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Syncope PHP Client

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen

To regenerate the library find the instructions here


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "openeuropa/syncope-php-client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:

    require_once('/path/to/Syncope PHP Client/vendor/autoload.php');


To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuthentication
$config = OpenEuropa\SyncopePhpClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Bearer
$config = OpenEuropa\SyncopePhpClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new OpenEuropa\SyncopePhpClient\Api\AccessTokensApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$xSyncopeDomain = 'Master'; // string | 
$page = 1; // int | query conditions
$size = 25; // int | 
$orderby = 'orderby_example'; // string | 

try {
    $apiInstance->callList($xSyncopeDomain, $page, $size, $orderby);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccessTokensApi->callList: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessTokensApi callList GET /accessTokens Returns a paged list of existing access tokens matching the given query.
AccessTokensApi delete DELETE /accessTokens/{key} Invalidates the access token matching the provided key.
AccessTokensApi login POST /accessTokens/login Returns an empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, in case of successful authentication. The provided value is a signed JSON Web Token.
AccessTokensApi logout POST /accessTokens/logout Invalidates the access token of the requesting user.
AccessTokensApi refresh POST /accessTokens/refresh Returns an empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, with extended lifetime. The provided value is a signed JSON Web Token.
AnyObjectsApi associateAnyObject POST /anyObjects/{key}/associate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
AnyObjectsApi createAnyObject POST /anyObjects Creates a new any object.
AnyObjectsApi deassociateAnyObject POST /anyObjects/{key}/deassociate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
AnyObjectsApi deleteAnyObject DELETE /anyObjects/{key} Deletes any object matching provided key.
AnyObjectsApi deleteAnyObjectAttribute DELETE /anyObjects/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Deletes the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
AnyObjectsApi readAnyObject GET /anyObjects/{key} Reads the any object matching the provided key.
AnyObjectsApi readAnyObjectAttribute GET /anyObjects/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Reads the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
AnyObjectsApi readAnyObjectAttributeForSchema GET /anyObjects/{key}/{schemaType} Reads the list of attributes owned by the given any object for the given schema type. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
AnyObjectsApi searchAnyObject GET /anyObjects Returns a paged list of any objects matching the given query.
AnyObjectsApi updateAnyObject PUT /anyObjects/{key} Updates any object matching the provided key.
AnyObjectsApi updateAnyObjectAttribute PUT /anyObjects/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Adds or replaces the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
AnyObjectsApi updateAnyObjectPartial PATCH /anyObjects/{key} Updates any object matching the provided key.
AnyTypeClassesApi createAnyTypeClass POST /anyTypeClasses Creates a new anyTypeClass.
AnyTypeClassesApi deleteAnyTypeClass DELETE /anyTypeClasses/{key} Deletes the anyTypeClass matching the provided key.
AnyTypeClassesApi listAnyTypeClass GET /anyTypeClasses Returns a list of all anyTypeClasss.
AnyTypeClassesApi readAnyTypeClass GET /anyTypeClasses/{key} Returns anyTypeClass with matching key.
AnyTypeClassesApi updateAnyTypeClass PUT /anyTypeClasses/{key} Updates the anyTypeClass matching the provided key.
AnyTypesApi createAnyType POST /anyTypes Creates a new anyType.
AnyTypesApi deleteAnyType DELETE /anyTypes/{key} Deletes the anyType matching the provided key.
AnyTypesApi listAnyType GET /anyTypes Returns a list of all anyTypes.
AnyTypesApi readAnyType GET /anyTypes/{key} Returns anyType with matching key.
AnyTypesApi updateAnyType PUT /anyTypes/{key} Updates the anyType matching the provided key.
ApplicationsApi create POST /applications Creates a new application.
ApplicationsApi delete1 DELETE /applications/{key} Deletes the application matching the provided key.
ApplicationsApi list3 GET /applications Returns a list of all applications.
