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antongolub opened this issue Feb 22, 2022 · 8 comments


antongolub opened this issue Feb 22, 2022 · 8 comments
bug Something isn't working


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antongolub commented Feb 22, 2022

[email protected]

npm ERR! This command does not support workspaces.


@antongolub antongolub added the bug Something isn't working label Feb 22, 2022
antongolub added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 22, 2022
qiwibot added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 22, 2022
## [4.0.1](v4.0.0...v4.0.1) (2022-02-22)

### Bug Fixes

* pin npm version to v8.4.1 ([22c89d1](22c89d1)), closes [#60](#60)
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I'm encountering the same error in chawyehsu/lxgw-wenkai-webfont. Is it possible to be related to this issue? It failed in the latest runs, but I didn't change anything of my npm configurations, previous runs were good.

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afair, it was resolved by updating global npm from 8.5.[0-2] to 8.5.3+

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For anyone who is encountering the same issue, I downgraded nodejs to 16.13.2 as per npm/cli#4600 (comment) and sucessfully made the ci work. Simply updating npm to the latest version will not work.

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csantos1113 commented May 24, 2022

We experiencing an issue that seems related to this?

2022-05-24T20:16:20.377Z msr:updateDeps [@org/core] package.json path= /home/ec2-user/actions-runner/_work/org/packages/core/package.json
2022-05-24T20:16:20.377Z msr:updateDeps [@org/core] no deps changes
npm ERR! Unsupported URL Type "workspace:": workspace:*

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/ec2-user/.npm/_logs/2022-05-24T20_16_20_760Z-debug-0.log
[8:16:34 PM] [@org/core] › ✖  Failed step "prepare" of plugin "Inline plugin"
[8:16:34 PM] [@org/core] › ✖  An error occurred while running semantic-release: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: npm version 1.0.0-alpha.3 --userconfig /tmp/42c421784d097ee5539e9e266df07a3f/.npmrc --no-git-tag-version --allow-same-version
npm ERR! Unsupported URL Type "workspace:": workspace:*

We currently have .nvmrc set to v14.18.1 so

➜ npm -v      
➜ node -v

But semantic-release is supposed to use the npm locally installed in the package

Current msr config:

multi-semantic-release version: 6.4.0
semantic-release version: 19.0.2
flags: {
  "debug": true,
  "sequentialInit": false,
  "sequentialPrepare": true,
  "firstParent": false,
  "deps": {
    "bump": "override",
    "release": "patch",
    "prefix": ""
  "ignorePrivate": true,
  "tagFormat": "${name}@${version}",
  "dryRun": false

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@csantos1113 It seems more related to dhoulb/multi-semantic-release#111

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csantos1113 commented May 24, 2022

@csantos1113 It seems more related to dhoulb#111

Thanks for the quick response.

it's odd because our monorepos currently work with "@qiwi/multi-semantic-release": "3.17.1",. but it breaks when I update it to 4.0.0 (or latest 6.4.0, if that matters)

here is the config where it works:

multi-semantic-release version: 3.17.1
semantic-release version: 17.4.4
flags: {
  "debug": true,
  "sequentialInit": false,
  "sequentialPrepare": false,
  "firstParent": false,
  "deps": {
    "bump": "override",
    "release": "patch"
  "tagFormat": "${name}@${version}",
  "dryRun": false

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afair, there was an issue with npm that we've tried to fix by pinning in 4.0.2

Since v6 this fork uses toposort instead of concurrent events and it's reported to be affecting some older projects. Unfortunately we still dont know what is exacty is broken.

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aarne commented Sep 17, 2022

The problem is with npm starting from version 8.5 that comes by default with node 16.15.

