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Function API

In Puppet 4x there is a new API for writing Ruby functions that extend the functionality of the Puppet language. This API was marked experimental in Puppet 3x (with future parser), but there were no changes to the regular API.

We are doing this because the 3x API for functions has several issues:

  • Methods defined in a Function pollute Ruby Object and cause leakage between environments!
  • The function runs as a method on Scope (and has access to too much non-API)
  • Undefined arguments are given to the function as empty strings
  • There is no automatic type checking
  • Functions share a flat namespace
  • Functions cannot be private to a module
  • Functions are defined in the Puppet::Parser::Functions namespace. Future use of functions is to also use them where no parser is available. The concept of "parser function" is just odd.
  • There are problems with reloading complex functions
  • There is a distinction between function of expression and statement kind and this distinction is no longer meaningful.
  • Documentation can not be retrieved without running the ruby code that defines the function.

The 3x API

A Function is created by calling Puppet::Parser::Functions.newfunction. This method takes the following arguments:

  • name - a symbol (required)
  • type - if function is :rvalue or :statement
  • arity - number of arguments (or variable min args if negative)
  • doc - a doc string

The body of the function is implemented with a block given to newfunction. If an attempt is made to define additional methods inside the new function body, they share the namespace with Scope and all other functions.

The API is both fragile and does not help with the most common task - checking the argument types. It is not uncommon that 80% of the logic in function consists of argument type checking. Worse is when there is no checking at all (because it is a chore to write) leading to mysterious and sometimes spectacular failures.

For autoloading information see Autoloading.

It should be noted that it is illegal to define methods inside of the 3.x function body, as well as defining them outside of the function. The behavior is undefined and will pollute the Ruby Object class in such a way that these methods step on each other; one function may override another function's methods, or worst case, may overwrite vital methods in Ruby Object itself! Further, such methods end up changing code that is cached in memory for an environment - and if different versions of the code is used in different environments, the environment loaded last will overwrite what was loaded earlier.

From Puppet 6.0.0 functions using this illegal construct will not work as the extra methods cannot be called. Such functions should be converted to the 4.x API (as described in this specification) as this API allows additional methods inside of the function definition. Having code outside of the function definition is never allowed.

The 4x API

In the 4x API there is support for type checking, and the logic for one function cannot step on the turf or other functions (and certainly not on Scope).

A Function is now simply a callable object. It is instantiated once (when loaded) and its closure is the global scope (i.e. what is visible to it from outer scopes).

In general functions should not modify scope of the catalog - they are simply called with arguments and produce a result that they return. Functions that really do need access to other parts of the system has the opportunity to ask for helper object to be injected for these purposes. This makes general purpose functions free of agent/master concerns and it is easy to determine if a function will work in a particular context or not based on its declared needs in terms of access to other parts of the system/services.

For autoloading information see Autoloading.

Creating a Function

A function is created with a call to Puppet::Function.create_function. Behind the scenes this creates a subclass of Function named after the function. The Ruby logic can not find this class on its own - it is not bound to a constant anywhere (and it is forbidden for anyone to bind it in a fashion that prevents reloading).

The simplest declaration uses introspection to configure the class - a simple function can look like this:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:max) do
  def max(x,y)
    x >= y ? x : y

This works, because we have named the created function and the method it contains the same way. (If there is no method with the same name an error is raised). It is legal to have additional helper methods but it is not possible to define classes nested inside of the function. Functions can now be namespaced for inclusion in a module, in which case the method would be named with the last segment of the function name:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:"mymodule::min") do
  def min(x,y)
    x <= y ? x : y

The function definition in the example above does obviously not define the required types of the arguments (since this cannot be done in Ruby). Instead, the introspection treats every defined parameter as being of Any type.

The default introspection supports arguments with default values (optional arguments), and that the last argument accepts spillover arguments (varargs). It is not allowed to follow optional arguments with a required argument (and by definition a vararg is always optional).

Thus, this is allowed:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:myfunc) do
  def myfunc(a, b, c=10, *d)
    x >= y ? x : y

The introspection will derive the correct type signature for the function from the parameter declaration. It will (when used with Ruby >= 1.9.3 also pick up the parameter names. If this function is called with the wrong number of arguments (or wrong type - see below), say like this:


an error message is shown like this:

function 'myfunc' called with mis-matched arguments
    myfunc(Any a, Any b, Any c?, Any d{0,}) - arg count {2,}
    myfunc(Integer) - arg count {1}

What this is telling us is that myfunc has 4 parameters (a, b, c, d), but can be called with a minimum of two parameters. This is shown at the end as a short hand ({2,} means 2 or more). The optionality is also shown for each parameter (a ? denotes this), and at the end, the parameter d accepts 0 or more values as denoted by {0,}.