ApplicationsApi read5 GET /applications/{key} Returns application with matching key.
ApplicationsApi readPrivilege GET /applications/privileges/{key} Returns privilege with matching key.
ApplicationsApi update PUT /applications/{key} Updates the application matching the provided key.
CamelRoutesApi list4 GET /camelRoutes/{anyTypeKind} List all routes for the given any type kind.
CamelRoutesApi metrics GET /camelRoutes/metrics Provides Camel metrics.
CamelRoutesApi read6 GET /camelRoutes/{anyTypeKind}/{key} Read the route with the given key.
CamelRoutesApi restartContext POST /camelRoutes/restartContext Restart the underlying Apache Camel context.
CamelRoutesApi update PUT /camelRoutes/{anyTypeKind}/{key} Update the given route.
ConfigurationApi delete1 DELETE /configurations/{schema} Deletes the configuration parameter with matching schema.
ConfigurationApi export GET /configurations/stream Exports internal storage content as downloadable XML file.
ConfigurationApi get GET /configurations/{schema} Returns configuration parameter with matching schema.
ConfigurationApi list5 GET /configurations Returns all configuration parameters.
ConfigurationApi set PUT /configurations/{schema} Creates / updates the configuration parameter with the given schema.
ConnectorHistoryApi delete1 DELETE /connectorsHistory/{key} Deletes the connector configuration history instance matching the provided key.
ConnectorHistoryApi list6 GET /connectorsHistory/{connectorKey} Returns a list of all connector configuration history instances for the given connector instance key.
ConnectorHistoryApi restore POST /connectorsHistory/{key} Restores the connector configuration history instance matching the provided key.
ConnectorsApi buildObjectClassInfo POST /connectors/{key}/supportedObjectClasses Builds the list of ConnId object classes information for the connector bundle matching the given connector instance key, with the provided configuration.
ConnectorsApi check POST /connectors/check Checks whether the connection to resource could be established.
ConnectorsApi create POST /connectors Creates a new connector instance.
ConnectorsApi delete1 DELETE /connectors/{key} Deletes the connector instance matching the provided key.
ConnectorsApi getBundles GET /connectors/bundles Returns available connector bundles with property keys in selected language.
ConnectorsApi list7 GET /connectors Returns a list of all connector instances with property keys in the matching language.
ConnectorsApi read7 GET /connectors/{key} Returns connector instance with matching key.
ConnectorsApi readByResource GET /connectors/byResource/{resourceName} Returns connector instance for matching resource.
ConnectorsApi reload POST /connectors/reload Reload all connector bundles and instances.
ConnectorsApi update PUT /connectors/{key} Updates the connector instance matching the provided key.
DomainsApi create POST /domains Creates a new domain.
DomainsApi delete1 DELETE /domains/{key} Deletes the domain matching the provided key.
DomainsApi list8 GET /domains Returns a list of all domains.
DomainsApi read8 GET /domains/{key} Returns domain with matching key.
DomainsApi update PUT /domains/{key} Updates the domain matching the provided key.
DynamicRealmsApi create POST /dynRealms Creates a new dynamic realm.
DynamicRealmsApi delete1 DELETE /dynRealms/{key} Deletes the dynamic realm matching the provided key.
DynamicRealmsApi list9 GET /dynRealms Returns a list of all dynamic realms.
DynamicRealmsApi read9 GET /dynRealms/{key} Returns dynamic realm with matching key.
DynamicRealmsApi update PUT /dynRealms/{key} Updates the dynamic realm matching the provided key.
GroupsApi associateGroup POST /groups/{key}/associate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
GroupsApi createGroup POST /groups Creates a new group.
GroupsApi deassociateGroup POST /groups/{key}/deassociate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
GroupsApi deleteGroup DELETE /groups/{key} Deletes any object matching provided key.
GroupsApi deleteGroupAttribute DELETE /groups/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Deletes the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
GroupsApi own GET /groups/own This method allows a user to read his own groups.
