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703 lines (508 loc) · 18.7 KB

File metadata and controls

703 lines (508 loc) · 18.7 KB


A generic and modular lua sidebar inspired by lualine


You can install sidebar using any package manager.

With packer.nvim

use 'sidebar-nvim/sidebar.nvim'


Minimal setup:



The following code block shows the defaults options:

    disable_default_keybindings = 0,
    bindings = nil,
    open = false,
    side = "left",
    initial_width = 35,
    hide_statusline = false,
    update_interval = 1000,
    sections = { "datetime", "git", "diagnostics" },
    section_separator = {"", "-----", ""},
    section_title_separator = {""},
    containers = {
        attach_shell = "/bin/sh", show_all = true, interval = 5000,
    datetime = { format = "%a %b %d, %H:%M", clocks = { { name = "local" } } },
    todos = { ignored_paths = { "~" } },
  • disable_default_keybindings (number): Enable/disable the default keybindings. Default is 0

  • bindings (function): Attach custom bindings to the sidebar buffer. Default is nil


    bindings = { ["q"] = function() require("sidebar-nvim").close() end }

Note sections can override these bindings, please see Section Bindings

  • side (string): Side of sidebar. Default is 'left'

  • initial_width (number): Width of sidebar. Default is 50

  • hide_statusline (bool): Show or hide sidebar statusline. Default is false

  • update_interval (number): Update frequency in milliseconds. Default is 1000

  • sections (table): Which sections should the sidebar render. Default is { "datetime", "git", "diagnostics" }

See Builtin Sections and Custom Sections

  • section_separator (string | table | function): Section separator mark, can be a string, a table or a function. Default is {"", "-----", ""}

    -- Using a function
    -- It needs to return a table
    function section_separator(section, index)
        return { "-----" }

    section is the section definition. See Custom Sections for more info

    index count from the sections table

  • section_title_separator (string | table | function): Section title separator mark. This is rendered between the section title and the section content. It can be a string, a table or a function. Default is {""}

    -- Using a function
    -- It needs to return a table
    function section_title_separator(section, index)
        return { "-----" }

    section is the section definition. See Custom Sections for more info

    index count from the sections table


Public Lua api is available as: require("sidebar-nvim").<function>

  • toggle(): Open/close the view

  • close(): Close if open, otherwise no-op

  • open(): Open if closed, otherwise no-op

  • update(): Immediately update the view and the sections

  • resize(size): Resize the view width to size


    • size (number): Resize the view width
  • focus(): Move the cursor to the sidebar window

  • get_width(tabpage): Get the current width of the view from the current tabpage.


    • tabpage (number): is the tab page number, if null it will return the width in the current tab page
  • reset_highlight(): Use in case of errors. Clear the current highlighting so it can be re-rendered


  • SidebarNvimToggle: Open/Close the view
  • SidebarNvimClose: Close if open, otherwise no-op
  • SidebarNvimOpen: Open if closed, otherwise no-op
  • SidebarNvimUpdate: Immediately update the view and the sections
  • SidebarNvimResize size: Resize the view width to size, size is a number
  • SidebarNvimFocus: Move the cursor to the sidebar window

Custom Sections

sidebar.nvim accepts user defined sections. The minimal section definition is a table with a draw function that returns the string ready to render in the sidebar and a title. See below the list of available properties

local section = {
    title = "Section Title",
    icon = "->",
    setup = function(ctx)
        -- called only once and if the section is being used
    update = function(ctx)
        -- hook callback, called when an update was requested by either the user of external events (using autocommands)
    draw = function(ctx)
        return "> string here\n> multiline"
    highlights = {
        groups = { MyHighlightGroup = { gui="#C792EA", fg="#ff0000", bg="#00ff00" } },
        links = { MyHighlightGroupLink = "Keyword" }


String with the icon or a function that returns a string

local section = {
    icon = function()
        return "#"
    -- or
    -- icon = "#"


This function is called only once and only if the section is being used You can use this function to create timers, background jobs etc


This plugin can request the section to update its internal state by calling this function. You may use this to avoid calling expensive functions during draw.

