diff --git a/input.js b/input.js index 541b7fd4c..af05688e9 100644 --- a/input.js +++ b/input.js @@ -1,978 +1,815 @@ -function _0x530e() { - var _0xe59ff = ['CMv0DxjU', 'zgvMAw5LuhjVCgvYDhK', 'y3jLyxrLrwXLBwvUDa', 'Dg9tDhjPBMC', 'D2LUv2LKDgG', 'C3LTyM9S', 'Bg9N', 'C3fYDa', 'C3rHCNruAw1L', 'DgvZDa', 'B2jQzwn0', 'AxrLCMf0B3i', 'x19vu0vsx0zqx0nptKzjr19F', 'v2HLzwW', 'y2HHCKnVzgvbDa', 'Dg91y2HLCW', 'Bw91C2vTB3zL', 'DMfSDwu', 'CMvZAxPL', 'C3rHCNq', 'u2v0', 'y2XPzw50wa', 'CgfYC2u', 'y29UC3rYDwn0B3i', 'zMXVB3i', 'ywn0AxzPDhLfDMvUDhm', 'qMLSAvvZzxjmB2CGy2fUig5VDcbIzsb1C2vKigLUifntuG', 'Bw91C2u', 'zw5JB2rL', 'zxjYB3i', 'rM9JDxm', 'qwn0AxzPDhLezxrLy3rVCIbJyw4GBM90igjLihvZzwqGAw4Gu1ns', 'z2v0qwn0AxzLrMvHDhvYzxntDhi', 'v0vcr0XFzgvIDwDFCMvUzgvYzxjFAw5MBW', 'Dg91y2G', 'mtmXmdy2odjTD2XpCMq', 'y2fUy2vS', 'zM9JDxm', 'BM8GD2vIz2W', 'zNjVBq', 'z2v0q29UDgv4Da', 'y2XHC3noyw1L', 'BgvUz3rO', 'ywrKrxzLBNrmAxn0zw5LCG', 'BM93', 'CMvtDgfYDa', 'ChjVDg90ExbL', 'ywn0AxzPDhLezxrLy3rVCG', 'Dg91y2HZDgfYDa', 'C3rVCa', 'D3jPDgfIBgu', 'y2XPzw50wq', 'ntjzzvD3zuS', 'CMvTB3zL', 'nZy3nJLICLjctK4', 'yxbWBhK', 'C2fTCgXPBMDuAw1L', 'C2nYB2XS', 'D2vIz2Xwzw5KB3jbBMrszw5KzxjLCG', 'Bg9Nu3rHy2S', 'z2v0ugfYyw1LDgvY', 'BgvMDa', 'vg91y2G', 'DgLTzxn0yw1W', 'yM9KEq', 'zg9Uzq', 'Dg9mB3DLCKnHC2u', 'D2LUsgvPz2H0', 'D2LKDgG', 'vu5nqvnlrurFuKvorevsrvjFv0vcr0W', 'y2XPy2S', 'y2fSBa', 'BgLUzs1OzwLNAhq6idmWChG7ignVBg9YoIaJrKy2nJK5', 'yNvMzMvY', 'ChjLvgLTzq', 'DgfYz2v0ihr5CguGzxjYB3i', 'D2vIz2W', 'ndi5mJqZBxvqu09I', 'qebPDgvYyxrVCG', 'CMfUzg9T', 'DhLWzq', 'CxvLCNLvC2vYtg9N', 'zM9YrwfJAa', 'zw51BwvYywjSzq', 'vu5nqvnlrurFvKvore9sx1DfqKDm', 'AgfZt3DUuhjVCgvYDhK', 'D2vIz2XtDhi', 'mtq2mef1wKDgtG', 'y2XLyxjmB2C', 'z2v0tg9N', 'Aw5PDa', 'z2v0uhjLvgLTzuXVzW', 'yw1K', 'qxjNDw1LBNrZ', 'BgLZDgvUq2HHBMDL', 'zgvMyxvSDa', 'y2fUDMfZ', 'CMvTB3zLrxzLBNrmAxn0zw5LCG', 'Aw5MBW', 'DgLTzvrVu3rHCNq', 'CxvLCNLtzwXLy3rVCKfSBa', 'yMLSAs1Mzs1MCdOG', 'Bg9Nu3rHy2TnyxHmzw5NDgG', 'A2v5zg93BG', 'y29UzMLNDxjHyMXL', 'zNjVBunOyxjdB2rL', 'C3vIC3rYAw5N', 'C2vHCMnO', 'Aw5ZDgfUy2u', 'y291BNreAxn0yw5Jzq', 'AxnbCNjHEq', 'x19IAwXPvxnLCKzWx18', 's2v5zg93BG', 'z2v0rwXjBMzV', 'x19LC01VzhvSzq', 'zxHWB3j0CW', 'BMfTzq', 'ChjLrxzLBNq', 'kcGOlISPkYKRksSK', 'zMLUz2vYChjPBNq', 'C2nYB2XStgvMDa', 'z2v0vxnLCLDLyMDSsw5MBW', 'BwfW', 'A2v5', 'C3rYAw5N', 'DgfNtMfTzq', 'mZmZnJzNqxvxEfm', 'tw92zq', 'mta1nuTNwMTsuG', 'ChvZAa', 'odyWndrrsLv0BNy', 'A2v5CW', 'zw5KvgLTzq', 'C3rYAw5NAwz5', 'BMv4Da', 'C3rHDgu', 'zgL2w2rHDgeTDI1YAxnRpsi', 'Bw91C2vKB3DU', 'Bg9Nz2vY', 'C2nYB2XSvg9W', 'DgfYz2v0', 'q2XPy2S', 'y29Uy2f0', 'y2XPzw50v2LKDgG', 'vKvsu0LptG', 'zgvSDgfz', 't2jQzwn0', 'Dw5KzwzPBMvK', 'mJiWote2mhPcu29buW', 'Cg93', 'Aw5UzxjxAwr0Aa', 'zMLSDgvY', 'EYj1mIi6iKbIAwXPyMLSAs9IAwXPlxvZzxiTzMLUz2vYChjPBNqIlcjPoci6iJeUms4ZiN0', 'Aw5PDeXVz2DLCG', 'n2rivM9ora', 'zg9JDw1LBNrfBgvTzw50', 'qeb0B1bYAw1PDgL2zsbTDxn0ihjLDhvYBIbHihbYAw1PDgL2zsb2ywX1zs4', 'otiWndjgEgjLChy', 'C2XPy2u', 'y2XPzw50sgvPz2H0', 'Bw91C2v3AgvLBa', 'Dg91y2HTB3zL']; - _0x530e = function() { - return _0xe59ff; - } - ; - return _0x530e(); -} -function _0x530d(_0x52fe3b, _0x4e22a1) { - var _0x571bf8 = _0x530e(); - return _0x530d = function(_0x20640f, _0x41610b) { - _0x20640f = _0x20640f - 0xeb; - var _0x530ee7 = _0x571bf8[_0x20640f]; - if (_0x530d['EneVJf'] === undefined) { - var _0x530dfe = function(_0xe325e8) { - var _0x511774 = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/='; - var _0x50b276 = '' - , _0x57a616 = '' - , _0x56a587 = _0x50b276 + _0x530dfe; - for (var _0x57496c = 0x0, _0x8ef6b1, _0xab43f2, _0x42063d = 0x0; _0xab43f2 = _0xe325e8['charAt'](_0x42063d++); ~_0xab43f2 && (_0x8ef6b1 = _0x57496c % 0x4 ? _0x8ef6b1 * 0x40 + _0xab43f2 : _0xab43f2, - _0x57496c++ % 0x4) ? _0x50b276 += _0x56a587['charCodeAt'](_0x42063d + 0xa) - 0xa !== 0x0 ? String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x8ef6b1 >> (-0x2 * _0x57496c & 0x6)) : _0x57496c : 0x0) { - _0xab43f2 = _0x511774['indexOf'](_0xab43f2); - } - for (var _0xb618c6 = 0x0, _0x31cb39 = _0x50b276['length']; _0xb618c6 < _0x31cb39; _0xb618c6++) { - _0x57a616 += '%' + ('00' + _0x50b276['charCodeAt'](_0xb618c6)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2); - } - return decodeURIComponent(_0x57a616); - }; - _0x530d['yLufDn'] = _0x530dfe, - _0x52fe3b = arguments, - _0x530d['EneVJf'] = !![]; +//Sun Oct 06 2024 08:10:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) +//Base:https://github.com/echo094/decode-js +//Modify:https://github.com/smallfawn/decode_action +!function (_0x57a616, _0x56a587) { + "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = _0x56a587() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], _0x56a587) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.