GroupsApi provisionMembers POST /groups/{key}/members/{action} (De)provision all members of the given group from / onto all the resources associated to it.
GroupsApi readGroup GET /groups/{key} Reads the any object matching the provided key.
GroupsApi readGroupAttribute GET /groups/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Reads the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
GroupsApi readGroupAttributeForSchema GET /groups/{key}/{schemaType} Reads the list of attributes owned by the given any object for the given schema type. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
GroupsApi searchGroup GET /groups Returns a paged list of any objects matching the given query.
GroupsApi updateGroup PUT /groups/{key} Updates group matching the provided key.
GroupsApi updateGroupAttribute PUT /groups/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Adds or replaces the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
GroupsApi updateGroup_0 PATCH /groups/{key} Updates group matching the provided key.
ImplementationsApi create POST /implementations/{type}/{key} Creates a new implementation.
ImplementationsApi delete1 DELETE /implementations/{type}/{key} Deletes the implementation matching the given key and type.
ImplementationsApi list10 GET /implementations/{type} Returns a list of all implementations of the given type.
ImplementationsApi read13 GET /implementations/{type}/{key} Returns implementation with matching type and key.
ImplementationsApi update PUT /implementations/{type}/{key} Updates an existing implementation.
LoggersApi delete1 DELETE /loggers/{type}/{name} Deletes the logger with matching name.
LoggersApi events GET /loggers/events Returns the list of all managed events in audit.
LoggersApi getLastLogStatements GET /loggers/memoryAppenders/{memoryAppender}/lastLogStatements Return the last log statements available in the provided memory appender.
LoggersApi list11 GET /loggers/{type} Returns a list of loggers with matching type.
LoggersApi memoryAppenders GET /loggers/memoryAppenders Returns the list of memory appenders available in the current logging configuration.
LoggersApi read14 GET /loggers/{type}/{name} Returns logger with matching type and name.
LoggersApi update PUT /loggers/{type}/{key} Creates or updates (if existing) the logger with matching name.
MailTemplatesApi create POST /mailTemplates Creates a new mail template.
MailTemplatesApi delete1 DELETE /mailTemplates/{key} Deletes the mail template matching the given key.
MailTemplatesApi getFormat GET /mailTemplates/{key}/{format} Gets the template for the given key and format, if available.
MailTemplatesApi list12 GET /mailTemplates Returns a list of all mail templates.
MailTemplatesApi read15 GET /mailTemplates/{key} Returns mail template with matching key.
MailTemplatesApi removeFormat DELETE /mailTemplates/{key}/{format} Removes the template for the given key and format, if available.
MailTemplatesApi setFormat PUT /mailTemplates/{key}/{format} Sets the template for the given key and format, if available.
NotificationsApi actionJob POST /notifications/job Executes an action on the notification job.
NotificationsApi create POST /notifications Creates a new notification.
NotificationsApi delete1 DELETE /notifications/{key} Deletes the notification matching the given key.
NotificationsApi getJob GET /notifications/job Returns details about notification job.
NotificationsApi list13 GET /notifications Returns a list of all notifications.
NotificationsApi read16 GET /notifications/{key} Returns notification with matching key.
NotificationsApi update1 PUT /notifications/{key} Updates the notification matching the given key.
OIDCClientsApi createLoginRequest POST /oidcclient/clients/loginRequest Generates OpenID Connect authentication request for the Provider matching the provided op.
OIDCClientsApi createLogoutRequest POST /oidcclient/clients/logout Returns the endSession endpoint for the provided op.
OIDCClientsApi login1 POST /oidcclient/clients/login Uses the provided authorization code to go through the OpenID Connect tokens process and finally creates JWT for the matching user, if found.
OIDCProvidersApi create POST /oidcclient/providers Creates a new OIDC Provider.
OIDCProvidersApi createFromDiscovery POST /oidcclient/providers/fromDiscovery Creates a new OIDC Provider by using its Discovery Document.
