This class serves as a facade to features of pg_gateway
and the packages it depends on. It is also used
to create table gateways and builders.
It is recommended to pass an instance of this class as a dependency instead of individual gateway objects.
API provided by TableLocator
is as follows:
namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;
use sad_spirit\pg_wrapper\Connection;
use sad_spirit\pg_builder\{
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
class TableLocator
public function __construct(
Connection $connection,
iterable<TableGatewayFactory> $gatewayFactories = [],
?StatementFactory $statementFactory = null,
?CacheItemPoolInterface $statementCache = null
// factory for TableDefinition implementations
public function getTableDefinitionFactory() : TableDefinitionFactory;
public function setTableDefinitionFactory(TableDefinitionFactory $factory) : $this;
// factory for gateways and builders
public function addTableGatewayFactory(TableGatewayFactory $factory) : $this;
// getters for constructor dependencies
public function getConnection() : Connection;
public function getStatementFactory() : StatementFactory;
// facade methods
public function atomic(callable $callback, bool $savepoint = false) : mixed;
public function getParser() : Parser;
public function createFromString(string $sql) : Statement;
public function createFromAST(Statement $ast) : NativeStatement;
public function getTypeConverterFactory() : TypeNameNodeHandler;
public function createTypeNameNodeForOID($oid) : TypeName;
// creating statements
public function createNativeStatementUsingCache(\Closure $factoryMethod, ?string $cacheKey) : NativeStatement;
// creating objects containing tables' metadata
public function getTableDefinition(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : TableDefinition;
// creating gateways and builders
public function createGateway(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : TableGateway;
public function createBuilder(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : builders\FragmentListBuilder;
As you can see, the only required argument is the Connection
$locator = new TableLocator(new Connection('...connection string...'));
, if given, will be used for createGateway()
and createBuilder()
methods. Otherwise,
these will return instances of default gateways and default builder,
If $statementFactory
is omitted, a factory for the given Connection
will be created
via StatementFactory::forConnection()
can be any PSR-6 cache implementation. If given,
it will be used for caching complete statements. Note that table metadata will be cached using
the metadata cache of Connection
object, if one is available.
- callsConnection::atomic()
instance as the first argument to the given callback. This executes the callback atomically (within database transaction).getParser()
- returns an instance ofParser
used byStatementFactory
- calls the same method ofStatementFactory
, parses SQL of a complete statement returning its AST.createFromAST()
- calls the same method ofStatementFactory
, builds an SQL string from AST and returns object encapsulating this string and parameter placeholder data.getTypeConverterFactory()
- returns the type converter factory object used byConnection
- calls the same method ofTypeNameNodeHandler
, returnsTypeName
node corresponding to database type OID that can be used in statement AST.
method is used by TableGateway
and SelectProxy
for creating statements.
Note the return type: the goal of this method is to prevent parse / build operations and return the actual pre-built SQL.
closure, on the other hand, should return an instance of Statement
, consider the actual
implementation of GenericTableGateway::createInsertStatement()
public function createInsertStatement(FragmentList $fragments): NativeStatement
return $this->tableLocator->createNativeStatementUsingCache(
function () use ($fragments): Insert {
$insert = $this->tableLocator->getStatementFactory()->insert(new InsertTarget(
new Identifier(TableGateway::ALIAS_SELF)
return $insert;
$this->generateStatementKey(self::STATEMENT_INSERT, $fragments)
It is recommended to always provide a qualified name (schema_name.table_name
) to the TableLocator
the package does not try to process search_path
and will just assume that an unqualified name belongs
to the public
method is used for getting metadata for a specific database table.
It uses an implementation of TableDefinitionFactory
interface under the hood:
namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;
use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\metadata\TableName;
interface TableDefinitionFactory
public function create(TableName $name): TableDefinition;
That implementation can be set with setTableDefinitionFactory()
and is returned by getTableDefinitionFactory()
The latter method will set up and return a default instance of OrdinaryTableDefinitionFactory
if a specific instance
was not configured. That default implementation, as its name implies, only returns metadata for ordinary tables,
using it with views / foreign tables / etc. will cause an exception.
Implementations of TableDefinition
are then used for creating gateways and builders using implementations
of TableGatewayFactory
interface, provided to TableLocator
constructor and addTableGatewayFactory()
namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;
use sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\QualifiedName;
interface TableGatewayFactory
public function createGateway(TableDefinition $definition, TableLocator $tableLocator): ?TableGateway;
public function createBuilder(TableDefinition $definition, TableLocator $tableLocator): ?builders\FragmentListBuilder;
and createBuilder()
methods of TableLocator
will call relevant methods of available
implementations in the order these were added until one returns a non-null value.
If no factories are available or if all available returned null
, default gateway / builder implementations
are created and returned.
The package contains an implementation of TableGatewayFactory
that maps database schemas to PHP namespaces
and converts "snake_case" table names like foo_bar
to "StudlyCaps" PHP class names like FooBar
The following code
use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\NameMappingGatewayFactory;
$factory = new NameMappingGatewayFactory(['foo' => '\\app\\modules\\foo\\database']);
will try to load and instantiate \app\modules\foo\database\BarBazGateway
class. It will return
if one does not exist. The setGatewayClassNameTemplate()
and setBuilderClassNameTemplate()
allow setting
the templates for class names. Those default to '%sGateway'
and '%sBuilder'
, respectively, where %s
will be
substituted by a table name converted to "StudlyCaps". Thus, after
the factory will try the \app\modules\foo\database\gateways\BarBaz
class instead.