__biliUserFp__ = _0x56a587() : _0x57a616.__biliUserFp__ = _0x56a587(); +}(self, function () { + return function () { + var _0x4a3c97 = { + 154: function (_0x5bb687) { + _0x5bb687.exports = function (_0x1f90c6, _0x31c5e5) { + (null == _0x31c5e5 || _0x31c5e5 > _0x1f90c6.length) && (_0x31c5e5 = _0x1f90c6.length); + for (var _0x51f02c = 0, _0x40c03d = new Array(_0x31c5e5); _0x51f02c < _0x31c5e5; _0x51f02c++) { + _0x40c03d[_0x51f02c] = _0x1f90c6[_0x51f02c]; + } + return _0x40c03d; + }; + _0x5bb687.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x5bb687.exports.default = _0x5bb687.exports; + }, + 462: function (_0x9ed89f) { + _0x9ed89f.exports = function (_0x365f6e) { + if (Array.isArray(_0x365f6e)) { + return _0x365f6e; + } + }; + _0x9ed89f.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x9ed89f.exports.default = _0x9ed89f.exports; + }, + 177: function (_0x4c7e97, _0x10700e, _0xefe4c) { + var _0x10279d = _0xefe4c(154); + _0x4c7e97.exports = function (_0x262640) { + if (Array.isArray(_0x262640)) { + return _0x10279d(_0x262640); + } + }; + _0x4c7e97.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x4c7e97.exports.default = _0x4c7e97.exports; + }, + 608: function (_0x530f30) { + _0x530f30.exports = function (_0x4cbc65, _0x483c17) { + if (!(_0x4cbc65 instanceof _0x483c17)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } + }; + _0x530f30.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x530f30.exports.default = _0x530f30.exports; + }, + 218: function (_0x8ef4e9, _0x519a90, _0x533469) { + var _0x5f412a = _0x533469(108); + function _0xf2c461(_0x2d46a0, _0x49235c) { + for (var _0x51ef19 = 0; _0x51ef19 < _0x49235c.length; _0x51ef19++) { + var _0x3f85f1 = _0x49235c[_0x51ef19]; + _0x3f85f1.enumerable = _0x3f85f1.enumerable || false; + _0x3f85f1.configurable = true; + "value" in _0x3f85f1 && (_0x3f85f1.writable = true); + Object.defineProperty(_0x2d46a0, _0x5f412a(_0x3f85f1.key), _0x3f85f1); + } } - var _0x1e7453 = _0x571bf8[0x0] - , _0xac26ce = _0x20640f + _0x1e7453 - , _0x1b5916 = _0x52fe3b[_0xac26ce]; - if (!_0x1b5916) { - var _0x2d6ebe = function(_0x4a3c97) { - this['QAGbiD'] = _0x4a3c97, - this['lGFjjH'] = [0x1, 0x0, 0x0], - this['YZefEq'] = function() { - return 'newState'; + _0x8ef4e9.exports = function (_0x32b42f, _0x233f3d, _0x480e47) { + _0x233f3d && _0xf2c461(_0x32b42f.prototype, _0x233f3d); + _0x480e47 && _0xf2c461(_0x32b42f, _0x480e47); + Object.defineProperty(_0x32b42f, "prototype", { + writable: false + }); + return _0x32b42f; + }; + _0x8ef4e9.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x8ef4e9.exports.default = _0x8ef4e9.exports; + }, + 51: function (_0x206339, _0x1e8275, _0x2b24f5) { + var _0x23da4e = _0x2b24f5(108); + _0x206339.exports = function (_0x2b13bb, _0x1eecb2, _0x4d456e) { + (_0x1eecb2 = _0x23da4e(_0x1eecb2)) in _0x2b13bb ? Object.defineProperty(_0x2b13bb, _0x1eecb2, { + value: _0x4d456e, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true, + writable: true + }) : _0x2b13bb[_0x1eecb2] = _0x4d456e; + return _0x2b13bb; + }; + _0x206339.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x206339.exports.default = _0x206339.exports; + }, + 311: function (_0x1f8dc0) { + _0x1f8dc0.exports = function (_0x57dfe2) { + if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != _0x57dfe2[Symbol.iterator] || null != _0x57dfe2["@@iterator"]) { + return Array.from(_0x57dfe2); + } + }; + _0x1f8dc0.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x1f8dc0.exports.default = _0x1f8dc0.exports; + }, + 449: function (_0x37829f) { + _0x37829f.exports = function (_0x1469fb, _0x1ab30e) { + var _0x1fbf83 = null == _0x1469fb ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && _0x1469fb[Symbol.iterator] || _0x1469fb["@@iterator"]; + if (null != _0x1fbf83) { + var _0x17fb83; + var _0x2a83aa; + var _0x3214dc; + var _0x5f1214; + var _0xd0c4b0 = []; + var _0x322258 = true; + var _0x4d8f48 = false; + try { + if (_0x3214dc = (_0x1fbf83 = _0x1fbf83.call(_0x1469fb)).next, 0 === _0x1ab30e) { + if (Object(_0x1fbf83) !