ROADMAP v1.0.0
thoroughly test the setup accessor
refactor setup accessor to break it up into multiple objects so that it is easier to test and less monolithic
pull out the action execution into a separate class and test it
a way have helpers available when you don't want to have to create a command
readme about how to actually pass the user config through to action and the fact that regardless if you have a config file or not, you can have a config var or not as part of the block variables
up the version to 1.0.0
tag and release
rejig it completely so that we don't have multiple levels of options, instead all options get merged into a single level options hash, you should be able to specify all options anywhere if the options make sense for the set of commands that we have in the options string, this should make the configuration file much simpler as it will be single level, should also potentially make a lot of the code much simpler, should be able to delete a bunch of stuff and make other stuff much simpler, this will make the interface much simpler as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we could/should probably write a better option parser that will allow us to specify options anywhere irrespective to the arguments and should return a list of options with values as well as arguments (this about it!)
- create a table of contents for the readme so that it is easier to navigate it
- refactor the app class so it is a bit nicer etc
- need a suite for escort itself using escort to bootstrap etc
- scaffold for app with no sub commands (escort g -o blah -o yadda bin/app.rb)
- scaffold for app with one level of commands (escort g -o blah -o yadda suite -o blah -o yadda -c foo -c bar bin/app.rb)
- scaffold for app with nested sub commands (escort g -o blah -o yadda suite -o blah -o yadda -c foo -c bar --nested bin/app.rb) ???
an option for setup that indicates it is a project specific CLI app
an options for setup that indicates it is an environment aware CLI app
make the configuration environment aware
make escort environment aware (app.environment_aware)
json configuration should support defaults config
if necessary, extra helpers to work with environment specific config sections (xxx -e production escort --create-config-environment-section)
much better documentation and usage patterns DONE
- rework actions with passing a class and having it being auto called
- implement servants for dealing with clumps of functionality, and action commands have access to all servants that were executed before them
- ability to break up a big config into chucks, e.g. per command etc. so that it is more modular and easier to read
- whether or not action is specified things should not blow up
- rework ppjson to take advantage of servants and non-block actions and release a new version
- lots more logging at different levels for debug purposes
- more integration specs (more specs for the different types of options)
- more specs (dsl classes, validator, option_parser, dependency validator, global_pre_parser, auto_options, app)
- perhaps verbosity should be at the highest level by default and allow toning it down via the setup
- blog Build Command-Line Apps Like a Pro Using Ruby and Escort
- pull the terminal formatting stuff into separate gem
- pull nested exception stuff into separate gem
IDEAS #!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'escort' require 'my_app' h class Myapp::Commnads:MyCommand::Base option end
class Myapp::Commnads:MySubCommand < Myapp::Commnads:MyCommand::Base description "I am an awesome class" option :full_name, short: '-f', ... include_options MyApp::Commands::SomeOtherCommand
def self.description "I am an awesome class" end
def self.options SomeCommand.options + SomeOtherCommand.options end
def run do_some_things( end end
class Myapp::Commnads:MyCommand:MySubcommand
Escort::App.create do |r| 'bananas' do |r| 'delicious' do |r| 'my_subcommand', Myapp::Commnads:MyCommand:MySubcommand end end end
get all tests passing on jruby 1.9
get all tests passing on rubinius 1.9
get all tests passing on mri 1.8.7
configatron support in addition to json config
for help current command context is all confused, is the context a parent context or the current context, fixed in help but the class is still confused as it's being used in two different ways
genericise the generator concept, so that the current one becomes a nested generator, but we can also have a flat generator
genericise the writer and reader, so that the current one becomes json writer/reader, but we can have yaml or whatever we want
we should always be working with a nested hash for configuration, its only at writing and reading time do we flatten or whatever
dependencies for command options on options from parent commands or global
a better way of executing action and servants for the actions
specify the options via classes #command.action StreamProvider::Commands::StopServer
define servants for actions within context #app.before_action :stop, :start, :restart do |action| #action.servant :configatron, StreamProvider::Servants::ConfigatronServant #end
#app.before_action :restart do |action| #action.servant :blah, StreamProvider::Servants::BlahServant #end
a before action without command names in context app.before :actions => :this - only action in current context app.before :actions => :child - only child action in current context app.before :actions => [:this, :child] - this action and child actions app.before :actions => :descendant - all actions that descend from this one, but not this one
can split out the shell command executor into a tiny gem for later use
for borderless table, should be able to create another borderless table within a cell of an existing table
get the build working on ruby 1.8.7
formatting code should support colours and styles for output
formatting code should support a table with borders and stuff
formatting code should support a simple progress bar for showing progress
formatting code should be more well factored
highline support should be added so that values can be asked for
values should be asked for before validations are executed, since entered values should be validated
instead of before and after blocks, add before, after filters for commands, maybe
when no action found in the context we want to execute, it should error or at least print an error
can we flatten the configuration (as an option)
can we extract the json configuration stuff into a separate gem
json configuration should support having environment configs in multiple files
blog the crap out of all aspects of how to use it, how it is constructed, some fancy things you can do with it etc.
