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File metadata and controls

186 lines (149 loc) · 8.04 KB

TableLocator class

This class serves as a facade to features of pg_gateway and the packages it depends on. It is also used to create table gateways and builders.

It is recommended to pass an instance of this class as a dependency instead of individual gateway objects.

API provided by TableLocator is as follows:

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;

use sad_spirit\pg_wrapper\Connection;
use sad_spirit\pg_builder\{
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;

class TableLocator
    public function __construct(
        Connection $connection,
        iterable<TableGatewayFactory> $gatewayFactories = [],
        ?StatementFactory $statementFactory = null,
        ?CacheItemPoolInterface $statementCache = null

    // factory for TableDefinition implementations
    public function getTableDefinitionFactory() : TableDefinitionFactory;
    public function setTableDefinitionFactory(TableDefinitionFactory $factory) : $this;
    // factory for gateways and builders
    public function addTableGatewayFactory(TableGatewayFactory $factory) : $this;

    // getters for constructor dependencies
    public function getConnection() : Connection;
    public function getStatementFactory() : StatementFactory;

    // facade methods
    public function atomic(callable $callback, bool $savepoint = false) : mixed;
    public function getParser() : Parser;
    public function createFromString(string $sql) : Statement;
    public function createFromAST(Statement $ast) : NativeStatement;
    public function getTypeConverterFactory() : TypeNameNodeHandler;
    public function createTypeNameNodeForOID($oid) : TypeName;

    // creating statements
    public function createNativeStatementUsingCache(\Closure $factoryMethod, ?string $cacheKey) : NativeStatement;

    // creating objects containing tables' metadata
    public function getTableDefinition(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : TableDefinition;

    // creating gateways and builders
    public function createGateway(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : TableGateway;
    public function createBuilder(string|metadata\TableName|QualifiedName $name) : builders\FragmentListBuilder;

Constructor arguments

As you can see, the only required argument is the Connection object:

$locator = new TableLocator(new Connection('...connection string...'));

$gatewayFactories, if given, will be used for createGateway() and createBuilder() methods. Otherwise, these will return instances of default gateways and default builder, respectively.

If $statementFactory is omitted, a factory for the given Connection will be created via StatementFactory::forConnection() method.

$statementCache can be any PSR-6 cache implementation. If given, it will be used for caching complete statements. Note that table metadata will be cached using the metadata cache of Connection object, if one is available.

Facade methods

  • atomic() - calls Connection::atomic() passing TableLocator instance as the first argument to the given callback. This executes the callback atomically (within database transaction).
  • getParser() - returns an instance of Parser used by StatementFactory
  • createFromString() - calls the same method of StatementFactory, parses SQL of a complete statement returning its AST.
  • createFromAST() - calls the same method of StatementFactory, builds an SQL string from AST and returns object encapsulating this string and parameter placeholder data.
  • getTypeConverterFactory() - returns the type converter factory object used by Connection
  • createTypeNameNodeForOID() - calls the same method of TypeNameNodeHandler, returns TypeName node corresponding to database type OID that can be used in statement AST.

Creating statements

createNativeStatementUsingCache() method is used by TableGateway and SelectProxy implementations for creating statements.

Note the return type: the goal of this method is to prevent parse / build operations and return the actual pre-built SQL. $factoryMethod closure, on the other hand, should return an instance of Statement, consider the actual implementation of GenericTableGateway::createInsertStatement():

public function createInsertStatement(FragmentList $fragments): NativeStatement
    return $this->tableLocator->createNativeStatementUsingCache(
        function () use ($fragments): Insert {
            $insert = $this->tableLocator->getStatementFactory()->insert(new InsertTarget(
                new Identifier(TableGateway::ALIAS_SELF)
            return $insert;
        $this->generateStatementKey(self::STATEMENT_INSERT, $fragments)

Getting metadata and creating gateways (the Locator part)

It is recommended to always provide a qualified name (schema_name.table_name) to the TableLocator methods: the package does not try to process search_path and will just assume that an unqualified name belongs to the public schema.

getTableDefinition() method is used for getting metadata for a specific database table. It uses an implementation of TableDefinitionFactory interface under the hood:

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\metadata\TableName;

interface TableDefinitionFactory
    public function create(TableName $name): TableDefinition;

That implementation can be set with setTableDefinitionFactory() and is returned by getTableDefinitionFactory(). The latter method will set up and return a default instance of OrdinaryTableDefinitionFactory if a specific instance was not configured. That default implementation, as its name implies, only returns metadata for ordinary tables, using it with views / foreign tables / etc. will cause an exception.

Implementations of TableDefinition are then used for creating gateways and builders using implementations of TableGatewayFactory interface, provided to TableLocator constructor and addTableGatewayFactory():

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway;

use sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\QualifiedName;

interface TableGatewayFactory
    public function createGateway(TableDefinition $definition, TableLocator $tableLocator): ?TableGateway;
    public function createBuilder(TableDefinition $definition, TableLocator $tableLocator): ?builders\FragmentListBuilder;

createGateway() and createBuilder() methods of TableLocator will call relevant methods of available TableGatwewayFactory implementations in the order these were added until one returns a non-null value. If no factories are available or if all available returned null, default gateway / builder implementations are created and returned.


The package contains an implementation of TableGatewayFactory that maps database schemas to PHP namespaces and converts "snake_case" table names like foo_bar to "StudlyCaps" PHP class names like FooBar.

The following code

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\NameMappingGatewayFactory;

$factory = new NameMappingGatewayFactory(['foo' => '\\app\\modules\\foo\\database']);

will try to load and instantiate \app\modules\foo\database\BarBazGateway class. It will return null if one does not exist. The setGatewayClassNameTemplate() and setBuilderClassNameTemplate() allow setting the templates for class names. Those default to '%sGateway' and '%sBuilder', respectively, where %s will be substituted by a table name converted to "StudlyCaps". Thus, after


the factory will try the \app\modules\foo\database\gateways\BarBaz class instead.