OIDCProvidersApi delete1 DELETE /oidcclient/providers/{key} Deletes the OIDC Provider with matching key.
OIDCProvidersApi getActionsClasses GET /oidcclient/providers/actionsClasses Returns the list of available OIDCProviderActions implementations.
OIDCProvidersApi list14 GET /oidcclient/providers Returns a list of all defined OIDC Providers.
OIDCProvidersApi read17 GET /oidcclient/providers/{key} Returns the OIDC Provider with matching key, if available.
OIDCProvidersApi update1 PUT /oidcclient/providers/{key} Updates the OIDC Provider with matching key.
PoliciesApi create POST /policies/{type} Create a new policy.
PoliciesApi delete1 DELETE /policies/{type}/{key} Delete policy matching the given key.
PoliciesApi list15 GET /policies/{type} Returns a list of policies of the matching type.
PoliciesApi read18 GET /policies/{type}/{key} Returns the policy matching the given key.
PoliciesApi update1 PUT /policies/{type}/{key} Updates policy matching the given key.
RealmsApi createRootedRealm POST /realms/{parentPath} Creates a new realm under the given path.
RealmsApi deleteRealm DELETE /realms/{fullPath} Deletes the realm under the given path.
RealmsApi listRealm GET /realms/{fullPath} Returns realms rooted at the given path.
RealmsApi listRealm_0 GET /realms Returns a list of all realms.
RealmsApi updateRealm PUT /realms/{fullPath} Updates the realm under the given path.
ReconciliationApi pull POST /reconciliation/pull Pulls the given user, group or any object from the External Resource into Syncope.
ReconciliationApi push POST /reconciliation/push Pushes the given user, group or any object in Syncope onto the External Resource.
ReconciliationApi status GET /reconciliation Gets current attributes on Syncope and on the given External Resource, related to given user, group or any object.
RelationshipTypesApi create1 POST /relationshipTypes Creates a new relationshipType.
RelationshipTypesApi delete1 DELETE /relationshipTypes/{key} Deletes the relationshipType matching the provided key.
RelationshipTypesApi list18 GET /relationshipTypes Returns a list of all relationshipTypes.
RelationshipTypesApi read19 GET /relationshipTypes/{key} Returns relationshipType with matching key.
RelationshipTypesApi update1 PUT /relationshipTypes/{key} Updates the relationshipType matching the provided key.
RemediationsApi delete1 DELETE /remediations/{key} Deletes the remediation matching the given key.
RemediationsApi list19 GET /remediations Returns a list of all remediations.
RemediationsApi read20 GET /remediations/{key} Returns remediation with matching key.
RemediationsApi remedy PATCH /remediations/{remediationKey} Perform remediation by creating the provided user, group or any object.
RemediationsApi remedy1 DELETE /remediations/{remediationKey}/{anyKey} Perform remediation by creating the provided user, group or any object.
RemediationsApi remedy2 POST /remediations/{remediationKey} Perform remediation by creating the provided user, group or any object.
ReportTemplatesApi create1 POST /reportTemplates Creates a new report template.
ReportTemplatesApi delete1 DELETE /reportTemplates/{key} Deletes the report template matching the given key.
ReportTemplatesApi getFormat1 GET /reportTemplates/{key}/{format} Gets the template for the given key and format, if available.
ReportTemplatesApi list21 GET /reportTemplates Returns a list of all report templates.
ReportTemplatesApi read22 GET /reportTemplates/{key} Returns report template with matching key.
ReportTemplatesApi removeFormat DELETE /reportTemplates/{key}/{format} Removes the template for the given key and format, if available.
ReportTemplatesApi setFormat PUT /reportTemplates/{key}/{format} Sets the template for the given key and format, if available.
ReportsApi actionJob POST /reports/jobs/{key} Executes an action on an existing executable's job.
ReportsApi create1 POST /reports Creates a new report.
ReportsApi delete1 DELETE /reports/{key} Deletes report with matching key.
