TAG=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
make docker-push TAG=${TAG}
kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/kubia.yaml
CLUSTER_CERT and CLUSTER_KEY are certificates used for starting kubernetes API server
CLUSTER_IP=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}' | sed -n "s/https\:\/\/\(\S*\).*$/\1/p")
KUBIA_IP=$(kubectl get svc kubia -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
PROXY_IMAGE=$(docker images | grep "proxy-server-" -m1 | awk '{print $1}')
AGENT_IMAGE=$(docker images | grep "proxy-agent-" -m1 | awk '{print $1}')
TEST_CLIENT_IMAGE=$(docker images | grep "proxy-test-client-" -m1 | awk '{print $1}')
SERVER_TOKEN=$(./examples/kubernetes/token_generation.sh 32)
Register SERVER_TOKEN in static-token-file
Append the output of the following line to the static-token-file and restart kube-apiserver on the master
echo "${SERVER_TOKEN},system:konnectivity-server,uid:system:konnectivity-server"
static-token-file location is: /etc/srv/kubernetes/known_tokens.csv
Restart kube-apiserver
K8S_API_PID=$(sudo crictl ps | grep kube-apiserver | awk '{ print $1; }')
sudo crictl stop ${K8S_API_PID}
SERVER_TOKEN=${SERVER_TOKEN} envsubst < examples/kubernetes/kubeconfig
kubectl create clusterrolebinding --user system:konnectivity-server --clusterrole system:auth-delegator system:konnectivity-server
Start proxy-server as a static pod with following configuration
TAG=${TAG} PROXY_IMAGE=${PROXY_IMAGE} CLUSTER_CERT=${CLUSTER_CERT} CLUSTER_KEY=${CLUSTER_KEY} envsubst < examples/kubernetes/konnectivity-server.yaml
/etc/kubernetes/manifests is a folder where .yaml file needs to be created for static pod
TAG=${TAG} AGENT_IMAGE=${AGENT_IMAGE} CLUSTER_IP=${CLUSTER_IP} envsubst < examples/kubernetes/konnectivity-agent.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Run test-client as a static pod with following configuration on same machine where proxy-server runs
TAG=${TAG} KUBIA_IP=${KUBIA_IP} TEST_CLIENT_IMAGE=${TEST_CLIENT_IMAGE} envsubst < examples/kubernetes/konnectivity-test-client.yaml
Last row in the following log file /var/log/konnectivity-test-client.log supposed to be: You've hit kubia
/etc/kubernetes/manifests is a folder where .yaml file needs to be created for static pod