== _0x1fbf83) { + return; } - , - this['slqsQI'] = '\x5cw+\x20*\x5c(\x5c)\x20*{\x5cw+\x20*', - this['xKYpba'] = '[\x27|\x22].+[\x27|\x22];?\x20*}'; - }; - _0x2d6ebe['prototype']['tOXwQp'] = function() { - var _0x4fcdbb = new RegExp(this['slqsQI'] + this['xKYpba']) - , _0x4c34b9 = _0x4fcdbb['test'](this['YZefEq']['toString']()) ? --this['lGFjjH'][0x1] : --this['lGFjjH'][0x0]; - return this['bJHWpT'](_0x4c34b9); - } - , - _0x2d6ebe['prototype']['bJHWpT'] = function(_0x4c536c) { - if (!Boolean(~_0x4c536c)) - return _0x4c536c; - return this['OlUHZM'](this['QAGbiD']); - } - , - _0x2d6ebe['prototype']['OlUHZM'] = function(_0x5bb687) { - for (var _0x1f90c6 = 0x0, _0x31c5e5 = this['lGFjjH']['length']; _0x1f90c6 < _0x31c5e5; _0x1f90c6++) { - this['lGFjjH']['push'](Math['round'](Math['random']())), - _0x31c5e5 = this['lGFjjH']['length']; + _0x322258 = false; + } else { + for (; !(_0x322258 = (_0x17fb83 = _0x3214dc.call(_0x1fbf83)).done) && (_0xd0c4b0.push(_0x17fb83.value), _0xd0c4b0.length !== _0x1ab30e); _0x322258 = true) {} + } + } catch (_0xf53436) { + _0x4d8f48 = true; + _0x2a83aa = _0xf53436; + } finally { + try { + if (!_0x322258 && null != _0x1fbf83.return && (_0x5f1214 = _0x1fbf83.return(), Object(_0x5f1214) !== _0x5f1214)) { + return; } - return _0x5bb687(this['lGFjjH'][0x0]); - } - , - new _0x2d6ebe(_0x530d)['tOXwQp'](), - _0x530ee7 = _0x530d['yLufDn'](_0x530ee7), - _0x52fe3b[_0xac26ce] = _0x530ee7; - } else - _0x530ee7 = _0x1b5916; - return _0x530ee7; - } - , - _0x530d(_0x52fe3b, _0x4e22a1); -} -(function(_0x41f3ea, _0x3a9fe8) { - var _0x22a1ff = _0x530d - , _0x3568ec = _0x41f3ea(); - while (!![]) { - try { - var _0x19df02 = parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x161)) / 0x1 + parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x17c)) / 0x2 + -parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x12c)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x113)) / 0x4) + parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x15f)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x15d)) / 0x6) + parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x179)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x173)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x102)) / 0x9 + -parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x136)) / 0xa * (parseInt(_0x22a1ff(0x115)) / 0xb); - if (_0x19df02 === _0x3a9fe8) - break; - else - _0x3568ec['push'](_0x3568ec['shift']()); - } catch (_0x12e70e) { - _0x3568ec['push'](_0x3568ec['shift']()); - } - } -}(_0x530e, 0xebf02), -!function(_0x57a616, _0x56a587) { - var _0x101f43 = _0x530d - , _0x57496c = (function() { - var _0xab43f2 = !![]; - return function(_0x42063d, _0xb618c6) { - var _0x31cb39 = _0xab43f2 ? function() { - var _0x49922b = _0x530d; - if (_0xb618c6) { - var _0x2d6ebe = _0xb618c6[_0x49922b(0x116)](_0x42063d, arguments); - return _0xb618c6 = null, - _0x2d6ebe; + } finally { + if (_0x4d8f48) { + throw _0x2a83aa; } + } } - : function() {} - ; - return _0xab43f2 = ![], - _0x31cb39; - } - ; - }()) - , _0x8ef6b1 = _0x57496c(this, function() { - var _0x59f61e = _0x530d; - return _0x8ef6b1[_0x59f61e(0x184)]()['search'](_0x59f61e(0x155))[_0x59f61e(0x184)]()[_0x59f61e(0xf6)](_0x8ef6b1)[_0x59f61e(0x14a)](_0x59f61e(0x155)); - }); - _0x8ef6b1(), - _0x101f43(0x18b) == typeof exports && _0x101f43(0x18b) == typeof module ? module[_0x101f43(0x152)] = _0x56a587() : 'function' == typeof define && define[_0x101f43(0x13b)] ? define([], _0x56a587) : _0x101f43(0x18b) == typeof exports ? exports[_0x101f43(0x14e)] = _0x56a587() : _0x57a616[_0x101f43(0x14e)] = _0x56a587(); -}(self, function() { - return (function() { - var _0x4a3c97 = { - 0x9a: function(_0x5bb687) { - var _0x51f889 = _0x530d; - _0x5bb687[_0x51f889(0x152)] = function(_0x1f90c6, _0x31c5e5) { - var _0x58d8f0 = _0x51f889; - (null == _0x31c5e5 || _0x31c5e5 > _0x1f90c6['length']) && (_0x31c5e5 = _0x1f90c6[_0x58d8f0(0x109)]); - for (var _0x51f02c = 0x0, _0x40c03d = new Array(_0x31c5e5); _0x51f02c < _0x31c5e5; _0x51f02c++) - _0x40c03d[_0x51f02c] = _0x1f90c6[_0x51f02c]; - return _0x40c03d; - } - , - _0x5bb687[_0x51f889(0x152)][_0x51f889(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x5bb687['exports']['default'] = _0x5bb687[_0x51f889(0x152)]; - }, - 0x1ce: function(_0x9ed89f) { - var _0x5af266 = _0x530d; - _0x9ed89f[_0x5af266(0x152)] = function(_0x365f6e) { - var _0x3a990d = _0x5af266; - if (Array[_0x3a990d(0x14d)](_0x365f6e)) - return _0x365f6e; - } - , - _0x9ed89f['exports'][_0x5af266(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x9ed89f[_0x5af266(0x152)][_0x5af266(0x13e)] = _0x9ed89f[_0x5af266(0x152)]; - }, - 0xb1: function(_0x4c7e97, _0x10700e, _0xefe4c) { - var _0x4fc790 = _0x530d - , _0x10279d = _0xefe4c(0x9a); - _0x4c7e97[_0x4fc790(0x152)] = function(_0x262640) { - var _0x163dfe = _0x4fc790; - if (Array[_0x163dfe(0x14d)](_0x262640)) - return _0x10279d(_0x262640); - } - , - _0x4c7e97[_0x4fc790(0x152)][_0x4fc790(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x4c7e97['exports'][_0x4fc790(0x13e)] = _0x4c7e97[_0x4fc790(0x152)]; - }, - 0x260: function(_0x530f30) { - var _0x50e34e = _0x530d; - _0x530f30[_0x50e34e(0x152)] = function(_0x4cbc65, _0x483c17) { - if (!(_0x4cbc65 instanceof _0x483c17)) - throw new TypeError('Cannot\x20call\x20a\x20class\x20as\x20a\x20function'); - } - , - _0x530f30['exports'][_0x50e34e(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x530f30[_0x50e34e(0x152)]['default'] = _0x530f30[_0x50e34e(0x152)]; - }, - 0xda: function(_0x8ef4e9, _0x519a90, _0x533469) { - var _0x220053 = _0x530d - , _0x5f412a = _0x533469(0x6c); - function _0xf2c461(_0x2d46a0, _0x49235c) { - var _0x5a3a5c = _0x530d; - for (var _0x51ef19 = 0x0; _0x51ef19 < _0x49235c[_0x5a3a5c(0x109)]; _0x51ef19++) { - var _0x3f85f1 = _0x49235c[_0x51ef19]; - _0x3f85f1[_0x5a3a5c(0x132)] = _0x3f85f1[_0x5a3a5c(0x132)] || !0x1, - _0x3f85f1[_0x5a3a5c(0x147)] = !0x0, - _0x5a3a5c(0xf0)in _0x3f85f1 && (_0x3f85f1[_0x5a3a5c(0x111)] = !0x0), - Object[_0x5a3a5c(0x182)](_0x2d46a0, _0x5f412a(_0x3f85f1['key']), _0x3f85f1); - } - } - _0x8ef4e9[_0x220053(0x152)] = function(_0x32b42f, _0x233f3d, _0x480e47) { - var _0x54d3a3 = _0x220053; - return _0x233f3d && _0xf2c461(_0x32b42f[_0x54d3a3(0x10d)], _0x233f3d), - _0x480e47 && _0xf2c461(_0x32b42f, _0x480e47), - Object['defineProperty'](_0x32b42f, 'prototype', { - 'writable': !0x1 - }), - _0x32b42f; - } - , - _0x8ef4e9['exports'][_0x220053(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x8ef4e9[_0x220053(0x152)][_0x220053(0x13e)] = _0x8ef4e9[_0x220053(0x152)]; - }, - 0x33: function(_0x206339, _0x1e8275, _0x2b24f5) { - var _0x2e2e15 = _0x530d - , _0x23da4e = _0x2b24f5(0x6c); - _0x206339[_0x2e2e15(0x152)] = function(_0x2b13bb, _0x1eecb2, _0x4d456e) { - var _0x13be89 = _0x2e2e15; - return (_0x1eecb2 = _0x23da4e(_0x1eecb2))in _0x2b13bb ? Object[_0x13be89(0x182)](_0x2b13bb, _0x1eecb2, { - 'value': _0x4d456e, - 'enumerable': !0x0, - 'configurable': !0x0, - 'writable': !0x0 - }) : _0x2b13bb[_0x1eecb2] = _0x4d456e, - _0x2b13bb; - } - , - _0x206339[_0x2e2e15(0x152)]['__esModule'] = !0x0, - _0x206339[_0x2e2e15(0x152)][_0x2e2e15(0x13e)] = _0x206339[_0x2e2e15(0x152)]; - }, - 0x137: function(_0x1f8dc0) { - var _0x18438f = _0x530d; - _0x1f8dc0[_0x18438f(0x152)] = function(_0x57dfe2) { - var _0x153c7a = _0x18438f; - if (_0x153c7a(0x172) != typeof Symbol && null != _0x57dfe2[Symbol['iterator']] || null != _0x57dfe2[_0x153c7a(0x12d)]) - return Array[_0x153c7a(0x106)](_0x57dfe2); - } - , - _0x1f8dc0[_0x18438f(0x152)][_0x18438f(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x1f8dc0['exports']['default'] = _0x1f8dc0[_0x18438f(0x152)]; - }, - 0x1c1: function(_0x37829f) { - var _0x589682 = _0x530d; - _0x37829f[_0x589682(0x152)] = function(_0x1469fb, _0x1ab30e) { - var _0x4f4028 = _0x589682 - , _0x1fbf83 = null == _0x1469fb ? null : _0x4f4028(0x172) != typeof Symbol && _0x1469fb[Symbol[_0x4f4028(0x18c)]] || _0x1469fb['@@iterator']; - if (null != _0x1fbf83) { - var _0x17fb83, _0x2a83aa, _0x3214dc, _0x5f1214, _0xd0c4b0 = [], _0x322258 = !0x0, _0x4d8f48 = !0x1; - try { - if (_0x3214dc = (_0x1fbf83 = _0x1fbf83['call'](_0x1469fb))[_0x4f4028(0x165)], - 0x0 === _0x1ab30e) { - if (Object(_0x1fbf83) !== _0x1fbf83) - return; - _0x322258 = !0x1; - } else { - for (; !