ReportsApi deleteExecution DELETE /reports/executions/{executionKey} Deletes the executable execution matching the provided key.
ReportsApi deleteExecutions DELETE /reports/{key}/executions Deletes the executions belonging matching the given query.
ReportsApi execute POST /reports/{key}/execute Executes the executable matching the given query.
ReportsApi exportExecutionResult GET /reports/executions/{executionKey}/stream Exports the report execution with matching key in the requested format.
ReportsApi getJob1 GET /reports/jobs/{key} Returns job (running or scheduled) for the executable matching the given key.
ReportsApi list20 GET /reports Returns a list of all existing reports.
ReportsApi listExecutions GET /reports/{key}/executions Returns a paged list of executions matching the given query.
ReportsApi listJobs GET /reports/jobs List jobs (running and / or scheduled).
ReportsApi listRecentExecutions GET /reports/executions/recent Returns the list of recently completed executions, ordered by end date descendent.
ReportsApi read21 GET /reports/{key} Returns report with matching key.
ReportsApi update1 PUT /reports/{key} Updates report with matching key.
ResourceHistoryApi delete1 DELETE /resourcesHistory/{key} Deletes the resource configuration history matching the provided key.
ResourceHistoryApi list22 GET /resourcesHistory/{resourceKey} Returns a list of all resource configuration history for the given resource key.
ResourceHistoryApi restore1 POST /resourcesHistory/{key} Restores the resource configuration history matching the provided key.
ResourcesApi check1 POST /resources/check Checks whether the connection to resource could be established.
ResourcesApi create1 POST /resources Creates a new resource.
ResourcesApi delete1 DELETE /resources/{key} Deletes the resource matching the given name.
ResourcesApi list23 GET /resources Returns a list of all resources.
ResourcesApi listConnObjects GET /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey} Returns a paged list of connector objects from external resource, for the given type, matching page/size conditions.
ResourcesApi read23 GET /resources/{key} Returns the resource with matching name.
ResourcesApi readConnObject GET /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey}/{anyKey} Returns connector object from the external resource, for the given type and key.
ResourcesApi removeSyncToken DELETE /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey} Removes the sync token value associated to the given any type from the given resource.
ResourcesApi setLatestSyncToken POST /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey} Queries the connector underlying the given resource for the latest sync token value associated to the given any type and stores the value internally, for later usage.
ResourcesApi update1 PUT /resources/{key} Updates the resource matching the given name.
RolesApi createRole POST /roles Creates a new role.
RolesApi deleteRole DELETE /roles/{key} Deletes the role matching the provided key.
RolesApi getConsoleLayoutInfo GET /roles/{key}/consoleLayout Gets the console layout information as JSON string for the role with the given key, if available.
RolesApi listRoles GET /roles Returns a list of all roles.
RolesApi readRole GET /roles/{key} Returns role with matching key.
RolesApi removeConsoleLayoutInfo DELETE /roles/{key}/consoleLayout Removes the console layout information for the role with the given key, if available.
RolesApi setConsoleLayoutInfo PUT /roles/{key}/consoleLayout Sets the console layout information as JSON string for the role with the given key, if available.
RolesApi updateRole PUT /roles/{key} Updates the role matching the provided key.
SAML2IdPApi delete1 DELETE /saml2sp/identityProviders/{key} Deletes the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider with matching entityID.
SAML2IdPApi getActionsClasses1 GET /saml2sp/identityProviders/actionsClasses Returns the list of available SAML2IdPActions implementations.
SAML2IdPApi importFromMetadata POST /saml2sp/identityProviders Imports the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider definitions available in the provided XML metadata.
SAML2IdPApi list25 GET /saml2sp/identityProviders Returns a list of all defined SAML 2.0 Identity Providers.
SAML2IdPApi read25 GET /saml2sp/identityProviders/{key} Returns the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider with matching entityID, if available.
SAML2IdPApi update1 PUT /saml2sp/identityProviders/{key} Updates the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider with matching entityID.