If we want to assert other types than Any, a little more work is required.

Defining a Typed Dispatch

The act of directing a call of the function to the correct method is known as dispatching. In the simple case, a default dispatcher was defined (all parameters are of Any type). While this is convenient we most often want automatic checking of the arguments type. We may also want to direct the call to different methods depending on the given argument types as this makes it a lot easier to implement a function cleanly (we may want a function to operate quite differently based on if it gets an Array or a String etc.)

Each wanted parameter is defined with a call to one of the param methods (in order from left to right as seen when calling the function).

Here is a min function that returns the smallest of two numbers, and the lexicographically earlier of two strings (downcased to get case independence).

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:min) do
  dispatch :min do
    param 'Numeric', :a
    param 'Numeric', :b

  dispatch :min_s do
    param 'String', :s1
    param 'String', :s2

  def min(x,y)
    x <= y ? x : y

  def min_s(x,y)
    cmp = (x.downcase <=> y.downcase)
    cmp <= 0 ? x : y

Now we can call the function min with either two numbers, or two strings, and we get automatic dispatching and type checking. Should we pass something that is not supported we get an error message that shows the alternatives - say we try to call it this way:


then we get:

function 'min' called with mis-matched arguments
expected one of:
  min(Numeric a, Numeric b) - arg count {2}
  min(String s1, String s2) - arg count {2}
  min(Integer, Integer, Integer) - arg count {3}

When a call is made, the signatures are tested in the order they appear in the definition of the function, thus, if a very generic entry is placed first it will always win.

Required, Optional, and Repeated Parameters

The dispatch method is used to define the dispatching of one type signature to one method. It takes a block in which a series of calls are made to define the parameters using one of the methods:

  • param - same as required_param
  • required_param - a parameter that must be given as an argument
  • optional_param - a parameter that may be omitted as an argument (may not be followed by a required parameter.
  • repeated_param- a parameter that accepts none or many given argument values (must be placed last, or just before a block parameter). Can also be stated with optional_repeated_param. Can not be combined with required_repeated_param.
  • required_repeated_param - a parameter that accepts one or many given argument values (must be placed last, or just before a block parameter). Cannot be combined with repeated_param or optional_repeated_param.

These take type (in string form) and name (a symbol) as arguments.

Block Parameters

Block (lambda) parameters can be defined with:

  • block_param - same as required_block_param
  • required_block_param - specifies that a block must be given
  • optional_block_param - specifies that a block may be given

If neither of the block parameter methods are called, then it is an error to call the function with a block.

Dispatch with variable number of arguments

The methods optional_param, and repeated_param makes the function accept a variable number of arguments. When using variable number of arguments care must be taken to specify parameters that are compatible with the method being called by the dispatch, but they do not have to be exactly the same - this is legal:

dispatch :special do
  param 'Numeric', :a
  optional_param 'Numeric', :b
  repeated_param 'Any', :additional

def special(*args)

Here, for implementation reasons it is wanted that all arguments are passed in one array to the special method but in the eyes of the user we want it to have one required Numeric, one optional Numeric, and then an optional amount of Any.

Defining Type in the Dispatch call

Types are specified in string form with the syntax of the types as they are used in the Puppet Programming Language. Only literal values may be used for the type parameter expressions (e.g. 'Integer[$min_allowed + 1, $max_allowed]' cannot be used as a type).

Returned Type

Since Puppet 4.7.0 it is possible to specify the expected return type. This is done in the dispatcher by calling return_type with the type as a puppet type system string.

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:min) do
  dispatch :min do
    param 'Numeric', :a
    param 'Numeric', :b
    return_type 'Numeric'
# ...
  • The return type is asserted when the function returns a value.
  • If a return type is not specified it defaults to Any.

Block/Lambda Support

Defining the Block Parameter

The signature supports a special block parameter that can accept a block of code / lambda given to a function. If this block parameter is not defined, the function will not accept a call where a lambda is given. To make it possible to pass a block to the method this must be declared in the dispatcher with either block_param (same as required_block_param), or optional_block_param.