(_0x322258 = (_0x17fb83 = _0x3214dc[_0x4f4028(0x126)](_0x1fbf83))[_0x4f4028(0x120)]) && (_0xd0c4b0['push'](_0x17fb83[_0x4f4028(0xf0)]), - _0xd0c4b0['length'] !== _0x1ab30e); _0x322258 = !0x0) - ; - } - } catch (_0xf53436) { - _0x4d8f48 = !0x0, - _0x2a83aa = _0xf53436; - } finally { - try { - if (!_0x322258 && null != _0x1fbf83[_0x4f4028(0x181)] && (_0x5f1214 = _0x1fbf83[_0x4f4028(0x181)](), - Object(_0x5f1214) !== _0x5f1214)) - return; - } finally { - if (_0x4d8f48) - throw _0x2a83aa; - } - } - return _0xd0c4b0; - } - } - , - _0x37829f[_0x589682(0x152)][_0x589682(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x37829f[_0x589682(0x152)][_0x589682(0x13e)] = _0x37829f['exports']; - }, - 0x1af: function(_0x570abd) { - var _0x23bd59 = _0x530d; - _0x570abd[_0x23bd59(0x152)] = function() { - throw new TypeError('Invalid\x20attempt\x20to\x20destructure\x20non-iterable\x20instance.\x0aIn\x20order\x20to\x20be\x20iterable,\x20non-array\x20objects\x20must\x20have\x20a\x20[Symbol.iterator]()\x20method.'); - } - , - _0x570abd[_0x23bd59(0x152)]['__esModule'] = !0x0, - _0x570abd['exports'][_0x23bd59(0x13e)] = _0x570abd[_0x23bd59(0x152)]; - }, - 0x2f5: function(_0x50d659) { - var _0x2cf0c0 = _0x530d; - _0x50d659[_0x2cf0c0(0x152)] = function() { - throw new TypeError('Invalid\x20attempt\x20to\x20spread\x20non-iterable\x20instance.\x0aIn\x20order\x20to\x20be\x20iterable,\x20non-array\x20objects\x20must\x20have\x20a\x20[Symbol.iterator]()\x20method.'); - } - , - _0x50d659[_0x2cf0c0(0x152)][_0x2cf0c0(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x50d659[_0x2cf0c0(0x152)]['default'] = _0x50d659['exports']; - }, - 0x1e8: function(_0x593566, _0x1d5468, _0x8cf5d2) { - var _0x3d4b79 = _0x530d - , _0x2e17e8 = _0x8cf5d2(0x1ce) - , _0x57cc6c = _0x8cf5d2(0x1c1) - , _0x5dccfd = _0x8cf5d2(0xed) - , _0x1b69a4 = _0x8cf5d2(0x1af); - _0x593566[_0x3d4b79(0x152)] = function(_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) { - return _0x2e17e8(_0x4b3628) || _0x57cc6c(_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) || _0x5dccfd(_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) || _0x1b69a4(); - } - , - _0x593566[_0x3d4b79(0x152)][_0x3d4b79(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x593566[_0x3d4b79(0x152)][_0x3d4b79(0x13e)] = _0x593566[_0x3d4b79(0x152)]; - }, - 0xeb: function(_0x197dab, _0x4a7983, _0x5388c0) { - var _0x3f7a27 = _0x530d - , _0x387e52 = _0x5388c0(0xb1) - , _0x52453e = _0x5388c0(0x137) - , _0x236a6c = _0x5388c0(0xed) - , _0x34e97e = _0x5388c0(0x2f5); - _0x197dab[_0x3f7a27(0x152)] = function(_0x4b1150) { - return _0x387e52(_0x4b1150) || _0x52453e(_0x4b1150) || _0x236a6c(_0x4b1150) || _0x34e97e(); - } - , - _0x197dab['exports'][_0x3f7a27(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x197dab['exports'][_0x3f7a27(0x13e)] = _0x197dab[_0x3f7a27(0x152)]; - }, - 0x36b: function(_0x972099, _0x1b3ac8, _0x42b4d0) { - var _0x52fce4 = _0x530d - , _0x3f10af = _0x42b4d0(0xbf)['default']; - _0x972099[_0x52fce4(0x152)] = function(_0xb8597c, _0x3125a1) { - var _0x5a5084 = _0x52fce4; - if (_0x5a5084(0x18b) !== _0x3f10af(_0xb8597c) || null === _0xb8597c) - return _0xb8597c; - var _0x507930 = _0xb8597c[Symbol['toPrimitive']]; - if (void 0x0 !== _0x507930) { - var _0x2418d9 = _0x507930[_0x5a5084(0x126)](_0xb8597c, _0x3125a1 || _0x5a5084(0x13e)); - if ('object' !== _0x3f10af(_0x2418d9)) - return _0x2418d9; - throw new TypeError(_0x5a5084(0x17b)); - } - return ('string' === _0x3125a1 ? String : Number)(_0xb8597c); - } - , - _0x972099['exports'][_0x52fce4(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x972099[_0x52fce4(0x152)][_0x52fce4(0x13e)] = _0x972099[_0x52fce4(0x152)]; - }, - 0x6c: function(_0x135b64, _0x223b5c, _0x39363f) { - var _0x3f046c = _0x530d - , _0x221e4f = _0x39363f(0xbf)[_0x3f046c(0x13e)] - , _0x1cb3f = _0x39363f(0x36b); - _0x135b64[_0x3f046c(0x152)] = function(_0x31fafd) { - var _0x16d162 = _0x3f046c - , _0x48fe79 = _0x1cb3f(_0x31fafd, _0x16d162(0x15b)); - return _0x16d162(0x186) === _0x221e4f(_0x48fe79) ? _0x48fe79 : String(_0x48fe79); - } - , - _0x135b64[_0x3f046c(0x152)][_0x3f046c(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x135b64[_0x3f046c(0x152)][_0x3f046c(0x13e)] = _0x135b64[_0x3f046c(0x152)]; - }, - 0xbf: function(_0x5d58ac) { - var _0x255784 = _0x530d; - function _0x198957(_0x4b2b96) { - var _0x52e7fa = _0x530d; - return _0x5d58ac['exports'] = _0x198957 = 'function' == typeof Symbol && _0x52e7fa(0x186) == typeof Symbol[_0x52e7fa(0x18c)] ? function(_0x51564d) { - return typeof _0x51564d; - } - : function(_0x38acae) { - var _0x5e8850 = _0x52e7fa; - return _0x38acae && 'function' == typeof Symbol && _0x38acae[_0x5e8850(0xf6)] === Symbol && _0x38acae !