NOTE: This does not have any debouncing and it may be called multiples times, you may want to use a debouncer

Events that trigger section updates:

  • BufWritePost *
  • VimResume *
  • FocusGained *


The function accepts a single parameter ctx containing the current width of the sidebar:

{ width = 90 }

The draw function may appear in three forms:

  • Returning a string
  • Returning a table of strings
  • Returning a table like { lines = "", hl = {} }

The later is used to specify the highlight groups related to the lines returned


local section = {
    title = "test",
    draw = function()
        return {
            lines = {"> item1", "> item2"},
            hl = {
                -- { <group name>, <line index relative to the returned lines>, <column start>, <column end, -1 means end of the line> }
                { "SectionMarker", 0, 0, 1 },


Specify the highlight groups associated with this section. This table contains two properties: groups and links

  • groups define new highlight groups
  • links link highlight groups to another


local section = {
    title = "Custom Section",
    icon = "->",
    draw = function()
        return {
            lines = {"hello world"},
            hl = {
                -- more info see `:h nvim_buf_add_highlight()`
                { "CustomHighlightGroupHello", 0, 0, 5 }, -- adds `CustomHighlightGroupHello` to the word "hello"
                { "CustomHighlightGroupWorld", 0, 6, -1 }, -- adds `CustomHighlightGroupWorld` to the word "world"
    highlights = {
        groups = { CustomHighlightGroupHello = { gui="#ff0000", fg="#00ff00", bg="#0000ff" } },
        links = { CustomHighlightGroupWorld = "Keyword" }

more info see: :h nvim_buf_add_highlight


Custom sections can define custom bindings. Bindings are dispatched to the section that the cursor is currently over.

This means that multiple sections can define the same bindings and SidebarNvim will dispatch to the correct section depending on the cursor position.


local lines = {"hello", "world"}
local section = {
    title = "Custom Section",
    icon = "->",
    draw = function()
        return lines
    bindings = {
        ["e"] = function(line, col)
            print("current word: "..lines[line])

Builtin components

Builtin components abstract ui elements that can be reused within sections.


Create a location list with collapsable groups.

Sections using it: git, diagnostics and todos


local Loclist = require("sidebar-nvim.components.loclist")
local loclist = Loclist:new({
    group_icon = { closed = "", opened = "" },
    -- badge showing the number of items in each group
    show_group_count = true,
    -- if empty groups should be displayed
    show_empty_groups = true,
    -- if there's a single group, skip rendering the group controls
    omit_single_group = false,
    -- initial state of the groups
    groups_initially_closed = false,
    -- highlight groups for each control element
    highlights = {
        group = "SidebarNvimLabel",
        group_count = "SidebarNvimSectionTitle",

    group = "my_group",
    lnum = 1,
    col = 2,
    left = {
        { text = "text on the left", hl = "MyHighlightGroup" }
    right = {
        { text = "text on the right", hl = "MyHighlightGroup" }
    order = 1

-- inside the section draw function
local lines, hl = {}, {}

table.insert(lines, "Here's the location list you asked:")

loclist:draw(ctx, lines, hl)

return { lines = lines, hl = hl }

loclist:add_item {doc=sidebar-loclist-add-item}

adds a new item to the loclist. Example: loclist:add_item(item)


  • (string) the group name that this item will live in
  • item.lnum (number) the line number of this item
  • item.col (number) the col number of this item
  • item.left (table) the text that should be shown on the left of the item in the format:

item.left = { { text = "my", hl = "MyHighlightGroup" }, { text = " text", hl = "MyHighlightGroup2" } }

This will result in my text in the section with the first word with highlight group MyHighlightGroup and the second with MyHighlightGroup2

  • item.right (table) same as item.left but shown on the right side
  • item.order (number) all items are sorted before drawn on the screen, use this to define each item priority

loclist:set_items {doc=sidebar-loclist-set-items}

this method receive a list of items and call loclist:add_item to each one of them

optionally users can pass a second parameter clear_opts (table) which is passed to loclist:clear before adding new items

loclist:clear {doc=sidebar-loclist-clear}

remove all items


  • clear_opts (table)
  • clear_opts.remove_groups (boolean) if true, also remove groups from the list, otherwise only items will be removed, removing groups from the list also means that the state of groups will be cleared



This can be used to avoid multiple calls within a certain time frame. It's useful if you want to avoid multiple expensive computations in sequence.


local Debouncer = require("sidebar-nvim.debouncer")

local function expensive_computation(n)
    print(n + 1)

local expensive_computation_debounced = Debouncer:new(expensive_computation, 1000)

expensive_computation_debounced:call(42) -- print(43)
expensive_computation_debounced:call(42) -- does nothing

    expensive_computation_debounced:call(43) -- print(44)
    expensive_computation_debounced:call(43) -- does nothing
end, 1500)

Builtin Sections


Prints the current date and time using. You can define multiple clocks with different timezones or offsets.

NOTE: In order to use timezones you need to install luatz from luarocks, like the following if using packer:

use {
    rocks = {'luatz'}

This dependency is optional, you can use the offset parameter to change the clock, which does not require extra dependencies.