ability to ask for user input for a command (e.g. for passwords, this can possibly be done via validations)
do a homebrew config for ppjson so that it can easily be installed using brew
blog about what makes a good command line app (this and the one below are possibly one post)
blog about how to use escort and why the other libraries possibly fall short
blog about how escort is constructed
blog about using escort to build a markov chains based name generator
blog about creating a sub command based app using escort
blog about creating an app with user input using escort
blog about instance_eval and the fact that it doesn't do closure properly (why), and the trick from trollop for how to get it to accept arguments
blog about exception hierarchy for apps, what exceptions to have, when to raise exceptions, touch on throw/catch and why they are bad/good, touch on exit codes for command line apps in the context of exception throwing
blog about nested exceptions and how to make them nice in your app, also metion exceptional ruby book as well as nestegg gem
blog about dependencies with bundler, the spermy operator and what version will be chosen
blog about ppjson and how to use it
reply to a bunch of stackoverflow posts about pretty printing json on the command-line
improve the terminal formatter, allowing wrapping text to anywhere, and tabular like output without an actual table, allowing configuring terminal of any size not just 80, spin it off a little separate project, with an example of how to possibly build a menu in it or something DONE
BUG the help formatting is still not quite right as far as respecting the char limits and wrapping properly when doing tabular output!!!! DONE
do a readme for how trollop was slightly modified to accept a formatter
gemspec summary and description should be taken from the app definition/maybe
perhaps add a copyright with license to readme
via method missing we can make the dsl classes more robust by printing errors and exting when non-dsl methods are attempted
configuring multi of multi
how do we describe what the arguments should be??
blog about the convention for implementing the escort actions
ability to provide some default command line arguments via an environment variable
- choosing default output format based on where the output is going STDOUT.tty?
- look at ruby curses support a bit more closely and maybe use that for terminal stuff instead as it would be much better at it
- a library for specifying conditions and matching on those conditions
- possible syntax for conditions library: do _and do _= a, 1 _not do _or do _nil :b _empty :b _false :b end end _present :b _present [:c, :d] _nil :e _empty :f _false :g _or do _= :h, 5 _and do _= :i, 7 _empty :j end end end end
- create a tool to pretty print json (ppjson) using escort
- global config param if config file
- if app has a config, then give another param to control the extras creation, which will be an 'escort' sub command to allow manually creating and updating the config file etc.
- do all the other config file bits such as creating default, non-default and updating etc.
- catching all exceptions and dealing with them in a better way
- global verbose param always
- a global logger for escort which is accessible to commands etc.
- support an on_error block to allow user to control what happens when errors occur
- default option values via env variables (if necessary)
- instead of exiting and printing errors all over the place, just raise specific errors, and handle the printing and exiting in the handle block in app.rb
- options that are added by the system and not by the user should come at the end of the options list not sprinkled everywhere in help
- test the configuration loading and writing again
- get the coniguration updating working (two hashes should be merged, values both in hash1 and hash2 should be left alone, values in hash1, but not in hash2 should be deleted from hash1, values in hash2 but not in hash1 should be added to hash1)
- support for configuration files for your command line apps DONE
- the ability to set the config file name DONE
- ability to switch on and off default creation of config file DONE
- the ability to by default read a config file by walking up the directory tree DONE
- ability to configure global options and command specific options (through the file) DONE
- ability to configure extra user data that may be needed (through the file) DONE
- an option to read specific config file instead of the default DONE
- a flag to create a default config in a specific directory DONE
- config file options should be validated just like the command line options DONE
- configuring array :multi data via the configuration file DONE
- exception hierarchy for gem and better exit codes (better exception handling for the whole gem, UserError, LogicErrors(InternalError, ClientError), TransientError, no raise library api, tagging exceptions) DONE
- do a readme entry on exception handling and exit codes DONE
- provide version via configuration DONE
- automatically include version (not just version, automatically include commands in general) DONE
- better ways to create help text to override default trollop behaviour (use below as a default) DONE
- add default values to help text DONE
- refactor so that objects passed into the dsl only have dsl methods available to call DONE
- better support for before and after blocks with explanations and examples of usage N/A
- better support for on_error blocks with explanations and examples of usage (roll exit code support into here), default handling of errors in block N/A
- a convention for how to actually do the code that will handle the commands etc. DONE
- support for infinitely nesting sub commands (is this really necessary) DONE
- some spec infrastructure DONE
- a couple of basic specs DONE
- some integration test infrastructure DONE
- a couple of basic integration tests DONE
- pull classes for formatting out into files DONE
- summary and description for commands DONE
- include command summary and description in help formatter DONE
- rework how help is displayed for commands with summary and description DONE
- the sub commands for command should use summary instead of description DONE
- do for validation and action what I did for option within the dsl DONE
- look again at conflicts support in dsl, we can probably do better naming for it DONE
- up the version to 0.1.0 DONE
- tag and release DONE
- up the version to 0.2.0 DONE
- tag and release DONE
- test conflicts for non-exstant options (integration) DONE