== Symbol[_0x5e8850(0x10d)] ? _0x5e8850(0x186) : typeof _0x38acae; - } - , - _0x5d58ac[_0x52e7fa(0x152)][_0x52e7fa(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0x5d58ac[_0x52e7fa(0x152)][_0x52e7fa(0x13e)] = _0x5d58ac[_0x52e7fa(0x152)], - _0x198957(_0x4b2b96); - } - _0x5d58ac[_0x255784(0x152)] = _0x198957, - _0x5d58ac[_0x255784(0x152)]['__esModule'] = !0x0, - _0x5d58ac[_0x255784(0x152)][_0x255784(0x13e)] = _0x5d58ac[_0x255784(0x152)]; - }, - 0xed: function(_0xebb7e6, _0x44f457, _0x3cd6d2) { - var _0x478b69 = _0x530d - , _0x36eae3 = _0x3cd6d2(0x9a); - _0xebb7e6[_0x478b69(0x152)] = function(_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e) { - var _0x4e2d37 = _0x478b69; - if (_0x2f87ea) { - if (_0x4e2d37(0x15b) == typeof _0x2f87ea) - return _0x36eae3(_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e); - var _0xd16a61 = Object['prototype'][_0x4e2d37(0x184)][_0x4e2d37(0x126)](_0x2f87ea)[_0x4e2d37(0x17d)](0x8, -0x1); - return _0x4e2d37(0x171) === _0xd16a61 && _0x2f87ea[_0x4e2d37(0xf6)] && (_0xd16a61 = _0x2f87ea[_0x4e2d37(0xf6)][_0x4e2d37(0x153)]), - 'Map' === _0xd16a61 || _0x4e2d37(0xf3) === _0xd16a61 ? Array[_0x4e2d37(0x106)](_0x2f87ea) : _0x4e2d37(0x13c) === _0xd16a61 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/[_0x4e2d37(0x18a)](_0xd16a61) ? _0x36eae3(_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e) : void 0x0; - } - } - , - _0xebb7e6[_0x478b69(0x152)][_0x478b69(0x151)] = !0x0, - _0xebb7e6['exports'][_0x478b69(0x13e)] = _0xebb7e6['exports']; + return _0xd0c4b0; + } + }; + _0x37829f.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x37829f.exports.default = _0x37829f.exports; + }, + 431: function (_0x570abd) { + _0x570abd.exports = function () { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); + }; + _0x570abd.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x570abd.exports.default = _0x570abd.exports; + }, + 757: function (_0x50d659) { + _0x50d659.exports = function () { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); + }; + _0x50d659.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x50d659.exports.default = _0x50d659.exports; + }, + 488: function (_0x593566, _0x1d5468, _0x8cf5d2) { + var _0x2e17e8 = _0x8cf5d2(462); + var _0x57cc6c = _0x8cf5d2(449); + var _0x5dccfd = _0x8cf5d2(237); + var _0x1b69a4 = _0x8cf5d2(431); + _0x593566.exports = function (_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) { + return _0x2e17e8(_0x4b3628) || _0x57cc6c(_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) || _0x5dccfd(_0x4b3628, _0x6ee937) || _0x1b69a4(); + }; + _0x593566.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x593566.exports.default = _0x593566.exports; + }, + 235: function (_0x197dab, _0x4a7983, _0x5388c0) { + var _0x387e52 = _0x5388c0(177); + var _0x52453e = _0x5388c0(311); + var _0x236a6c = _0x5388c0(237); + var _0x34e97e = _0x5388c0(757); + _0x197dab.exports = function (_0x4b1150) { + return _0x387e52(_0x4b1150) || _0x52453e(_0x4b1150) || _0x236a6c(_0x4b1150) || _0x34e97e(); + }; + _0x197dab.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x197dab.exports.default = _0x197dab.exports; + }, + 875: function (_0x972099, _0x1b3ac8, _0x42b4d0) { + var _0x3f10af = _0x42b4d0(191).default; + _0x972099.exports = function (_0xb8597c, _0x3125a1) { + if ("object" !== _0x3f10af(_0xb8597c) || null === _0xb8597c) { + return _0xb8597c; + } + var _0x507930 = _0xb8597c[Symbol.toPrimitive]; + if (undefined !== _0x507930) { + var _0x2418d9 = _0x507930.call(_0xb8597c, _0x3125a1 || "default"); + if ("object" !== _0x3f10af(_0x2418d9)) { + return _0x2418d9; } + throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); + } + return ("string" === _0x3125a1 ? String : Number)(_0xb8597c); + }; + _0x972099.