As the names of the methods suggests, the former makes the signature require that a lambda is given, and the latter accepts a given lambda, but also that no lambda was given.

dispatch :something do
  param 'Scalar', :a'

The block_param and optional_block_param can be called without arguments which means that a lambda with any signature is accepted, and that the name of the parameter is :block. If something else is wanted, it is specified with a Callable type, and the name of the block. The type may also be a Variant type if all of the variants are variations of Callable (including other Variant types).

Example, accept a callable that takes two arguments, the first an Integer, and the second a String:

block_param 'Callable[Integer, String]', :block    

The declaration of the Callable type should be read as: "The given lambda must be callable with arguments given of these types.", or simply "These are the types I will call the lambda with".

Calling the Given Block

When a lambda is given in the Puppet Language it is given as a Ruby block to the method the call is dispatched to - just as if the method is called directly from ruby with a trailing do block. It is possible to check if a block is given with block_given?, and the block can be called with yield, or an explicit

The recommended way is to not declare a &block parameter, and instead call it with yield (after having checked if an optional block was given or not).

Here is an example where the min function accepts an optional block that is called with the result - e.g. it can be called as min(1,100) |$x| { "min is $x" } - which would return the string "min is 1". The definition of the function looks like this:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:min) do
  dispatch :min do
    param 'Numeric', :a
    param 'Numeric', :b
    optional_block_param Callable['Integer'], :block

  def min(x,y)
    result = x <= y ? x : y
    # call (i.e. yield) to the block if it was given, else the result
    block_given? ? yield(result) : result


Introspecting the Given Block

The given block is a specialized Ruby Proc object from which it is possible to get arity, and information about the parameters (names, if they have default value, etc.). The special Proc used by the Puppet runtime also supports getting the Puppet Closure which holds additional information about the types of the parameters.

It is recommended to use the Ruby Proc API since this enables more convenient testing (just pass a regular Ruby Proc). Also note that when using Ruby 1.8.7 the Proc API is limited in the information it can return. In Ruby 1.8.7 it is also not possible to obtain the Puppet Closure.

Use the closure method on the proc to get the Puppet closure (an instance of Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Closure).

Type Mismatch Dispatch

Since Puppet 4.10.0

A dispatcher named argument_mismatch can be used to dispatch calls that would otherwise result in a type mismatch error with a generic error message describing why there was a mismatch.

The argument_mismatch dispatcher works exactly like the regular dispatcher, but it only kicks in if the given arguments does not match any of the regular dispatchers.

The methods that this dispatcher dispatches to must return a String, and this value becomes the error message that is shown for the detected mismatch.

If none of the argument_mismatch dispatches matches the given arguments, or if there is no argument_mismatch at all in the function, then the default, generic type mismatch error will be raised.

An argument_mismatch dispatcher accepts and matches a block parameter, but the block itself is not passed on to the implementation method.

      dispatch :process do
        param 'Numeric', :a,
        param 'Numeric', :b
      type_mismatch :on_error do
        param 'Any', :a
        param 'Any', :b
      def process(a, b)
        # return the result of the function

      def on_error(a,b)
        # return the custom error message
        "Both parameters must be Numeric"

Local Type Aliases

Since Puppet 4.5.0 it is possible to define local type aliases that can be used to type the parameters of the function. This is done in a call to local types, which must be placed before all dispatchers.

local_types do
  type  'AliasName = SomeDefinedType'
  type ...

Each call to type in the block given to local_types defines a type alias. The syntax for the string given to the type function is exactly the same as what may follow the keyword type in the Puppet Language when defining a type alias.

The locally defined type aliases may be used in the dispatchers when describing parameters. These aliases are only available inside the function.

Example of usage:

local_types do
  type 'PartColor = Enum[blue, red, green, mauve, teal, white, pine]'
  type 'Part = Enum[cubicle_wall, chair, wall, desk, carpet]'
  type 'PartToColorMap = Hash[Part, PartColor]'

dispatch :define_colors do
  param 'PartToColorMap', :part_color_map

def define_colors(part_color_map)
  # etc

Reserved method names

The Function class reserves the following method names:

  • closure_scope
  • loader
  • call_function


Returns the scope where the function was defined. This is the scope a function should use if it needs to lookup top-scope variables like $facts. This scope does not provide access to the local scope the call originates from.


Returns the loader that loaded the function. Further loading will be done from the perspective of this loader.

call_function(function_name, *args, &block)

Calls the function named function_name, using the arguments specified in *args. The name is given without any prefix. (3x prefixes names with function_, while 4x does not).