Adding workspaces-update = false to your .npmrc will fix the issue on newer npm versions

prisis referenced this issue in anolilab/semantic-release Sep 28, 2023

* semantic-release/semantic-release@v19.0.5...v21.0.5
* drop support for cycled monorepos
* require Node.js v12
* sequentialPrepare is set to true, to disable pass `--no-sequential-prepare` option
* semrel npm plugin calls local npm version semantic-release/npm#445
* **engine:** the latest semantic-release requires Node.js 10.18
* drop nodejs v8

### Features

* add --tag-version-format flag ([259864c](259864c))
* add debugger ([d2c090d](d2c090d))
* add dependencies updating controller ([0c9b040](0c9b040))
* add execa queued hook ([042933e](042933e))
* add execasync CLI flag to make execa calls be always synchronous ([693438c](693438c)), closes [#1](#1)
* add meow as cli provider ([6de93b9](6de93b9))
* add pnpm and bolt support ([91465de](91465de))
* add process.spawn arg watcher ([7699b6f](7699b6f))
* add sequential-init flag to avoid hypothetical concurrent initialization collisions ([348678e](348678e))
* add some debug messages ([ec792e1](ec792e1))
* added declarative config support ([c98ff10](c98ff10))
* allow to run prepare steps sequentially ([299748a](299748a))
* apply --first-parent filter to commits ([14a896b](14a896b))
* apply queuefy to plugin methods instead of execa ([9ae7d0d](9ae7d0d))
* bump semrel to v19 ([e6b8acb](e6b8acb))
* check that sequentialPrepare is not enabled on cyclic projects ([68c1198](68c1198))
* **debug:** attach pkg prefixes to debug notes ([25e111f](25e111f))
* **debug:** log manifest deps changes ([88b4077](88b4077)), closes [#27](#27)
* **debug:** print passed cli flags ([d720cd7](d720cd7))
* drop nodejs v8 support ([80f0a24](80f0a24))
* enable `sequentialPrepare` flag by default ([ad7e81f](ad7e81f))
* enable first-parent commits filtering by cli flag ([33306cc](33306cc))
* **engine:** up nodejs version ([10af385](10af385))
* handle .cjs configs ([38f657a](38f657a))
* ignore packages to be released with workspaces and CLI ([#42](#42)) ([b98e181](b98e181))
* Initial commit ([942ef94](942ef94))
* introduce `deps.prefix` flag to inject carets ([c3f4529](c3f4529))
* introduce `ignorePrivate` flag ([e4891c9](e4891c9)), closes [#66](#66)
* introduce `log-level` config option ([3fb6584](3fb6584))
* introduce a silent mode([#88](#88)) ([47a27d8](47a27d8))
* let publish step run in parallel ([4d5c451](4d5c451))
* log filtered commits in debug ([c64b8e1](c64b8e1))
* log manifest path ([db451e8](db451e8))
* new updated version of the multi-semantic-release lib ([54be8b7](54be8b7))
* prefer nested CLI flags ([1bf08cc](1bf08cc))
* provide pre-release flow ([6a9ce16](6a9ce16)), closes [#25](#25)
* replace synchronizer with @semrel-extra/topo ([ddd1032](ddd1032))
* support `${version}+${name}` tag format ([c53fefb](c53fefb)), closes [#71](#71)
* support `release.config.cjs` ([a6b9370](a6b9370))
* support workspace.packages notation ([4a606b2](4a606b2))
* tech release ([828a82d](828a82d))
* update semver from v19 to v21 ([6e4c378](6e4c378))
* uphold the prev package.json indents ([ac5832f](ac5832f))

