This project uses Prettier to format its code.
Please, use the library along with the rules added to this project, following the code format pattern.
Install the official extension. Then, add this to your settings:
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
If you pConfig, add the following configuration to format your conde on save:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
For more options see their repository.
Follow the official documentation, selecting the option:
Tools -> Actions on Save -> Run Prettier.
Also, certifies that the IDE is using the Prettier rules defined by this project.
Install prettier package through MELPA. Then add this hook, to your . emacs file, to format your changes on save:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-prettier-mode)
For more IDE configuration guides, see prettier official documentation and install the proper plugin for your IDE.
If you had any trouble configuring prettier - after you make your changes - run the following command to apply the code formatter:
npm run prettier
Feel free to open an Issue.