A handy utility for Android icon pack creators to generate key assets and resources, and alleviate much of the manual work. Made a bunch of new icons and need to update your drawable.xml
and icon-pack.xml
files? Just drag and drop. Keeping track of your app filters in three places at once? No longer. Simply create your appfilter.xml
, and we'll generate appmap.xml
and theme_resources.xml
for you. You can even merge app filter files from your icon requests into your master filter files using the integrated editor.
Clone the repository into the directory of your choice. Compile and package using Gradle:
$ cd path/to/iconpacktools
$ gradle clean build shadowJar
$ java -jar build/libs/iconpacktools-<VERSION>-all.jar
Download one of the linked binaries:
- Windows [coming soon]
- macOS [coming soon]
- Linux [coming soon]
Download the most recent packaged jar from the releases page. Requires a Java Runtime to be installed on your machine, any jre version above 1.8 should have no problem running it:
$ java -jar path/to/iconpacktools-<VERSION>-all.jar