- test all the new help stuff on option, for conflicts, dependencies, validations DONE
- fix up readme for conflicts block DONE
- rework validations to be part of the options block rather than in their own block DONE
- fix example, fix tests, fix readme DONE
- need to rework conflicts as currently not really very good DONE
- add dependencies to help text DONE
- add conflicts to help text DONE
- add validation texts to help text so that people can see what kind of values are valid DONE
- make sure we check conflicts for non-existant options DONE
- refactor the formatting code some more DONE
- pull some formatting code into separate classes DONE
- test some of the utility formatting code DONE
- fix up help text so that if arguments are mandatory they are shown as mandatory not optional DONE
- basic example with validations DONE
- integration test for validations DONE
- readme for validations DONE
- test the shell command executor, and the terminal class for width command DONE
- improve the readme to explain
- a basic app with no options DONE
- a basic app with options DONE
- supplying multiple of the same parameter using multi DONE
- a basic app with require arguments DONE
- a basic app specifying version, description and summary DONE
- test the readme for flags to make sure it works as expected DONE
- a basic app with dependant options (mention that a deadlock situation can occur if you're not careful) DONE
- example for conflicting options DONE
- integration test for conflicting options DONE
- readme for conflicting options DONE
- for print stacktrace, change it to print in INFO mode so that stacktrace not printed by default DONE
- BUG when a script requires arguments and user doesn't supply any escort treats this as an internal error and asks you to report it, this shouldn't be the case DONE
- depends_on support
- option depends on flag DONE
- flag depends on another flag DONE
- one option depends on another (the other must be not false not nil and not empty) DONE
- one option depends on specific value of another (the other must be of a specific values) DONE
- one option depends on several others (where are must be not false not nil and not empty) DONE
- one option depends on several others where some must have a specific value (some options have specific value, others are not false not nil and not empty) DONE
- error if option for which dependecy is being defined does not exist DONE
- error if depends on non-existant option DONE
- error if depends on itself DONE
- error if dependency not satisfied DONE
- error if missing on condition when specifying dependency DONE
- refactor the options dsl class dependency code DONE
- refactor the option_dependency_validator class to be nicer DONE
- integration test all the permutations of dependency specification with error and success cases etc DONE
- create a shortcut for dependency specification on the opt method options hash itself DONE
- fix up example for basic app with dependencies for options DONE
- tag and release DONE
- up the version to 0.3.0 DONE
- test the base command for actions well DONE
- BUG parent_options when parent of command is global context doesn't seem to work??? DONE
- integration test for commands DONE
- integration test for sub-commands DONE
- readme a basic app with config file, integration test (don't worry about explaining all the helper stuff that gets created) DONE
- test the configuration loader DONE
- test the descend to home locator DONE
- test the configuration merge tool DONE
- test the configuration generator DONE
- test all the locators (descend, specfic dir, current script dir, chaining) DONE
- we should always be using the chaining locator, with more or less sub locators depending on setup DONE
- create other locators (dir of currently executing script locator, i.e. not the working directory, specified dir locator) DONE
- create a chaining locator so we can put all our locators together DONE
- test the configuration reader DONE
- test the configuration writer DONE
- a basic app example with all the trimmings DONE
- app with config file example DONE
- readme implementing and action for a basic app DONE
- rejig for betterness the validations help outputs DONE
- test the string grid DONE
- start using the new stream output formatter DONE
- refactor terminal formatter and test it DONE
- finish testing the output formatter DONE
- get rid of shell command executor new shell stuff (doesn't work in Jruby and not really needed anyway) DONE
- extract all the dsl command stuff into a helper module so that global and command can be handled by the same code DONE
- a few more integration tests (test that basic app automatically gets help and version and that they are correct) DONE
- have a think about how to make the integration tests a bit more robust, so that failures don't get swallowed (test for specific exit codes instead of non-zero exit code), fix the existing integration tests DONE
- clean up all the extraneous branches DONE
- in trollop when errors are raised they should be wrapped as escort errors and propagate rather than being caught by trollop itself DONE
- rework the examples again to show of some/most of the features (along the lines of the integration tests and readme) DONE
- errors coming straigh out of configuration should still be caught by error handlers to only display stack trace when needed (refactor app create method) DONE
- readme for a basic app with conflicting options DONE
- readme for a basic app with dependent options DONE
- integration test all the config file helper stuff DONE
- fix ppjson so that dependency suport feature is actually used DONE
- delete the stuff from the attic once it is no longer needed DONE
- readme a sub command app with options, validations, description, summary, require arguments and config file, integration tests, example DONE
- readme for requires arguments overriding and inheritance DONE
- readme explain all the helper stuff that automatically gets created with config file support DONE
- get the blog updated with a new theme DONE
- put a new subscriber count widget on blog DONE
- the config auto option should not be included in the config file, same with other auto options??? N/A
- add a section to readme for command line tools built with escort (e.g. ppjson) DONE
- rework the integration specs and matchers so there are less moving parts (perhaps push some stuff down into a base class etc.) DONE
- rewrite the help formatter to be a bit easier to understand (more like man output for output) DONE
- add depends support to dsl DONE