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x972099.exports.default = _0x972099.exports; + }, + 108: function (_0x135b64, _0x223b5c, _0x39363f) { + var _0x221e4f = _0x39363f(191).default; + var _0x1cb3f = _0x39363f(875); + _0x135b64.exports = function (_0x31fafd) { + var _0x48fe79 = _0x1cb3f(_0x31fafd, "string"); + return "symbol" === _0x221e4f(_0x48fe79) ? _0x48fe79 : String(_0x48fe79); + }; + _0x135b64.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x135b64.exports.default = _0x135b64.exports; + }, + 191: function (_0x5d58ac) { + function _0x198957(_0x4b2b96) { + _0x5d58ac.exports = _0x198957 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (_0x51564d) { + return typeof _0x51564d; + } : function (_0x38acae) { + return _0x38acae && "function" == typeof Symbol && _0x38acae.constructor === Symbol && _0x38acae !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof _0x38acae; + }; + _0x5d58ac.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x5d58ac.exports.default = _0x5d58ac.exports; + return _0x198957(_0x4b2b96); } - , _0x4fcdbb = {}; - function _0x4c34b9(_0x1d8bf5) { - var _0xaabacf = _0x530d - , _0xaf9ab3 = _0x4fcdbb[_0x1d8bf5]; - if (void 0x0 !== _0xaf9ab3) - return _0xaf9ab3[_0xaabacf(0x152)]; - var _0x376759 = _0x4fcdbb[_0x1d8bf5] = { - 'exports': {} - }; - return _0x4a3c97[_0x1d8bf5](_0x376759, _0x376759[_0xaabacf(0x152)], _0x4c34b9), - _0x376759[_0xaabacf(0x152)]; - } - _0x4c34b9['n'] = function(_0x14ba50) { - var _0x5467b7 = _0x530d - , _0xc3b107 = _0x14ba50 && _0x14ba50[_0x5467b7(0x151)] ? function() { - var _0x44904f = _0x5467b7; - return _0x14ba50[_0x44904f(0x13e)]; - } - : function() { - return _0x14ba50; + _0x5d58ac.exports = _0x198957; + _0x5d58ac.exports.__esModule = true; + _0x5d58ac.exports.default = _0x5d58ac.exports; + }, + 237: function (_0xebb7e6, _0x44f457, _0x3cd6d2) { + var _0x36eae3 = _0x3cd6d2(154); + _0xebb7e6.exports = function (_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e) { + if (_0x2f87ea) { + if ("string" == typeof _0x2f87ea) { + return _0x36eae3(_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e); } - ; - return _0x4c34b9['d'](_0xc3b107, { - 'a': _0xc3b107 - }), - _0xc3b107; + var _0xd16a61 = Object.prototype.toString.call(_0x2f87ea).slice(8, -1); + "Object" === _0xd16a61 && _0x2f87ea.constructor && (_0xd16a61 = _0x2f87ea.constructor.name); + return "Map" === _0xd16a61 || "Set" === _0xd16a61 ? Array.from(_0x2f87ea) : "Arguments" === _0xd16a61 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(_0xd16a61) ? _0x36eae3(_0x2f87ea, _0xbf5a3e) : undefined; + } + }; + _0xebb7e6.exports.__esModule = true; + _0xebb7e6.exports.default = _0xebb7e6.exports; + } + }; + var _0x4fcdbb = {}; + function _0x4c34b9(_0x1d8bf5) { + var _0xaf9ab3 = _0x4fcdbb[_0x1d8bf5]; + if (undefined !== _0xaf9ab3) { + return _0xaf9ab3.exports; + } + _0x4fcdbb[_0x1d8bf5] = { + exports: {} + }; + var _0x376759 = _0x4fcdbb[_0x1d8bf5]; + _0x4a3c97[_0x1d8bf5](_0x376759, _0x376759.exports, _0x4c34b9); + return _0x376759.exports; + } + _0x4c34b9.n = function (_0x14ba50) { + var _0xc3b107 = _0x14ba50 && _0x14ba50.__esModule ? function () { + return _0x14ba50.default; + } : function () { + return _0x14ba50; + }; + _0x4c34b9.d(_0xc3b107, { + a: _0xc3b107 + }); + return _0xc3b107; + }; + _0x4c34b9.d = function (_0x4adf94, _0x2c819d) { + for (var _0x39c24a in _0x2c819d) _0x4c34b9.o(_0x2c819d, _0x39c24a) && !_0x4c34b9.o(_0x4adf94, _0x39c24a) && Object.defineProperty(_0x4adf94, _0x39c24a, { + enumerable: true, + get: _0x2c819d[_0x39c24a] + }); + }; + _0x4c34b9.o = function (_0x3b52d0, _0x105827) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_0x3b52d0, _0x105827); + }; + var _0x4c536c = {}; + (function () { + "use strict"; + + _0x4c34b9.d(_0x4c536c, { + default: function () { + return _0x35ba8e; } - , - _0x4c34b9['d'] = function(_0x4adf94, _0x2c819d) { - var _0x255928 = _0x530d; - for (var _0x39c24a in _0x2c819d) - _0x4c34b9['o'](_0x2c819d, _0x39c24a) && !