SAML2SPApi createLoginRequest1 POST /saml2sp/serviceProvider/loginRequest Generates SAML 2.0 authentication request for the IdP matching the provided entity ID.
SAML2SPApi createLogoutRequest1 POST /saml2sp/serviceProvider/logoutRequest Generates SAML 2.0 logout request for the IdP matching the requesting access token.
SAML2SPApi getMetadata GET /saml2sp/serviceProvider Returns the XML metadata for the provided SAML 2.0 Service Provider.
SAML2SPApi validateLoginResponse POST /saml2sp/serviceProvider/loginResponse Validates the received SAML 2.0 authentication response and creates JWT for the matching user, if found.
SAML2SPApi validateLogoutResponse POST /saml2sp/serviceProvider/logoutResponse Validates the received SAML 2.0 logout response.
SCIMConfApi get1 GET /scimv2conf Reads SCIM configuration, generates empty if missing.
SCIMConfApi set PUT /scimv2conf Sets SCIM configuration.
SchemasApi createSchema POST /schemas/{type} Creates a new schema.
SchemasApi deleteSchema DELETE /schemas/{type}/{key} Deletes the schema matching the given type and key.
SchemasApi readSchema GET /schemas/{type}/{key} Returns schema matching the given type and key.
SchemasApi searchSchema GET /schemas/{type} Returns a list of schemas matching the given query.
SchemasApi updateSchema PUT /schemas/{type}/{key} Updates the schema matching the given type and key.
SecurityQuestionsApi create1 POST /securityQuestions Creates a new security question.
SecurityQuestionsApi delete1 DELETE /securityQuestions/{key} Deletes the security question matching the provided key.
SecurityQuestionsApi list26 GET /securityQuestions Returns a list of all security questions.
SecurityQuestionsApi read27 GET /securityQuestions/{key} Returns security question with matching key.
SecurityQuestionsApi readByUser GET /securityQuestions/byUser/{username} Ask for security question configured for the user matching the given username, if any.
SecurityQuestionsApi update1 PUT /securityQuestions/{key} Updates the security question matching the provided key.
SyncopeApi batch GET /batch Gets batch results, in case asynchronous was requested.
SyncopeApi batch1 POST /batch Requests for batch execution.
SyncopeApi numbers GET /numbers Provides some numbers about the managed entities (users, groups, any objects...).
SyncopeApi platform GET /platform Provides information summary about platform configuration (workflow adapters, provisioning managers, validators, actions, correlation rules, reportlets, ...).
SyncopeApi readUserTypeExtension GET /userTypeExtension/{groupName} Extracts User type extension information, for the provided group.
SyncopeApi searchAssignableGroups POST /assignableGroups/{realm} Returns the list of Groups, according to provided paging instructions, assignable to Users and Any Objects of the provided Realm.
SyncopeApi system GET /system Provides information about the underlying system (Operating System, CPU / memory usage, ...).
TasksApi actionJob POST /tasks/jobs/{key} Executes an action on an existing executable's job.
TasksApi create1 POST /tasks/{type} Creates a new task.
TasksApi delete1 DELETE /tasks/{type}/{key} Deletes the task matching the provided key.
TasksApi deleteExecution1 DELETE /tasks/executions/{executionKey} Deletes the executable execution matching the provided key.
TasksApi deleteExecutions DELETE /tasks/{key}/executions Deletes the executions belonging matching the given query.
TasksApi execute1 POST /tasks/{key}/execute Executes the executable matching the given query.
TasksApi getJob2 GET /tasks/jobs/{key} Returns job (running or scheduled) for the executable matching the given key.
TasksApi listExecutions1 GET /tasks/{key}/executions Returns a paged list of executions matching the given query.
TasksApi listJobs1 GET /tasks/jobs List jobs (running and / or scheduled).
TasksApi listRecentExecutions1 GET /tasks/executions/recent Returns the list of recently completed executions, ordered by end date descendent.