If you want to pass a block, you can either give a regular Ruby block, or pass on the Proc that was given to the function.

def my_function1(a, b, &block)
  # passing given Proc
  call_function('my_other_function', a, b, &block)

def my_function2(a, &block)
  # using a Ruby block
  call_function('my_other_function', a, b) { |x| ... }

Function Documentation

Documentation is written as yardoc comments before the call to Functions.create_function and in comments before each call to dispatch.

Rules for Non Internal Functions

There are two implementations that build up a function; regular and internal. The builder of internal functions have more access to the runtime and has an API that is considered private (it may change in minor releases). For regular, not internal functions the rules are:

  • The function may only use things that are given to it.
  • The function may not mutate the arguments given to it.
  • The function should not mutate the state of the system directly, it may call other system functions that does this, but it should not mutate the system state itself.
  • The function may not implement any of the reserved methods.
  • The function may not contain nested classes or modules
  • The function may not define Ruby constants

Specifically, this means that a (non internal) function does not have access to the calling scope. If there is a need to access the calling scope, or other internal runtime services, the function is an internal / system function and it can be implemented using the more advanced InternalFunction base class.

Normal functions should not access scope. It is very bad practice to read (or even worse, write) variables in the scope. A Function should operate on its given arguments and return a result. Functions that need to mutate the state of the catalog are considered to be system functions, and it is far better to call these functions than to implement a new system function (e.g. use call_function(:include, 'name_of_class') instead of trying to manipulate the catalog being produced).

  • The anonymous Function class defines all methods on the class, an instance of this function class represents the functions closure.

Access to Stacktrace

Some functions need access to the call stack in order to be able to issue a specific error message, or to associate file and line information with produced data (as is the case with the create_resources function).

This is done by using the PuppetStack object available since Puppet 4.6.0.

The PuppetStack contains an array of all file/line locations in a nested call structure, where the innermost nested call appears first. Thus the immediate caller location of a function is found at index 0.

The PuppetStack only contains location in .pp source. The corresponding information is also available in the Ruby stacktrace and shows up in logged exceptions. This is of value when a function calls another using call_function and the called function is implemented in Ruby.

To get the immediate caller:

stacktrace = Puppet::Pops::PuppetStack.stacktrace()
file, line = stacktrace[0]

Manual Handling

The intention is that typical functions should only require the features that Function supports. Internal / system functions may require support for additional features, and for that purpose there is an InternalFunction base class.

As the API for internal functions is being defined, there may be the need to create a custom base class to experiment with features. If this is needed, there are two main extension points, the initialization, and the call method.

NOTE The API for this is still being designed.

call_method(scope, *args, &block)

A Function can implement call(scope, args, &block), perform additional checks etc, and either relay to the super version, or rewrite the array with given arguments and call:

self.class.dispatcher.dispatch(self, scope, args, &block)

It is not intended that a Function directly implements its function-logic in the call method.

initialize method

The initialize method takes two arguments, the closure_scope, and the loader, and if initialization is required of the function being created, the super version must be called.

The closure_scope is the outer scope of the function, typically this is the top/global scope. The loader is the loader that loads the function - it is needed since the function may need access to other loaded/loadable entities that are visible to it and the loader given to it provides this interface.

Experimental / Internal Features

Calling Scope Support

If the function needs access to the calling scope, this can be injected into the dispatching by calling scope_param, here is an example from the function inline_epp:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:inline_epp, Puppet::Functions::InternalFunction) do

  dispatch :inline_epp do
    param          'String',                      :template
    optional_param 'Hash[Pattern[/^\w+$/], Any]', :parameters
  # ...


It is possible to inject objects - both at the time the function is instantiated and when the function is called.

Injection of Function Class attributes

Injections at function instantiation time is useful when a function needs support from other services that do not depend on the calling context.

These injections are activated and values are looked up on first use. The grammar for this is:

  : 'attr_injected' AttributedInjection
  | 'attr_injected_producer' AttributedInjection
  : type = TypeReference ',' attribute_name = SYMBOL (',' injection_key = STRING)?

As an example, a function that performs syntax checking gets syntax checker extensions via the binder.

