- Be Excellent to Each Other.
- No harassment.
- Do not make comments meant to make people uncomfortable based on any of the following
- Age
- Gender
- Sex
- Nationality/Origin
- Socioeconomic Status
- Religion
- Skin Colour
- Health (Mental Included)
- Disability
- Adhere to this server's age group- it keeps it safer for everyone.
- No spamming unless in a designated channel.
- Use channels for their intended purposes.
- This server is Safe-For-Work.
- Server Owners, Admins, and Moderators have the final say. Disputes of rulings should be settled in DMs.
- Server Owners, Admins, and Moderators have authority to act on things that may not directly be against the rules, but are seen as harmful to the channel or server.
- It is the responsibility of the user to read and stay updated on any rule changes.