diff --git a/src/App.test.js b/src/App.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db7ebc..0000000
--- a/src/App.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import App from './App';
-test('renders learn react link', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- CO = cast on
- rep = repeat
- Rnd = round
- k = knit
- p = purl
- k2tog = knit two together
- st(s) = stitch(es)
- Stockinette stitch = knit all stitches
Cast on {props.state.fullStCount} sts loosely or with a stretchy cast-on. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist.
-Rnd 1: *k2, p2; rep from * to end
- Rep rnd 1 until ribbing measures one inch, or until desired length.
Knit every rnd until work measures 6 inches, or until desired length.
-+ Cast on {props.state.fullStCount} sts loosely or with a stretchy + cast-on. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist. +
+ Rnd 1: *k2, p2; rep from * to end
+ Rep rnd 1 until ribbing measures one inch, or until desired length.
+ Knit every rnd until work measures 6 inches, or until desired length. +
+Knit to the beginning of the instep sts, then begin the toe decreases as follows:
-Rnd 1, instep/needle 1: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts of instep, k2tog, k1
- Rnd 1, sole/needle 2: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts of sole, k2tog, k1
- Rnd 2: k around
Rep rnds 1 and 2 until you have {props.state.fullStCount / 2} sts remaining. Then, rep rnd 1 twice more.
-At the end of your decreases, you should have { (props.state.fullStCount / 2) - 8 } sts remaining, { props.getMultiple((((props.state.fullStCount / 2) - 8) / 2), 2) } on the instep and { props.getMultiple((((props.state.fullStCount / 2) - 8) / 2), 2) } on the sole.
-Cut the yarn, leaving a tail long enough to graft the toe. Use the Kitchener stitch to graft the toe closed.
-+ Knit to the beginning of the instep sts, then begin the toe decreases as + follows: +
+ Rnd 1, instep/needle 1: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts of instep, k2tog, k1
+ Rnd 1, sole/needle 2: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts of sole, k2tog, k1
+ Rnd 2: k around
+ Rep rnds 1 and 2 until you have {props.state.fullStCount / 2} sts + remaining. Then, rep rnd 1 twice more. +
++ At the end of your decreases, you should have{" "} + {props.state.fullStCount / 2 - 8} sts remaining,{" "} + {props.getMultiple((props.state.fullStCount / 2 - 8) / 2, 2)} on the + instep and {props.getMultiple((props.state.fullStCount / 2 - 8) / 2, 2)}{" "} + on the sole. +
++ Cut the yarn, leaving a tail long enough to graft the toe. Use the{" "} + + Kitchener stitch + {" "} + to graft the toe closed. +
+The short row heel is worked flat over the next {props.state.fullStCount / 2} sts, which are half your total sts. References to the first and last sts in these instructions refer to the first of this half and the last of this half of your sts, i.e. the heel sts.
+ return ( ++ The short row heel is worked flat over the next{" "} + {props.state.fullStCount / 2} sts, which are half your total sts. + References to the first and last sts in these instructions refer to the + first of this half and the last of this half of your sts, i.e. the heel + sts. +
-Row 1 (RS): k across to last st, w&t
- Row 2 (WS): p back to first st, w&t
- Row 3 (RS): k to st before wrapped st, w&t
- Row 4 (WS): p to st before wrapped st, w&t
+ Row 1 (RS): k across to last st, w&t
+ Row 2 (WS): p back to first st, w&t
+ Row 3 (RS): k to st before wrapped st, w&t
+ Row 4 (WS): p to st before wrapped st, w&t
Rep rows 3 and 4 until {props.getMultiple((props.state.fullStCount / 6), 2)} sts are left unwrapped, ending after a WS row.
++ Rep rows 3 and 4 until{" "} + {props.getMultiple(props.state.fullStCount / 6, 2)} sts are left + unwrapped, ending after a WS row. +
-Row 1 (RS): k to first wrapped st, k the wrapped st while picking up the wrap, turn
- Row 2 (WS): sl1 wyif, p to first/next wrapped st, p the wrapped st while picking up the wrap, turn
- Row 3 (RS): sl1 wyib, k to next wrapped st, k the wrapped st while picking up the wrap, turn
Rep rows 2 and 3 until all wraps have been picked up, ending with a RS row. You are now ready to continue in the rnd to work the rest of the sock.
+ Row 1 (RS): k to first wrapped st, k the wrapped st while picking up the
+ wrap, turn
+ Row 2 (WS): sl1 wyif, p to first/next wrapped st, p the wrapped st while
+ picking up the wrap, turn
+ Row 3 (RS): sl1 wyib, k to next wrapped st, k the wrapped st while
+ picking up the wrap, turn
+ Rep rows 2 and 3 until all wraps have been picked up, ending with a RS + row. You are now ready to continue in the rnd to work the rest of the + sock. +
+These instructions are written for the magic loop or two circular needles methods, - as they reference the first needle and second needle. To adapt for dpns, - the first needle is dpn one and two and the second needle is dpn three and four.
- BOR = beginning of round
- k = knit
- {props.direction === 'toeup' &&
- kfb = k in front and back of same st
- }
- p = purl
- {props.heeltype === 'flap' && p2tog = p two together
- Rep = repeat
- Rnd(s) = round(s)
- RS = right side
- sl = slip (purlwise unless otherwise specified)
- {props.direction === 'cuffdown' &&
- ssk =
- slip, slip, knit (left-leaning decrease)
- }
- st(s) = stitch(es)
- WS = wrong side
- {props.heeltype === 'shortrow' &&
- w&t = wrap and turn
- wyib = with yarn in back
- wyif = with yarn in front
+ These instructions are written for the magic loop or two circular + needles methods, as they reference the first needle and second needle. + To adapt for dpns, the first needle is dpn one and two and the second + needle is dpn three and four. +
+Using Judy's Magic Cast On, cast on {(props.state.fullStCount / 2) - 8} sts.
-Rnd 1: kfb, k to 2 sts before end of first needle, kfb, k1, kfb, k to 2 sts before end of second needle, kfb, k1
- Rnd 2: k around
Rep rnds 1 and 2 until you have {props.state.fullStCount} sts. For a slightly more rounded toe, try repeating the first rnd twice before starting to repeat both rnds.
-+ Using{" "} + + Judy's Magic Cast On + + , cast on{" "} + + {fullStCount / 2 - 8 - ((fullStCount / 2 - 8) % 4)} + {" "} + sts. +
+ Rnd 1: kfb, k to 2 sts before end of first needle, kfb, k1, kfb, k to 2
+ sts before end of second needle, kfb, k1
+ Rnd 2: k around
+ Rep rnds 1 and 2 until you have{" "} + {fullStCount} sts.{" "} + + For a slightly more rounded toe, try repeating the first rnd twice + before starting to repeat both rnds. + +
++ Using + + + Judy's Magic Cast On + + , cast on + + + 20 + + + sts. +
+ Rnd 1: kfb, k to 2 sts before end of first needle, kfb, k1, kfb, k to 2 sts before end of second needle, kfb, k1
+ Rnd 2: k around
+ Rep rnds 1 and 2 until you have + + + 60 + + sts. + + + For a slightly more rounded toe, try repeating the first rnd twice before starting to repeat both rnds. + +