As a woman in the tech industry, I have often felt isolated and alone. Throughout my time at university, I was frequently one of the few women in my computer science classes. Since making my Twitter, I have found many other women in tech who inspire me and remind me that women do have a place in this industry.
The following women deserve your support and recognition:
- @code_quinn
- @maggiecodes_
- @b3ndt3
- @shookcodes
- @lauracharvey
- @rayray_codes
- @anniebombanie_
- @janine_vlvtn
- @rothecoder
- @cassidylearns
- @AnnaJMcDougall
- @CatMcGeeCode
- @JavaScriptCoff1
- @TiaEastwood
- @codeFreedomRitr
- @carriepresley15
- @code_rams
- @NanouuSymeon
- @mschanelt
- @RococoCode
- @detwiler_amy
- @madeline_pc
- @JennyMaMTL
- @nat_snacks
- @shrutibalasa
- @ChloeCondon
- @brandiCodes
- @KelsiDev
- @cassidoo
- @ania_kubow
- @thecodercoder
- @CarlaNotarobot
- @cmlohr
- @sarikaverma84
- @nazanin_ashrafi
- @layladanero
- @yllsson
- @ligfet
- @facetimeJS
- @RitikaAgrawal08
- @SwastikaYadav15
- @hibocodes
- @aicoding_
- @tiffanywhitedev
- @JavaScriptErika
- @Jennabot5000
- @sarah_bean
- @malwaaare
- @BatsouElef
- @discchick
- @lavie_encode
- @BlakieCodes
- @accordingtoher3
- @britnorcodes
- @LunaCodes7
- @codeanddream
- @Farah_Hawaa
- @engineering_bae
- @venikunche
- @MichellleBrenda
- @thisismanaswini
- @ping_Unnati
- @i_gaganpreet
- @namratapdr
- @error404_sp
- @kyliebytes
- @wongmjane
- @tasneemcodes
- @MariamV_96
- @b0rk
- @TaelurAlexis
- @lenoraporter_
- @NoufPy
- @yu_angela
- @SaraSoueidan
- @CodeLife
- @ASpittel
- @sarah_edo
- @EmmaBostian
- @LeaVerou
- @rachelandrew
- @DcoustaWilson
- @NovallSwift
- @laasrinadiaa
- @kaydacode
- @stephanielatte_
- @Teekachu1
- @imJenal
- @dbsmasher
- @trikucian
- @KassandraSanch
- @kay97061184
- @Lindsey_design
- @sudo_Jayasree
- @abbyfuller
- @suxin_jeong
- @yeahshewrites
- @prathiprapancha
- @brinascode
- @jensimmons
Is there someone I didn't mention that deserves support? Drop the username in the comments and I will add them to a part two!
If you would like to be removed from this list- please send me a DM on Twitter @saminacodes.