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David Jeske edited this page May 22, 2017 · 13 revisions

Type Inference

Irken originally used a constraint-based type inference algorithm, based directly on Chapter 10 of "Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages". An extended version of the chapter is available online.

It currently uses a simpler, classic Hindley-Milner solver, but the constraint-based algorithm may be brought back, since it is more flexible.


This project is the culmination of about 15 years of work with Scheme, originally inspired by The Essentials of Programming Languages. All three editions are excellent, and very different books. The first edition is the largest and most challenging; but it contains a lot more information about continuation-passing style than the others.

Other critical references:

The following books have the additional advantage of being available online for free. Many thanks to the authors!

[XXX: I have a stack of 20 or so papers that should also be listed here]

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