TasksApi read28 GET /tasks/{type}/{key} Returns the task matching the given key.
TasksApi search3 GET /tasks/{type} Returns a paged list of existing tasks matching the given query.
TasksApi update1 PUT /tasks/{type}/{key} Updates the task matching the provided key.
UserSelfApi confirmPasswordReset POST /users/self/confirmPasswordReset Reset the password value for the user matching the provided token, if available and still valid. If the token actually matches one of users, and if it is still valid at the time of submission, the matching user's password value is set as provided. The new password value will need anyway to comply with all relevant password policies.
UserSelfApi create1 POST /users/self Self-registration for new user.
UserSelfApi delete1 DELETE /users/self Self-deletes user.
UserSelfApi mustChangePassword POST /users/self/mustChangePassword Changes own password when change was forced by an administrator.
UserSelfApi read29 GET /users/self Returns the user making the service call.
UserSelfApi requestPasswordReset POST /users/self/requestPasswordReset Provides answer for the security question configured for user matching the given username, if any. If provided answer matches the one stored for that user, a password reset token is internally generated, otherwise an error is returned.
UserSelfApi status1 POST /users/self/{key}/status Self-perform a status update.
UserSelfApi update1 PUT /users/self/{key} Self-updates user.
UserSelfApi update2 PATCH /users/self/{key} Self-updates user.
UserWorkflowApi claimForm POST /userworkflow/forms/{taskId}/claim Claims the form for the given task id.
UserWorkflowApi executeTask POST /userworkflow/tasks/{taskId}/execute Executes workflow task for matching id.
UserWorkflowApi getAvailableTasks GET /userworkflow/tasks/{userKey} Returns a list of available tasks for the given user key.
UserWorkflowApi getFormForUser GET /userworkflow/forms/{userKey} Returns a list of available forms for the given user key.
UserWorkflowApi getForms GET /userworkflow/forms Returns a list of all available workflow forms.
UserWorkflowApi submitForm POST /userworkflow/forms Submits a workflow form.
UsersApi associateUser POST /users/{key}/associate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
UsersApi createUser POST /users Creates a new user.
UsersApi deassociateUser POST /users/{key}/deassociate/{action} Executes resource-related operations on given entity.
UsersApi deleteUser DELETE /users/{key} Deletes any object matching provided key.
UsersApi deleteUserAttribute DELETE /users/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Deletes the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
UsersApi readUser GET /users/{key} Reads the any object matching the provided key.
UsersApi readUserAttribute GET /users/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Reads the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
UsersApi readUserAttributes GET /users/{key}/{schemaType} Reads the list of attributes owned by the given any object for the given schema type. Note that for the UserService, GroupService and AnyObjectService subclasses, if the key parameter looks like a UUID then it is interpreted as as key, otherwise as a (user)name.
UsersApi searchUser GET /users Returns a paged list of any objects matching the given query.
UsersApi statusUpdate POST /users/{key}/status Performs a status update on given user.
UsersApi updateUser PUT /users/{key} Updates user matching the provided key.
UsersApi updateUserAttribute PUT /users/{key}/{schemaType}/{schema} Adds or replaces the attribute, owned by the given any object, for the given schema type and schema.
UsersApi updateUser_0 PATCH /users/{key} Updates user matching the provided key.
WorkflowApi delete1 DELETE /workflows/{anyType}/{key} Removes the workflow definition for matching any object type, under the provided key.
WorkflowApi exportDiagram GET /workflows/{anyType}/{key}/diagram.png Exports the workflow diagram representation (if available), for matching any object type and key.
WorkflowApi get2 GET /workflows/{anyType}/{key} Exports the workflow definition for matching any object type and key.
WorkflowApi list27 GET /workflows/{anyType} Lists the available workflow definitions, for the given any object type.
WorkflowApi set PUT /workflows/{anyType}/{key} Imports the workflow definition for matching any object type, under the provided key.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication