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File metadata and controls

309 lines (223 loc) · 7.97 KB


This repository holds scripts and samples of scripts that can be executed inside InControl Home Automation

Script Creation

To create a script, you simply need a text editor. Load up your favorite one (Notepad++ works great). Create a new file in your Scripts folder -- normally located at C:\Program Files (X86)\Moonlit Software, LLC\InControl HA\Scripts. Name the file with a .CS extension -- for example, "MyScript.cs"

All scripts should start with a basic framework. Here's a sample framework for you to start with. Copy and paste this into your new script:

using MLS.ZWave.Service.Rules;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.Device.ZWave;

public class MyScript : ScriptBase, ScriptInterface {

   public void runScript() {
       // This is where the magic happens
       // Your code should go here


Retrieving a Device

Devices can be retrieved if you know one of three id's related to the device:

  • Short Id: The Short Id can be found by double-clicking a device inside InControl. This is the best Id to use for retrieving a device.
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
  • Object Provider Id: This is an Id assigned by the controller; it may not always be guaranteed to be unique if you use multiple controllers.
   var device = getNode(18);
  • Device Id: This is a unique UUID assigned to each device by InControl. This id is not exposed in the InControl UI anywhere, but can be queried by a script if desired.
   var gUid = Guid.Parse("F9168C5E-CEB2-4faa-B6BF-329BF39FA1E4");
   var device = getNode(gUid);
Device Properties

These properties are common to all devices:

  • device.level - This is the level of the device. Anything higher than 0 generally represents 'ON'
  • - This is the name of the device
  • device.deviceId - This is the unique UUID assigned to a device
  • device.providerDeviceId - This is the controller assigned id of a device. For z-wave, this is the node id.
  • device.shortId - This is the short id of a device. Assigned by InControl.
  • device.deviceType - This tells what type of device it is.

Valid device types:

  • StandardSwitch
  • DimmerSwitch
  • PowerOutlet
  • Thermostat
  • Controller
  • Unknown
  • BinarySensor
  • ZonePlayer
  • MotionSensor
  • MultiLevelSensor
  • EntryControl
  • LevelDisplayer
  • NotLicensed
  • IpCamera
  • EnergyMonitor
  • Alarm
  • Fan
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   if (device.deviceType == MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.StandardSwitch) { 
Thermostat Device Properties
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatFanMode - The desired operating mode of the fan
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatFanState - The current state of the fan
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSystemMode - The desired operating mode of the system (Heating, cooling, off, etc.)
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSystemState - The current state of the system
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSetPoints - This is a list of setpoints and their values

To retrieve a thermostat device with all its properties, you could issue this command:

   var thermostatDevice = getNodeByShortId(thermostatShortId) as Thermostat;

Standard Device Commands

Set Device Level

To set the level of a device to 75, you would first need to retrieve the device then use it's device Id to issue the command.

   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   setDeviceLevel(device.deviceId, 75);
Set Device Power

Available as of version 3.114.

To power a device on or off, you would first need to retrieve the device then use it's device id to issue the command.

   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   setPower(device.deviceId, true);

Entry Control (Locks, etc.)

Set User Code
    dm.setDoorCode(device.deviceId, 10, "9467");
Delete User Code
    dm.deleteDoorCode(device.deviceId, 10);

Here's a working example of a script that deletes and sets a user code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using MLS.ZWave.Service.Rules;
using MLS.ZWave.BusinessObjects;

/// <summary>
/// This script will set a user code on your door lock
/// </summary>
public class ChangeLockCode : ScriptBase, ScriptInterface {
    public void runScript() {
        try {

            // Get the lock device
            var device = getNodeByShortId(42);

	         // Clear the code for #10 first as some locks require this
            dm.deleteDoorCode(device.deviceId, 10);

            // Set the user code for user #10 to 9467
            dm.setDoorCode(device.deviceId, 10, "9467");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // Log the exception here
            var message = ex.Message;

Thermostat Control

Fan Mode
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   // Turns the fan to auto
   dm.setZWaveThermostatFanMode(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoFanMode.Auto);
   // Turns the fan to on
   dm.setZWaveThermostatFanMode(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoFanMode.On);
System Mode
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   dm.setZWaveThermostatSystemState(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoSystemMode.Heat);

These are the valid modes -- note that some thermostats may not support all of these modes:


To change a setpoint, you need to know the name of the manufacture created setpoints. Generally these are always the same and you usually use these values:

  • To change heating, use a name of "Heating1"
  • To change cooling, use a name of "Cooling1"
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   dm.setZWaveThermostatSetPoint(device.deviceId, "Heating1", 72);


base.sceneDevices - This is a list of all devices available in the scene

foreach (var sd in base.sceneDevices) {
   var device = getNode((Guid)sd.deviceId);

base.targetNodes - This is a list of all nodes if using rules (you should really be using scenes though!)

// Get all the devices specified in the above list
var devices = getNodes(targetNodes);

// Loop through all the nodes 
foreach (var d in devices) {
    if (d.stateTracker.timeSinceLastChange.TotalMinutes > 10) {
        // Turn off the device by setting the level to 0
        setDeviceLevel(d.deviceId, 0);

Set configuration Parameters

This command allows you to set configuration values for a device. Requires version 4.0

// Retrieve a device
var device = getNodeByShortId(42);

// Setup configuration parameter values
// TIP: Use to determine number, size and value
byte paramNumber = 37;
int size = 2;
int paramValue = 257;

// Set the value
dm.setConfigurationParameter(device.deviceId, paramNumber, size, paramValue);

Other Commands

Showing Messages

This command will show a message in the UI if it's running. If the UI is not running, the command is ignored.

   showMessage("Your message here", "The title of your message");

Writing to the Logfile.txt

The logfile.txt can be found in your InControl's installation folder.

   writeFileLog("Message to append to the logfile");

Device triggers

As of version 3.145, a script that is triggered as part of a scene will have access to the device that caused the trigger via the triggerMetaData property. The triggerMetaData.triggeringDevice will contain a reference to the device that triggered the scene/script.

   var deviceName = triggerMetaData.triggeringDevice.deviceName;
Scene Name

The scene name that called this script can be accessed using the sceneName property.