### Bug Fixes

* add flag to enable sequentialPrepare mode ([70c2dc5](70c2dc5))
* add sync point for publish step ([adc823e](adc823e))
* allow any `todo` package to run the `generateNotes` queue ([26a87d7](26a87d7)), closes [#9](#9)
* apply deps update before npm's plugin prepare ([77b6ee2](77b6ee2))
* avoid non-updated local dependencies bump ([#33](#33)) ([9faeef6](9faeef6))
* beautify log labels ([78cbc8a](78cbc8a))
* bump-up of pre-version  ([02ef270](02ef270))
* **cli:** fix inner spawnhook call ([70aa292](70aa292))
* **cli:** restore watchspawn context ([56145aa](56145aa))
* **config:** fix `options` and `plugins` resolver ([56e974c](56e974c))
* correct global config use ([8e5fb99](8e5fb99))
* dont fetch tags if tags arg is empty array ([3a79558](3a79558))
* ensure msr cli flags take precedence over their semrel equivalents ([2be75fa](2be75fa))
* filter only tags that are valid ([59b61ad](59b61ad))
* filter queued packages on generateNotes stage ([e0625ce](e0625ce)), closes [#6](#6)
* fix cascade bumping when some dep belongs to several levels of the dep tree ([cf20dea](cf20dea))
* fix debug logging ([71527b2](71527b2))
* fix export point ([cf31425](cf31425))
* fix getNextVersion resolver ([7275ae7](7275ae7))
* fix globbing on Windows ([#57](#57)) ([1d71d21](1d71d21))
* fix internal flag ref filterParent → firstParent ([8c7400f](8c7400f))
* fix logger path ([232d2dc](232d2dc))
* fix nextType resolver ([606914b](606914b))
* fix pkgOptions resolver ([2a2f0cf](2a2f0cf))
* force a release ([1e3ece5](1e3ece5))
* getVersionFromTag tests to fix release process ([e7f1646](e7f1646))
* local dependencies correct bump from release to prerelease ([#34](#34)) ([6481a59](6481a59))
* make logger to be singleton ([1790794](1790794))
* missing @ in tagFormat ([3faa0f1](3faa0f1))
* more robust stream rescoping (to fix bug in npm module) ([34c7c62](34c7c62))
* override env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH to fix PR checks on travis-ci ([e4b1929](e4b1929)), closes [#11](#11)
* **package:** add missed sem-rel plugins ([f3c9318](f3c9318))
* **package:** up deps, fix some vuls ([d8905b0](d8905b0))
* **package:** up deps, fix vulns ([5a4d91e](5a4d91e))
* **package:** update execa to be compatible with sem-rel 15.13.28 ([069bb4e](069bb4e)), closes [#7](#7)
* pass stderr and stdout into semantic's getConfig (bug in npm) ([cf596cb](cf596cb))
* pin npm as peer dep ([67d8b80](67d8b80))
* pin npm version to v8.4.1 ([22c89d1](22c89d1)), closes [#60](#60)
* preserve trailing whitespace in manifest ([06426ec](06426ec))
* print queued pkg count instead of total ([d893a7f](d893a7f))
* process optional deps during manifest update ([4b7066c](4b7066c))
* provide partial release ([898998a](898998a))
* publish updated deps ([791f55a](791f55a)), closes [#1](#1)
* rm npm from peer deps ([307e505](307e505))
* **sequential-prepare:** do not wait forever when a child package has no change ([713046a](713046a))
* specify used but forgotten dependencies ([73def7f](73def7f))
* sync pkg version after running the npm plugin ([1d24e45](1d24e45))
* trigger next pkg `prepare` after the prev `publish` ([f74d185](f74d185))
* try to prevent deps update rollback ([9108350](9108350))
* up deps, fix some vuls ([2d5cf86](2d5cf86))
* update deps, fix some vuls ([f3cafc8](f3cafc8))
* update manifest version before npm plugin prepare step ([a1ae4c3](a1ae4c3)), closes [#58](#58)
* **update-deps:** properly resolve next pre-versions ([62b348e](62b348e))
* wrong context.commits when have multiple releases commit ([f82f125](f82f125))

### Performance Improvements

* deps revision ([4f62817](4f62817))
* log improvements ([c45dccc](c45dccc))
* log multi-sem-rel flags ([75389e0](75389e0))
* log yarn paths ([3896d5c](3896d5c))
* **package:** up deps ([506a0e8](506a0e8))
* **package:** up deps ([6b903a7](6b903a7))
* **package:** up deps & tech release ([bf00b41](bf00b41))
* refactor nextPreVersion to reduce cognitive complexity ([#35](#35)) ([601bbd3](601bbd3))
* straighten plugins execution pipeline ([e57fe2f](e57fe2f)), closes [#4](#4)
* up deps ([f9e0c8a](f9e0c8a))
* up deps, minor code improvements ([a7aa625](a7aa625))
* various synchronizer optimizations ([87a7602](87a7602))

### Code Refactoring

* move to ESM ([99fffa9](99fffa9))
prisis referenced this issue in anolilab/semantic-release Sep 28, 2023

* semantic-release/semantic-release@v19.0.5...v21.0.5
* drop support for cycled monorepos
* require Node.js v12
* sequentialPrepare is set to true, to disable pass `--no-sequential-prepare` option
* semrel npm plugin calls local npm version semantic-release/npm#445
* **engine:** the latest semantic-release requires Node.js 10.18
* drop nodejs v8

### Features

* add --tag-version-format flag ([259864c](259864c))
* add debugger ([d2c090d](d2c090d))
* add dependencies updating controller ([0c9b040](0c9b040))
* add execa queued hook ([042933e](042933e))
* add execasync CLI flag to make execa calls be always synchronous ([693438c](693438c)), closes [#1](#1)
* add meow as cli provider ([6de93b9](6de93b9))
* add pnpm and bolt support ([91465de](91465de))
* add process.spawn arg watcher ([7699b6f](7699b6f))
* add sequential-init flag to avoid hypothetical concurrent initialization collisions ([348678e](348678e))
* add some debug messages ([ec792e1](ec792e1))
* added declarative config support ([c98ff10](c98ff10))
* allow to run prepare steps sequentially ([299748a](299748a))
* apply --first-parent filter to commits ([14a896b](14a896b))
* apply queuefy to plugin methods instead of execa ([9ae7d0d](9ae7d0d))
* bump semrel to v19 ([e6b8acb](e6b8acb))
* check that sequentialPrepare is not enabled on cyclic projects ([68c1198](68c1198))
* **debug:** attach pkg prefixes to debug notes ([25e111f](25e111f))
* **debug:** log manifest deps changes ([88b4077](88b4077)), closes [#27](#27)
* **debug:** print passed cli flags ([d720cd7](d720cd7))
* drop nodejs v8 support ([80f0a24](80f0a24))
* enable `sequentialPrepare` flag by default ([ad7e81f](ad7e81f))
* enable first-parent commits filtering by cli flag ([33306cc](33306cc))
* **engine:** up nodejs version ([10af385](10af385))
* handle .cjs configs ([38f657a](38f657a))
* ignore packages to be released with workspaces and CLI ([#42](#42)) ([b98e181](b98e181))
* Initial commit ([942ef94](942ef94))
* introduce `deps.prefix` flag to inject carets ([c3f4529](c3f4529))
* introduce `ignorePrivate` flag ([e4891c9](e4891c9)), closes [#66](#66)
* introduce `log-level` config option ([3fb6584](3fb6584))
* introduce a silent mode([#88](#88)) ([47a27d8](47a27d8))
* let publish step run in parallel ([4d5c451](4d5c451))
* log filtered commits in debug ([c64b8e1](c64b8e1))
* log manifest path ([db451e8](db451e8))
* new updated version of the multi-semantic-release lib ([8bdc8be](8bdc8be))
* prefer nested CLI flags ([1bf08cc](1bf08cc))
* provide pre-release flow ([6a9ce16](6a9ce16)), closes [#25](#25)
* replace synchronizer with @semrel-extra/topo ([ddd1032](ddd1032))
* support `${version}+${name}` tag format ([c53fefb](c53fefb)), closes [#71](#71)
* support `release.config.cjs` ([a6b9370](a6b9370))
* support workspace.packages notation ([4a606b2](4a606b2))
* tech release ([828a82d](828a82d))
* update semver from v19 to v21 ([6e4c378](6e4c378))
* uphold the prev package.json indents ([ac5832f](ac5832f))