Puppet::Functions.create_function('assert_syntax') do
  # define constants
  syntax_checkers_type = hash_of(type_of(::Puppetx::SYNTAX_CHECKERS_TYPE))
  syntax_checkers_extension = ::Puppetx::SYNTAX_CHECKERS
  # and in the dispatcher
  injected_param syntax_checkers_type, :syntax_checkers, syntax_checkers_extension

This creates a method called assert_syntax() that the method implementing the function's logic can call to obtain the hash of syntax checkers registered with the injector as in the following simple use of the registered syntax checkers (error checking, reporting, etc. is missing from the example).

 def assert_syntax(text, syntax)
   # raise error if not ok, else return the text

Injecting Arguments

The second use case for injections is to inject arguments when dispatching the calls. This is useful when the methods being called needs access to context or service and these a) do not (and cannot) come from the puppet logic, and b) it may be different depending on environment and/or calling context.

This is specified via the methods injected_param, and injected_provider_param with the same arguments as for the class attributes, but where the first name is the name of the Parameter instead of the attribute.

Using the same example as earlier, but now instead using argument injection.

Puppet::Functions.create_function('assert_syntax') do
  syntax_checkers_type = hash_of(type_of(::PuppetX::SYNTAX_CHECKERS_TYPE))
  syntax_checkers_extension = ::PuppetX::SYNTAX_CHECKERS
 dispatch :check do
   param 'String', :text
   param 'String', :syntax
   injected_param syntax_checkers_type, :checkers, syntax_checkers_extension
 def check(text, syntax, checkers)
   # raise error if not ok, else return the text

An injected param is not part of the signature that is used to dispatch the call, only the params given by the user are. When the call is made, the injected parameter values are woven into the given arguments at the places specified by the order in the dispatch body.

Alternatively, the same can be achieved by using a ruby default in the function and directly calling lookup.

def check(text, syntax, checkers = { 'json' => })
 # ...

(The example above uses a fictitious JsonChecker class as illustration).

The ruby parameter default can be used even if there is a dispatch - that means that if the method is called directly from Ruby, then the default applies, if called from the puppet language, then the injected value is used. This may be ideal for unit testing the function since it can be tested without using injection and with default for available checkers.


Functions are autoloaded from files as shown in the table below. The reference <root> in the shown paths is either the root of the environment (the environment's directory), or the root of a module. The notation <module name> means the name of the module without the author part, and <function_name> means the leaf name of the function (without name spaces).

API in namespace support allows top-scope path
3.x Ruby module Not supported Yes (always top scope) <root>/lib/puppet/parser/functions/<function_name>.rb
env Not supported - -
4.x Ruby module Yes <module_name>:: Yes <root>/lib/puppet/functions/<module name>/<function_name>.rb
env Yes environment:: Yes <root>/lib/puppet/functions/environment/<function_name>.rb <root>/lib/puppet/functions/<function_name>.rb
4.x Puppet module Yes <module_name>:: No <root>/functions/<function_name>.pp
env Yes environment:: Yes <root>/functions/environment/<function_name>.pp
manifest Yes (any namspace) Yes in any manifest

For 3.x note that only top scope, non namespaced functions can be defined. (The 3.x function API should not be used).

The 4.x namespaces allows namespaced functions to be created. When creating 4.x functions in Ruby it is possible to create both namespaced and top scope functions. Creating top scoped functions should be avoided as much as possible and considered to be reserved for functions included in the Puppet runtime.

Since the 4.x Ruby API allows functions to be defined in top scope (both in the environment's file tree, and in module's file trees), the path to a namespaced function must always include the name of the module (or the fixed name environment for the (any) environment's namesapce) as the top directory <root>/lib/puppet/functions is for top scoped functions.

For the 4.x Puppet API it is not possible to autoload top scoped functions in modules. It is however possible to create top scoped functions by defining them in the environment or in a manifest that is guaranteed to be loaded first (typically site.pp). This mechanism can be used to override/patch and delegate function calls as a version migration aid.

Manifest loaded functions can define functions in any namespace. This should only be used for special cases (migration / patching).

Nested namespaces are suppoted in the 4.x API for both Ruby and Puppet. The paths to the .rb or .pp files containing such functions should have each additional namespace in a nested directory. As an example the function environment::testing::env_func() should be placed in <root>/lib/puppet/functions/environment/testing/env_func.rb (Ruby API), or <root>/functions/environment/testing/env_func.pp (Puppet API).

Note: A module that wants to call a function in another module must either have that module listed as a dependency, or have no dependencies entry at all in its metadata.json. This requirement is enforced at runtime to help users keep metadata for modules up to date as users then simply need to install a module and its dependencies. If a module does not have the correct dependencies listed the runtime will simply not find the function.