Example configuration:

    datetime = {
        icon = "",
        format = "%a %b %d, %H:%M",
        clocks = {
            { name = "local" }

Clock options:

    name = "clock name", -- defaults to `tz`
    tz = "America/Los_Angeles", -- only works if using `luatz`, defaults to current timezone
    offset = -8, -- this is ignored if tz is present, defaults to 0

You can see a list of all available timezones here


Prints the status of the repo as returned by git status --porcelain


Example configuration:

    ["git"] = {
        icon = "",


key when action
e hovering filename open file in the previous window
s hovering filename stage files
u hovering filename unstage files


Prints the current status of the builtin lsp grouper by file. It shows only loaded buffers


    ["diagnostics"] = {
        icon = "",


key when action
e hovering diagnostic message open file in the previous window at the diagnostic position
t hovering filename toggle collapse on the group


Shows the TODOs in source. Provided by RipGrep.


    todos = {
        icon = "",
        ignored_paths = {'~'}, -- ignore certain paths, this will prevent huge folders like $HOME to hog Neovim with TODO searching
        initially_closed = false, -- whether the groups should be initially closed on start. You can manually open/close groups later.


key when action
e hovering todo location open file in the previous window at the todo position
t hovering the group toggle collapse on the group


The following functions are available to the user to control this specific section elements.


Toggle all groups, i.e.: NOTE, TODO, FIXME etc.

Call like the following: require("sidebar-nvim.builtin.todos").<function>


Close all groups.


Open all groups.


Opens the group with name group_name. Example require("sidebar-nvim.builtin.todos").open("NOTE")


Closes the group with name group_name. Example require("sidebar-nvim.builtin.todos").close("NOTE")


Toggle the group with name group_name. Example require("sidebar-nvim.builtin.todos").toggle("NOTE")


Shows the system docker containers. Collected from docker ps -a '--format=\'{"Names": {{json .Names}}, "State": {{json .State}}, "ID": {{json .ID}} }\''

NOTE: in some environments this can be a very intensive command to run. You may see increased cpu usage when this section is enabled.


    containers = {
        icon = "",
        use_podman = false,
        attach_shell = "/bin/sh",
        show_all = true, -- whether to run `docker ps` or `docker ps -a`
        interval = 5000, -- the debouncer time frame to limit requests to the docker daemon


key when action
e hovering a container location open a new terminal and attach to the container with docker exec -it <container id> ${config.containers.attach_shell}


Shows current loaded buffers.


    buffers = {
        icon = "",
        ignored_buffers = {}, -- ignore buffers by regex
        sorting = "id", -- alternatively set it to "name" to sort by buffer name instead of buf id
        show_numbers = true, -- whether to also show the buffer numbers
        ignore_not_loaded = false, -- whether to ignore not loaded buffers
        ignore_terminal = true, -- whether to show terminal buffers in the list


key when action
d hovering an item close the identified buffer
e hovering an item open the identified buffer in a window
w hovering an item save the identified buffer


Shows/manage current directory structure.


    files = {
        icon = "",
        show_hidden = false,
        ignored_paths = {"%.git$"}


key when action
d hovering an item delete file/folder
y hovering an item yank/copy a file/folder
x hovering an item cut a file/folder
p hovering an item paste a file/folder
c hovering an item create a new file
e hovering an item open the current file/folder
r hovering an item rename file/folder
u hovering the section undo operation
<C-r> hovering the section redo operation
<CR> hovering an item open file/folder


Shows lsp symbols for the current buffer.


    symbols = {
        icon = "ƒ",


key when action
t hovering an item toggle group
e hovering an item open location


Highlight Group Defaults To
SidebarNvimSectionTitle Directory
SidebarNvimSectionSeparator Comment
SidebarNvimSectionTitleSeparator Comment
SidebarNvimNormal Normal
SidebarNvimLabel Label
SidebarNvimComment Comment
SidebarNvimLineNr LineNr
SidebarNvimKeyword Keyword
SidebarNvimGitStatusState SidebarNvimKeyword
SidebarNvimGitStatusFileName SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsError LspDiagnosticsDefaultError
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsWarn LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsInfo LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsHint LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsLineNumber SidebarNvimLineNr
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsColNumber SidebarNvimLineNr
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsFilename SidebarNvimLabel
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsTotalNumber LspTroubleCount
SidebarNvimLspDiagnosticsMessage SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimTodoTag SidebarNvimLabel
SidebarNvimTodoTotalNumber SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimTodoFilename SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimTodoLineNumber SidebarNvimLineNr
SidebarNvimTodoColNumber SidebarNvimLineNr
SidebarNvimDockerContainerStatusRunning LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation
SidebarNvimDockerContainerStatusExited LspDiagnosticsDefaultError
SidebarNvimDockerContainerName SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimDatetimeClockName SidebarNvimComment
SidebarNvimDatetimeClockValue SidebarNvimNormal
SidebarNvimBuffersActive SidebarNvimSectionTitle
SidebarNvimBuffersNumber SidebarNvimComment