### Bug Fixes

* add flag to enable sequentialPrepare mode ([70c2dc5](70c2dc5))
* add sync point for publish step ([adc823e](adc823e))
* added missing publishConfig ([f00ea9a](f00ea9a))
* allow any `todo` package to run the `generateNotes` queue ([26a87d7](26a87d7)), closes [#9](#9)
* apply deps update before npm's plugin prepare ([77b6ee2](77b6ee2))
* avoid non-updated local dependencies bump ([#33](#33)) ([9faeef6](9faeef6))
* beautify log labels ([78cbc8a](78cbc8a))
* bump-up of pre-version  ([02ef270](02ef270))
* **cli:** fix inner spawnhook call ([70aa292](70aa292))
* **cli:** restore watchspawn context ([56145aa](56145aa))
* **config:** fix `options` and `plugins` resolver ([56e974c](56e974c))
* correct global config use ([8e5fb99](8e5fb99))
* dont fetch tags if tags arg is empty array ([3a79558](3a79558))
* ensure msr cli flags take precedence over their semrel equivalents ([2be75fa](2be75fa))
* filter only tags that are valid ([59b61ad](59b61ad))
* filter queued packages on generateNotes stage ([e0625ce](e0625ce)), closes [#6](#6)
* fix cascade bumping when some dep belongs to several levels of the dep tree ([cf20dea](cf20dea))
* fix debug logging ([71527b2](71527b2))
* fix export point ([cf31425](cf31425))
* fix getNextVersion resolver ([7275ae7](7275ae7))
* fix globbing on Windows ([#57](#57)) ([1d71d21](1d71d21))
* fix internal flag ref filterParent → firstParent ([8c7400f](8c7400f))
* fix logger path ([232d2dc](232d2dc))
* fix nextType resolver ([606914b](606914b))
* fix pkgOptions resolver ([2a2f0cf](2a2f0cf))
* force a release ([1e3ece5](1e3ece5))
* getVersionFromTag tests to fix release process ([e7f1646](e7f1646))
* local dependencies correct bump from release to prerelease ([#34](#34)) ([6481a59](6481a59))
* make logger to be singleton ([1790794](1790794))
* missing @ in tagFormat ([3faa0f1](3faa0f1))
* more robust stream rescoping (to fix bug in npm module) ([34c7c62](34c7c62))
* override env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH to fix PR checks on travis-ci ([e4b1929](e4b1929)), closes [#11](#11)
* **package:** add missed sem-rel plugins ([f3c9318](f3c9318))
* **package:** up deps, fix some vuls ([d8905b0](d8905b0))
* **package:** up deps, fix vulns ([5a4d91e](5a4d91e))
* **package:** update execa to be compatible with sem-rel 15.13.28 ([069bb4e](069bb4e)), closes [#7](#7)
* pass stderr and stdout into semantic's getConfig (bug in npm) ([cf596cb](cf596cb))
* pin npm as peer dep ([67d8b80](67d8b80))
* pin npm version to v8.4.1 ([22c89d1](22c89d1)), closes [#60](#60)
* preserve trailing whitespace in manifest ([06426ec](06426ec))
* print queued pkg count instead of total ([d893a7f](d893a7f))
* process optional deps during manifest update ([4b7066c](4b7066c))
* provide partial release ([898998a](898998a))
* publish updated deps ([791f55a](791f55a)), closes [#1](#1)
* rm npm from peer deps ([307e505](307e505))
* **sequential-prepare:** do not wait forever when a child package has no change ([713046a](713046a))
* specify used but forgotten dependencies ([73def7f](73def7f))
* sync pkg version after running the npm plugin ([1d24e45](1d24e45))
* trigger next pkg `prepare` after the prev `publish` ([f74d185](f74d185))
* try to prevent deps update rollback ([9108350](9108350))
* up deps, fix some vuls ([2d5cf86](2d5cf86))
* update deps, fix some vuls ([f3cafc8](f3cafc8))
* update manifest version before npm plugin prepare step ([a1ae4c3](a1ae4c3)), closes [#58](#58)
* **update-deps:** properly resolve next pre-versions ([62b348e](62b348e))
* wrong context.commits when have multiple releases commit ([f82f125](f82f125))

### Performance Improvements

* deps revision ([4f62817](4f62817))
* log improvements ([c45dccc](c45dccc))
* log multi-sem-rel flags ([75389e0](75389e0))
* log yarn paths ([3896d5c](3896d5c))
* **package:** up deps ([506a0e8](506a0e8))
* **package:** up deps ([6b903a7](6b903a7))
* **package:** up deps & tech release ([bf00b41](bf00b41))
* refactor nextPreVersion to reduce cognitive complexity ([#35](#35)) ([601bbd3](601bbd3))
* straighten plugins execution pipeline ([e57fe2f](e57fe2f)), closes [#4](#4)
* up deps ([f9e0c8a](f9e0c8a))
* up deps, minor code improvements ([a7aa625](a7aa625))
* various synchronizer optimizations ([87a7602](87a7602))

### Code Refactoring

* move to ESM ([99fffa9](99fffa9))
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bug Something isn't working
None yet

No branches or pull requests

4 participants