390}],351:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (process){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint global-require: 0 */ +// the code is structured this way so that bundlers can +// alias out `has-symbols` to `() => true` or `() => false` if your target +// environments' Symbol capabilities are known, and then use +// dead code elimination on the rest of this module. +// +// Similarly, `isarray` can be aliased to `Array.isArray` if +// available in all target environments. + +var isArguments = require('is-arguments'); +var getStopIterationIterator = require('stop-iteration-iterator'); + +if (require('has-symbols')() || require('has-symbols/shams')()) { + var $iterator = Symbol.iterator; + // Symbol is available natively or shammed + // natively: + // - Chrome >= 38 + // - Edge 12-14?, Edge >= 15 for sure + // - FF >= 36 + // - Safari >= 9 + // - node >= 0.12 + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + // alternatively, `iterable[$iterator]?.()` + if (iterable != null && typeof iterable[$iterator] !== 'undefined') { + return iterable[$iterator](); + } + if (isArguments(iterable)) { + // arguments objects lack Symbol.iterator + // - node 0.12 + return Array.prototype[$iterator].call(iterable); + } + }; +} else { + // Symbol is not available, native or shammed + var isArray = require('isarray'); + var isString = require('is-string'); + var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + var $Map = GetIntrinsic('%Map%', true); + var $Set = GetIntrinsic('%Set%', true); + var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + var $arrayPush = callBound('Array.prototype.push'); + var $charCodeAt = callBound('String.prototype.charCodeAt'); + var $stringSlice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); + + var advanceStringIndex = function advanceStringIndex(S, index) { + var length = S.length; + if ((index + 1) >= length) { + return index + 1; + } + + var first = $charCodeAt(S, index); + if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF) { + return index + 1; + } + + var second = $charCodeAt(S, index + 1); + if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) { + return index + 1; + } + + return index + 2; + }; + + var getArrayIterator = function getArrayIterator(arraylike) { + var i = 0; + return { + next: function next() { + var done = i >= arraylike.length; + var value; + if (!done) { + value = arraylike[i]; + i += 1; + } + return { + done: done, + value: value + }; + } + }; + }; + + var getNonCollectionIterator = function getNonCollectionIterator(iterable, noPrimordialCollections) { + if (isArray(iterable) || isArguments(iterable)) { + return getArrayIterator(iterable); + } + if (isString(iterable)) { + var i = 0; + return { + next: function next() { + var nextIndex = advanceStringIndex(iterable, i); + var value = $stringSlice(iterable, i, nextIndex); + i = nextIndex; + return { + done: nextIndex > iterable.length, + value: value + }; + } + }; + } + + // es6-shim and es-shims' es-map use a string "_es6-shim iterator_" property on different iterables, such as MapIterator. + if (noPrimordialCollections && typeof iterable['_es6-shim iterator_'] !== 'undefined') { + return iterable['_es6-shim iterator_'](); + } + }; + + if (!$Map && !$Set) { + // the only language iterables are Array, String, arguments + // - Safari <= 6.0 + // - Chrome < 38 + // - node < 0.12 + // - FF < 13 + // - IE < 11 + // - Edge < 11 + + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + if (iterable != null) { + return getNonCollectionIterator(iterable, true); + } + }; + } else { + // either Map or Set are available, but Symbol is not + // - es6-shim on an ES5 browser + // - Safari 6.2 (maybe 6.1?) + // - FF v[13, 36) + // - IE 11 + // - Edge 11 + // - Safari v[6, 9) + + var isMap = require('is-map'); + var isSet = require('is-set'); + + // Firefox >= 27, IE 11, Safari 6.2 - 9, Edge 11, es6-shim in older envs, all have forEach + var $mapForEach = callBound('Map.prototype.forEach', true); + var $setForEach = callBound('Set.prototype.forEach', true); + if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !process.versions || !process.versions.node) { // "if is not node" + + // Firefox 17 - 26 has `.iterator()`, whose iterator `.next()` either + // returns a value, or throws a StopIteration object. These browsers + // do not have any other mechanism for iteration. + var $mapIterator = callBound('Map.prototype.iterator', true); + var $setIterator = callBound('Set.prototype.iterator', true); + } + // Firefox 27-35, and some older es6-shim versions, use a string "@@iterator" property + // this returns a proper iterator object, so we should use it instead of forEach. + // newer es6-shim versions use a string "_es6-shim iterator_" property. + var $mapAtAtIterator = callBound('Map.prototype.@@iterator', true) || callBound('Map.prototype._es6-shim iterator_', true); + var $setAtAtIterator = callBound('Set.prototype.@@iterator', true) || callBound('Set.prototype._es6-shim iterator_', true); + + var getCollectionIterator = function getCollectionIterator(iterable) { + if (isMap(iterable)) { + if ($mapIterator) { + return getStopIterationIterator($mapIterator(iterable)); + } + if ($mapAtAtIterator) { + return $mapAtAtIterator(iterable); + } + if ($mapForEach) { + var entries = []; + $mapForEach(iterable, function (v, k) { + $arrayPush(entries, [k, v]); + }); + return getArrayIterator(entries); + } + } + if (isSet(iterable)) { + if ($setIterator) { + return getStopIterationIterator($setIterator(iterable)); + } + if ($setAtAtIterator) { + return $setAtAtIterator(iterable); + } + if ($setForEach) { + var values = []; + $setForEach(iterable, function (v) { + $arrayPush(values, v); + }); + return getArrayIterator(values); + } + } + }; + + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + return getCollectionIterator(iterable) || getNonCollectionIterator(iterable); + }; + } } -exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { - var e, m, c - var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 +}).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) +},{"_process":397,"call-bind/callBound":42,"get-intrinsic":356,"has-symbols":360,"has-symbols/shams":361,"is-arguments":366,"is-map":372,"is-set":376,"is-string":378,"isarray":383,"stop-iteration-iterator":404}],352:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isCallable = require('is-callable'); + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + +var forEachArray = function forEachArray(array, iterator, receiver) { + for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { + if (, i)) { + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(array[i], i, array); + } else { +, array[i], i, array); + } + } + } +}; + +var forEachString = function forEachString(string, iterator, receiver) { + for (var i = 0, len = string.length; i < len; i++) { + // no such thing as a sparse string. + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(string.charAt(i), i, string); + } else { +, string.charAt(i), i, string); + } + } +}; + +var forEachObject = function forEachObject(object, iterator, receiver) { + for (var k in object) { + if (, k)) { + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(object[k], k, object); + } else { +, object[k], k, object); + } + } + } +}; + +var forEach = function forEach(list, iterator, thisArg) { + if (!isCallable(iterator)) { + throw new TypeError('iterator must be a function'); + } + + var receiver; + if (arguments.length >= 3) { + receiver = thisArg; + } + + if ( === '[object Array]') { + forEachArray(list, iterator, receiver); + } else if (typeof list === 'string') { + forEachString(list, iterator, receiver); + } else { + forEachObject(list, iterator, receiver); + } +}; + +module.exports = forEach; + +},{"is-callable":370}],353:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint no-invalid-this: 1 */ + +var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible '; +var slice = Array.prototype.slice; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var funcType = '[object Function]'; + +module.exports = function bind(that) { + var target = this; + if (typeof target !== 'function' || !== funcType) { + throw new TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE + target); + } + var args =, 1); + + var bound; + var binder = function () { + if (this instanceof bound) { + var result = target.apply( + this, + args.concat( + ); + if (Object(result) === result) { + return result; + } + return this; + } else { + return target.apply( + that, + args.concat( + ); + } + }; + + var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length); + var boundArgs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) { + boundArgs.push('$' + i); + } + + bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }')(binder); + + if (target.prototype) { + var Empty = function Empty() {}; + Empty.prototype = target.prototype; + bound.prototype = new Empty(); + Empty.prototype = null; + } + + return bound; +}; + +},{}],354:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +module.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation; + +},{"./implementation":353}],355:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var functionsHaveNames = function functionsHaveNames() { + return typeof function f() {}.name === 'string'; +}; + +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +if (gOPD) { + try { + gOPD([], 'length'); + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken gOPD + gOPD = null; + } +} + +functionsHaveNames.functionsHaveConfigurableNames = function functionsHaveConfigurableNames() { + if (!functionsHaveNames() || !gOPD) { + return false; + } + var desc = gOPD(function () {}, 'name'); + return !!desc && !!desc.configurable; +}; + +var $bind = Function.prototype.bind; + +functionsHaveNames.boundFunctionsHaveNames = function boundFunctionsHaveNames() { + return functionsHaveNames() && typeof $bind === 'function' && function f() {}.bind().name !== ''; +}; + +module.exports = functionsHaveNames; + +},{}],356:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var undefined; + +var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError; +var $Function = Function; +var $TypeError = TypeError; + +// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return +var getEvalledConstructor = function (expressionSyntax) { + try { + return $Function('"use strict"; return (' + expressionSyntax + ').constructor;')(); + } catch (e) {} +}; + +var $gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +if ($gOPD) { + try { + $gOPD({}, ''); + } catch (e) { + $gOPD = null; // this is IE 8, which has a broken gOPD + } +} + +var throwTypeError = function () { + throw new $TypeError(); +}; +var ThrowTypeError = $gOPD + ? (function () { + try { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions, no-caller, no-restricted-properties + arguments.callee; // IE 8 does not throw here + return throwTypeError; + } catch (calleeThrows) { + try { + // IE 8 throws on Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, '') + return $gOPD(arguments, 'callee').get; + } catch (gOPDthrows) { + return throwTypeError; + } + } + }()) + : throwTypeError; + +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); + +var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (x) { return x.__proto__; }; // eslint-disable-line no-proto + +var needsEval = {}; + +var TypedArray = typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : getProto(Uint8Array); + +var INTRINSICS = { + '%AggregateError%': typeof AggregateError === 'undefined' ? undefined : AggregateError, + '%Array%': Array, + '%ArrayBuffer%': typeof ArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : ArrayBuffer, + '%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto([][Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined, + '%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%': undefined, + '%AsyncFunction%': needsEval, + '%AsyncGenerator%': needsEval, + '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%': needsEval, + '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': needsEval, + '%Atomics%': typeof Atomics === 'undefined' ? undefined : Atomics, + '%BigInt%': typeof BigInt === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigInt, + '%BigInt64Array%': typeof BigInt64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigInt64Array, + '%BigUint64Array%': typeof BigUint64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigUint64Array, + '%Boolean%': Boolean, + '%DataView%': typeof DataView === 'undefined' ? undefined : DataView, + '%Date%': Date, + '%decodeURI%': decodeURI, + '%decodeURIComponent%': decodeURIComponent, + '%encodeURI%': encodeURI, + '%encodeURIComponent%': encodeURIComponent, + '%Error%': Error, + '%eval%': eval, // eslint-disable-line no-eval + '%EvalError%': EvalError, + '%Float32Array%': typeof Float32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float32Array, + '%Float64Array%': typeof Float64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float64Array, + '%FinalizationRegistry%': typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined' ? undefined : FinalizationRegistry, + '%Function%': $Function, + '%GeneratorFunction%': needsEval, + '%Int8Array%': typeof Int8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int8Array, + '%Int16Array%': typeof Int16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int16Array, + '%Int32Array%': typeof Int32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int32Array, + '%isFinite%': isFinite, + '%isNaN%': isNaN, + '%IteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(getProto([][Symbol.iterator]())) : undefined, + '%JSON%': typeof JSON === 'object' ? JSON : undefined, + '%Map%': typeof Map === 'undefined' ? undefined : Map, + '%MapIteratorPrototype%': typeof Map === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()), + '%Math%': Math, + '%Number%': Number, + '%Object%': Object, + '%parseFloat%': parseFloat, + '%parseInt%': parseInt, + '%Promise%': typeof Promise === 'undefined' ? undefined : Promise, + '%Proxy%': typeof Proxy === 'undefined' ? undefined : Proxy, + '%RangeError%': RangeError, + '%ReferenceError%': ReferenceError, + '%Reflect%': typeof Reflect === 'undefined' ? undefined : Reflect, + '%RegExp%': RegExp, + '%Set%': typeof Set === 'undefined' ? undefined : Set, + '%SetIteratorPrototype%': typeof Set === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Set()[Symbol.iterator]()), + '%SharedArrayBuffer%': typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : SharedArrayBuffer, + '%String%': String, + '%StringIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(''[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined, + '%Symbol%': hasSymbols ? Symbol : undefined, + '%SyntaxError%': $SyntaxError, + '%ThrowTypeError%': ThrowTypeError, + '%TypedArray%': TypedArray, + '%TypeError%': $TypeError, + '%Uint8Array%': typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8Array, + '%Uint8ClampedArray%': typeof Uint8ClampedArray === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8ClampedArray, + '%Uint16Array%': typeof Uint16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint16Array, + '%Uint32Array%': typeof Uint32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint32Array, + '%URIError%': URIError, + '%WeakMap%': typeof WeakMap === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakMap, + '%WeakRef%': typeof WeakRef === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakRef, + '%WeakSet%': typeof WeakSet === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakSet +}; + +try { + null.error; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions +} catch (e) { + // + var errorProto = getProto(getProto(e)); + INTRINSICS['%Error.prototype%'] = errorProto; +} + +var doEval = function doEval(name) { + var value; + if (name === '%AsyncFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('async function () {}'); + } else if (name === '%GeneratorFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('function* () {}'); + } else if (name === '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('async function* () {}'); + } else if (name === '%AsyncGenerator%') { + var fn = doEval('%AsyncGeneratorFunction%'); + if (fn) { + value = fn.prototype; + } + } else if (name === '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%') { + var gen = doEval('%AsyncGenerator%'); + if (gen) { + value = getProto(gen.prototype); + } + } + + INTRINSICS[name] = value; + + return value; +}; + +var LEGACY_ALIASES = { + '%ArrayBufferPrototype%': ['ArrayBuffer', 'prototype'], + '%ArrayPrototype%': ['Array', 'prototype'], + '%ArrayProto_entries%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'entries'], + '%ArrayProto_forEach%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'forEach'], + '%ArrayProto_keys%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'keys'], + '%ArrayProto_values%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'values'], + '%AsyncFunctionPrototype%': ['AsyncFunction', 'prototype'], + '%AsyncGenerator%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype'], + '%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'], + '%BooleanPrototype%': ['Boolean', 'prototype'], + '%DataViewPrototype%': ['DataView', 'prototype'], + '%DatePrototype%': ['Date', 'prototype'], + '%ErrorPrototype%': ['Error', 'prototype'], + '%EvalErrorPrototype%': ['EvalError', 'prototype'], + '%Float32ArrayPrototype%': ['Float32Array', 'prototype'], + '%Float64ArrayPrototype%': ['Float64Array', 'prototype'], + '%FunctionPrototype%': ['Function', 'prototype'], + '%Generator%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype'], + '%GeneratorPrototype%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'], + '%Int8ArrayPrototype%': ['Int8Array', 'prototype'], + '%Int16ArrayPrototype%': ['Int16Array', 'prototype'], + '%Int32ArrayPrototype%': ['Int32Array', 'prototype'], + '%JSONParse%': ['JSON', 'parse'], + '%JSONStringify%': ['JSON', 'stringify'], + '%MapPrototype%': ['Map', 'prototype'], + '%NumberPrototype%': ['Number', 'prototype'], + '%ObjectPrototype%': ['Object', 'prototype'], + '%ObjProto_toString%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'toString'], + '%ObjProto_valueOf%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'valueOf'], + '%PromisePrototype%': ['Promise', 'prototype'], + '%PromiseProto_then%': ['Promise', 'prototype', 'then'], + '%Promise_all%': ['Promise', 'all'], + '%Promise_reject%': ['Promise', 'reject'], + '%Promise_resolve%': ['Promise', 'resolve'], + '%RangeErrorPrototype%': ['RangeError', 'prototype'], + '%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': ['ReferenceError', 'prototype'], + '%RegExpPrototype%': ['RegExp', 'prototype'], + '%SetPrototype%': ['Set', 'prototype'], + '%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': ['SharedArrayBuffer', 'prototype'], + '%StringPrototype%': ['String', 'prototype'], + '%SymbolPrototype%': ['Symbol', 'prototype'], + '%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': ['SyntaxError', 'prototype'], + '%TypedArrayPrototype%': ['TypedArray', 'prototype'], + '%TypeErrorPrototype%': ['TypeError', 'prototype'], + '%Uint8ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8Array', 'prototype'], + '%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8ClampedArray', 'prototype'], + '%Uint16ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint16Array', 'prototype'], + '%Uint32ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint32Array', 'prototype'], + '%URIErrorPrototype%': ['URIError', 'prototype'], + '%WeakMapPrototype%': ['WeakMap', 'prototype'], + '%WeakSetPrototype%': ['WeakSet', 'prototype'] +}; + +var bind = require('function-bind'); +var hasOwn = require('has'); +var $concat =, Array.prototype.concat); +var $spliceApply =, Array.prototype.splice); +var $replace =, String.prototype.replace); +var $strSlice =, String.prototype.slice); +var $exec =, RegExp.prototype.exec); + +/* adapted from */ +var rePropName = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g; +var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */ +var stringToPath = function stringToPath(string) { + var first = $strSlice(string, 0, 1); + var last = $strSlice(string, -1); + if (first === '%' && last !== '%') { + throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`'); + } else if (last === '%' && first !== '%') { + throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`'); + } + var result = []; + $replace(string, rePropName, function (match, number, quote, subString) { + result[result.length] = quote ? $replace(subString, reEscapeChar, '$1') : number || match; + }); + return result; +}; +/* end adaptation */ + +var getBaseIntrinsic = function getBaseIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) { + var intrinsicName = name; + var alias; + if (hasOwn(LEGACY_ALIASES, intrinsicName)) { + alias = LEGACY_ALIASES[intrinsicName]; + intrinsicName = '%' + alias[0] + '%'; + } + + if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicName)) { + var value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicName]; + if (value === needsEval) { + value = doEval(intrinsicName); + } + if (typeof value === 'undefined' && !allowMissing) { + throw new $TypeError('intrinsic ' + name + ' exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!'); + } + + return { + alias: alias, + name: intrinsicName, + value: value + }; + } + + throw new $SyntaxError('intrinsic ' + name + ' does not exist!'); +}; + +module.exports = function GetIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) { + if (typeof name !== 'string' || name.length === 0) { + throw new $TypeError('intrinsic name must be a non-empty string'); + } + if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof allowMissing !== 'boolean') { + throw new $TypeError('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); + } + + if ($exec(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, name) === null) { + throw new $SyntaxError('`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name'); + } + var parts = stringToPath(name); + var intrinsicBaseName = parts.length > 0 ? parts[0] : ''; + + var intrinsic = getBaseIntrinsic('%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%', allowMissing); + var intrinsicRealName =; + var value = intrinsic.value; + var skipFurtherCaching = false; + + var alias = intrinsic.alias; + if (alias) { + intrinsicBaseName = alias[0]; + $spliceApply(parts, $concat([0, 1], alias)); + } + + for (var i = 1, isOwn = true; i < parts.length; i += 1) { + var part = parts[i]; + var first = $strSlice(part, 0, 1); + var last = $strSlice(part, -1); + if ( + ( + (first === '"' || first === "'" || first === '`') + || (last === '"' || last === "'" || last === '`') + ) + && first !== last + ) { + throw new $SyntaxError('property names with quotes must have matching quotes'); + } + if (part === 'constructor' || !isOwn) { + skipFurtherCaching = true; + } + + intrinsicBaseName += '.' + part; + intrinsicRealName = '%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%'; + + if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicRealName)) { + value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName]; + } else if (value != null) { + if (!(part in value)) { + if (!allowMissing) { + throw new $TypeError('base intrinsic for ' + name + ' exists, but the property is not available.'); + } + return void undefined; + } + if ($gOPD && (i + 1) >= parts.length) { + var desc = $gOPD(value, part); + isOwn = !!desc; + + // By convention, when a data property is converted to an accessor + // property to emulate a data property that does not suffer from + // the override mistake, that accessor's getter is marked with + // an `originalValue` property. Here, when we detect this, we + // uphold the illusion by pretending to see that original data + // property, i.e., returning the value rather than the getter + // itself. + if (isOwn && 'get' in desc && !('originalValue' in desc.get)) { + value = desc.get; + } else { + value = value[part]; + } + } else { + isOwn = hasOwn(value, part); + value = value[part]; + } + + if (isOwn && !skipFurtherCaching) { + INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName] = value; + } + } + } + return value; +}; + +},{"function-bind":354,"has":363,"has-symbols":360}],357:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var $gOPD = GetIntrinsic('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', true); + +if ($gOPD) { + try { + $gOPD([], 'length'); + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken gOPD + $gOPD = null; + } +} + +module.exports = $gOPD; + +},{"get-intrinsic":356}],358:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $BigInt = typeof BigInt !== 'undefined' && BigInt; + +module.exports = function hasNativeBigInts() { + return typeof $BigInt === 'function' + && typeof BigInt === 'function' + && typeof $BigInt(42) === 'bigint' // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers + && typeof BigInt(42) === 'bigint'; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers +}; + +},{}],359:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var $defineProperty = GetIntrinsic('%Object.defineProperty%', true); + +var hasPropertyDescriptors = function hasPropertyDescriptors() { + if ($defineProperty) { + try { + $defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 1 }); + return true; + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken defineProperty + return false; + } + } + return false; +}; + +hasPropertyDescriptors.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = function hasArrayLengthDefineBug() { + // node v0.6 has a bug where array lengths can be Set but not Defined + if (!hasPropertyDescriptors()) { + return null; + } + try { + return $defineProperty([], 'length', { value: 1 }).length !== 1; + } catch (e) { + // In Firefox 4-22, defining length on an array throws an exception. + return true; + } +}; + +module.exports = hasPropertyDescriptors; + +},{"get-intrinsic":356}],360:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var origSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol; +var hasSymbolSham = require('./shams'); + +module.exports = function hasNativeSymbols() { + if (typeof origSymbol !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof origSymbol('foo') !== 'symbol') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol('bar') !== 'symbol') { return false; } + + return hasSymbolSham(); +}; + +},{"./shams":361}],361:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint complexity: [2, 18], max-statements: [2, 33] */ +module.exports = function hasSymbols() { + if (typeof Symbol !== 'function' || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol') { return true; } + + var obj = {}; + var sym = Symbol('test'); + var symObj = Object(sym); + if (typeof sym === 'string') { return false; } + + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; } + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; } + + // temp disabled per + // if (sym instanceof Symbol) { return false; } + // temp disabled per + // if (!(symObj instanceof Symbol)) { return false; } + + // if (typeof Symbol.prototype.toString !== 'function') { return false; } + // if (String(sym) !== { return false; } + + var symVal = 42; + obj[sym] = symVal; + for (sym in obj) { return false; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-unreachable-loop + if (typeof Object.keys === 'function' && Object.keys(obj).length !== 0) { return false; } + + if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames === 'function' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length !== 0) { return false; } + + var syms = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj); + if (syms.length !== 1 || syms[0] !== sym) { return false; } + + if (!, sym)) { return false; } + + if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor === 'function') { + var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, sym); + if (descriptor.value !== symVal || descriptor.enumerable !== true) { return false; } + } + + return true; +}; + +},{}],362:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams'); + +module.exports = function hasToStringTagShams() { + return hasSymbols() && !!Symbol.toStringTag; +}; + +},{"has-symbols/shams":361}],363:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var bind = require('function-bind'); + +module.exports =, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); + +},{"function-bind":354}],364:[function(require,module,exports){ +/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { + var e, m + var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 + var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 + var eBias = eMax >> 1 + var nBits = -7 + var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0 + var d = isLE ? -1 : 1 + var s = buffer[offset + i] + + i += d + + e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) + s >>= (-nBits) + nBits += eLen + for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} + + m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) + e >>= (-nBits) + nBits += mLen + for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} + + if (e === 0) { + e = 1 - eBias + } else if (e === eMax) { + return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity) + } else { + m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen) + e = e - eBias + } + return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen) +} + +exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { + var e, m, c + var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 + var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 var eBias = eMax >> 1 var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0) var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1) @@ -11437,7 +12697,390 @@ exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128 } -},{}],350:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],365:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var has = require('has'); +var channel = require('side-channel')(); + +var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%'); + +var SLOT = { + assert: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + channel.assert(O); + if (!SLOT.has(O, slot)) { + throw new $TypeError('`' + slot + '` is not present on `O`'); + } + }, + get: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + return slots && slots['$' + slot]; + }, + has: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + return !!slots && has(slots, '$' + slot); + }, + set: function (O, slot, V) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + if (!slots) { + slots = {}; + channel.set(O, slots); + } + slots['$' + slot] = V; + } +}; + +if (Object.freeze) { + Object.freeze(SLOT); +} + +module.exports = SLOT; + +},{"get-intrinsic":356,"has":363,"side-channel":403}],366:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var isStandardArguments = function isArguments(value) { + if (hasToStringTag && value && typeof value === 'object' && Symbol.toStringTag in value) { + return false; + } + return $toString(value) === '[object Arguments]'; +}; + +var isLegacyArguments = function isArguments(value) { + if (isStandardArguments(value)) { + return true; + } + return value !== null && + typeof value === 'object' && + typeof value.length === 'number' && + value.length >= 0 && + $toString(value) !== '[object Array]' && + $toString(value.callee) === '[object Function]'; +}; + +var supportsStandardArguments = (function () { + return isStandardArguments(arguments); +}()); + +isStandardArguments.isLegacyArguments = isLegacyArguments; // for tests + +module.exports = supportsStandardArguments ? isStandardArguments : isLegacyArguments; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],367:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBind = require('call-bind'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var isTypedArray = require('is-typed-array'); + +var $ArrayBuffer = GetIntrinsic('ArrayBuffer', true); +var $Float32Array = GetIntrinsic('Float32Array', true); +var $byteLength = callBound('ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +// in node 0.10, ArrayBuffers have no prototype methods, but have an own slot-checking `slice` method +var abSlice = $ArrayBuffer && !$byteLength && new $ArrayBuffer().slice; +var $abSlice = abSlice && callBind(abSlice); + +module.exports = $byteLength || $abSlice + ? function isArrayBuffer(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + if ($byteLength) { + $byteLength(obj); + } else { + $abSlice(obj, 0); + } + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + : $Float32Array + // in node 0.8, ArrayBuffers have no prototype or own methods + ? function IsArrayBuffer(obj) { + try { + return (new $Float32Array(obj)).buffer === obj && !isTypedArray(obj); + } catch (e) { + return typeof obj === 'object' && === 'RangeError'; + } + } + : function isArrayBuffer(obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars + return false; + }; + +},{"call-bind":43,"call-bind/callBound":42,"get-intrinsic":356,"is-typed-array":380}],368:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasBigInts = require('has-bigints')(); + +if (hasBigInts) { + var bigIntValueOf = BigInt.prototype.valueOf; + var tryBigInt = function tryBigIntObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + } + return false; + }; + + module.exports = function isBigInt(value) { + if ( + value === null + || typeof value === 'undefined' + || typeof value === 'boolean' + || typeof value === 'string' + || typeof value === 'number' + || typeof value === 'symbol' + || typeof value === 'function' + ) { + return false; + } + if (typeof value === 'bigint') { + return true; + } + + return tryBigInt(value); + }; +} else { + module.exports = function isBigInt(value) { + return false && value; + }; +} + +},{"has-bigints":358}],369:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var $boolToStr = callBound('Boolean.prototype.toString'); +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var tryBooleanObject = function booleanBrandCheck(value) { + try { + $boolToStr(value); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var boolClass = '[object Boolean]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isBoolean(value) { + if (typeof value === 'boolean') { + return true; + } + if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag && Symbol.toStringTag in value ? tryBooleanObject(value) : $toString(value) === boolClass; +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],370:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var fnToStr = Function.prototype.toString; +var reflectApply = typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect !== null && Reflect.apply; +var badArrayLike; +var isCallableMarker; +if (typeof reflectApply === 'function' && typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function') { + try { + badArrayLike = Object.defineProperty({}, 'length', { + get: function () { + throw isCallableMarker; + } + }); + isCallableMarker = {}; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal + reflectApply(function () { throw 42; }, null, badArrayLike); + } catch (_) { + if (_ !== isCallableMarker) { + reflectApply = null; + } + } +} else { + reflectApply = null; +} + +var constructorRegex = /^\s*class\b/; +var isES6ClassFn = function isES6ClassFunction(value) { + try { + var fnStr =; + return constructorRegex.test(fnStr); + } catch (e) { + return false; // not a function + } +}; + +var tryFunctionObject = function tryFunctionToStr(value) { + try { + if (isES6ClassFn(value)) { return false; } +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var objectClass = '[object Object]'; +var fnClass = '[object Function]'; +var genClass = '[object GeneratorFunction]'; +var ddaClass = '[object HTMLAllCollection]'; // IE 11 +var ddaClass2 = '[object HTML document.all class]'; +var ddaClass3 = '[object HTMLCollection]'; // IE 9-10 +var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && !!Symbol.toStringTag; // better: use `has-tostringtag` + +var isIE68 = !(0 in [,]); // eslint-disable-line no-sparse-arrays, comma-spacing + +var isDDA = function isDocumentDotAll() { return false; }; +if (typeof document === 'object') { + // Firefox 3 canonicalizes DDA to undefined when it's not accessed directly + var all = document.all; + if ( === { + isDDA = function isDocumentDotAll(value) { + /* globals document: false */ + // in IE 6-8, typeof document.all is "object" and it's truthy + if ((isIE68 || !value) && (typeof value === 'undefined' || typeof value === 'object')) { + try { + var str =; + return ( + str === ddaClass + || str === ddaClass2 + || str === ddaClass3 // opera 12.16 + || str === objectClass // IE 6-8 + ) && value('') == null; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq + } catch (e) { /**/ } + } + return false; + }; + } +} + +module.exports = reflectApply + ? function isCallable(value) { + if (isDDA(value)) { return true; } + if (!value) { return false; } + if (typeof value !== 'function' && typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + try { + reflectApply(value, null, badArrayLike); + } catch (e) { + if (e !== isCallableMarker) { return false; } + } + return !isES6ClassFn(value) && tryFunctionObject(value); + } + : function isCallable(value) { + if (isDDA(value)) { return true; } + if (!value) { return false; } + if (typeof value !== 'function' && typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + if (hasToStringTag) { return tryFunctionObject(value); } + if (isES6ClassFn(value)) { return false; } + var strClass =; + if (strClass !== fnClass && strClass !== genClass && !(/^\[object HTML/).test(strClass)) { return false; } + return tryFunctionObject(value); + }; + +},{}],371:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var getDay = Date.prototype.getDay; +var tryDateObject = function tryDateGetDayCall(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var dateClass = '[object Date]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isDateObject(value) { + if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryDateObject(value) : === dateClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],372:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $Map = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype ? Map : null; +var $Set = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype ? Set : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$Map) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isMap(x) { + // `Map` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $Map ? Map.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $Set ? Set.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$mapHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isMap(x) { + // `Map` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isMap(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $; + if ($setHas) { + try { + $; + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $Map; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],373:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ // Coding standard for this project defined @ 'use strict'; @@ -11445,7 +13088,1282 @@ exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { exports = module.exports = !!(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && process.versions.node); }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"_process":352}],351:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"_process":397}],374:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var numToStr = Number.prototype.toString; +var tryNumberObject = function tryNumberObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var numClass = '[object Number]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isNumberObject(value) { + if (typeof value === 'number') { + return true; + } + if (typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryNumberObject(value) : === numClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],375:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var has; +var $exec; +var isRegexMarker; +var badStringifier; + +if (hasToStringTag) { + has = callBound('Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty'); + $exec = callBound('RegExp.prototype.exec'); + isRegexMarker = {}; + + var throwRegexMarker = function () { + throw isRegexMarker; + }; + badStringifier = { + toString: throwRegexMarker, + valueOf: throwRegexMarker + }; + + if (typeof Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol') { + badStringifier[Symbol.toPrimitive] = throwRegexMarker; + } +} + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var regexClass = '[object RegExp]'; + +module.exports = hasToStringTag + // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return + ? function isRegex(value) { + if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + + var descriptor = gOPD(value, 'lastIndex'); + var hasLastIndexDataProperty = descriptor && has(descriptor, 'value'); + if (!hasLastIndexDataProperty) { + return false; + } + + try { + $exec(value, badStringifier); + } catch (e) { + return e === isRegexMarker; + } + } + : function isRegex(value) { + // In older browsers, typeof regex incorrectly returns 'function' + if (!value || (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function')) { + return false; + } + + return $toString(value) === regexClass; + }; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],376:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $Map = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype ? Map : null; +var $Set = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype ? Set : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$Set) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isSet(x) { + // `Set` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $Map ? Map.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $Set ? Set.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$setHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isSet(x) { + // `Set` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isSet(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $; + if ($mapHas) { + try { + $; + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $Set; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],377:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $byteLength = callBound('SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +module.exports = $byteLength + ? function isSharedArrayBuffer(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $byteLength(obj); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + : function isSharedArrayBuffer(obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars + return false; + }; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42}],378:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var strValue = String.prototype.valueOf; +var tryStringObject = function tryStringObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var strClass = '[object String]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isString(value) { + if (typeof value === 'string') { + return true; + } + if (typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryStringObject(value) : === strClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],379:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); + +if (hasSymbols) { + var symToStr = Symbol.prototype.toString; + var symStringRegex = /^Symbol\(.*\)$/; + var isSymbolObject = function isRealSymbolObject(value) { + if (typeof value.valueOf() !== 'symbol') { + return false; + } + return symStringRegex.test(; + }; + + module.exports = function isSymbol(value) { + if (typeof value === 'symbol') { + return true; + } + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { + return false; + } + try { + return isSymbolObject(value); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; +} else { + + module.exports = function isSymbol(value) { + // this environment does not support Symbols. + return false && value; + }; +} + +},{"has-symbols":360}],380:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +var forEach = require('for-each'); +var availableTypedArrays = require('available-typed-arrays'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var gOPD = require('gopd'); + +var g = typeof globalThis === 'undefined' ? global : globalThis; +var typedArrays = availableTypedArrays(); + +var $indexOf = callBound('Array.prototype.indexOf', true) || function indexOf(array, value) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) { + if (array[i] === value) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; +}; +var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); +var toStrTags = {}; +var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; // require('getprototypeof'); +if (hasToStringTag && gOPD && getPrototypeOf) { + forEach(typedArrays, function (typedArray) { + var arr = new g[typedArray](); + if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr) { + var proto = getPrototypeOf(arr); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, Symbol.toStringTag); + if (!descriptor) { + var superProto = getPrototypeOf(proto); + descriptor = gOPD(superProto, Symbol.toStringTag); + } + toStrTags[typedArray] = descriptor.get; + } + }); +} + +var tryTypedArrays = function tryAllTypedArrays(value) { + var anyTrue = false; + forEach(toStrTags, function (getter, typedArray) { + if (!anyTrue) { + try { + anyTrue = === typedArray; + } catch (e) { /**/ } + } + }); + return anyTrue; +}; + +module.exports = function isTypedArray(value) { + if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + if (!hasToStringTag || !(Symbol.toStringTag in value)) { + var tag = $slice($toString(value), 8, -1); + return $indexOf(typedArrays, tag) > -1; + } + if (!gOPD) { return false; } + return tryTypedArrays(value); +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{"available-typed-arrays":38,"call-bind/callBound":42,"for-each":352,"gopd":357,"has-tostringtag/shams":362}],381:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $WeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && WeakMap.prototype ? WeakMap : null; +var $WeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' && WeakSet.prototype ? WeakSet : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$WeakMap) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isWeakMap(x) { + // `WeakMap` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $WeakMap ? $WeakMap.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $WeakSet ? $WeakSet.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$mapHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isWeakMap(x) { + // `WeakMap` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isWeakMap(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $, $mapHas); + if ($setHas) { + try { + $, $setHas); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $WeakMap; // core-js workaround, pre-v3 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],382:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $WeakSet = GetIntrinsic('%WeakSet%', true); + +var $setHas = callBound('WeakSet.prototype.has', true); + +if ($setHas) { + var $mapHas = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.has', true); + + module.exports = function isWeakSet(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $setHas(x, $setHas); + if ($mapHas) { + try { + $mapHas(x, $mapHas); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $WeakSet; // core-js workaround, pre-v3 + } catch (e) {} + return false; + }; +} else { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + module.exports = function isWeakSet(x) { + // `WeakSet` does not exist, or does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"get-intrinsic":356}],383:[function(require,module,exports){ +var toString = {}.toString; + +module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return == '[object Array]'; +}; + +},{}],384:[function(require,module,exports){ +var hasMap = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype; +var mapSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasMap ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype, 'size') : null; +var mapSize = hasMap && mapSizeDescriptor && typeof mapSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? mapSizeDescriptor.get : null; +var mapForEach = hasMap && Map.prototype.forEach; +var hasSet = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype; +var setSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasSet ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size') : null; +var setSize = hasSet && setSizeDescriptor && typeof setSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? setSizeDescriptor.get : null; +var setForEach = hasSet && Set.prototype.forEach; +var hasWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && WeakMap.prototype; +var weakMapHas = hasWeakMap ? WeakMap.prototype.has : null; +var hasWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' && WeakSet.prototype; +var weakSetHas = hasWeakSet ? WeakSet.prototype.has : null; +var hasWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' && WeakRef.prototype; +var weakRefDeref = hasWeakRef ? WeakRef.prototype.deref : null; +var booleanValueOf = Boolean.prototype.valueOf; +var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString; +var functionToString = Function.prototype.toString; +var $match = String.prototype.match; +var $slice = String.prototype.slice; +var $replace = String.prototype.replace; +var $toUpperCase = String.prototype.toUpperCase; +var $toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase; +var $test = RegExp.prototype.test; +var $concat = Array.prototype.concat; +var $join = Array.prototype.join; +var $arrSlice = Array.prototype.slice; +var $floor = Math.floor; +var bigIntValueOf = typeof BigInt === 'function' ? BigInt.prototype.valueOf : null; +var gOPS = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; +var symToString = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol' ? Symbol.prototype.toString : null; +var hasShammedSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'object'; +// ie, `has-tostringtag/shams +var toStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag && (typeof Symbol.toStringTag === hasShammedSymbols ? 'object' : 'symbol') + ? Symbol.toStringTag + : null; +var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + +var gPO = (typeof Reflect === 'function' ? Reflect.getPrototypeOf : Object.getPrototypeOf) || ( + [].__proto__ === Array.prototype // eslint-disable-line no-proto + ? function (O) { + return O.__proto__; // eslint-disable-line no-proto + } + : null +); + +function addNumericSeparator(num, str) { + if ( + num === Infinity + || num === -Infinity + || num !== num + || (num && num > -1000 && num < 1000) + || $, str) + ) { + return str; + } + var sepRegex = /[0-9](?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g; + if (typeof num === 'number') { + var int = num < 0 ? -$floor(-num) : $floor(num); // trunc(num) + if (int !== num) { + var intStr = String(int); + var dec = $, intStr.length + 1); + return $, sepRegex, '$&_') + '.' + $$, /([0-9]{3})/g, '$&_'), /_$/, ''); + } + } + return $, sepRegex, '$&_'); +} + +var utilInspect = require('./util.inspect'); +var inspectCustom = utilInspect.custom; +var inspectSymbol = isSymbol(inspectCustom) ? inspectCustom : null; + +module.exports = function inspect_(obj, options, depth, seen) { + var opts = options || {}; + + if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle') && (opts.quoteStyle !== 'single' && opts.quoteStyle !== 'double')) { + throw new TypeError('option "quoteStyle" must be "single" or "double"'); + } + if ( + has(opts, 'maxStringLength') && (typeof opts.maxStringLength === 'number' + ? opts.maxStringLength < 0 && opts.maxStringLength !== Infinity + : opts.maxStringLength !== null + ) + ) { + throw new TypeError('option "maxStringLength", if provided, must be a positive integer, Infinity, or `null`'); + } + var customInspect = has(opts, 'customInspect') ? opts.customInspect : true; + if (typeof customInspect !== 'boolean' && customInspect !== 'symbol') { + throw new TypeError('option "customInspect", if provided, must be `true`, `false`, or `\'symbol\'`'); + } + + if ( + has(opts, 'indent') + && opts.indent !== null + && opts.indent !== '\t' + && !(parseInt(opts.indent, 10) === opts.indent && opts.indent > 0) + ) { + throw new TypeError('option "indent" must be "\\t", an integer > 0, or `null`'); + } + if (has(opts, 'numericSeparator') && typeof opts.numericSeparator !== 'boolean') { + throw new TypeError('option "numericSeparator", if provided, must be `true` or `false`'); + } + var numericSeparator = opts.numericSeparator; + + if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { + return 'undefined'; + } + if (obj === null) { + return 'null'; + } + if (typeof obj === 'boolean') { + return obj ? 'true' : 'false'; + } + + if (typeof obj === 'string') { + return inspectString(obj, opts); + } + if (typeof obj === 'number') { + if (obj === 0) { + return Infinity / obj > 0 ? '0' : '-0'; + } + var str = String(obj); + return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, str) : str; + } + if (typeof obj === 'bigint') { + var bigIntStr = String(obj) + 'n'; + return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, bigIntStr) : bigIntStr; + } + + var maxDepth = typeof opts.depth === 'undefined' ? 5 : opts.depth; + if (typeof depth === 'undefined') { depth = 0; } + if (depth >= maxDepth && maxDepth > 0 && typeof obj === 'object') { + return isArray(obj) ? '[Array]' : '[Object]'; + } + + var indent = getIndent(opts, depth); + + if (typeof seen === 'undefined') { + seen = []; + } else if (indexOf(seen, obj) >= 0) { + return '[Circular]'; + } + + function inspect(value, from, noIndent) { + if (from) { + seen = $; + seen.push(from); + } + if (noIndent) { + var newOpts = { + depth: opts.depth + }; + if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle')) { + newOpts.quoteStyle = opts.quoteStyle; + } + return inspect_(value, newOpts, depth + 1, seen); + } + return inspect_(value, opts, depth + 1, seen); + } + + if (typeof obj === 'function' && !isRegExp(obj)) { // in older engines, regexes are callable + var name = nameOf(obj); + var keys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + return '[Function' + (name ? ': ' + name : ' (anonymous)') + ']' + (keys.length > 0 ? ' { ' + $, ', ') + ' }' : ''); + } + if (isSymbol(obj)) { + var symString = hasShammedSymbols ? $, /^(Symbol\(.*\))_[^)]*$/, '$1') :; + return typeof obj === 'object' && !hasShammedSymbols ? markBoxed(symString) : symString; + } + if (isElement(obj)) { + var s = '<' + $; + var attrs = obj.attributes || []; + for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { + s += ' ' + attrs[i].name + '=' + wrapQuotes(quote(attrs[i].value), 'double', opts); + } + s += '>'; + if (obj.childNodes && obj.childNodes.length) { s += '...'; } + s += ''; + return s; + } + if (isArray(obj)) { + if (obj.length === 0) { return '[]'; } + var xs = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + if (indent && !singleLineValues(xs)) { + return '[' + indentedJoin(xs, indent) + ']'; + } + return '[ ' + $, ', ') + ' ]'; + } + if (isError(obj)) { + var parts = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + if (!('cause' in Error.prototype) && 'cause' in obj && !, 'cause')) { + return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $$'[cause]: ' + inspect(obj.cause), parts), ', ') + ' }'; + } + if (parts.length === 0) { return '[' + String(obj) + ']'; } + return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $, ', ') + ' }'; + } + if (typeof obj === 'object' && customInspect) { + if (inspectSymbol && typeof obj[inspectSymbol] === 'function' && utilInspect) { + return utilInspect(obj, { depth: maxDepth - depth }); + } else if (customInspect !== 'symbol' && typeof obj.inspect === 'function') { + return obj.inspect(); + } + } + if (isMap(obj)) { + var mapParts = []; + if (mapForEach) { +, function (value, key) { + mapParts.push(inspect(key, obj, true) + ' => ' + inspect(value, obj)); + }); + } + return collectionOf('Map',, mapParts, indent); + } + if (isSet(obj)) { + var setParts = []; + if (setForEach) { +, function (value) { + setParts.push(inspect(value, obj)); + }); + } + return collectionOf('Set',, setParts, indent); + } + if (isWeakMap(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakMap'); + } + if (isWeakSet(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakSet'); + } + if (isWeakRef(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakRef'); + } + if (isNumber(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(Number(obj))); + } + if (isBigInt(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(; + } + if (isBoolean(obj)) { + return markBoxed(; + } + if (isString(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(String(obj))); + } + if (!isDate(obj) && !isRegExp(obj)) { + var ys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + var isPlainObject = gPO ? gPO(obj) === Object.prototype : obj instanceof Object || obj.constructor === Object; + var protoTag = obj instanceof Object ? '' : 'null prototype'; + var stringTag = !isPlainObject && toStringTag && Object(obj) === obj && toStringTag in obj ? $, 8, -1) : protoTag ? 'Object' : ''; + var constructorTag = isPlainObject || typeof obj.constructor !== 'function' ? '' : ? + ' ' : ''; + var tag = constructorTag + (stringTag || protoTag ? '[' + $$[], stringTag || [], protoTag || []), ': ') + '] ' : ''); + if (ys.length === 0) { return tag + '{}'; } + if (indent) { + return tag + '{' + indentedJoin(ys, indent) + '}'; + } + return tag + '{ ' + $, ', ') + ' }'; + } + return String(obj); +}; + +function wrapQuotes(s, defaultStyle, opts) { + var quoteChar = (opts.quoteStyle || defaultStyle) === 'double' ? '"' : "'"; + return quoteChar + s + quoteChar; +} + +function quote(s) { + return $, /"/g, '"'); +} + +function isArray(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Array]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isDate(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Date]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isRegExp(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object RegExp]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isError(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Error]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isString(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object String]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isNumber(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Number]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isBoolean(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Boolean]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } + +// Symbol and BigInt do have Symbol.toStringTag by spec, so that can't be used to eliminate false positives +function isSymbol(obj) { + if (hasShammedSymbols) { + return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && obj instanceof Symbol; + } + if (typeof obj === 'symbol') { + return true; + } + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !symToString) { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isBigInt(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !bigIntValueOf) { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function (key) { return key in this; }; +function has(obj, key) { + return, key); +} + +function toStr(obj) { + return; +} + +function nameOf(f) { + if ( { return; } + var m = $, /^function\s*([\w$]+)/); + if (m) { return m[1]; } + return null; +} + +function indexOf(xs, x) { + if (xs.indexOf) { return xs.indexOf(x); } + for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { + if (xs[i] === x) { return i; } + } + return -1; +} + +function isMap(x) { + if (!mapSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + try { +; + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof Map; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakMap(x) { + if (!weakMapHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +, weakMapHas); + try { +, weakSetHas); + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof WeakMap; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakRef(x) { + if (!weakRefDeref || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isSet(x) { + if (!setSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + try { +; + } catch (m) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof Set; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakSet(x) { + if (!weakSetHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +, weakSetHas); + try { +, weakMapHas); + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof WeakSet; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isElement(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { return false; } + if (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && x instanceof HTMLElement) { + return true; + } + return typeof x.nodeName === 'string' && typeof x.getAttribute === 'function'; +} + +function inspectString(str, opts) { + if (str.length > opts.maxStringLength) { + var remaining = str.length - opts.maxStringLength; + var trailer = '... ' + remaining + ' more character' + (remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''); + return inspectString($, 0, opts.maxStringLength), opts) + trailer; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex + var s = $$, /(['\\])/g, '\\$1'), /[\x00-\x1f]/g, lowbyte); + return wrapQuotes(s, 'single', opts); +} + +function lowbyte(c) { + var n = c.charCodeAt(0); + var x = { + 8: 'b', + 9: 't', + 10: 'n', + 12: 'f', + 13: 'r' + }[n]; + if (x) { return '\\' + x; } + return '\\x' + (n < 0x10 ? '0' : '') + $; +} + +function markBoxed(str) { + return 'Object(' + str + ')'; +} + +function weakCollectionOf(type) { + return type + ' { ? }'; +} + +function collectionOf(type, size, entries, indent) { + var joinedEntries = indent ? indentedJoin(entries, indent) : $, ', '); + return type + ' (' + size + ') {' + joinedEntries + '}'; +} + +function singleLineValues(xs) { + for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { + if (indexOf(xs[i], '\n') >= 0) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +function getIndent(opts, depth) { + var baseIndent; + if (opts.indent === '\t') { + baseIndent = '\t'; + } else if (typeof opts.indent === 'number' && opts.indent > 0) { + baseIndent = $ + 1), ' '); + } else { + return null; + } + return { + base: baseIndent, + prev: $ + 1), baseIndent) + }; +} + +function indentedJoin(xs, indent) { + if (xs.length === 0) { return ''; } + var lineJoiner = '\n' + indent.prev + indent.base; + return lineJoiner + $, ',' + lineJoiner) + '\n' + indent.prev; +} + +function arrObjKeys(obj, inspect) { + var isArr = isArray(obj); + var xs = []; + if (isArr) { + xs.length = obj.length; + for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { + xs[i] = has(obj, i) ? inspect(obj[i], obj) : ''; + } + } + var syms = typeof gOPS === 'function' ? gOPS(obj) : []; + var symMap; + if (hasShammedSymbols) { + symMap = {}; + for (var k = 0; k < syms.length; k++) { + symMap['$' + syms[k]] = syms[k]; + } + } + + for (var key in obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax + if (!has(obj, key)) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + if (isArr && String(Number(key)) === key && key < obj.length) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + if (hasShammedSymbols && symMap['$' + key] instanceof Symbol) { + // this is to prevent shammed Symbols, which are stored as strings, from being included in the string key section + continue; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + } else if ($[^\w$]/, key)) { + xs.push(inspect(key, obj) + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj)); + } else { + xs.push(key + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj)); + } + } + if (typeof gOPS === 'function') { + for (var j = 0; j < syms.length; j++) { + if (, syms[j])) { + xs.push('[' + inspect(syms[j]) + ']: ' + inspect(obj[syms[j]], obj)); + } + } + } + return xs; +} + +},{"./util.inspect":40}],385:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var numberIsNaN = function (value) { + return value !== value; +}; + +module.exports = function is(a, b) { + if (a === 0 && b === 0) { + return 1 / a === 1 / b; + } + if (a === b) { + return true; + } + if (numberIsNaN(a) && numberIsNaN(b)) { + return true; + } + return false; +}; + + +},{}],386:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var polyfill = callBind(getPolyfill(), Object); + +define(polyfill, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = polyfill; + +},{"./implementation":385,"./polyfill":387,"./shim":388,"call-bind":43,"define-properties":350}],387:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + return typeof === 'function' ? : implementation; +}; + +},{"./implementation":385}],388:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var define = require('define-properties'); + +module.exports = function shimObjectIs() { + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + define(Object, { is: polyfill }, { + is: function testObjectIs() { + return !== polyfill; + } + }); + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":387,"define-properties":350}],389:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var keysShim; +if (!Object.keys) { + // modified from + var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; + var isArgs = require('./isArguments'); // eslint-disable-line global-require + var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + var hasDontEnumBug = !{ toString: null }, 'toString'); + var hasProtoEnumBug = () {}, 'prototype'); + var dontEnums = [ + 'toString', + 'toLocaleString', + 'valueOf', + 'hasOwnProperty', + 'isPrototypeOf', + 'propertyIsEnumerable', + 'constructor' + ]; + var equalsConstructorPrototype = function (o) { + var ctor = o.constructor; + return ctor && ctor.prototype === o; + }; + var excludedKeys = { + $applicationCache: true, + $console: true, + $external: true, + $frame: true, + $frameElement: true, + $frames: true, + $innerHeight: true, + $innerWidth: true, + $onmozfullscreenchange: true, + $onmozfullscreenerror: true, + $outerHeight: true, + $outerWidth: true, + $pageXOffset: true, + $pageYOffset: true, + $parent: true, + $scrollLeft: true, + $scrollTop: true, + $scrollX: true, + $scrollY: true, + $self: true, + $webkitIndexedDB: true, + $webkitStorageInfo: true, + $window: true + }; + var hasAutomationEqualityBug = (function () { + /* global window */ + if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return false; } + for (var k in window) { + try { + if (!excludedKeys['$' + k] &&, k) && window[k] !== null && typeof window[k] === 'object') { + try { + equalsConstructorPrototype(window[k]); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }()); + var equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy = function (o) { + /* global window */ + if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !hasAutomationEqualityBug) { + return equalsConstructorPrototype(o); + } + try { + return equalsConstructorPrototype(o); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; + + keysShim = function keys(object) { + var isObject = object !== null && typeof object === 'object'; + var isFunction = === '[object Function]'; + var isArguments = isArgs(object); + var isString = isObject && === '[object String]'; + var theKeys = []; + + if (!isObject && !isFunction && !isArguments) { + throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'); + } + + var skipProto = hasProtoEnumBug && isFunction; + if (isString && object.length > 0 && !, 0)) { + for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) { + theKeys.push(String(i)); + } + } + + if (isArguments && object.length > 0) { + for (var j = 0; j < object.length; ++j) { + theKeys.push(String(j)); + } + } else { + for (var name in object) { + if (!(skipProto && name === 'prototype') &&, name)) { + theKeys.push(String(name)); + } + } + } + + if (hasDontEnumBug) { + var skipConstructor = equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy(object); + + for (var k = 0; k < dontEnums.length; ++k) { + if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnums[k] === 'constructor') &&, dontEnums[k])) { + theKeys.push(dontEnums[k]); + } + } + } + return theKeys; + }; +} +module.exports = keysShim; + +},{"./isArguments":391}],390:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var slice = Array.prototype.slice; +var isArgs = require('./isArguments'); + +var origKeys = Object.keys; +var keysShim = origKeys ? function keys(o) { return origKeys(o); } : require('./implementation'); + +var originalKeys = Object.keys; + +keysShim.shim = function shimObjectKeys() { + if (Object.keys) { + var keysWorksWithArguments = (function () { + // Safari 5.0 bug + var args = Object.keys(arguments); + return args && args.length === arguments.length; + }(1, 2)); + if (!keysWorksWithArguments) { + Object.keys = function keys(object) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching + if (isArgs(object)) { + return originalKeys(; + } + return originalKeys(object); + }; + } + } else { + Object.keys = keysShim; + } + return Object.keys || keysShim; +}; + +module.exports = keysShim; + +},{"./implementation":389,"./isArguments":391}],391:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; + +module.exports = function isArguments(value) { + var str =; + var isArgs = str === '[object Arguments]'; + if (!isArgs) { + isArgs = str !== '[object Array]' && + value !== null && + typeof value === 'object' && + typeof value.length === 'number' && + value.length >= 0 && + === '[object Function]'; + } + return isArgs; +}; + +},{}],392:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +// modified from +var objectKeys = require('object-keys'); +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')(); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var toObject = Object; +var $push = callBound('Array.prototype.push'); +var $propIsEnumerable = callBound('Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable'); +var originalGetSymbols = hasSymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : null; + +// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars +module.exports = function assign(target, source1) { + if (target == null) { throw new TypeError('target must be an object'); } + var to = toObject(target); // step 1 + if (arguments.length === 1) { + return to; // step 2 + } + for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; ++s) { + var from = toObject(arguments[s]); // step 3.a.i + + // step 3.a.ii: + var keys = objectKeys(from); + var getSymbols = hasSymbols && (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols || originalGetSymbols); + if (getSymbols) { + var syms = getSymbols(from); + for (var j = 0; j < syms.length; ++j) { + var key = syms[j]; + if ($propIsEnumerable(from, key)) { + $push(keys, key); + } + } + } + + // step 3.a.iii: + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + var nextKey = keys[i]; + if ($propIsEnumerable(from, nextKey)) { // step 3.a.iii.2 + var propValue = from[nextKey]; // step 3.a.iii.2.a + to[nextKey] = propValue; // step 3.a.iii.2.b + } + } + } + + return to; // step 4 +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"has-symbols/shams":361,"object-keys":390}],393:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var defineProperties = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var polyfill = callBind.apply(getPolyfill()); +// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars +var bound = function assign(target, source1) { + return polyfill(Object, arguments); +}; + +defineProperties(bound, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = bound; + +},{"./implementation":392,"./polyfill":394,"./shim":395,"call-bind":43,"define-properties":350}],394:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +var lacksProperEnumerationOrder = function () { + if (!Object.assign) { + return false; + } + /* + * v8, specifically in node 4.x, has a bug with incorrect property enumeration order + * note: this does not detect the bug unless there's 20 characters + */ + var str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; + var letters = str.split(''); + var map = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; ++i) { + map[letters[i]] = letters[i]; + } + var obj = Object.assign({}, map); + var actual = ''; + for (var k in obj) { + actual += k; + } + return str !== actual; +}; + +var assignHasPendingExceptions = function () { + if (!Object.assign || !Object.preventExtensions) { + return false; + } + /* + * Firefox 37 still has "pending exception" logic in its Object.assign implementation, + * which is 72% slower than our shim, and Firefox 40's native implementation. + */ + var thrower = Object.preventExtensions({ 1: 2 }); + try { + Object.assign(thrower, 'xy'); + } catch (e) { + return thrower[1] === 'y'; + } + return false; +}; + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + if (!Object.assign) { + return implementation; + } + if (lacksProperEnumerationOrder()) { + return implementation; + } + if (assignHasPendingExceptions()) { + return implementation; + } + return Object.assign; +}; + +},{"./implementation":392}],395:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); + +module.exports = function shimAssign() { + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + define( + Object, + { assign: polyfill }, + { assign: function () { return Object.assign !== polyfill; } } + ); + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":394,"define-properties":350}],396:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); = exports.removeTooOldValues = exports.ObliviousSet = void 0; @@ -11523,7 +14441,7 @@ function now() { } = now; -},{}],352:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],397:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; @@ -11709,7 +14627,7 @@ process.chdir = function (dir) { }; process.umask = function() { return 0; }; -},{}],353:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],398:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * @@ -12472,7 +15390,305 @@ try { } } -},{}],354:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],399:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var functionsHaveConfigurableNames = require('functions-have-names').functionsHaveConfigurableNames(); + +var $Object = Object; +var $TypeError = TypeError; + +module.exports = function flags() { + if (this != null && this !== $Object(this)) { + throw new $TypeError('RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object'); + } + var result = ''; + if (this.hasIndices) { + result += 'd'; + } + if ( { + result += 'g'; + } + if (this.ignoreCase) { + result += 'i'; + } + if (this.multiline) { + result += 'm'; + } + if (this.dotAll) { + result += 's'; + } + if (this.unicode) { + result += 'u'; + } + if (this.unicodeSets) { + result += 'v'; + } + if (this.sticky) { + result += 'y'; + } + return result; +}; + +if (functionsHaveConfigurableNames && Object.defineProperty) { + Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'name', { value: 'get flags' }); +} + +},{"functions-have-names":355}],400:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var flagsBound = callBind(getPolyfill()); + +define(flagsBound, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = flagsBound; + +},{"./implementation":399,"./polyfill":401,"./shim":402,"call-bind":43,"define-properties":350}],401:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +var supportsDescriptors = require('define-properties').supportsDescriptors; +var $gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + if (supportsDescriptors && (/a/mig).flags === 'gim') { + var descriptor = $gOPD(RegExp.prototype, 'flags'); + if ( + descriptor + && typeof descriptor.get === 'function' + && typeof RegExp.prototype.dotAll === 'boolean' + && typeof RegExp.prototype.hasIndices === 'boolean' + ) { + /* eslint getter-return: 0 */ + var calls = ''; + var o = {}; + Object.defineProperty(o, 'hasIndices', { + get: function () { + calls += 'd'; + } + }); + Object.defineProperty(o, 'sticky', { + get: function () { + calls += 'y'; + } + }); + if (calls === 'dy') { + return descriptor.get; + } + } + } + return implementation; +}; + +},{"./implementation":399,"define-properties":350}],402:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var supportsDescriptors = require('define-properties').supportsDescriptors; +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; +var TypeErr = TypeError; +var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var regex = /a/; + +module.exports = function shimFlags() { + if (!supportsDescriptors || !getProto) { + throw new TypeErr('RegExp.prototype.flags requires a true ES5 environment that supports property descriptors'); + } + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + var proto = getProto(regex); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, 'flags'); + if (!descriptor || descriptor.get !== polyfill) { + defineProperty(proto, 'flags', { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + get: polyfill + }); + } + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":401,"define-properties":350}],403:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var inspect = require('object-inspect'); + +var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%'); +var $WeakMap = GetIntrinsic('%WeakMap%', true); +var $Map = GetIntrinsic('%Map%', true); + +var $weakMapGet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.get', true); +var $weakMapSet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.set', true); +var $weakMapHas = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.has', true); +var $mapGet = callBound('Map.prototype.get', true); +var $mapSet = callBound('Map.prototype.set', true); +var $mapHas = callBound('Map.prototype.has', true); + +/* + * This function traverses the list returning the node corresponding to the + * given key. + * + * That node is also moved to the head of the list, so that if it's accessed + * again we don't need to traverse the whole list. By doing so, all the recently + * used nodes can be accessed relatively quickly. + */ +var listGetNode = function (list, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return + for (var prev = list, curr; (curr = !== null; prev = curr) { + if (curr.key === key) { + =; + =; + = curr; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + return curr; + } + } +}; + +var listGet = function (objects, key) { + var node = listGetNode(objects, key); + return node && node.value; +}; +var listSet = function (objects, key, value) { + var node = listGetNode(objects, key); + if (node) { + node.value = value; + } else { + // Prepend the new node to the beginning of the list + = { // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + key: key, + next:, + value: value + }; + } +}; +var listHas = function (objects, key) { + return !!listGetNode(objects, key); +}; + +module.exports = function getSideChannel() { + var $wm; + var $m; + var $o; + var channel = { + assert: function (key) { + if (!channel.has(key)) { + throw new $TypeError('Side channel does not contain ' + inspect(key)); + } + }, + get: function (key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if ($wm) { + return $weakMapGet($wm, key); + } + } else if ($Map) { + if ($m) { + return $mapGet($m, key); + } + } else { + if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if + return listGet($o, key); + } + } + }, + has: function (key) { + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if ($wm) { + return $weakMapHas($wm, key); + } + } else if ($Map) { + if ($m) { + return $mapHas($m, key); + } + } else { + if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if + return listHas($o, key); + } + } + return false; + }, + set: function (key, value) { + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if (!$wm) { + $wm = new $WeakMap(); + } + $weakMapSet($wm, key, value); + } else if ($Map) { + if (!$m) { + $m = new $Map(); + } + $mapSet($m, key, value); + } else { + if (!$o) { + /* + * Initialize the linked list as an empty node, so that we don't have + * to special-case handling of the first node: we can always refer to + * it as (previous node).next, instead of something like (list).head + */ + $o = { key: {}, next: null }; + } + listSet($o, key, value); + } + } + }; + return channel; +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":42,"get-intrinsic":356,"object-inspect":384}],404:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var SLOT = require('internal-slot'); + +var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError; +var $StopIteration = typeof StopIteration === 'object' ? StopIteration : null; + +module.exports = function getStopIterationIterator(origIterator) { + if (!$StopIteration) { + throw new $SyntaxError('this environment lacks StopIteration'); + } + + SLOT.set(origIterator, '[[Done]]', false); + + var siIterator = { + next: function next() { + var iterator = SLOT.get(this, '[[Iterator]]'); + var done = SLOT.get(iterator, '[[Done]]'); + try { + return { + done: done, + value: done ? void undefined : + }; + } catch (e) { + SLOT.set(iterator, '[[Done]]', true); + if (e !== $StopIteration) { + throw e; + } + return { + done: true, + value: void undefined + }; + } + } + }; + + SLOT.set(siIterator, '[[Iterator]]', origIterator); + + return siIterator; +}; + +},{"internal-slot":365}],405:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -12524,7 +15740,7 @@ function addBrowser(fn) { * @link */ } -},{}],355:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],406:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ "use strict"; @@ -12585,7 +15801,7 @@ function getSize() { return LISTENERS.size; } }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"./browser.js":354,"./node.js":356,"_process":352}],356:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./browser.js":405,"./node.js":407,"_process":397}],407:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ "use strict"; @@ -12624,7 +15840,124 @@ function addNode(fn) { }); } }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"_process":352}],357:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"_process":397}],408:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isString = require('is-string'); +var isNumber = require('is-number-object'); +var isBoolean = require('is-boolean-object'); +var isSymbol = require('is-symbol'); +var isBigInt = require('is-bigint'); + +// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return +module.exports = function whichBoxedPrimitive(value) { + // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq + if (value == null || (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function')) { + return null; + } + if (isString(value)) { + return 'String'; + } + if (isNumber(value)) { + return 'Number'; + } + if (isBoolean(value)) { + return 'Boolean'; + } + if (isSymbol(value)) { + return 'Symbol'; + } + if (isBigInt(value)) { + return 'BigInt'; + } +}; + +},{"is-bigint":368,"is-boolean-object":369,"is-number-object":374,"is-string":378,"is-symbol":379}],409:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isMap = require('is-map'); +var isSet = require('is-set'); +var isWeakMap = require('is-weakmap'); +var isWeakSet = require('is-weakset'); + +module.exports = function whichCollection(value) { + if (value && typeof value === 'object') { + if (isMap(value)) { + return 'Map'; + } + if (isSet(value)) { + return 'Set'; + } + if (isWeakMap(value)) { + return 'WeakMap'; + } + if (isWeakSet(value)) { + return 'WeakSet'; + } + } + return false; +}; + +},{"is-map":372,"is-set":376,"is-weakmap":381,"is-weakset":382}],410:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +var forEach = require('for-each'); +var availableTypedArrays = require('available-typed-arrays'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var gOPD = require('gopd'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +var g = typeof globalThis === 'undefined' ? global : globalThis; +var typedArrays = availableTypedArrays(); + +var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); +var toStrTags = {}; +var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; // require('getprototypeof'); +if (hasToStringTag && gOPD && getPrototypeOf) { + forEach(typedArrays, function (typedArray) { + if (typeof g[typedArray] === 'function') { + var arr = new g[typedArray](); + if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr) { + var proto = getPrototypeOf(arr); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, Symbol.toStringTag); + if (!descriptor) { + var superProto = getPrototypeOf(proto); + descriptor = gOPD(superProto, Symbol.toStringTag); + } + toStrTags[typedArray] = descriptor.get; + } + } + }); +} + +var tryTypedArrays = function tryAllTypedArrays(value) { + var foundName = false; + forEach(toStrTags, function (getter, typedArray) { + if (!foundName) { + try { + var name =; + if (name === typedArray) { + foundName = name; + } + } catch (e) {} + } + }); + return foundName; +}; + +var isTypedArray = require('is-typed-array'); + +module.exports = function whichTypedArray(value) { + if (!isTypedArray(value)) { return false; } + if (!hasToStringTag || !(Symbol.toStringTag in value)) { return $slice($toString(value), 8, -1); } + return tryTypedArrays(value); +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) 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''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } -},{}]},{},[357]); +},{}]},{},[411]); diff --git a/docs/iframe.js b/docs/iframe.js index e3f3e754..d2d68789 100644 --- a/docs/iframe.js +++ b/docs/iframe.js @@ -466,7 +466,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; },{"./leader-election-util.js":4,"./util.js":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ @@ -1433,10 +1432,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/docs/index.js b/docs/index.js index c195ab9d..4a9469b9 100644 --- a/docs/index.js +++ b/docs/index.js @@ -466,7 +466,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; },{"./leader-election-util.js":4,"./util.js":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ @@ -1433,10 +1432,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/docs/leader-iframe.js b/docs/leader-iframe.js index fa8ec71a..0c27ed2c 100644 --- a/docs/leader-iframe.js +++ b/docs/leader-iframe.js @@ -466,7 +466,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; },{"./leader-election-util.js":4,"./util.js":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ @@ -1433,10 +1432,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } diff --git a/docs/worker.js b/docs/worker.js index ffa1ce20..f9557295 100644 --- a/docs/worker.js +++ b/docs/worker.js @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ function beLeader(leaderElector) { leaderElector._lstns.push(isLeaderListener); return sendLeaderMessage(leaderElector, 'tell'); } -},{"unload":351}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"unload":402}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -466,7 +466,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { }, die: function die() { var _this4 = this; - var ret = (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(function (listener) { return _this4.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener); }); @@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return (0, _leaderElectionUtil.sendLeaderMessage)(this, 'death'); } }; },{"./leader-election-util.js":4,"./util.js":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ @@ -1210,7 +1209,7 @@ var IndexedDBMethod = { microSeconds: microSeconds }; exports.IndexedDBMethod = IndexedDBMethod; -},{"../options.js":12,"../util.js":13,"oblivious-set":347}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"../options.js":12,"../util.js":13,"oblivious-set":392}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -1383,7 +1382,7 @@ var LocalstorageMethod = { microSeconds: microSeconds }; exports.LocalstorageMethod = LocalstorageMethod; -},{"../options.js":12,"../util.js":13,"oblivious-set":347}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"../options.js":12,"../util.js":13,"oblivious-set":392}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -1433,10 +1432,7 @@ function onMessage(channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn; } function canBeUsed() { - if (typeof window === 'undefined') { - return false; - } - if (typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { + if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') { if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) { throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill'); } @@ -1658,7 +1654,7 @@ if (_global["default"]._babelPolyfill && typeof console !== "undefined" && conso } _global["default"]._babelPolyfill = true; -},{"./noConflict":15,"core-js/library/fn/global":50}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./noConflict":15,"core-js/library/fn/global":53}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; require("core-js/es6"); @@ -1688,7 +1684,7 @@ require("core-js/fn/promise/finally"); require("core-js/web"); require("regenerator-runtime/runtime"); 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+},{"./require-on-node-only":36,"is-node":369}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -2092,32 +2088,42 @@ function runForever(predicate) { }); } },{"./promisify":23,"./wait":33}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ -"use strict"; +'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.oneOfArrayNotInString = oneOfArrayNotInString; +exports.ensureInSetTimeoutLimit = ensureInSetTimeoutLimit; function oneOfArrayNotInString(stringAr, str) { var foundNotInString = stringAr.find(function (sub) { return !str.includes(sub); }); if (foundNotInString) return true;else return false; } + +var TIMEOUT_MAX = exports.TIMEOUT_MAX = 2147483647; +var TIMEOUT_MIN = exports.TIMEOUT_MIN = 0; + +/** + * @link + */ +function ensureInSetTimeoutLimit(timeoutInMilliseconds) { + if (timeoutInMilliseconds > TIMEOUT_MAX) { + throw new Error('setTimeout cannot be called with time greater than ' + TIMEOUT_MAX); + } + if (timeoutInMilliseconds < TIMEOUT_MIN) { + throw new Error('setTimeout cannot be called with time lower than ' + TIMEOUT_MIN); + } + return timeoutInMilliseconds; +} },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; +"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports['default'] = waitForever; - -var _wait = require('./wait'); - -var _wait2 = _interopRequireDefault(_wait); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } - +exports["default"] = waitForever; /** * waits forever * @return {Promise} @@ -2128,13 +2134,16 @@ function waitForever(fun) { return new Promise(function (res) {}); } -},{"./wait":33}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ -"use strict"; +},{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports["default"] = waitResolveable; +exports['default'] = waitResolveable; + +var _utils = require('./utils'); + /** * this returns a promise and the resolve-function * which can be called to resolve before the timeout has passed @@ -2148,11 +2157,11 @@ function waitResolveable() { ret.resolve = function (x) { return res(x); }; - setTimeout(res, ms); + setTimeout(res, (0, _utils.ensureInSetTimeoutLimit)(ms)); }); return ret; } -},{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./utils":29}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -2219,12 +2228,15 @@ function waitUntil(fun) { }); } },{"./promisify":23,"./wait":33}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ -"use strict"; +'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports["default"] = wait; +exports['default'] = wait; + +var _utils = require('./utils'); + /** * [promiseWait description] * @param {Number} [ms=0] time in ms @@ -2234,10 +2246,41 @@ function wait() { var ms = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; return new Promise(function (res) { - return setTimeout(res, ms); + return setTimeout(res, (0, _utils.ensureInSetTimeoutLimit)(ms)); }); } -},{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./utils":29}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +var possibleNames = [ + 'BigInt64Array', + 'BigUint64Array', + 'Float32Array', + 'Float64Array', + 'Int16Array', + 'Int32Array', + 'Int8Array', + 'Uint16Array', + 'Uint32Array', + 'Uint8Array', + 'Uint8ClampedArray' +]; + +var g = typeof globalThis === 'undefined' ? global : globalThis; + +module.exports = function availableTypedArrays() { + var out = []; + for (var i = 0; i < possibleNames.length; i++) { + if (typeof g[possibleNames[i]] === 'function') { + out[out.length] = possibleNames[i]; + } + } + return out; +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict' exports.byteLength = byteLength @@ -2389,9 +2432,9 @@ function fromByteArray (uint8) { return parts.join('') } -},{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ - },{}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ + +},{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (Buffer){(function (){ /*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. @@ -4172,7 +4215,73 @@ function numberIsNaN (obj) { } }).call(this)}).call(this,require("buffer").Buffer) -},{"base64-js":34,"buffer":36,"ieee754":345}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"base64-js":35,"buffer":37,"ieee754":360}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var callBind = require('./'); + +var $indexOf = callBind(GetIntrinsic('String.prototype.indexOf')); + +module.exports = function callBoundIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) { + var intrinsic = GetIntrinsic(name, !!allowMissing); + if (typeof intrinsic === 'function' && $indexOf(name, '.prototype.') > -1) { + return callBind(intrinsic); + } + return intrinsic; +}; + +},{"./":39,"get-intrinsic":352}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var bind = require('function-bind'); +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var $apply = GetIntrinsic('%Function.prototype.apply%'); +var $call = GetIntrinsic(''); +var $reflectApply = GetIntrinsic('%Reflect.apply%', true) ||$call, $apply); + +var $gOPD = GetIntrinsic('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', true); +var $defineProperty = GetIntrinsic('%Object.defineProperty%', true); +var $max = GetIntrinsic('%Math.max%'); + +if ($defineProperty) { + try { + $defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 1 }); + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken defineProperty + $defineProperty = null; + } +} + +module.exports = function callBind(originalFunction) { + var func = $reflectApply(bind, $call, arguments); + if ($gOPD && $defineProperty) { + var desc = $gOPD(func, 'length'); + if (desc.configurable) { + // original length, plus the receiver, minus any additional arguments (after the receiver) + $defineProperty( + func, + 'length', + { value: 1 + $max(0, originalFunction.length - (arguments.length - 1)) } + ); + } + } + return func; +}; + +var applyBind = function applyBind() { + return $reflectApply(bind, $apply, arguments); +}; + +if ($defineProperty) { + $defineProperty(module.exports, 'apply', { value: applyBind }); +} else { + module.exports.apply = applyBind; +} + +},{"function-bind":350,"get-intrinsic":352}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (Buffer){(function (){ var clone = (function() { 'use strict'; @@ -4433,7 +4542,7 @@ if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { } }).call(this)}).call(this,require("buffer").Buffer) -},{"buffer":36}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"buffer":37}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../modules/es6.symbol'); require('../modules/es6.object.create'); require('../modules/es6.object.define-property'); @@ 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-},{}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function (it, key) { return, key); }; -},{}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp'); var createDesc = require('./_property-desc'); module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? function (object, key, value) { @@ -4775,17 +4884,17 @@ module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? function (object, key, value) { return object; }; -},{"./_descriptors":55,"./_object-dp":64,"./_property-desc":65}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":58,"./_object-dp":67,"./_property-desc":68}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = !require('./_descriptors') && !require('./_fails')(function () { return Object.defineProperty(require('./_dom-create')('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); 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at(S, index).length : 1); }; -},{"./_string-at":164}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-at":167}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) { throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!'); } return it; }; -},{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][52][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"./_is-object":116,"dup":52}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][55][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"./_is-object":119,"dup":55}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype.copyWithin(target, start, end = this.length) 'use strict'; var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -4898,7 +5007,7 @@ module.exports = [].copyWithin || function copyWithin(target /* = 0 */, start /* } return O; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":172,"./_to-length":176,"./_to-object":177}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":175,"./_to-length":179,"./_to-object":180}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype.fill(value, start = 0, end = this.length) 'use strict'; var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -4915,7 +5024,7 @@ module.exports = function fill(value /* , start = 0, end = @length */) { return O; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":172,"./_to-length":176,"./_to-object":177}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":175,"./_to-length":179,"./_to-object":180}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -4940,7 +5049,7 @@ module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) { }; }; -},{"./_to-absolute-index":172,"./_to-iobject":175,"./_to-length":176}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_to-absolute-index":175,"./_to-iobject":178,"./_to-length":179}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ // 0 -> Array#forEach // 1 -> Array#map // 2 -> Array#filter @@ -4986,7 +5095,7 @@ module.exports = function (TYPE, $create) { }; }; -},{"./_array-species-create":80,"./_ctx":89,"./_iobject":112,"./_to-length":176,"./_to-object":177}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-species-create":83,"./_ctx":92,"./_iobject":115,"./_to-length":179,"./_to-object":180}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); var toObject = require('./_to-object'); var IObject = require('./_iobject'); @@ -5016,7 +5125,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, callbackfn, aLen, memo, isRight) { return memo; }; -},{"./_a-function":68,"./_iobject":112,"./_to-length":176,"./_to-object":177}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":71,"./_iobject":115,"./_to-length":179,"./_to-object":180}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var isArray = require('./_is-array'); var SPECIES = require('./_wks')('species'); @@ -5034,7 +5143,7 @@ module.exports = function (original) { } return C === undefined ? Array : C; }; -},{"./_is-array":114,"./_is-object":116,"./_wks":187}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-array":117,"./_is-object":119,"./_wks":190}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ // ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) var speciesConstructor = require('./_array-species-constructor'); @@ -5042,7 +5151,7 @@ module.exports = function (original, length) { return new (speciesConstructor(original))(length); }; -},{"./_array-species-constructor":79}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-species-constructor":82}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); @@ -5069,7 +5178,7 @@ module.exports = Function.bind || function bind(that /* , ...args */) { return bound; }; -},{"./_a-function":68,"./_invoke":111,"./_is-object":116}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":71,"./_invoke":114,"./_is-object":119}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() var cof = require('./_cof'); var TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); @@ -5094,14 +5203,14 @@ module.exports = function (it) { : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; -},{"./_cof":83,"./_wks":187}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86,"./_wks":190}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function (it) { return, -1); }; -},{}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var dP = require('./_object-dp').f; var create = require('./_object-create'); @@ -5247,7 +5356,7 @@ module.exports = { } }; -},{"./_an-instance":72,"./_ctx":89,"./_descriptors":93,"./_for-of":103,"./_iter-define":120,"./_iter-step":122,"./_meta":129,"./_object-create":133,"./_object-dp":134,"./_redefine-all":152,"./_set-species":158,"./_validate-collection":184}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":75,"./_ctx":92,"./_descriptors":96,"./_for-of":106,"./_iter-define":123,"./_iter-step":125,"./_meta":132,"./_object-create":136,"./_object-dp":137,"./_redefine-all":155,"./_set-species":161,"./_validate-collection":187}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var redefineAll = require('./_redefine-all'); var getWeak = require('./_meta').getWeak; @@ -5334,7 +5443,7 @@ module.exports = { ufstore: uncaughtFrozenStore }; -},{"./_an-instance":72,"./_an-object":73,"./_array-methods":77,"./_for-of":103,"./_has":106,"./_is-object":116,"./_meta":129,"./_redefine-all":152,"./_validate-collection":184}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":75,"./_an-object":76,"./_array-methods":80,"./_for-of":106,"./_has":109,"./_is-object":119,"./_meta":132,"./_redefine-all":155,"./_validate-collection":187}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -5421,9 +5530,9 @@ module.exports = function (NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) { return C; }; -},{"./_an-instance":72,"./_export":97,"./_fails":99,"./_for-of":103,"./_global":105,"./_inherit-if-required":110,"./_is-object":116,"./_iter-detect":121,"./_meta":129,"./_redefine":153,"./_redefine-all":152,"./_set-to-string-tag":159}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][53][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":53}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-instance":75,"./_export":100,"./_fails":102,"./_for-of":106,"./_global":108,"./_inherit-if-required":113,"./_is-object":119,"./_iter-detect":124,"./_meta":132,"./_redefine":156,"./_redefine-all":155,"./_set-to-string-tag":162}],90:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][56][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":56}],91:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; 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-},{}],96:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],99:[function(require,module,exports){ // all enumerable object keys, includes symbols var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var gOPS = require('./_object-gops'); @@ -5508,7 +5617,7 @@ module.exports = function (it) { } return result; }; -},{"./_object-gops":139,"./_object-keys":142,"./_object-pie":143}],97:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_object-gops":142,"./_object-keys":145,"./_object-pie":146}],100:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var core = require('./_core'); var hide = require('./_hide'); @@ -5553,7 +5662,7 @@ $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; -},{"./_core":87,"./_ctx":89,"./_global":105,"./_hide":107,"./_redefine":153}],98:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":90,"./_ctx":92,"./_global":108,"./_hide":110,"./_redefine":156}],101:[function(require,module,exports){ var MATCH = require('./_wks')('match'); module.exports = function (KEY) { var re = /./; @@ -5567,9 +5676,9 @@ module.exports = function (KEY) { } return true; }; -},{"./_wks":187}],99:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][58][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":58}],100:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_wks":190}],102:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][61][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":61}],103:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; require('./es6.regexp.exec'); var redefine = require('./_redefine'); @@ -5667,7 +5776,7 @@ module.exports = function (KEY, length, exec) { } }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_fails":99,"./_hide":107,"./_redefine":153,"./_regexp-exec":155,"./_wks":187,"./es6.regexp.exec":283}],101:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_fails":102,"./_hide":110,"./_redefine":156,"./_regexp-exec":158,"./_wks":190,"./es6.regexp.exec":286}],104:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // get RegExp.prototype.flags var anObject = require('./_an-object'); @@ -5682,7 +5791,7 @@ module.exports = function () { return result; }; -},{"./_an-object":73}],102:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76}],105:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var isArray = require('./_is-array'); @@ -5723,7 +5832,7 @@ function flattenIntoArray(target, original, source, sourceLen, start, depth, map module.exports = flattenIntoArray; -},{"./_ctx":89,"./_is-array":114,"./_is-object":116,"./_to-length":176,"./_wks":187}],103:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_ctx":92,"./_is-array":117,"./_is-object":119,"./_to-length":179,"./_wks":190}],106:[function(require,module,exports){ var ctx = require('./_ctx'); var call = require('./_iter-call'); var isArrayIter = require('./_is-array-iter'); @@ -5750,22 +5859,22 @@ var exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) exports.BREAK = BREAK; exports.RETURN = RETURN; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_ctx":89,"./_is-array-iter":113,"./_iter-call":118,"./_to-length":176,"./core.get-iterator-method":188}],104:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_ctx":92,"./_is-array-iter":116,"./_iter-call":121,"./_to-length":179,"./core.get-iterator-method":191}],107:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require('./_shared')('native-function-to-string', Function.toString); 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var setPrototypeOf = require('./_set-proto').set; module.exports = function (that, target, C) { @@ -5776,7 +5885,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, target, C) { } return that; }; -},{"./_is-object":116,"./_set-proto":157}],111:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":119,"./_set-proto":160}],114:[function(require,module,exports){ // fast apply, module.exports = function (fn, args, that) { var un = that === undefined; @@ -5794,7 +5903,7 @@ module.exports = function (fn, args, that) { } return fn.apply(that, args); }; -},{}],112:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],115:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var cof = require('./_cof'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins @@ -5802,7 +5911,7 @@ module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; -},{"./_cof":83}],113:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86}],116:[function(require,module,exports){ // check on default Array iterator var Iterators = require('./_iterators'); var ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator'); @@ -5812,14 +5921,14 @@ module.exports = function (it) { return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it); }; -},{"./_iterators":123,"./_wks":187}],114:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_iterators":126,"./_wks":190}],117:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) var cof = require('./_cof'); module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return cof(arg) == 'Array'; }; -},{"./_cof":83}],115:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86}],118:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isInteger(number) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var floor = Math.floor; @@ -5827,9 +5936,9 @@ module.exports = function isInteger(it) { return !isObject(it) && isFinite(it) && floor(it) === it; }; -},{"./_is-object":116}],116:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][63][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":63}],117:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_is-object":119}],119:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][66][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":66}],120:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.8 IsRegExp(argument) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var cof = require('./_cof'); @@ -5839,7 +5948,7 @@ module.exports = function (it) { return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : cof(it) == 'RegExp'); }; -},{"./_cof":83,"./_is-object":116,"./_wks":187}],118:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86,"./_is-object":119,"./_wks":190}],121:[function(require,module,exports){ // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error var anObject = require('./_an-object'); module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { @@ -5853,7 +5962,7 @@ module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { } }; -},{"./_an-object":73}],119:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76}],122:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var create = require('./_object-create'); var descriptor = require('./_property-desc'); @@ -5868,7 +5977,7 @@ module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) { setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; -},{"./_hide":107,"./_object-create":133,"./_property-desc":151,"./_set-to-string-tag":159,"./_wks":187}],120:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_hide":110,"./_object-create":136,"./_property-desc":154,"./_set-to-string-tag":162,"./_wks":190}],123:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var LIBRARY = require('./_library'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -5939,7 +6048,7 @@ module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCE return methods; }; -},{"./_export":97,"./_hide":107,"./_iter-create":119,"./_iterators":123,"./_library":124,"./_object-gpo":140,"./_redefine":153,"./_set-to-string-tag":159,"./_wks":187}],121:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_hide":110,"./_iter-create":122,"./_iterators":126,"./_library":127,"./_object-gpo":143,"./_redefine":156,"./_set-to-string-tag":162,"./_wks":190}],124:[function(require,module,exports){ var ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator'); var SAFE_CLOSING = false; @@ -5963,18 +6072,18 @@ module.exports = function (exec, skipClosing) { return safe; }; -},{"./_wks":187}],122:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_wks":190}],125:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (done, value) { return { value: value, done: !!done }; }; -},{}],123:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],126:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = {}; -},{}],124:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],127:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = false; -},{}],125:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],128:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.expm1(x) var $expm1 = Math.expm1; module.exports = (!$expm1 @@ -5986,7 +6095,7 @@ module.exports = (!$expm1 return (x = +x) == 0 ? x : x > -1e-6 && x < 1e-6 ? x + x * x / 2 : Math.exp(x) - 1; } : $expm1; -},{}],126:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],129:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.fround(x) var sign = require('./_math-sign'); var pow = Math.pow; @@ -6011,20 +6120,20 @@ module.exports = Math.fround || function fround(x) { return $sign * result; }; -},{"./_math-sign":128}],127:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_math-sign":131}],130:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.log1p(x) module.exports = Math.log1p || function log1p(x) { return (x = +x) > -1e-8 && x < 1e-8 ? x - x * x / 2 : Math.log(1 + x); }; -},{}],128:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],131:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.sign(x) module.exports = Math.sign || function sign(x) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare return (x = +x) == 0 || x != x ? x : x < 0 ? -1 : 1; }; -},{}],129:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],132:[function(require,module,exports){ var META = require('./_uid')('meta'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -6079,7 +6188,7 @@ var meta = module.exports = { onFreeze: onFreeze }; -},{"./_fails":99,"./_has":106,"./_is-object":116,"./_object-dp":134,"./_uid":182}],130:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_fails":102,"./_has":109,"./_is-object":119,"./_object-dp":137,"./_uid":185}],133:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var macrotask = require('./_task').set; var Observer = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver; @@ -6150,7 +6259,7 @@ module.exports = function () { }; }; -},{"./_cof":83,"./_global":105,"./_task":171}],131:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86,"./_global":108,"./_task":174}],134:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // NewPromiseCapability(C) var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); @@ -6170,7 +6279,7 @@ module.exports.f = function (C) { return new PromiseCapability(C); }; -},{"./_a-function":68}],132:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":71}],135:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Object.assign(target, source, ...) var DESCRIPTORS = require('./_descriptors'); @@ -6210,7 +6319,7 @@ module.exports = !$assign || require('./_fails')(function () { } return T; } : $assign; -},{"./_descriptors":93,"./_fails":99,"./_iobject":112,"./_object-gops":139,"./_object-keys":142,"./_object-pie":143,"./_to-object":177}],133:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":96,"./_fails":102,"./_iobject":115,"./_object-gops":142,"./_object-keys":145,"./_object-pie":146,"./_to-object":180}],136:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var dPs = require('./_object-dps'); @@ -6253,9 +6362,9 @@ module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties); }; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_dom-create":94,"./_enum-bug-keys":95,"./_html":108,"./_object-dps":135,"./_shared-key":160}],134:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][64][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_descriptors":93,"./_ie8-dom-define":109,"./_to-primitive":178,"dup":64}],135:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_dom-create":97,"./_enum-bug-keys":98,"./_html":111,"./_object-dps":138,"./_shared-key":163}],137:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][67][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_descriptors":96,"./_ie8-dom-define":112,"./_to-primitive":181,"dup":67}],138:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp'); var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); @@ -6270,7 +6379,7 @@ module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperties : function return O; }; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_descriptors":93,"./_object-dp":134,"./_object-keys":142}],136:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_descriptors":96,"./_object-dp":137,"./_object-keys":145}],139:[function(require,module,exports){ var pIE = require('./_object-pie'); var createDesc = require('./_property-desc'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -6288,7 +6397,7 @@ exports.f = require('./_descriptors') ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!, P), O[P]); }; -},{"./_descriptors":93,"./_has":106,"./_ie8-dom-define":109,"./_object-pie":143,"./_property-desc":151,"./_to-iobject":175,"./_to-primitive":178}],137:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":96,"./_has":109,"./_ie8-dom-define":112,"./_object-pie":146,"./_property-desc":154,"./_to-iobject":178,"./_to-primitive":181}],140:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); var gOPN = require('./_object-gopn').f; @@ -6309,7 +6418,7 @@ module.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { return windowNames && == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(toIObject(it)); }; -},{"./_object-gopn":138,"./_to-iobject":175}],138:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_object-gopn":141,"./_to-iobject":178}],141:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) var $keys = require('./_object-keys-internal'); var hiddenKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys').concat('length', 'prototype'); @@ -6318,10 +6427,10 @@ exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return $keys(O, hiddenKeys); }; -},{"./_enum-bug-keys":95,"./_object-keys-internal":141}],139:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_enum-bug-keys":98,"./_object-keys-internal":144}],142:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; -},{}],140:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],143:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var has = require('./_has'); var toObject = require('./_to-object'); @@ -6336,7 +6445,7 @@ module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; -},{"./_has":106,"./_shared-key":160,"./_to-object":177}],141:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_has":109,"./_shared-key":163,"./_to-object":180}],144:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('./_has'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); var arrayIndexOf = require('./_array-includes')(false); @@ -6355,7 +6464,7 @@ module.exports = function (object, names) { return result; }; -},{"./_array-includes":76,"./_has":106,"./_shared-key":160,"./_to-iobject":175}],142:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_array-includes":79,"./_has":109,"./_shared-key":163,"./_to-iobject":178}],145:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.keys(O) var $keys = require('./_object-keys-internal'); var enumBugKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys'); @@ -6364,10 +6473,10 @@ module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return $keys(O, enumBugKeys); }; -},{"./_enum-bug-keys":95,"./_object-keys-internal":141}],143:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_enum-bug-keys":98,"./_object-keys-internal":144}],146:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; -},{}],144:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],147:[function(require,module,exports){ // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives var $export = require('./_export'); var core = require('./_core'); @@ -6379,7 +6488,7 @@ module.exports = function (KEY, exec) { $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); }; -},{"./_core":87,"./_export":97,"./_fails":99}],145:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":90,"./_export":100,"./_fails":102}],148:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('./_descriptors'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); @@ -6402,7 +6511,7 @@ module.exports = function (isEntries) { }; }; -},{"./_descriptors":93,"./_object-keys":142,"./_object-pie":143,"./_to-iobject":175}],146:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":96,"./_object-keys":145,"./_object-pie":146,"./_to-iobject":178}],149:[function(require,module,exports){ // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols var gOPN = require('./_object-gopn'); var gOPS = require('./_object-gops'); @@ -6414,7 +6523,7 @@ module.exports = Reflect && Reflect.ownKeys || function ownKeys(it) { return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys; }; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_global":105,"./_object-gopn":138,"./_object-gops":139}],147:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_global":108,"./_object-gopn":141,"./_object-gops":142}],150:[function(require,module,exports){ var $parseFloat = require('./_global').parseFloat; var $trim = require('./_string-trim').trim; @@ -6424,7 +6533,7 @@ module.exports = 1 / $parseFloat(require('./_string-ws') + '-0') !== -Infinity ? return result === 0 && string.charAt(0) == '-' ? -0 : result; } : $parseFloat; -},{"./_global":105,"./_string-trim":169,"./_string-ws":170}],148:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":108,"./_string-trim":172,"./_string-ws":173}],151:[function(require,module,exports){ var $parseInt = require('./_global').parseInt; var $trim = require('./_string-trim').trim; var ws = require('./_string-ws'); @@ -6435,7 +6544,7 @@ module.exports = $parseInt(ws + '08') !== 8 || $parseInt(ws + '0x16') !== 22 ? f return $parseInt(string, (radix >>> 0) || (hex.test(string) ? 16 : 10)); } : $parseInt; -},{"./_global":105,"./_string-trim":169,"./_string-ws":170}],149:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":108,"./_string-trim":172,"./_string-ws":173}],152:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (exec) { try { return { e: false, v: exec() }; @@ -6444,7 +6553,7 @@ module.exports = function (exec) { } }; -},{}],150:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],153:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var isObject = require('./_is-object'); var newPromiseCapability = require('./_new-promise-capability'); @@ -6458,16 +6567,16 @@ module.exports = function (C, x) { return promiseCapability.promise; }; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_is-object":116,"./_new-promise-capability":131}],151:[function(require,module,exports){ -arguments[4][65][0].apply(exports,arguments) -},{"dup":65}],152:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_is-object":119,"./_new-promise-capability":134}],154:[function(require,module,exports){ +arguments[4][68][0].apply(exports,arguments) +},{"dup":68}],155:[function(require,module,exports){ var redefine = require('./_redefine'); module.exports = function (target, src, safe) { for (var key in src) redefine(target, key, src[key], safe); return target; }; -},{"./_redefine":153}],153:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_redefine":156}],156:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global'); var hide = require('./_hide'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -6500,7 +6609,7 @@ require('./_core').inspectSource = function (it) { return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $; }); -},{"./_core":87,"./_function-to-string":104,"./_global":105,"./_has":106,"./_hide":107,"./_uid":182}],154:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":90,"./_function-to-string":107,"./_global":108,"./_has":109,"./_hide":110,"./_uid":185}],157:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var classof = require('./_classof'); @@ -6523,7 +6632,7 @@ module.exports = function (R, S) { return, S); }; -},{"./_classof":82}],155:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_classof":85}],158:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var regexpFlags = require('./_flags'); @@ -6583,14 +6692,14 @@ if (PATCH) { module.exports = patchedExec; -},{"./_flags":101}],156:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_flags":104}],159:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.9 SameValue(x, y) module.exports = || function is(x, y) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare return x === y ? x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y : x != x && y != y; }; -},{}],157:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],160:[function(require,module,exports){ // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. /* eslint-disable no-proto */ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); @@ -6617,7 +6726,7 @@ module.exports = { check: check }; -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_ctx":89,"./_is-object":116,"./_object-gopd":136}],158:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_ctx":92,"./_is-object":119,"./_object-gopd":139}],161:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var dP = require('./_object-dp'); @@ -6632,7 +6741,7 @@ module.exports = function (KEY) { }); }; -},{"./_descriptors":93,"./_global":105,"./_object-dp":134,"./_wks":187}],159:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_descriptors":96,"./_global":108,"./_object-dp":137,"./_wks":190}],162:[function(require,module,exports){ var def = require('./_object-dp').f; var has = require('./_has'); var TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); @@ -6641,14 +6750,14 @@ module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) { if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; -},{"./_has":106,"./_object-dp":134,"./_wks":187}],160:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_has":109,"./_object-dp":137,"./_wks":190}],163:[function(require,module,exports){ var shared = require('./_shared')('keys'); var uid = require('./_uid'); module.exports = function (key) { return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key)); }; -},{"./_shared":161,"./_uid":182}],161:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_shared":164,"./_uid":185}],164:[function(require,module,exports){ var core = require('./_core'); var global = require('./_global'); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; @@ -6662,7 +6771,7 @@ var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {}); copyright: '© 2020 Denis Pushkarev (' }); -},{"./_core":87,"./_global":105,"./_library":124}],162:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":90,"./_global":108,"./_library":127}],165:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor) var anObject = require('./_an-object'); var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); @@ -6673,7 +6782,7 @@ module.exports = function (O, D) { return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? D : aFunction(S); }; -},{"./_a-function":68,"./_an-object":73,"./_wks":187}],163:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_a-function":71,"./_an-object":76,"./_wks":190}],166:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var fails = require('./_fails'); @@ -6684,7 +6793,7 @@ module.exports = function (method, arg) { }); }; -},{"./_fails":99}],164:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_fails":102}],167:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('./_to-integer'); var defined = require('./_defined'); // true -> String#at @@ -6703,7 +6812,7 @@ module.exports = function (TO_STRING) { }; }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_to-integer":174}],165:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_to-integer":177}],168:[function(require,module,exports){ // helper for String#{startsWith, endsWith, includes} var isRegExp = require('./_is-regexp'); var defined = require('./_defined'); @@ -6713,7 +6822,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, searchString, NAME) { return String(defined(that)); }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_is-regexp":117}],166:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_is-regexp":120}],169:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); var fails = require('./_fails'); var defined = require('./_defined'); @@ -6734,7 +6843,7 @@ module.exports = function (NAME, exec) { }), 'String', O); }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_export":97,"./_fails":99}],167:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_export":100,"./_fails":102}],170:[function(require,module,exports){ // var toLength = require('./_to-length'); var repeat = require('./_string-repeat'); @@ -6752,7 +6861,7 @@ module.exports = function (that, maxLength, fillString, left) { return left ? stringFiller + S : S + stringFiller; }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_string-repeat":168,"./_to-length":176}],168:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_string-repeat":171,"./_to-length":179}],171:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var toInteger = require('./_to-integer'); var defined = require('./_defined'); @@ -6766,7 +6875,7 @@ module.exports = function repeat(count) { return res; }; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_to-integer":174}],169:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_to-integer":177}],172:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); var defined = require('./_defined'); var fails = require('./_fails'); @@ -6798,11 +6907,11 @@ var trim = exporter.trim = function (string, TYPE) { module.exports = exporter; -},{"./_defined":92,"./_export":97,"./_fails":99,"./_string-ws":170}],170:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_defined":95,"./_export":100,"./_fails":102,"./_string-ws":173}],173:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = '\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003' + '\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF'; -},{}],171:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],174:[function(require,module,exports){ var ctx = require('./_ctx'); var invoke = require('./_invoke'); var html = require('./_html'); @@ -6888,7 +6997,7 @@ module.exports = { clear: clearTask }; -},{"./_cof":83,"./_ctx":89,"./_dom-create":94,"./_global":105,"./_html":108,"./_invoke":111}],172:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86,"./_ctx":92,"./_dom-create":97,"./_global":108,"./_html":111,"./_invoke":114}],175:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('./_to-integer'); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; @@ -6897,7 +7006,7 @@ module.exports = function (index, length) { return index < 0 ? 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$export($export.S, 'Math', { sign: require('./_math-sign') }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_math-sign":128}],233:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_math-sign":131}],236:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.sinh(x) var $export = require('./_export'); var expm1 = require('./_math-expm1'); @@ -8435,7 +8544,7 @@ $export($export.S + $export.F * require('./_fails')(function () { } }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_fails":99,"./_math-expm1":125}],234:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_fails":102,"./_math-expm1":128}],237:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.tanh(x) var $export = require('./_export'); var expm1 = require('./_math-expm1'); @@ -8449,7 +8558,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Math', { } }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_math-expm1":125}],235:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_math-expm1":128}],238:[function(require,module,exports){ // Math.trunc(x) var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -8459,7 +8568,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Math', { } }); -},{"./_export":97}],236:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100}],239:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = require('./_global'); var has = require('./_has'); @@ -8530,13 +8639,13 @@ if (!$Number(' 0o1') || !$Number('0b1') || $Number('+0x1')) { require('./_redefine')(global, NUMBER, $Number); } -},{"./_cof":83,"./_descriptors":93,"./_fails":99,"./_global":105,"./_has":106,"./_inherit-if-required":110,"./_object-create":133,"./_object-dp":134,"./_object-gopd":136,"./_object-gopn":138,"./_redefine":153,"./_string-trim":169,"./_to-primitive":178}],237:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_cof":86,"./_descriptors":96,"./_fails":102,"./_global":108,"./_has":109,"./_inherit-if-required":113,"./_object-create":136,"./_object-dp":137,"./_object-gopd":139,"./_object-gopn":141,"./_redefine":156,"./_string-trim":172,"./_to-primitive":181}],240:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.EPSILON var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.S, 'Number', { EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52) }); -},{"./_export":97}],238:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100}],241:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isFinite(number) var $export = require('./_export'); var _isFinite = require('./_global').isFinite; @@ -8547,13 +8656,13 @@ $export($export.S, 'Number', { } }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_global":105}],239:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_global":108}],242:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isInteger(number) var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.S, 'Number', { isInteger: require('./_is-integer') }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_is-integer":115}],240:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_is-integer":118}],243:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isNaN(number) var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -8564,7 +8673,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Number', { } }); -},{"./_export":97}],241:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100}],244:[function(require,module,exports){ // Number.isSafeInteger(number) var $export = require('./_export'); 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var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -9326,7 +9435,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { } }); -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_export":97,"./_object-gopd":136}],274:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_export":100,"./_object-gopd":139}],277:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.8 Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target) var $export = require('./_export'); var getProto = require('./_object-gpo'); @@ -9338,7 +9447,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { } }); -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_export":97,"./_object-gpo":140}],275:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_export":100,"./_object-gpo":143}],278:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.6 Reflect.get(target, propertyKey [, receiver]) var gOPD = require('./_object-gopd'); var getPrototypeOf = require('./_object-gpo'); @@ -9361,7 +9470,7 @@ function get(target, propertyKey /* , receiver */) { $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { get: get }); -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_export":97,"./_has":106,"./_is-object":116,"./_object-gopd":136,"./_object-gpo":140}],276:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_export":100,"./_has":109,"./_is-object":119,"./_object-gopd":139,"./_object-gpo":143}],279:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.9 Reflect.has(target, propertyKey) var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -9371,7 +9480,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { } }); -},{"./_export":97}],277:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100}],280:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.10 Reflect.isExtensible(target) var $export = require('./_export'); var anObject = require('./_an-object'); @@ -9384,13 +9493,13 @@ $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { } }); -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_export":97}],278:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_export":100}],281:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.11 Reflect.ownKeys(target) var $export = require('./_export'); $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { ownKeys: require('./_own-keys') }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_own-keys":146}],279:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_own-keys":149}],282:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.12 Reflect.preventExtensions(target) var $export = require('./_export'); var anObject = require('./_an-object'); @@ -9408,7 +9517,7 @@ $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { } }); -},{"./_an-object":73,"./_export":97}],280:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_an-object":76,"./_export":100}],283:[function(require,module,exports){ // 26.1.14 Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto) var $export = require('./_export'); 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@@ -10711,7 +10820,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.R, 'Promise', { 'finally': function (onFinally) { ); } }); -},{"./_core":87,"./_export":97,"./_global":105,"./_promise-resolve":150,"./_species-constructor":162}],333:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_core":90,"./_export":100,"./_global":108,"./_promise-resolve":153,"./_species-constructor":165}],336:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -10727,7 +10836,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.F * WEBKIT_BUG, 'String', { } }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_string-pad":167,"./_user-agent":183}],334:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_string-pad":170,"./_user-agent":186}],337:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -10743,7 +10852,7 @@ $export($export.P + $export.F * WEBKIT_BUG, 'String', { } }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_string-pad":167,"./_user-agent":183}],335:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_string-pad":170,"./_user-agent":186}],338:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // require('./_string-trim')('trimLeft', function ($trim) { @@ -10752,7 +10861,7 @@ require('./_string-trim')('trimLeft', function ($trim) { }; }, 'trimStart'); -},{"./_string-trim":169}],336:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-trim":172}],339:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // require('./_string-trim')('trimRight', function ($trim) { @@ -10761,10 +10870,10 @@ require('./_string-trim')('trimRight', function ($trim) { }; }, 'trimEnd'); -},{"./_string-trim":169}],337:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_string-trim":172}],340:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./_wks-define')('asyncIterator'); -},{"./_wks-define":185}],338:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_wks-define":188}],341:[function(require,module,exports){ var $iterators = require('./es6.array.iterator'); var getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); var redefine = require('./_redefine'); @@ -10824,7 +10933,7 @@ for (var collections = getKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++ } } -},{"./_global":105,"./_hide":107,"./_iterators":123,"./_object-keys":142,"./_redefine":153,"./_wks":187,"./es6.array.iterator":199}],339:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_global":108,"./_hide":110,"./_iterators":126,"./_object-keys":145,"./_redefine":156,"./_wks":190,"./es6.array.iterator":202}],342:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); var $task = require('./_task'); $export($export.G + $export.B, { @@ -10832,7 +10941,7 @@ $export($export.G + $export.B, { clearImmediate: $task.clear }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_task":171}],340:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_task":174}],343:[function(require,module,exports){ // ie9- setTimeout & setInterval additional parameters fix var global = require('./_global'); var $export = require('./_export'); @@ -10854,180 +10963,1331 @@ $export($export.G + $export.B + $export.F * MSIE, { setInterval: wrap(global.setInterval) }); -},{"./_export":97,"./_global":105,"./_user-agent":183}],341:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./_export":100,"./_global":108,"./_user-agent":186}],344:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../modules/web.timers'); require('../modules/web.immediate'); require('../modules/web.dom.iterable'); module.exports = require('../modules/_core'); -},{"../modules/_core":87,"../modules/web.dom.iterable":338,"../modules/web.immediate":339,"../modules/web.timers":340}],342:[function(require,module,exports){ -var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; -var objectKeys = require('./lib/keys.js'); -var isArguments = require('./lib/is_arguments.js'); +},{"../modules/_core":90,"../modules/web.dom.iterable":341,"../modules/web.immediate":342,"../modules/web.timers":343}],345:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var assign = require('object.assign'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var flags = require('regexp.prototype.flags'); +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var getIterator = require('es-get-iterator'); +var getSideChannel = require('side-channel'); +var is = require('object-is'); +var isArguments = require('is-arguments'); +var isArray = require('isarray'); +var isArrayBuffer = require('is-array-buffer'); +var isDate = require('is-date-object'); +var isRegex = require('is-regex'); +var isSharedArrayBuffer = require('is-shared-array-buffer'); +var objectKeys = require('object-keys'); +var whichBoxedPrimitive = require('which-boxed-primitive'); +var whichCollection = require('which-collection'); +var whichTypedArray = require('which-typed-array'); + +var byteLength = callBound('ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true) + || function byteLength(ab) { return ab.byteLength; }; // in node < 0.11, byteLength is an own nonconfigurable property +var sabByteLength = callBound('SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +var $getTime = callBound('Date.prototype.getTime'); +var gPO = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var $objToString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var $Set = GetIntrinsic('%Set%', true); +var $mapHas = callBound('Map.prototype.has', true); +var $mapGet = callBound('Map.prototype.get', true); +var $mapSize = callBound('Map.prototype.size', true); +var $setAdd = callBound('Set.prototype.add', true); +var $setDelete = callBound('Set.prototype.delete', true); +var $setHas = callBound('Set.prototype.has', true); +var $setSize = callBound('Set.prototype.size', true); + +// taken from +function setHasEqualElement(set, val1, opts, channel) { + var i = getIterator(set); + var result; + while ((result = && !result.done) { + if (internalDeepEqual(val1, result.value, opts, channel)) { // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define + // Remove the matching element to make sure we do not check that again. + $setDelete(set, result.value); + return true; + } + } + + return false; +} + +// taken from +function findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim) { + if (typeof prim === 'undefined') { + return null; + } + if (typeof prim === 'object') { // Only pass in null as object! + return void 0; + } + if (typeof prim === 'symbol') { + return false; + } + if (typeof prim === 'string' || typeof prim === 'number') { + // Loose equal entries exist only if the string is possible to convert to a regular number and not NaN. + return +prim === +prim; // eslint-disable-line no-implicit-coercion + } + return true; +} + +// taken from +function mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim, item, opts, channel) { + var altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); + if (altValue != null) { + return altValue; + } + var curB = $mapGet(b, altValue); + var looseOpts = assign({}, opts, { strict: false }); + if ( + (typeof curB === 'undefined' && !$mapHas(b, altValue)) + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + || !internalDeepEqual(item, curB, looseOpts, channel) + ) { + return false; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + return !$mapHas(a, altValue) && internalDeepEqual(item, curB, looseOpts, channel); +} + +// taken from +function setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim) { + var altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); + if (altValue != null) { + return altValue; + } + + return $setHas(b, altValue) && !$setHas(a, altValue); +} + +// taken from +function mapHasEqualEntry(set, map, key1, item1, opts, channel) { + var i = getIterator(set); + var result; + var key2; + while ((result = && !result.done) { + key2 = result.value; + if ( + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + internalDeepEqual(key1, key2, opts, channel) + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + && internalDeepEqual(item1, $mapGet(map, key2), opts, channel) + ) { + $setDelete(set, key2); + return true; + } + } + + return false; +} + +function internalDeepEqual(actual, expected, options, channel) { + var opts = options || {}; -var deepEqual = module.exports = function (actual, expected, opts) { - if (!opts) opts = {}; // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. - if (actual === expected) { + if (opts.strict ? is(actual, expected) : actual === expected) { return true; + } + + var actualBoxed = whichBoxedPrimitive(actual); + var expectedBoxed = whichBoxedPrimitive(expected); + if (actualBoxed !== expectedBoxed) { + return false; + } - } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) { - return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); + // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', equivalence is determined by ==. + if (!actual || !expected || (typeof actual !== 'object' && typeof expected !== 'object')) { + return opts.strict ? is(actual, expected) : actual == expected; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq + } - // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', - // equivalence is determined by ==. - } else if (!actual || !expected || typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') { - return opts.strict ? actual === expected : actual == expected; + /* + * 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is + * determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified + * with, the same set of keys + * (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every + * corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this + * accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. + */ + // see for memos/channel inspiration - // 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is - // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified - // with, the same set of keys - // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every - // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this - // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. + var hasActual = channel.has(actual); + var hasExpected = channel.has(expected); + var sentinel; + if (hasActual && hasExpected) { + if (channel.get(actual) === channel.get(expected)) { + return true; + } } else { - return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts); + sentinel = {}; } -} + if (!hasActual) { channel.set(actual, sentinel); } + if (!hasExpected) { channel.set(expected, sentinel); } -function isUndefinedOrNull(value) { - return value === null || value === undefined; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define + return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts, channel); } -function isBuffer (x) { - if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') return false; +function isBuffer(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') { + return false; + } if (typeof x.copy !== 'function' || typeof x.slice !== 'function') { return false; } - if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') return false; + if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') { + return false; + } + + return !!(x.constructor && x.constructor.isBuffer && x.constructor.isBuffer(x)); +} + +function setEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + if ($setSize(a) !== $setSize(b)) { + return false; + } + var iA = getIterator(a); + var iB = getIterator(b); + var resultA; + var resultB; + var set; + while ((resultA = && !resultA.done) { + if (resultA.value && typeof resultA.value === 'object') { + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, resultA.value); + } else if (!$setHas(b, resultA.value)) { + if (opts.strict) { return false; } + if (!setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, resultA.value)) { + return false; + } + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, resultA.value); + } + } + if (set) { + while ((resultB = && !resultB.done) { + // We have to check if a primitive value is already matching and only if it's not, go hunting for it. + if (resultB.value && typeof resultB.value === 'object') { + if (!setHasEqualElement(set, resultB.value, opts.strict, channel)) { + return false; + } + } else if ( + !opts.strict + && !$setHas(a, resultB.value) + && !setHasEqualElement(set, resultB.value, opts.strict, channel) + ) { + return false; + } + } + return $setSize(set) === 0; + } return true; } -function objEquiv(a, b, opts) { - var i, key; - if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b)) +function mapEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + if ($mapSize(a) !== $mapSize(b)) { return false; - // an identical 'prototype' property. - if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false; - //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing. - // Converting to array solves the problem. - if (isArguments(a)) { - if (!isArguments(b)) { - return false; + } + var iA = getIterator(a); + var iB = getIterator(b); + var resultA; + var resultB; + var set; + var key; + var item1; + var item2; + while ((resultA = && !resultA.done) { + key = resultA.value[0]; + item1 = resultA.value[1]; + if (key && typeof key === 'object') { + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, key); + } else { + item2 = $mapGet(b, key); + if ((typeof item2 === 'undefined' && !$mapHas(b, key)) || !internalDeepEqual(item1, item2, opts, channel)) { + if (opts.strict) { + return false; + } + if (!mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, key, item1, opts, channel)) { + return false; + } + if (!set) { set = new $Set(); } + $setAdd(set, key); + } } - a =; - b =; - return deepEqual(a, b, opts); } - if (isBuffer(a)) { - if (!isBuffer(b)) { - return false; + + if (set) { + while ((resultB = && !resultB.done) { + key = resultB.value[0]; + item2 = resultB.value[1]; + if (key && typeof key === 'object') { + if (!mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item2, opts, channel)) { + return false; + } + } else if ( + !opts.strict + && (!a.has(key) || !internalDeepEqual($mapGet(a, key), item2, opts, channel)) + && !mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item2, assign({}, opts, { strict: false }), channel) + ) { + return false; + } } - if (a.length !== b.length) return false; + return $setSize(set) === 0; + } + return true; +} + +function objEquiv(a, b, opts, channel) { + /* eslint max-statements: [2, 100], max-lines-per-function: [2, 120], max-depth: [2, 5], max-lines: [2, 400] */ + var i, key; + + if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } + if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } + + if ($objToString(a) !== $objToString(b)) { return false; } + + if (isArguments(a) !== isArguments(b)) { return false; } + + var aIsArray = isArray(a); + var bIsArray = isArray(b); + if (aIsArray !== bIsArray) { return false; } + + // TODO: replace when a cross-realm brand check is available + var aIsError = a instanceof Error; + var bIsError = b instanceof Error; + if (aIsError !== bIsError) { return false; } + if (aIsError || bIsError) { + if ( !== || a.message !== b.message) { return false; } + } + + var aIsRegex = isRegex(a); + var bIsRegex = isRegex(b); + if (aIsRegex !== bIsRegex) { return false; } + if ((aIsRegex || bIsRegex) && (a.source !== b.source || flags(a) !== flags(b))) { + return false; + } + + var aIsDate = isDate(a); + var bIsDate = isDate(b); + if (aIsDate !== bIsDate) { return false; } + if (aIsDate || bIsDate) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if ($getTime(a) !== $getTime(b)) { return false; } + } + if (opts.strict && gPO && gPO(a) !== gPO(b)) { return false; } + + var aWhich = whichTypedArray(a); + var bWhich = whichTypedArray(b); + if ((aWhich || bWhich) && aWhich !== bWhich) { + return false; + } + + var aIsBuffer = isBuffer(a); + var bIsBuffer = isBuffer(b); + if (aIsBuffer !== bIsBuffer) { return false; } + if (aIsBuffer || bIsBuffer) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { - if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; + if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } - try { - var ka = objectKeys(a), - kb = objectKeys(b); - } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't - return false; + + var aIsArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer(a); + var bIsArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer(b); + if (aIsArrayBuffer !== bIsArrayBuffer) { return false; } + if (aIsArrayBuffer || bIsArrayBuffer) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (byteLength(a) !== byteLength(b)) { return false; } + return typeof Uint8Array === 'function' && internalDeepEqual(new Uint8Array(a), new Uint8Array(b), opts, channel); } - // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates - // hasOwnProperty) - if (ka.length != kb.length) - return false; - //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), + + var aIsSAB = isSharedArrayBuffer(a); + var bIsSAB = isSharedArrayBuffer(b); + if (aIsSAB !== bIsSAB) { return false; } + if (aIsSAB || bIsSAB) { // && would work too, because both are true or both false here + if (sabByteLength(a) !== sabByteLength(b)) { return false; } + return typeof Uint8Array === 'function' && internalDeepEqual(new Uint8Array(a), new Uint8Array(b), opts, channel); + } + + if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } + + var ka = objectKeys(a); + var kb = objectKeys(b); + // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates hasOwnProperty) + if (ka.length !== kb.length) { return false; } + + // the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), ka.sort(); kb.sort(); - //~~~cheap key test + // ~~~cheap key test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - if (ka[i] != kb[i]) - return false; + if (ka[i] != kb[i]) { return false; } // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq } - //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and - //~~~possibly expensive deep test + + // equivalent values for every corresponding key, and ~~~possibly expensive deep test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = ka[i]; - if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts)) return false; + if (!internalDeepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts, channel)) { return false; } } - return typeof a === typeof b; -} -},{"./lib/is_arguments.js":343,"./lib/keys.js":344}],343:[function(require,module,exports){ -var supportsArgumentsClass = (function(){ - return -})() == '[object Arguments]'; + var aCollection = whichCollection(a); + var bCollection = whichCollection(b); + if (aCollection !== bCollection) { + return false; + } + if (aCollection === 'Set' || bCollection === 'Set') { // aCollection === bCollection + return setEquiv(a, b, opts, channel); + } + if (aCollection === 'Map') { // aCollection === bCollection + return mapEquiv(a, b, opts, channel); + } -exports = module.exports = supportsArgumentsClass ? supported : unsupported; + return true; +} -exports.supported = supported; -function supported(object) { - return == '[object Arguments]'; +module.exports = function deepEqual(a, b, opts) { + return internalDeepEqual(a, b, opts, getSideChannel()); }; -exports.unsupported = unsupported; -function unsupported(object){ - return object && - typeof object == 'object' && - typeof object.length == 'number' && -, 'callee') && - !, 'callee') || - false; +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"es-get-iterator":347,"get-intrinsic":352,"is-arguments":362,"is-array-buffer":363,"is-date-object":367,"is-regex":371,"is-shared-array-buffer":373,"isarray":379,"object-is":382,"object-keys":386,"object.assign":389,"regexp.prototype.flags":396,"side-channel":399,"which-boxed-primitive":404,"which-collection":405,"which-typed-array":406}],346:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var keys = require('object-keys'); +var hasSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol('foo') === 'symbol'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var concat = Array.prototype.concat; +var origDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; + +var isFunction = function (fn) { + return typeof fn === 'function' && === '[object Function]'; }; -},{}],344:[function(require,module,exports){ -exports = module.exports = typeof Object.keys === 'function' - ? Object.keys : shim; +var hasPropertyDescriptors = require('has-property-descriptors')(); -exports.shim = shim; -function shim (obj) { - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); - return keys; -} +var supportsDescriptors = origDefineProperty && hasPropertyDescriptors; -},{}],345:[function(require,module,exports){ -/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { - var e, m - var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 - var eBias = eMax >> 1 - var nBits = -7 - var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0 - var d = isLE ? -1 : 1 - var s = buffer[offset + i] +var defineProperty = function (object, name, value, predicate) { + if (name in object) { + if (predicate === true) { + if (object[name] === value) { + return; + } + } else if (!isFunction(predicate) || !predicate()) { + return; + } + } + if (supportsDescriptors) { + origDefineProperty(object, name, { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + value: value, + writable: true + }); + } else { + object[name] = value; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + } +}; - i += d +var defineProperties = function (object, map) { + var predicates = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {}; + var props = keys(map); + if (hasSymbols) { + props =, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(map)); + } + for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i += 1) { + defineProperty(object, props[i], map[props[i]], predicates[props[i]]); + } +}; - e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) - s >>= (-nBits) - nBits += eLen - for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} +defineProperties.supportsDescriptors = !!supportsDescriptors; - m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) - e >>= (-nBits) - nBits += mLen - for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} +module.exports = defineProperties; - if (e === 0) { - e = 1 - eBias - } else if (e === eMax) { - return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity) - } else { - m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen) - e = e - eBias - } - return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen) +},{"has-property-descriptors":355,"object-keys":386}],347:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (process){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint global-require: 0 */ +// the code is structured this way so that bundlers can +// alias out `has-symbols` to `() => true` or `() => false` if your target +// environments' Symbol capabilities are known, and then use +// dead code elimination on the rest of this module. +// +// Similarly, `isarray` can be aliased to `Array.isArray` if +// available in all target environments. + +var isArguments = require('is-arguments'); +var getStopIterationIterator = require('stop-iteration-iterator'); + +if (require('has-symbols')() || require('has-symbols/shams')()) { + var $iterator = Symbol.iterator; + // Symbol is available natively or shammed + // natively: + // - Chrome >= 38 + // - Edge 12-14?, Edge >= 15 for sure + // - FF >= 36 + // - Safari >= 9 + // - node >= 0.12 + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + // alternatively, `iterable[$iterator]?.()` + if (iterable != null && typeof iterable[$iterator] !== 'undefined') { + return iterable[$iterator](); + } + if (isArguments(iterable)) { + // arguments objects lack Symbol.iterator + // - node 0.12 + return Array.prototype[$iterator].call(iterable); + } + }; +} else { + // Symbol is not available, native or shammed + var isArray = require('isarray'); + var isString = require('is-string'); + var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + var $Map = GetIntrinsic('%Map%', true); + var $Set = GetIntrinsic('%Set%', true); + var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + var $arrayPush = callBound('Array.prototype.push'); + var $charCodeAt = callBound('String.prototype.charCodeAt'); + var $stringSlice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); + + var advanceStringIndex = function advanceStringIndex(S, index) { + var length = S.length; + if ((index + 1) >= length) { + return index + 1; + } + + var first = $charCodeAt(S, index); + if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF) { + return index + 1; + } + + var second = $charCodeAt(S, index + 1); + if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) { + return index + 1; + } + + return index + 2; + }; + + var getArrayIterator = function getArrayIterator(arraylike) { + var i = 0; + return { + next: function next() { + var done = i >= arraylike.length; + var value; + if (!done) { + value = arraylike[i]; + i += 1; + } + return { + done: done, + value: value + }; + } + }; + }; + + var getNonCollectionIterator = function getNonCollectionIterator(iterable, noPrimordialCollections) { + if (isArray(iterable) || isArguments(iterable)) { + return getArrayIterator(iterable); + } + if (isString(iterable)) { + var i = 0; + return { + next: function next() { + var nextIndex = advanceStringIndex(iterable, i); + var value = $stringSlice(iterable, i, nextIndex); + i = nextIndex; + return { + done: nextIndex > iterable.length, + value: value + }; + } + }; + } + + // es6-shim and es-shims' es-map use a string "_es6-shim iterator_" property on different iterables, such as MapIterator. + if (noPrimordialCollections && typeof iterable['_es6-shim iterator_'] !== 'undefined') { + return iterable['_es6-shim iterator_'](); + } + }; + + if (!$Map && !$Set) { + // the only language iterables are Array, String, arguments + // - Safari <= 6.0 + // - Chrome < 38 + // - node < 0.12 + // - FF < 13 + // - IE < 11 + // - Edge < 11 + + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + if (iterable != null) { + return getNonCollectionIterator(iterable, true); + } + }; + } else { + // either Map or Set are available, but Symbol is not + // - es6-shim on an ES5 browser + // - Safari 6.2 (maybe 6.1?) + // - FF v[13, 36) + // - IE 11 + // - Edge 11 + // - Safari v[6, 9) + + var isMap = require('is-map'); + var isSet = require('is-set'); + + // Firefox >= 27, IE 11, Safari 6.2 - 9, Edge 11, es6-shim in older envs, all have forEach + var $mapForEach = callBound('Map.prototype.forEach', true); + var $setForEach = callBound('Set.prototype.forEach', true); + if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !process.versions || !process.versions.node) { // "if is not node" + + // Firefox 17 - 26 has `.iterator()`, whose iterator `.next()` either + // returns a value, or throws a StopIteration object. These browsers + // do not have any other mechanism for iteration. + var $mapIterator = callBound('Map.prototype.iterator', true); + var $setIterator = callBound('Set.prototype.iterator', true); + } + // Firefox 27-35, and some older es6-shim versions, use a string "@@iterator" property + // this returns a proper iterator object, so we should use it instead of forEach. + // newer es6-shim versions use a string "_es6-shim iterator_" property. + var $mapAtAtIterator = callBound('Map.prototype.@@iterator', true) || callBound('Map.prototype._es6-shim iterator_', true); + var $setAtAtIterator = callBound('Set.prototype.@@iterator', true) || callBound('Set.prototype._es6-shim iterator_', true); + + var getCollectionIterator = function getCollectionIterator(iterable) { + if (isMap(iterable)) { + if ($mapIterator) { + return getStopIterationIterator($mapIterator(iterable)); + } + if ($mapAtAtIterator) { + return $mapAtAtIterator(iterable); + } + if ($mapForEach) { + var entries = []; + $mapForEach(iterable, function (v, k) { + $arrayPush(entries, [k, v]); + }); + return getArrayIterator(entries); + } + } + if (isSet(iterable)) { + if ($setIterator) { + return getStopIterationIterator($setIterator(iterable)); + } + if ($setAtAtIterator) { + return $setAtAtIterator(iterable); + } + if ($setForEach) { + var values = []; + $setForEach(iterable, function (v) { + $arrayPush(values, v); + }); + return getArrayIterator(values); + } + } + }; + + module.exports = function getIterator(iterable) { + return getCollectionIterator(iterable) || getNonCollectionIterator(iterable); + }; + } } -exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { - var e, m, c - var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 +}).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) +},{"_process":393,"call-bind/callBound":38,"get-intrinsic":352,"has-symbols":356,"has-symbols/shams":357,"is-arguments":362,"is-map":368,"is-set":372,"is-string":374,"isarray":379,"stop-iteration-iterator":400}],348:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isCallable = require('is-callable'); + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + +var forEachArray = function forEachArray(array, iterator, receiver) { + for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { + if (, i)) { + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(array[i], i, array); + } else { +, array[i], i, array); + } + } + } +}; + +var forEachString = function forEachString(string, iterator, receiver) { + for (var i = 0, len = string.length; i < len; i++) { + // no such thing as a sparse string. + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(string.charAt(i), i, string); + } else { +, string.charAt(i), i, string); + } + } +}; + +var forEachObject = function forEachObject(object, iterator, receiver) { + for (var k in object) { + if (, k)) { + if (receiver == null) { + iterator(object[k], k, object); + } else { +, object[k], k, object); + } + } + } +}; + +var forEach = function forEach(list, iterator, thisArg) { + if (!isCallable(iterator)) { + throw new TypeError('iterator must be a function'); + } + + var receiver; + if (arguments.length >= 3) { + receiver = thisArg; + } + + if ( === '[object Array]') { + forEachArray(list, iterator, receiver); + } else if (typeof list === 'string') { + forEachString(list, iterator, receiver); + } else { + forEachObject(list, iterator, receiver); + } +}; + +module.exports = forEach; + +},{"is-callable":366}],349:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint no-invalid-this: 1 */ + +var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible '; +var slice = Array.prototype.slice; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var funcType = '[object Function]'; + +module.exports = function bind(that) { + var target = this; + if (typeof target !== 'function' || !== funcType) { + throw new TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE + target); + } + var args =, 1); + + var bound; + var binder = function () { + if (this instanceof bound) { + var result = target.apply( + this, + args.concat( + ); + if (Object(result) === result) { + return result; + } + return this; + } else { + return target.apply( + that, + args.concat( + ); + } + }; + + var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length); + var boundArgs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) { + boundArgs.push('$' + i); + } + + bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }')(binder); + + if (target.prototype) { + var Empty = function Empty() {}; + Empty.prototype = target.prototype; + bound.prototype = new Empty(); + Empty.prototype = null; + } + + return bound; +}; + +},{}],350:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +module.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation; + +},{"./implementation":349}],351:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var functionsHaveNames = function functionsHaveNames() { + return typeof function f() {}.name === 'string'; +}; + +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +if (gOPD) { + try { + gOPD([], 'length'); + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken gOPD + gOPD = null; + } +} + +functionsHaveNames.functionsHaveConfigurableNames = function functionsHaveConfigurableNames() { + if (!functionsHaveNames() || !gOPD) { + return false; + } + var desc = gOPD(function () {}, 'name'); + return !!desc && !!desc.configurable; +}; + +var $bind = Function.prototype.bind; + +functionsHaveNames.boundFunctionsHaveNames = function boundFunctionsHaveNames() { + return functionsHaveNames() && typeof $bind === 'function' && function f() {}.bind().name !== ''; +}; + +module.exports = functionsHaveNames; + +},{}],352:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var undefined; + +var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError; +var $Function = Function; +var $TypeError = TypeError; + +// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return +var getEvalledConstructor = function (expressionSyntax) { + try { + return $Function('"use strict"; return (' + expressionSyntax + ').constructor;')(); + } catch (e) {} +}; + +var $gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +if ($gOPD) { + try { + $gOPD({}, ''); + } catch (e) { + $gOPD = null; // this is IE 8, which has a broken gOPD + } +} + +var throwTypeError = function () { + throw new $TypeError(); +}; +var ThrowTypeError = $gOPD + ? (function () { + try { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions, no-caller, no-restricted-properties + arguments.callee; // IE 8 does not throw here + return throwTypeError; + } catch (calleeThrows) { + try { + // IE 8 throws on Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, '') + return $gOPD(arguments, 'callee').get; + } catch (gOPDthrows) { + return throwTypeError; + } + } + }()) + : throwTypeError; + +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); + +var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (x) { return x.__proto__; }; // eslint-disable-line no-proto + +var needsEval = {}; + +var TypedArray = typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : getProto(Uint8Array); + +var INTRINSICS = { + '%AggregateError%': typeof AggregateError === 'undefined' ? undefined : AggregateError, + '%Array%': Array, + '%ArrayBuffer%': typeof ArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : ArrayBuffer, + '%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto([][Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined, + '%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%': undefined, + '%AsyncFunction%': needsEval, + '%AsyncGenerator%': needsEval, + '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%': needsEval, + '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': needsEval, + '%Atomics%': typeof Atomics === 'undefined' ? undefined : Atomics, + '%BigInt%': typeof BigInt === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigInt, + '%BigInt64Array%': typeof BigInt64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigInt64Array, + '%BigUint64Array%': typeof BigUint64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigUint64Array, + '%Boolean%': Boolean, + '%DataView%': typeof DataView === 'undefined' ? undefined : DataView, + '%Date%': Date, + '%decodeURI%': decodeURI, + '%decodeURIComponent%': decodeURIComponent, + '%encodeURI%': encodeURI, + '%encodeURIComponent%': encodeURIComponent, + '%Error%': Error, + '%eval%': eval, // eslint-disable-line no-eval + '%EvalError%': EvalError, + '%Float32Array%': typeof Float32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float32Array, + '%Float64Array%': typeof Float64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float64Array, + '%FinalizationRegistry%': typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined' ? undefined : FinalizationRegistry, + '%Function%': $Function, + '%GeneratorFunction%': needsEval, + '%Int8Array%': typeof Int8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int8Array, + '%Int16Array%': typeof Int16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int16Array, + '%Int32Array%': typeof Int32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int32Array, + '%isFinite%': isFinite, + '%isNaN%': isNaN, + '%IteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(getProto([][Symbol.iterator]())) : undefined, + '%JSON%': typeof JSON === 'object' ? JSON : undefined, + '%Map%': typeof Map === 'undefined' ? undefined : Map, + '%MapIteratorPrototype%': typeof Map === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()), + '%Math%': Math, + '%Number%': Number, + '%Object%': Object, + '%parseFloat%': parseFloat, + '%parseInt%': parseInt, + '%Promise%': typeof Promise === 'undefined' ? undefined : Promise, + '%Proxy%': typeof Proxy === 'undefined' ? undefined : Proxy, + '%RangeError%': RangeError, + '%ReferenceError%': ReferenceError, + '%Reflect%': typeof Reflect === 'undefined' ? undefined : Reflect, + '%RegExp%': RegExp, + '%Set%': typeof Set === 'undefined' ? undefined : Set, + '%SetIteratorPrototype%': typeof Set === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Set()[Symbol.iterator]()), + '%SharedArrayBuffer%': typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : SharedArrayBuffer, + '%String%': String, + '%StringIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(''[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined, + '%Symbol%': hasSymbols ? Symbol : undefined, + '%SyntaxError%': $SyntaxError, + '%ThrowTypeError%': ThrowTypeError, + '%TypedArray%': TypedArray, + '%TypeError%': $TypeError, + '%Uint8Array%': typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8Array, + '%Uint8ClampedArray%': typeof Uint8ClampedArray === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8ClampedArray, + '%Uint16Array%': typeof Uint16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint16Array, + '%Uint32Array%': typeof Uint32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint32Array, + '%URIError%': URIError, + '%WeakMap%': typeof WeakMap === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakMap, + '%WeakRef%': typeof WeakRef === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakRef, + '%WeakSet%': typeof WeakSet === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakSet +}; + +try { + null.error; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions +} catch (e) { + // + var errorProto = getProto(getProto(e)); + INTRINSICS['%Error.prototype%'] = errorProto; +} + +var doEval = function doEval(name) { + var value; + if (name === '%AsyncFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('async function () {}'); + } else if (name === '%GeneratorFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('function* () {}'); + } else if (name === '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%') { + value = getEvalledConstructor('async function* () {}'); + } else if (name === '%AsyncGenerator%') { + var fn = doEval('%AsyncGeneratorFunction%'); + if (fn) { + value = fn.prototype; + } + } else if (name === '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%') { + var gen = doEval('%AsyncGenerator%'); + if (gen) { + value = getProto(gen.prototype); + } + } + + INTRINSICS[name] = value; + + return value; +}; + +var LEGACY_ALIASES = { + '%ArrayBufferPrototype%': ['ArrayBuffer', 'prototype'], + '%ArrayPrototype%': ['Array', 'prototype'], + '%ArrayProto_entries%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'entries'], + '%ArrayProto_forEach%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'forEach'], + '%ArrayProto_keys%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'keys'], + '%ArrayProto_values%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'values'], + '%AsyncFunctionPrototype%': ['AsyncFunction', 'prototype'], + '%AsyncGenerator%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype'], + '%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'], + '%BooleanPrototype%': ['Boolean', 'prototype'], + '%DataViewPrototype%': ['DataView', 'prototype'], + '%DatePrototype%': ['Date', 'prototype'], + '%ErrorPrototype%': ['Error', 'prototype'], + '%EvalErrorPrototype%': ['EvalError', 'prototype'], + '%Float32ArrayPrototype%': ['Float32Array', 'prototype'], + '%Float64ArrayPrototype%': ['Float64Array', 'prototype'], + '%FunctionPrototype%': ['Function', 'prototype'], + '%Generator%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype'], + '%GeneratorPrototype%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'], + '%Int8ArrayPrototype%': ['Int8Array', 'prototype'], + '%Int16ArrayPrototype%': ['Int16Array', 'prototype'], + '%Int32ArrayPrototype%': ['Int32Array', 'prototype'], + '%JSONParse%': ['JSON', 'parse'], + '%JSONStringify%': ['JSON', 'stringify'], + '%MapPrototype%': ['Map', 'prototype'], + '%NumberPrototype%': ['Number', 'prototype'], + '%ObjectPrototype%': ['Object', 'prototype'], + '%ObjProto_toString%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'toString'], + '%ObjProto_valueOf%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'valueOf'], + '%PromisePrototype%': ['Promise', 'prototype'], + '%PromiseProto_then%': ['Promise', 'prototype', 'then'], + '%Promise_all%': ['Promise', 'all'], + '%Promise_reject%': ['Promise', 'reject'], + '%Promise_resolve%': ['Promise', 'resolve'], + '%RangeErrorPrototype%': ['RangeError', 'prototype'], + '%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': ['ReferenceError', 'prototype'], + '%RegExpPrototype%': ['RegExp', 'prototype'], + '%SetPrototype%': ['Set', 'prototype'], + '%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': ['SharedArrayBuffer', 'prototype'], + '%StringPrototype%': ['String', 'prototype'], + '%SymbolPrototype%': ['Symbol', 'prototype'], + '%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': ['SyntaxError', 'prototype'], + '%TypedArrayPrototype%': ['TypedArray', 'prototype'], + '%TypeErrorPrototype%': ['TypeError', 'prototype'], + '%Uint8ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8Array', 'prototype'], + '%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8ClampedArray', 'prototype'], + '%Uint16ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint16Array', 'prototype'], + '%Uint32ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint32Array', 'prototype'], + '%URIErrorPrototype%': ['URIError', 'prototype'], + '%WeakMapPrototype%': ['WeakMap', 'prototype'], + '%WeakSetPrototype%': ['WeakSet', 'prototype'] +}; + +var bind = require('function-bind'); +var hasOwn = require('has'); +var $concat =, Array.prototype.concat); +var $spliceApply =, Array.prototype.splice); +var $replace =, String.prototype.replace); +var $strSlice =, String.prototype.slice); +var $exec =, RegExp.prototype.exec); + +/* adapted from */ +var rePropName = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g; +var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */ +var stringToPath = function stringToPath(string) { + var first = $strSlice(string, 0, 1); + var last = $strSlice(string, -1); + if (first === '%' && last !== '%') { + throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`'); + } else if (last === '%' && first !== '%') { + throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`'); + } + var result = []; + $replace(string, rePropName, function (match, number, quote, subString) { + result[result.length] = quote ? $replace(subString, reEscapeChar, '$1') : number || match; + }); + return result; +}; +/* end adaptation */ + +var getBaseIntrinsic = function getBaseIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) { + var intrinsicName = name; + var alias; + if (hasOwn(LEGACY_ALIASES, intrinsicName)) { + alias = LEGACY_ALIASES[intrinsicName]; + intrinsicName = '%' + alias[0] + '%'; + } + + if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicName)) { + var value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicName]; + if (value === needsEval) { + value = doEval(intrinsicName); + } + if (typeof value === 'undefined' && !allowMissing) { + throw new $TypeError('intrinsic ' + name + ' exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!'); + } + + return { + alias: alias, + name: intrinsicName, + value: value + }; + } + + throw new $SyntaxError('intrinsic ' + name + ' does not exist!'); +}; + +module.exports = function GetIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) { + if (typeof name !== 'string' || name.length === 0) { + throw new $TypeError('intrinsic name must be a non-empty string'); + } + if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof allowMissing !== 'boolean') { + throw new $TypeError('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); + } + + if ($exec(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, name) === null) { + throw new $SyntaxError('`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name'); + } + var parts = stringToPath(name); + var intrinsicBaseName = parts.length > 0 ? parts[0] : ''; + + var intrinsic = getBaseIntrinsic('%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%', allowMissing); + var intrinsicRealName =; + var value = intrinsic.value; + var skipFurtherCaching = false; + + var alias = intrinsic.alias; + if (alias) { + intrinsicBaseName = alias[0]; + $spliceApply(parts, $concat([0, 1], alias)); + } + + for (var i = 1, isOwn = true; i < parts.length; i += 1) { + var part = parts[i]; + var first = $strSlice(part, 0, 1); + var last = $strSlice(part, -1); + if ( + ( + (first === '"' || first === "'" || first === '`') + || (last === '"' || last === "'" || last === '`') + ) + && first !== last + ) { + throw new $SyntaxError('property names with quotes must have matching quotes'); + } + if (part === 'constructor' || !isOwn) { + skipFurtherCaching = true; + } + + intrinsicBaseName += '.' + part; + intrinsicRealName = '%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%'; + + if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicRealName)) { + value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName]; + } else if (value != null) { + if (!(part in value)) { + if (!allowMissing) { + throw new $TypeError('base intrinsic for ' + name + ' exists, but the property is not available.'); + } + return void undefined; + } + if ($gOPD && (i + 1) >= parts.length) { + var desc = $gOPD(value, part); + isOwn = !!desc; + + // By convention, when a data property is converted to an accessor + // property to emulate a data property that does not suffer from + // the override mistake, that accessor's getter is marked with + // an `originalValue` property. Here, when we detect this, we + // uphold the illusion by pretending to see that original data + // property, i.e., returning the value rather than the getter + // itself. + if (isOwn && 'get' in desc && !('originalValue' in desc.get)) { + value = desc.get; + } else { + value = value[part]; + } + } else { + isOwn = hasOwn(value, part); + value = value[part]; + } + + if (isOwn && !skipFurtherCaching) { + INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName] = value; + } + } + } + return value; +}; + +},{"function-bind":350,"has":359,"has-symbols":356}],353:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var $gOPD = GetIntrinsic('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', true); + +if ($gOPD) { + try { + $gOPD([], 'length'); + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken gOPD + $gOPD = null; + } +} + +module.exports = $gOPD; + +},{"get-intrinsic":352}],354:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $BigInt = typeof BigInt !== 'undefined' && BigInt; + +module.exports = function hasNativeBigInts() { + return typeof $BigInt === 'function' + && typeof BigInt === 'function' + && typeof $BigInt(42) === 'bigint' // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers + && typeof BigInt(42) === 'bigint'; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers +}; + +},{}],355:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); + +var $defineProperty = GetIntrinsic('%Object.defineProperty%', true); + +var hasPropertyDescriptors = function hasPropertyDescriptors() { + if ($defineProperty) { + try { + $defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 1 }); + return true; + } catch (e) { + // IE 8 has a broken defineProperty + return false; + } + } + return false; +}; + +hasPropertyDescriptors.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = function hasArrayLengthDefineBug() { + // node v0.6 has a bug where array lengths can be Set but not Defined + if (!hasPropertyDescriptors()) { + return null; + } + try { + return $defineProperty([], 'length', { value: 1 }).length !== 1; + } catch (e) { + // In Firefox 4-22, defining length on an array throws an exception. + return true; + } +}; + +module.exports = hasPropertyDescriptors; + +},{"get-intrinsic":352}],356:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var origSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol; +var hasSymbolSham = require('./shams'); + +module.exports = function hasNativeSymbols() { + if (typeof origSymbol !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof origSymbol('foo') !== 'symbol') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol('bar') !== 'symbol') { return false; } + + return hasSymbolSham(); +}; + +},{"./shams":357}],357:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +/* eslint complexity: [2, 18], max-statements: [2, 33] */ +module.exports = function hasSymbols() { + if (typeof Symbol !== 'function' || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols !== 'function') { return false; } + if (typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol') { return true; } + + var obj = {}; + var sym = Symbol('test'); + var symObj = Object(sym); + if (typeof sym === 'string') { return false; } + + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; } + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; } + + // temp disabled per + // if (sym instanceof Symbol) { return false; } + // temp disabled per + // if (!(symObj instanceof Symbol)) { return false; } + + // if (typeof Symbol.prototype.toString !== 'function') { return false; } + // if (String(sym) !== { return false; } + + var symVal = 42; + obj[sym] = symVal; + for (sym in obj) { return false; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-unreachable-loop + if (typeof Object.keys === 'function' && Object.keys(obj).length !== 0) { return false; } + + if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames === 'function' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length !== 0) { return false; } + + var syms = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj); + if (syms.length !== 1 || syms[0] !== sym) { return false; } + + if (!, sym)) { return false; } + + if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor === 'function') { + var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, sym); + if (descriptor.value !== symVal || descriptor.enumerable !== true) { return false; } + } + + return true; +}; + +},{}],358:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams'); + +module.exports = function hasToStringTagShams() { + return hasSymbols() && !!Symbol.toStringTag; +}; + +},{"has-symbols/shams":357}],359:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var bind = require('function-bind'); + +module.exports =, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); + +},{"function-bind":350}],360:[function(require,module,exports){ +/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { + var e, m + var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 + var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 + var eBias = eMax >> 1 + var nBits = -7 + var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0 + var d = isLE ? -1 : 1 + var s = buffer[offset + i] + + i += d + + e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) + s >>= (-nBits) + nBits += eLen + for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} + + m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) + e >>= (-nBits) + nBits += mLen + for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} + + if (e === 0) { + e = 1 - eBias + } else if (e === eMax) { + return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity) + } else { + m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen) + e = e - eBias + } + return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen) +} + +exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { + var e, m, c + var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 + var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 var eBias = eMax >> 1 var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0) var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1) @@ -11076,7 +12336,390 @@ exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128 } -},{}],346:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],361:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var has = require('has'); +var channel = require('side-channel')(); + +var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%'); + +var SLOT = { + assert: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + channel.assert(O); + if (!SLOT.has(O, slot)) { + throw new $TypeError('`' + slot + '` is not present on `O`'); + } + }, + get: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + return slots && slots['$' + slot]; + }, + has: function (O, slot) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + return !!slots && has(slots, '$' + slot); + }, + set: function (O, slot, V) { + if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) { + throw new $TypeError('`O` is not an object'); + } + if (typeof slot !== 'string') { + throw new $TypeError('`slot` must be a string'); + } + var slots = channel.get(O); + if (!slots) { + slots = {}; + channel.set(O, slots); + } + slots['$' + slot] = V; + } +}; + +if (Object.freeze) { + Object.freeze(SLOT); +} + +module.exports = SLOT; + +},{"get-intrinsic":352,"has":359,"side-channel":399}],362:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var isStandardArguments = function isArguments(value) { + if (hasToStringTag && value && typeof value === 'object' && Symbol.toStringTag in value) { + return false; + } + return $toString(value) === '[object Arguments]'; +}; + +var isLegacyArguments = function isArguments(value) { + if (isStandardArguments(value)) { + return true; + } + return value !== null && + typeof value === 'object' && + typeof value.length === 'number' && + value.length >= 0 && + $toString(value) !== '[object Array]' && + $toString(value.callee) === '[object Function]'; +}; + +var supportsStandardArguments = (function () { + return isStandardArguments(arguments); +}()); + +isStandardArguments.isLegacyArguments = isLegacyArguments; // for tests + +module.exports = supportsStandardArguments ? isStandardArguments : isLegacyArguments; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],363:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBind = require('call-bind'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var isTypedArray = require('is-typed-array'); + +var $ArrayBuffer = GetIntrinsic('ArrayBuffer', true); +var $Float32Array = GetIntrinsic('Float32Array', true); +var $byteLength = callBound('ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +// in node 0.10, ArrayBuffers have no prototype methods, but have an own slot-checking `slice` method +var abSlice = $ArrayBuffer && !$byteLength && new $ArrayBuffer().slice; +var $abSlice = abSlice && callBind(abSlice); + +module.exports = $byteLength || $abSlice + ? function isArrayBuffer(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + if ($byteLength) { + $byteLength(obj); + } else { + $abSlice(obj, 0); + } + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + : $Float32Array + // in node 0.8, ArrayBuffers have no prototype or own methods + ? function IsArrayBuffer(obj) { + try { + return (new $Float32Array(obj)).buffer === obj && !isTypedArray(obj); + } catch (e) { + return typeof obj === 'object' && === 'RangeError'; + } + } + : function isArrayBuffer(obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars + return false; + }; + +},{"call-bind":39,"call-bind/callBound":38,"get-intrinsic":352,"is-typed-array":376}],364:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var hasBigInts = require('has-bigints')(); + +if (hasBigInts) { + var bigIntValueOf = BigInt.prototype.valueOf; + var tryBigInt = function tryBigIntObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + } + return false; + }; + + module.exports = function isBigInt(value) { + if ( + value === null + || typeof value === 'undefined' + || typeof value === 'boolean' + || typeof value === 'string' + || typeof value === 'number' + || typeof value === 'symbol' + || typeof value === 'function' + ) { + return false; + } + if (typeof value === 'bigint') { + return true; + } + + return tryBigInt(value); + }; +} else { + module.exports = function isBigInt(value) { + return false && value; + }; +} + +},{"has-bigints":354}],365:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var $boolToStr = callBound('Boolean.prototype.toString'); +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); + +var tryBooleanObject = function booleanBrandCheck(value) { + try { + $boolToStr(value); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var boolClass = '[object Boolean]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isBoolean(value) { + if (typeof value === 'boolean') { + return true; + } + if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag && Symbol.toStringTag in value ? tryBooleanObject(value) : $toString(value) === boolClass; +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],366:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var fnToStr = Function.prototype.toString; +var reflectApply = typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect !== null && Reflect.apply; +var badArrayLike; +var isCallableMarker; +if (typeof reflectApply === 'function' && typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function') { + try { + badArrayLike = Object.defineProperty({}, 'length', { + get: function () { + throw isCallableMarker; + } + }); + isCallableMarker = {}; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal + reflectApply(function () { throw 42; }, null, badArrayLike); + } catch (_) { + if (_ !== isCallableMarker) { + reflectApply = null; + } + } +} else { + reflectApply = null; +} + +var constructorRegex = /^\s*class\b/; +var isES6ClassFn = function isES6ClassFunction(value) { + try { + var fnStr =; + return constructorRegex.test(fnStr); + } catch (e) { + return false; // not a function + } +}; + +var tryFunctionObject = function tryFunctionToStr(value) { + try { + if (isES6ClassFn(value)) { return false; } +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var objectClass = '[object Object]'; +var fnClass = '[object Function]'; +var genClass = '[object GeneratorFunction]'; +var ddaClass = '[object HTMLAllCollection]'; // IE 11 +var ddaClass2 = '[object HTML document.all class]'; +var ddaClass3 = '[object HTMLCollection]'; // IE 9-10 +var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && !!Symbol.toStringTag; // better: use `has-tostringtag` + +var isIE68 = !(0 in [,]); // eslint-disable-line no-sparse-arrays, comma-spacing + +var isDDA = function isDocumentDotAll() { return false; }; +if (typeof document === 'object') { + // Firefox 3 canonicalizes DDA to undefined when it's not accessed directly + var all = document.all; + if ( === { + isDDA = function isDocumentDotAll(value) { + /* globals document: false */ + // in IE 6-8, typeof document.all is "object" and it's truthy + if ((isIE68 || !value) && (typeof value === 'undefined' || typeof value === 'object')) { + try { + var str =; + return ( + str === ddaClass + || str === ddaClass2 + || str === ddaClass3 // opera 12.16 + || str === objectClass // IE 6-8 + ) && value('') == null; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq + } catch (e) { /**/ } + } + return false; + }; + } +} + +module.exports = reflectApply + ? function isCallable(value) { + if (isDDA(value)) { return true; } + if (!value) { return false; } + if (typeof value !== 'function' && typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + try { + reflectApply(value, null, badArrayLike); + } catch (e) { + if (e !== isCallableMarker) { return false; } + } + return !isES6ClassFn(value) && tryFunctionObject(value); + } + : function isCallable(value) { + if (isDDA(value)) { return true; } + if (!value) { return false; } + if (typeof value !== 'function' && typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + if (hasToStringTag) { return tryFunctionObject(value); } + if (isES6ClassFn(value)) { return false; } + var strClass =; + if (strClass !== fnClass && strClass !== genClass && !(/^\[object HTML/).test(strClass)) { return false; } + return tryFunctionObject(value); + }; + +},{}],367:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var getDay = Date.prototype.getDay; +var tryDateObject = function tryDateGetDayCall(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var dateClass = '[object Date]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isDateObject(value) { + if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryDateObject(value) : === dateClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],368:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $Map = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype ? Map : null; +var $Set = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype ? Set : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$Map) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isMap(x) { + // `Map` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $Map ? Map.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $Set ? Set.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$mapHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isMap(x) { + // `Map` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isMap(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $; + if ($setHas) { + try { + $; + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $Map; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],369:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ // Coding standard for this project defined @ 'use strict'; @@ -11084,7 +12727,1282 @@ exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { exports = module.exports = !!(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && process.versions.node); }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"_process":348}],347:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"_process":393}],370:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var numToStr = Number.prototype.toString; +var tryNumberObject = function tryNumberObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var numClass = '[object Number]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isNumberObject(value) { + if (typeof value === 'number') { + return true; + } + if (typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryNumberObject(value) : === numClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],371:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var has; +var $exec; +var isRegexMarker; +var badStringifier; + +if (hasToStringTag) { + has = callBound('Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty'); + $exec = callBound('RegExp.prototype.exec'); + isRegexMarker = {}; + + var throwRegexMarker = function () { + throw isRegexMarker; + }; + badStringifier = { + toString: throwRegexMarker, + valueOf: throwRegexMarker + }; + + if (typeof Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol') { + badStringifier[Symbol.toPrimitive] = throwRegexMarker; + } +} + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var regexClass = '[object RegExp]'; + +module.exports = hasToStringTag + // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return + ? function isRegex(value) { + if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + + var descriptor = gOPD(value, 'lastIndex'); + var hasLastIndexDataProperty = descriptor && has(descriptor, 'value'); + if (!hasLastIndexDataProperty) { + return false; + } + + try { + $exec(value, badStringifier); + } catch (e) { + return e === isRegexMarker; + } + } + : function isRegex(value) { + // In older browsers, typeof regex incorrectly returns 'function' + if (!value || (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function')) { + return false; + } + + return $toString(value) === regexClass; + }; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],372:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $Map = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype ? Map : null; +var $Set = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype ? Set : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$Set) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isSet(x) { + // `Set` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $Map ? Map.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $Set ? Set.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$setHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isSet(x) { + // `Set` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isSet(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $; + if ($mapHas) { + try { + $; + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $Set; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],373:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $byteLength = callBound('SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength', true); + +module.exports = $byteLength + ? function isSharedArrayBuffer(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $byteLength(obj); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + : function isSharedArrayBuffer(obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars + return false; + }; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38}],374:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var strValue = String.prototype.valueOf; +var tryStringObject = function tryStringObject(value) { + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } +}; +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var strClass = '[object String]'; +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +module.exports = function isString(value) { + if (typeof value === 'string') { + return true; + } + if (typeof value !== 'object') { + return false; + } + return hasToStringTag ? tryStringObject(value) : === strClass; +}; + +},{"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],375:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); + +if (hasSymbols) { + var symToStr = Symbol.prototype.toString; + var symStringRegex = /^Symbol\(.*\)$/; + var isSymbolObject = function isRealSymbolObject(value) { + if (typeof value.valueOf() !== 'symbol') { + return false; + } + return symStringRegex.test(; + }; + + module.exports = function isSymbol(value) { + if (typeof value === 'symbol') { + return true; + } + if ( !== '[object Symbol]') { + return false; + } + try { + return isSymbolObject(value); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; +} else { + + module.exports = function isSymbol(value) { + // this environment does not support Symbols. + return false && value; + }; +} + +},{"has-symbols":356}],376:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +var forEach = require('for-each'); +var availableTypedArrays = require('available-typed-arrays'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); +var gOPD = require('gopd'); + +var g = typeof globalThis === 'undefined' ? global : globalThis; +var typedArrays = availableTypedArrays(); + +var $indexOf = callBound('Array.prototype.indexOf', true) || function indexOf(array, value) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) { + if (array[i] === value) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; +}; +var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); +var toStrTags = {}; +var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; // require('getprototypeof'); +if (hasToStringTag && gOPD && getPrototypeOf) { + forEach(typedArrays, function (typedArray) { + var arr = new g[typedArray](); + if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr) { + var proto = getPrototypeOf(arr); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, Symbol.toStringTag); + if (!descriptor) { + var superProto = getPrototypeOf(proto); + descriptor = gOPD(superProto, Symbol.toStringTag); + } + toStrTags[typedArray] = descriptor.get; + } + }); +} + +var tryTypedArrays = function tryAllTypedArrays(value) { + var anyTrue = false; + forEach(toStrTags, function (getter, typedArray) { + if (!anyTrue) { + try { + anyTrue = === typedArray; + } catch (e) { /**/ } + } + }); + return anyTrue; +}; + +module.exports = function isTypedArray(value) { + if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { return false; } + if (!hasToStringTag || !(Symbol.toStringTag in value)) { + var tag = $slice($toString(value), 8, -1); + return $indexOf(typedArrays, tag) > -1; + } + if (!gOPD) { return false; } + return tryTypedArrays(value); +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{"available-typed-arrays":34,"call-bind/callBound":38,"for-each":348,"gopd":353,"has-tostringtag/shams":358}],377:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var $WeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && WeakMap.prototype ? WeakMap : null; +var $WeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' && WeakSet.prototype ? WeakSet : null; + +var exported; + +if (!$WeakMap) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isWeakMap(x) { + // `WeakMap` is not present in this environment. + return false; + }; +} + +var $mapHas = $WeakMap ? $WeakMap.prototype.has : null; +var $setHas = $WeakSet ? $WeakSet.prototype.has : null; +if (!exported && !$mapHas) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + exported = function isWeakMap(x) { + // `WeakMap` does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +module.exports = exported || function isWeakMap(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $, $mapHas); + if ($setHas) { + try { + $, $setHas); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $WeakMap; // core-js workaround, pre-v3 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +}; + +},{}],378:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); + +var $WeakSet = GetIntrinsic('%WeakSet%', true); + +var $setHas = callBound('WeakSet.prototype.has', true); + +if ($setHas) { + var $mapHas = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.has', true); + + module.exports = function isWeakSet(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { + $setHas(x, $setHas); + if ($mapHas) { + try { + $mapHas(x, $mapHas); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return x instanceof $WeakSet; // core-js workaround, pre-v3 + } catch (e) {} + return false; + }; +} else { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + module.exports = function isWeakSet(x) { + // `WeakSet` does not exist, or does not have a `has` method + return false; + }; +} + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"get-intrinsic":352}],379:[function(require,module,exports){ +var toString = {}.toString; + +module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return == '[object Array]'; +}; + +},{}],380:[function(require,module,exports){ +var hasMap = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype; +var mapSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasMap ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype, 'size') : null; +var mapSize = hasMap && mapSizeDescriptor && typeof mapSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? mapSizeDescriptor.get : null; +var mapForEach = hasMap && Map.prototype.forEach; +var hasSet = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype; +var setSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasSet ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size') : null; +var setSize = hasSet && setSizeDescriptor && typeof setSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? setSizeDescriptor.get : null; +var setForEach = hasSet && Set.prototype.forEach; +var hasWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && WeakMap.prototype; +var weakMapHas = hasWeakMap ? WeakMap.prototype.has : null; +var hasWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' && WeakSet.prototype; +var weakSetHas = hasWeakSet ? WeakSet.prototype.has : null; +var hasWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' && WeakRef.prototype; +var weakRefDeref = hasWeakRef ? WeakRef.prototype.deref : null; +var booleanValueOf = Boolean.prototype.valueOf; +var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString; +var functionToString = Function.prototype.toString; +var $match = String.prototype.match; +var $slice = String.prototype.slice; +var $replace = String.prototype.replace; +var $toUpperCase = String.prototype.toUpperCase; +var $toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase; +var $test = RegExp.prototype.test; +var $concat = Array.prototype.concat; +var $join = Array.prototype.join; +var $arrSlice = Array.prototype.slice; +var $floor = Math.floor; +var bigIntValueOf = typeof BigInt === 'function' ? BigInt.prototype.valueOf : null; +var gOPS = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; +var symToString = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol' ? Symbol.prototype.toString : null; +var hasShammedSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'object'; +// ie, `has-tostringtag/shams +var toStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag && (typeof Symbol.toStringTag === hasShammedSymbols ? 'object' : 'symbol') + ? Symbol.toStringTag + : null; +var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + +var gPO = (typeof Reflect === 'function' ? Reflect.getPrototypeOf : Object.getPrototypeOf) || ( + [].__proto__ === Array.prototype // eslint-disable-line no-proto + ? function (O) { + return O.__proto__; // eslint-disable-line no-proto + } + : null +); + +function addNumericSeparator(num, str) { + if ( + num === Infinity + || num === -Infinity + || num !== num + || (num && num > -1000 && num < 1000) + || $, str) + ) { + return str; + } + var sepRegex = /[0-9](?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g; + if (typeof num === 'number') { + var int = num < 0 ? -$floor(-num) : $floor(num); // trunc(num) + if (int !== num) { + var intStr = String(int); + var dec = $, intStr.length + 1); + return $, sepRegex, '$&_') + '.' + $$, /([0-9]{3})/g, '$&_'), /_$/, ''); + } + } + return $, sepRegex, '$&_'); +} + +var utilInspect = require('./util.inspect'); +var inspectCustom = utilInspect.custom; +var inspectSymbol = isSymbol(inspectCustom) ? inspectCustom : null; + +module.exports = function inspect_(obj, options, depth, seen) { + var opts = options || {}; + + if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle') && (opts.quoteStyle !== 'single' && opts.quoteStyle !== 'double')) { + throw new TypeError('option "quoteStyle" must be "single" or "double"'); + } + if ( + has(opts, 'maxStringLength') && (typeof opts.maxStringLength === 'number' + ? opts.maxStringLength < 0 && opts.maxStringLength !== Infinity + : opts.maxStringLength !== null + ) + ) { + throw new TypeError('option "maxStringLength", if provided, must be a positive integer, Infinity, or `null`'); + } + var customInspect = has(opts, 'customInspect') ? opts.customInspect : true; + if (typeof customInspect !== 'boolean' && customInspect !== 'symbol') { + throw new TypeError('option "customInspect", if provided, must be `true`, `false`, or `\'symbol\'`'); + } + + if ( + has(opts, 'indent') + && opts.indent !== null + && opts.indent !== '\t' + && !(parseInt(opts.indent, 10) === opts.indent && opts.indent > 0) + ) { + throw new TypeError('option "indent" must be "\\t", an integer > 0, or `null`'); + } + if (has(opts, 'numericSeparator') && typeof opts.numericSeparator !== 'boolean') { + throw new TypeError('option "numericSeparator", if provided, must be `true` or `false`'); + } + var numericSeparator = opts.numericSeparator; + + if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { + return 'undefined'; + } + if (obj === null) { + return 'null'; + } + if (typeof obj === 'boolean') { + return obj ? 'true' : 'false'; + } + + if (typeof obj === 'string') { + return inspectString(obj, opts); + } + if (typeof obj === 'number') { + if (obj === 0) { + return Infinity / obj > 0 ? '0' : '-0'; + } + var str = String(obj); + return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, str) : str; + } + if (typeof obj === 'bigint') { + var bigIntStr = String(obj) + 'n'; + return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, bigIntStr) : bigIntStr; + } + + var maxDepth = typeof opts.depth === 'undefined' ? 5 : opts.depth; + if (typeof depth === 'undefined') { depth = 0; } + if (depth >= maxDepth && maxDepth > 0 && typeof obj === 'object') { + return isArray(obj) ? '[Array]' : '[Object]'; + } + + var indent = getIndent(opts, depth); + + if (typeof seen === 'undefined') { + seen = []; + } else if (indexOf(seen, obj) >= 0) { + return '[Circular]'; + } + + function inspect(value, from, noIndent) { + if (from) { + seen = $; + seen.push(from); + } + if (noIndent) { + var newOpts = { + depth: opts.depth + }; + if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle')) { + newOpts.quoteStyle = opts.quoteStyle; + } + return inspect_(value, newOpts, depth + 1, seen); + } + return inspect_(value, opts, depth + 1, seen); + } + + if (typeof obj === 'function' && !isRegExp(obj)) { // in older engines, regexes are callable + var name = nameOf(obj); + var keys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + return '[Function' + (name ? ': ' + name : ' (anonymous)') + ']' + (keys.length > 0 ? ' { ' + $, ', ') + ' }' : ''); + } + if (isSymbol(obj)) { + var symString = hasShammedSymbols ? $, /^(Symbol\(.*\))_[^)]*$/, '$1') :; + return typeof obj === 'object' && !hasShammedSymbols ? markBoxed(symString) : symString; + } + if (isElement(obj)) { + var s = '<' + $; + var attrs = obj.attributes || []; + for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { + s += ' ' + attrs[i].name + '=' + wrapQuotes(quote(attrs[i].value), 'double', opts); + } + s += '>'; + if (obj.childNodes && obj.childNodes.length) { s += '...'; } + s += ''; + return s; + } + if (isArray(obj)) { + if (obj.length === 0) { return '[]'; } + var xs = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + if (indent && !singleLineValues(xs)) { + return '[' + indentedJoin(xs, indent) + ']'; + } + return '[ ' + $, ', ') + ' ]'; + } + if (isError(obj)) { + var parts = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + if (!('cause' in Error.prototype) && 'cause' in obj && !, 'cause')) { + return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $$'[cause]: ' + inspect(obj.cause), parts), ', ') + ' }'; + } + if (parts.length === 0) { return '[' + String(obj) + ']'; } + return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $, ', ') + ' }'; + } + if (typeof obj === 'object' && customInspect) { + if (inspectSymbol && typeof obj[inspectSymbol] === 'function' && utilInspect) { + return utilInspect(obj, { depth: maxDepth - depth }); + } else if (customInspect !== 'symbol' && typeof obj.inspect === 'function') { + return obj.inspect(); + } + } + if (isMap(obj)) { + var mapParts = []; + if (mapForEach) { +, function (value, key) { + mapParts.push(inspect(key, obj, true) + ' => ' + inspect(value, obj)); + }); + } + return collectionOf('Map',, mapParts, indent); + } + if (isSet(obj)) { + var setParts = []; + if (setForEach) { +, function (value) { + setParts.push(inspect(value, obj)); + }); + } + return collectionOf('Set',, setParts, indent); + } + if (isWeakMap(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakMap'); + } + if (isWeakSet(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakSet'); + } + if (isWeakRef(obj)) { + return weakCollectionOf('WeakRef'); + } + if (isNumber(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(Number(obj))); + } + if (isBigInt(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(; + } + if (isBoolean(obj)) { + return markBoxed(; + } + if (isString(obj)) { + return markBoxed(inspect(String(obj))); + } + if (!isDate(obj) && !isRegExp(obj)) { + var ys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect); + var isPlainObject = gPO ? gPO(obj) === Object.prototype : obj instanceof Object || obj.constructor === Object; + var protoTag = obj instanceof Object ? '' : 'null prototype'; + var stringTag = !isPlainObject && toStringTag && Object(obj) === obj && toStringTag in obj ? $, 8, -1) : protoTag ? 'Object' : ''; + var constructorTag = isPlainObject || typeof obj.constructor !== 'function' ? '' : ? + ' ' : ''; + var tag = constructorTag + (stringTag || protoTag ? '[' + $$[], stringTag || [], protoTag || []), ': ') + '] ' : ''); + if (ys.length === 0) { return tag + '{}'; } + if (indent) { + return tag + '{' + indentedJoin(ys, indent) + '}'; + } + return tag + '{ ' + $, ', ') + ' }'; + } + return String(obj); +}; + +function wrapQuotes(s, defaultStyle, opts) { + var quoteChar = (opts.quoteStyle || defaultStyle) === 'double' ? '"' : "'"; + return quoteChar + s + quoteChar; +} + +function quote(s) { + return $, /"/g, '"'); +} + +function isArray(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Array]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isDate(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Date]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isRegExp(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object RegExp]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isError(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Error]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isString(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object String]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isNumber(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Number]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } +function isBoolean(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Boolean]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); } + +// Symbol and BigInt do have Symbol.toStringTag by spec, so that can't be used to eliminate false positives +function isSymbol(obj) { + if (hasShammedSymbols) { + return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && obj instanceof Symbol; + } + if (typeof obj === 'symbol') { + return true; + } + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !symToString) { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isBigInt(obj) { + if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !bigIntValueOf) { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function (key) { return key in this; }; +function has(obj, key) { + return, key); +} + +function toStr(obj) { + return; +} + +function nameOf(f) { + if ( { return; } + var m = $, /^function\s*([\w$]+)/); + if (m) { return m[1]; } + return null; +} + +function indexOf(xs, x) { + if (xs.indexOf) { return xs.indexOf(x); } + for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { + if (xs[i] === x) { return i; } + } + return -1; +} + +function isMap(x) { + if (!mapSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + try { +; + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof Map; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakMap(x) { + if (!weakMapHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +, weakMapHas); + try { +, weakSetHas); + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof WeakMap; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakRef(x) { + if (!weakRefDeref || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + return true; + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isSet(x) { + if (!setSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +; + try { +; + } catch (m) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof Set; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isWeakSet(x) { + if (!weakSetHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') { + return false; + } + try { +, weakSetHas); + try { +, weakMapHas); + } catch (s) { + return true; + } + return x instanceof WeakSet; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0 + } catch (e) {} + return false; +} + +function isElement(x) { + if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { return false; } + if (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && x instanceof HTMLElement) { + return true; + } + return typeof x.nodeName === 'string' && typeof x.getAttribute === 'function'; +} + +function inspectString(str, opts) { + if (str.length > opts.maxStringLength) { + var remaining = str.length - opts.maxStringLength; + var trailer = '... ' + remaining + ' more character' + (remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''); + return inspectString($, 0, opts.maxStringLength), opts) + trailer; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex + var s = $$, /(['\\])/g, '\\$1'), /[\x00-\x1f]/g, lowbyte); + return wrapQuotes(s, 'single', opts); +} + +function lowbyte(c) { + var n = c.charCodeAt(0); + var x = { + 8: 'b', + 9: 't', + 10: 'n', + 12: 'f', + 13: 'r' + }[n]; + if (x) { return '\\' + x; } + return '\\x' + (n < 0x10 ? '0' : '') + $; +} + +function markBoxed(str) { + return 'Object(' + str + ')'; +} + +function weakCollectionOf(type) { + return type + ' { ? }'; +} + +function collectionOf(type, size, entries, indent) { + var joinedEntries = indent ? indentedJoin(entries, indent) : $, ', '); + return type + ' (' + size + ') {' + joinedEntries + '}'; +} + +function singleLineValues(xs) { + for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { + if (indexOf(xs[i], '\n') >= 0) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +function getIndent(opts, depth) { + var baseIndent; + if (opts.indent === '\t') { + baseIndent = '\t'; + } else if (typeof opts.indent === 'number' && opts.indent > 0) { + baseIndent = $ + 1), ' '); + } else { + return null; + } + return { + base: baseIndent, + prev: $ + 1), baseIndent) + }; +} + +function indentedJoin(xs, indent) { + if (xs.length === 0) { return ''; } + var lineJoiner = '\n' + indent.prev + indent.base; + return lineJoiner + $, ',' + lineJoiner) + '\n' + indent.prev; +} + +function arrObjKeys(obj, inspect) { + var isArr = isArray(obj); + var xs = []; + if (isArr) { + xs.length = obj.length; + for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { + xs[i] = has(obj, i) ? inspect(obj[i], obj) : ''; + } + } + var syms = typeof gOPS === 'function' ? gOPS(obj) : []; + var symMap; + if (hasShammedSymbols) { + symMap = {}; + for (var k = 0; k < syms.length; k++) { + symMap['$' + syms[k]] = syms[k]; + } + } + + for (var key in obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax + if (!has(obj, key)) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + if (isArr && String(Number(key)) === key && key < obj.length) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + if (hasShammedSymbols && symMap['$' + key] instanceof Symbol) { + // this is to prevent shammed Symbols, which are stored as strings, from being included in the string key section + continue; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue + } else if ($[^\w$]/, key)) { + xs.push(inspect(key, obj) + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj)); + } else { + xs.push(key + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj)); + } + } + if (typeof gOPS === 'function') { + for (var j = 0; j < syms.length; j++) { + if (, syms[j])) { + xs.push('[' + inspect(syms[j]) + ']: ' + inspect(obj[syms[j]], obj)); + } + } + } + return xs; +} + +},{"./util.inspect":36}],381:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var numberIsNaN = function (value) { + return value !== value; +}; + +module.exports = function is(a, b) { + if (a === 0 && b === 0) { + return 1 / a === 1 / b; + } + if (a === b) { + return true; + } + if (numberIsNaN(a) && numberIsNaN(b)) { + return true; + } + return false; +}; + + +},{}],382:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var polyfill = callBind(getPolyfill(), Object); + +define(polyfill, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = polyfill; + +},{"./implementation":381,"./polyfill":383,"./shim":384,"call-bind":39,"define-properties":346}],383:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + return typeof === 'function' ? : implementation; +}; + +},{"./implementation":381}],384:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var define = require('define-properties'); + +module.exports = function shimObjectIs() { + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + define(Object, { is: polyfill }, { + is: function testObjectIs() { + return !== polyfill; + } + }); + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":383,"define-properties":346}],385:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var keysShim; +if (!Object.keys) { + // modified from + var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; + var isArgs = require('./isArguments'); // eslint-disable-line global-require + var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + var hasDontEnumBug = !{ toString: null }, 'toString'); + var hasProtoEnumBug = () {}, 'prototype'); + var dontEnums = [ + 'toString', + 'toLocaleString', + 'valueOf', + 'hasOwnProperty', + 'isPrototypeOf', + 'propertyIsEnumerable', + 'constructor' + ]; + var equalsConstructorPrototype = function (o) { + var ctor = o.constructor; + return ctor && ctor.prototype === o; + }; + var excludedKeys = { + $applicationCache: true, + $console: true, + $external: true, + $frame: true, + $frameElement: true, + $frames: true, + $innerHeight: true, + $innerWidth: true, + $onmozfullscreenchange: true, + $onmozfullscreenerror: true, + $outerHeight: true, + $outerWidth: true, + $pageXOffset: true, + $pageYOffset: true, + $parent: true, + $scrollLeft: true, + $scrollTop: true, + $scrollX: true, + $scrollY: true, + $self: true, + $webkitIndexedDB: true, + $webkitStorageInfo: true, + $window: true + }; + var hasAutomationEqualityBug = (function () { + /* global window */ + if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return false; } + for (var k in window) { + try { + if (!excludedKeys['$' + k] &&, k) && window[k] !== null && typeof window[k] === 'object') { + try { + equalsConstructorPrototype(window[k]); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }()); + var equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy = function (o) { + /* global window */ + if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !hasAutomationEqualityBug) { + return equalsConstructorPrototype(o); + } + try { + return equalsConstructorPrototype(o); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; + + keysShim = function keys(object) { + var isObject = object !== null && typeof object === 'object'; + var isFunction = === '[object Function]'; + var isArguments = isArgs(object); + var isString = isObject && === '[object String]'; + var theKeys = []; + + if (!isObject && !isFunction && !isArguments) { + throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'); + } + + var skipProto = hasProtoEnumBug && isFunction; + if (isString && object.length > 0 && !, 0)) { + for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) { + theKeys.push(String(i)); + } + } + + if (isArguments && object.length > 0) { + for (var j = 0; j < object.length; ++j) { + theKeys.push(String(j)); + } + } else { + for (var name in object) { + if (!(skipProto && name === 'prototype') &&, name)) { + theKeys.push(String(name)); + } + } + } + + if (hasDontEnumBug) { + var skipConstructor = equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy(object); + + for (var k = 0; k < dontEnums.length; ++k) { + if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnums[k] === 'constructor') &&, dontEnums[k])) { + theKeys.push(dontEnums[k]); + } + } + } + return theKeys; + }; +} +module.exports = keysShim; + +},{"./isArguments":387}],386:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var slice = Array.prototype.slice; +var isArgs = require('./isArguments'); + +var origKeys = Object.keys; +var keysShim = origKeys ? function keys(o) { return origKeys(o); } : require('./implementation'); + +var originalKeys = Object.keys; + +keysShim.shim = function shimObjectKeys() { + if (Object.keys) { + var keysWorksWithArguments = (function () { + // Safari 5.0 bug + var args = Object.keys(arguments); + return args && args.length === arguments.length; + }(1, 2)); + if (!keysWorksWithArguments) { + Object.keys = function keys(object) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching + if (isArgs(object)) { + return originalKeys(; + } + return originalKeys(object); + }; + } + } else { + Object.keys = keysShim; + } + return Object.keys || keysShim; +}; + +module.exports = keysShim; + +},{"./implementation":385,"./isArguments":387}],387:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; + +module.exports = function isArguments(value) { + var str =; + var isArgs = str === '[object Arguments]'; + if (!isArgs) { + isArgs = str !== '[object Array]' && + value !== null && + typeof value === 'object' && + typeof value.length === 'number' && + value.length >= 0 && + === '[object Function]'; + } + return isArgs; +}; + +},{}],388:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +// modified from +var objectKeys = require('object-keys'); +var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')(); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var toObject = Object; +var $push = callBound('Array.prototype.push'); +var $propIsEnumerable = callBound('Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable'); +var originalGetSymbols = hasSymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : null; + +// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars +module.exports = function assign(target, source1) { + if (target == null) { throw new TypeError('target must be an object'); } + var to = toObject(target); // step 1 + if (arguments.length === 1) { + return to; // step 2 + } + for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; ++s) { + var from = toObject(arguments[s]); // step 3.a.i + + // step 3.a.ii: + var keys = objectKeys(from); + var getSymbols = hasSymbols && (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols || originalGetSymbols); + if (getSymbols) { + var syms = getSymbols(from); + for (var j = 0; j < syms.length; ++j) { + var key = syms[j]; + if ($propIsEnumerable(from, key)) { + $push(keys, key); + } + } + } + + // step 3.a.iii: + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + var nextKey = keys[i]; + if ($propIsEnumerable(from, nextKey)) { // step 3.a.iii.2 + var propValue = from[nextKey]; // step 3.a.iii.2.a + to[nextKey] = propValue; // step 3.a.iii.2.b + } + } + } + + return to; // step 4 +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"has-symbols/shams":357,"object-keys":386}],389:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var defineProperties = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var polyfill = callBind.apply(getPolyfill()); +// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars +var bound = function assign(target, source1) { + return polyfill(Object, arguments); +}; + +defineProperties(bound, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = bound; + +},{"./implementation":388,"./polyfill":390,"./shim":391,"call-bind":39,"define-properties":346}],390:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +var lacksProperEnumerationOrder = function () { + if (!Object.assign) { + return false; + } + /* + * v8, specifically in node 4.x, has a bug with incorrect property enumeration order + * note: this does not detect the bug unless there's 20 characters + */ + var str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; + var letters = str.split(''); + var map = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; ++i) { + map[letters[i]] = letters[i]; + } + var obj = Object.assign({}, map); + var actual = ''; + for (var k in obj) { + actual += k; + } + return str !== actual; +}; + +var assignHasPendingExceptions = function () { + if (!Object.assign || !Object.preventExtensions) { + return false; + } + /* + * Firefox 37 still has "pending exception" logic in its Object.assign implementation, + * which is 72% slower than our shim, and Firefox 40's native implementation. + */ + var thrower = Object.preventExtensions({ 1: 2 }); + try { + Object.assign(thrower, 'xy'); + } catch (e) { + return thrower[1] === 'y'; + } + return false; +}; + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + if (!Object.assign) { + return implementation; + } + if (lacksProperEnumerationOrder()) { + return implementation; + } + if (assignHasPendingExceptions()) { + return implementation; + } + return Object.assign; +}; + +},{"./implementation":388}],391:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); + +module.exports = function shimAssign() { + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + define( + Object, + { assign: polyfill }, + { assign: function () { return Object.assign !== polyfill; } } + ); + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":390,"define-properties":346}],392:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); = exports.removeTooOldValues = exports.ObliviousSet = void 0; @@ -11162,7 +14080,7 @@ function now() { } = now; -},{}],348:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],393:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; @@ -11348,7 +14266,7 @@ process.chdir = function (dir) { }; process.umask = function() { return 0; }; -},{}],349:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],394:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * @@ -12111,7 +15029,305 @@ try { } } -},{}],350:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],395:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var functionsHaveConfigurableNames = require('functions-have-names').functionsHaveConfigurableNames(); + +var $Object = Object; +var $TypeError = TypeError; + +module.exports = function flags() { + if (this != null && this !== $Object(this)) { + throw new $TypeError('RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object'); + } + var result = ''; + if (this.hasIndices) { + result += 'd'; + } + if ( { + result += 'g'; + } + if (this.ignoreCase) { + result += 'i'; + } + if (this.multiline) { + result += 'm'; + } + if (this.dotAll) { + result += 's'; + } + if (this.unicode) { + result += 'u'; + } + if (this.unicodeSets) { + result += 'v'; + } + if (this.sticky) { + result += 'y'; + } + return result; +}; + +if (functionsHaveConfigurableNames && Object.defineProperty) { + Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'name', { value: 'get flags' }); +} + +},{"functions-have-names":351}],396:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var define = require('define-properties'); +var callBind = require('call-bind'); + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var shim = require('./shim'); + +var flagsBound = callBind(getPolyfill()); + +define(flagsBound, { + getPolyfill: getPolyfill, + implementation: implementation, + shim: shim +}); + +module.exports = flagsBound; + +},{"./implementation":395,"./polyfill":397,"./shim":398,"call-bind":39,"define-properties":346}],397:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var implementation = require('./implementation'); + +var supportsDescriptors = require('define-properties').supportsDescriptors; +var $gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + +module.exports = function getPolyfill() { + if (supportsDescriptors && (/a/mig).flags === 'gim') { + var descriptor = $gOPD(RegExp.prototype, 'flags'); + if ( + descriptor + && typeof descriptor.get === 'function' + && typeof RegExp.prototype.dotAll === 'boolean' + && typeof RegExp.prototype.hasIndices === 'boolean' + ) { + /* eslint getter-return: 0 */ + var calls = ''; + var o = {}; + Object.defineProperty(o, 'hasIndices', { + get: function () { + calls += 'd'; + } + }); + Object.defineProperty(o, 'sticky', { + get: function () { + calls += 'y'; + } + }); + if (calls === 'dy') { + return descriptor.get; + } + } + } + return implementation; +}; + +},{"./implementation":395,"define-properties":346}],398:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var supportsDescriptors = require('define-properties').supportsDescriptors; +var getPolyfill = require('./polyfill'); +var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; +var TypeErr = TypeError; +var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var regex = /a/; + +module.exports = function shimFlags() { + if (!supportsDescriptors || !getProto) { + throw new TypeErr('RegExp.prototype.flags requires a true ES5 environment that supports property descriptors'); + } + var polyfill = getPolyfill(); + var proto = getProto(regex); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, 'flags'); + if (!descriptor || descriptor.get !== polyfill) { + defineProperty(proto, 'flags', { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + get: polyfill + }); + } + return polyfill; +}; + +},{"./polyfill":397,"define-properties":346}],399:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var inspect = require('object-inspect'); + +var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%'); +var $WeakMap = GetIntrinsic('%WeakMap%', true); +var $Map = GetIntrinsic('%Map%', true); + +var $weakMapGet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.get', true); +var $weakMapSet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.set', true); +var $weakMapHas = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.has', true); +var $mapGet = callBound('Map.prototype.get', true); +var $mapSet = callBound('Map.prototype.set', true); +var $mapHas = callBound('Map.prototype.has', true); + +/* + * This function traverses the list returning the node corresponding to the + * given key. + * + * That node is also moved to the head of the list, so that if it's accessed + * again we don't need to traverse the whole list. By doing so, all the recently + * used nodes can be accessed relatively quickly. + */ +var listGetNode = function (list, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return + for (var prev = list, curr; (curr = !== null; prev = curr) { + if (curr.key === key) { + =; + =; + = curr; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + return curr; + } + } +}; + +var listGet = function (objects, key) { + var node = listGetNode(objects, key); + return node && node.value; +}; +var listSet = function (objects, key, value) { + var node = listGetNode(objects, key); + if (node) { + node.value = value; + } else { + // Prepend the new node to the beginning of the list + = { // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign + key: key, + next:, + value: value + }; + } +}; +var listHas = function (objects, key) { + return !!listGetNode(objects, key); +}; + +module.exports = function getSideChannel() { + var $wm; + var $m; + var $o; + var channel = { + assert: function (key) { + if (!channel.has(key)) { + throw new $TypeError('Side channel does not contain ' + inspect(key)); + } + }, + get: function (key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if ($wm) { + return $weakMapGet($wm, key); + } + } else if ($Map) { + if ($m) { + return $mapGet($m, key); + } + } else { + if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if + return listGet($o, key); + } + } + }, + has: function (key) { + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if ($wm) { + return $weakMapHas($wm, key); + } + } else if ($Map) { + if ($m) { + return $mapHas($m, key); + } + } else { + if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if + return listHas($o, key); + } + } + return false; + }, + set: function (key, value) { + if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) { + if (!$wm) { + $wm = new $WeakMap(); + } + $weakMapSet($wm, key, value); + } else if ($Map) { + if (!$m) { + $m = new $Map(); + } + $mapSet($m, key, value); + } else { + if (!$o) { + /* + * Initialize the linked list as an empty node, so that we don't have + * to special-case handling of the first node: we can always refer to + * it as (previous node).next, instead of something like (list).head + */ + $o = { key: {}, next: null }; + } + listSet($o, key, value); + } + } + }; + return channel; +}; + +},{"call-bind/callBound":38,"get-intrinsic":352,"object-inspect":380}],400:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var SLOT = require('internal-slot'); + +var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError; +var $StopIteration = typeof StopIteration === 'object' ? StopIteration : null; + +module.exports = function getStopIterationIterator(origIterator) { + if (!$StopIteration) { + throw new $SyntaxError('this environment lacks StopIteration'); + } + + SLOT.set(origIterator, '[[Done]]', false); + + var siIterator = { + next: function next() { + var iterator = SLOT.get(this, '[[Iterator]]'); + var done = SLOT.get(iterator, '[[Done]]'); + try { + return { + done: done, + value: done ? void undefined : + }; + } catch (e) { + SLOT.set(iterator, '[[Done]]', true); + if (e !== $StopIteration) { + throw e; + } + return { + done: true, + value: void undefined + }; + } + } + }; + + SLOT.set(siIterator, '[[Iterator]]', origIterator); + + return siIterator; +}; + +},{"internal-slot":361}],401:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { @@ -12163,7 +15379,7 @@ function addBrowser(fn) { * @link */ } -},{}],351:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{}],402:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ "use strict"; @@ -12224,7 +15440,7 @@ function getSize() { return LISTENERS.size; } }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"./browser.js":350,"./node.js":352,"_process":348}],352:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"./browser.js":401,"./node.js":403,"_process":393}],403:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){(function (){ "use strict"; @@ -12263,7 +15479,124 @@ function addNode(fn) { }); } }).call(this)}).call(this,require('_process')) -},{"_process":348}],353:[function(require,module,exports){ +},{"_process":393}],404:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isString = require('is-string'); +var isNumber = require('is-number-object'); +var isBoolean = require('is-boolean-object'); +var isSymbol = require('is-symbol'); +var isBigInt = require('is-bigint'); + +// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return +module.exports = function whichBoxedPrimitive(value) { + // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq + if (value == null || (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function')) { + return null; + } + if (isString(value)) { + return 'String'; + } + if (isNumber(value)) { + return 'Number'; + } + if (isBoolean(value)) { + return 'Boolean'; + } + if (isSymbol(value)) { + return 'Symbol'; + } + if (isBigInt(value)) { + return 'BigInt'; + } +}; + +},{"is-bigint":364,"is-boolean-object":365,"is-number-object":370,"is-string":374,"is-symbol":375}],405:[function(require,module,exports){ +'use strict'; + +var isMap = require('is-map'); +var isSet = require('is-set'); +var isWeakMap = require('is-weakmap'); +var isWeakSet = require('is-weakset'); + +module.exports = function whichCollection(value) { + if (value && typeof value === 'object') { + if (isMap(value)) { + return 'Map'; + } + if (isSet(value)) { + return 'Set'; + } + if (isWeakMap(value)) { + return 'WeakMap'; + } + if (isWeakSet(value)) { + return 'WeakSet'; + } + } + return false; +}; + +},{"is-map":368,"is-set":372,"is-weakmap":377,"is-weakset":378}],406:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){(function (){ +'use strict'; + +var forEach = require('for-each'); +var availableTypedArrays = require('available-typed-arrays'); +var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); +var gOPD = require('gopd'); + +var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); +var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); + +var g = typeof globalThis === 'undefined' ? global : globalThis; +var typedArrays = availableTypedArrays(); + +var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); +var toStrTags = {}; +var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; // require('getprototypeof'); +if (hasToStringTag && gOPD && getPrototypeOf) { + forEach(typedArrays, function (typedArray) { + if (typeof g[typedArray] === 'function') { + var arr = new g[typedArray](); + if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr) { + var proto = getPrototypeOf(arr); + var descriptor = gOPD(proto, Symbol.toStringTag); + if (!descriptor) { + var superProto = getPrototypeOf(proto); + descriptor = gOPD(superProto, Symbol.toStringTag); + } + toStrTags[typedArray] = descriptor.get; + } + } + }); +} + +var tryTypedArrays = function tryAllTypedArrays(value) { + var foundName = false; + forEach(toStrTags, function (getter, typedArray) { + if (!foundName) { + try { + var name =; + if (name === typedArray) { + foundName = name; + } + } catch (e) {} + } + }); + return foundName; +}; + +var isTypedArray = require('is-typed-array'); + +module.exports = function whichTypedArray(value) { + if (!isTypedArray(value)) { return false; } + if (!hasToStringTag || !(Symbol.toStringTag in value)) { return $slice($toString(value), 8, -1); } + return tryTypedArrays(value); +}; + +}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{"available-typed-arrays":34,"call-bind/callBound":38,"for-each":348,"gopd":353,"has-tostringtag/shams":358,"is-typed-array":376}],407:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* eslint-disable */ @@ -12335,4 +15668,4 @@ self.addEventListener('message', function (e) { } ; }, false); -},{"../../":2,"@babel/polyfill":14,"async-test-util":20}]},{},[353]); +},{"../../":2,"@babel/polyfill":14,"async-test-util":20}]},{},[407]); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c297eef2..253c4b68 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "broadcast-channel", - "version": "5.0.3", + "version": "5.1.0", "description": "A BroadcastChannel that works in New Browsers, Old Browsers, WebWorkers and NodeJs and iframes", "exports": { ".": { diff --git a/src/leader-election-web-lock.js b/src/leader-election-web-lock.js index 6c506cf4..38d30c7a 100644 --- a/src/leader-election-web-lock.js +++ b/src/leader-election-web-lock.js @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { // Do nothing because there are no duplicates in the WebLock version }, die() { - const ret = sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); this._lstns.forEach(listener => this.broadcastChannel.removeEventListener('internal', listener)); this._lstns = []; this._unl.forEach(uFn => uFn.remove()); @@ -89,6 +88,6 @@ LeaderElectionWebLock.prototype = { if (this._wKMC.c) { this._wKMC.c.abort('LeaderElectionWebLock.die() called'); } - return ret; + return sendLeaderMessage(this, 'death'); } };