_0x4c34b9['o'](_0x4adf94, _0x39c24a) && Object[_0x255928(0x182)](_0x4adf94, _0x39c24a, { - 'enumerable': !0x0, - 'get': _0x2c819d[_0x39c24a] - }); + }); + var _0x2d0abc = _0x4c34b9(191); + var _0x23bd84 = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x2d0abc); + var _0x11a88b = _0x4c34b9(235); + var _0x33f38e = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x11a88b); + var _0x2a1981 = _0x4c34b9(608); + var _0x360790 = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x2a1981); + var _0x25851c = _0x4c34b9(218); + var _0x14e01a = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x25851c); + var _0x5f5beb = _0x4c34b9(51); + var _0x2e5341 = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x5f5beb); + var _0x3b8c84 = function (_0xae123, _0x1ae0b1, _0x18ae08, _0x3556a8) { + return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_0xae123 - _0x18ae08, 2) + Math.pow(_0x1ae0b1 - _0x3556a8, 2))); + }; + var _0x5d82b5 = function () { + return "undefined" == typeof window; + }; + var _0x551927 = function (_0x176f28) { + _0x176f28.Move = "mousemove"; + _0x176f28.Click = "click"; + _0x176f28.Keydown = "keydown"; + _0x176f28.Wheel = "wheel"; + _0x176f28.Touch = "touch"; + _0x176f28.Focus = "focus"; + return _0x176f28; + }({}); + function _0xc5fbe9(_0x58e37e, _0x7402f8, _0x2b98ef) { + var _0x1b1a82; + var _0x286d55 = _0x2b98ef || {}; + var _0x4ea38a = _0x286d55.noTrailing; + var _0x2cc1c6 = undefined !== _0x4ea38a && _0x4ea38a; + var _0x404865 = _0x286d55.noLeading; + var _0x43c76b = undefined !== _0x404865 && _0x404865; + var _0x17d51d = _0x286d55.debounceMode; + var _0xcb2e0f = undefined === _0x17d51d ? undefined : _0x17d51d; + var _0x1aafee = false; + var _0x4489fe = 0; + function _0x3f803() { + _0x1b1a82 && clearTimeout(_0x1b1a82); } - , - _0x4c34b9['o'] = function(_0x3b52d0, _0x105827) { - var _0x4db2cd = _0x530d; - return Object[_0x4db2cd(0x10d)][_0x4db2cd(0x134)][_0x4db2cd(0x126)](_0x3b52d0, _0x105827); + function _0x51269d() { + for (var _0x46c3a0 = arguments.length, _0x2427e0 = new Array(_0x46c3a0), _0x1a7bd8 = 0; _0x1a7bd8 < _0x46c3a0; _0x1a7bd8++) { + _0x2427e0[_0x1a7bd8] = arguments[_0x1a7bd8]; + } + var _0x2c604e = this; + var _0xffaadb = Date.now() - _0x4489fe; + function _0x359f3c() { + _0x4489fe = Date.now(); + _0x7402f8.apply(_0x2c604e, _0x2427e0); + } + function _0x172816() { + _0x1b1a82 = undefined; + } + _0x1aafee || (_0x43c76b || !_0xcb2e0f || _0x1b1a82 || _0x359f3c(), _0x3f803(), undefined === _0xcb2e0f && _0xffaadb > _0x58e37e ? _0x43c76b ? (_0x4489fe = Date.now(), _0x2cc1c6 || (_0x1b1a82 = setTimeout(_0xcb2e0f ? _0x172816 : _0x359f3c, _0x58e37e))) : _0x359f3c() : true !== _0x2cc1c6 && (_0x1b1a82 = setTimeout(_0xcb2e0f ? _0x172816 : _0x359f3c, undefined === _0xcb2e0f ? _0x58e37e - _0xffaadb : _0x58e37e))); } - ; - var _0x4c536c = {}; - return (function() { - 'use strict'; - var _0x47995c = _0x530d; - _0x4c34b9['d'](_0x4c536c, { - 'default': function() { - return _0x35ba8e; - } - }); - var _0x2d0abc = _0x4c34b9(0xbf) - , _0x23bd84 = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x2d0abc) - , _0x11a88b = _0x4c34b9(0xeb) - , _0x33f38e = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x11a88b) - , _0x2a1981 = _0x4c34b9(0x260) - , _0x360790 = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x2a1981) - , _0x25851c = _0x4c34b9(0xda) - , _0x14e01a = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x25851c) - , _0x5f5beb = _0x4c34b9(0x33) - , _0x2e5341 = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x5f5beb) - , _0x3b8c84 = function(_0xae123, _0x1ae0b1, _0x18ae08, _0x3556a8) { - var _0x3d2aeb = _0x530d; - return Math[_0x3d2aeb(0xf7)](Math[_0x3d2aeb(0x188)](Math['pow'](_0xae123 - _0x18ae08, 0x2) + Math[_0x3d2aeb(0x174)](_0x1ae0b1 - _0x3556a8, 0x2))); - } - , _0x5d82b5 = function() { - var _0x1103cc = _0x530d; - return _0x1103cc(0x172) == typeof window; - } - , _0x551927 = function(_0x176f28) { - var _0x76aae = _0x530d; - return _0x176f28[_0x76aae(0x15e)] = _0x76aae(0xef), - _0x176f28[_0x76aae(0x16c)] = _0x76aae(0x125), - _0x176f28['Keydown'] = _0x76aae(0x146), - _0x176f28[_0x76aae(0xec)] = 'wheel', - _0x176f28['Touch'] = _0x76aae(0x101), - _0x176f28['Focus'] = _0x76aae(0x104), - _0x176f28; - }({}); - function _0xc5fbe9(_0x58e37e, _0x7402f8, _0x2b98ef) { - var _0x2214a3 = _0x530d, _0x1b1a82, _0x286d55 = _0x2b98ef || {}, _0x4ea38a = _0x286d55['noTrailing'], _0x2cc1c6 = void 0x0 !== _0x4ea38a && _0x4ea38a, _0x404865 = _0x286d55['noLeading'], _0x43c76b = void 0x0 !== _0x404865 && _0x404865, _0x17d51d = _0x286d55['debounceMode'], _0xcb2e0f = void 0x0 === _0x17d51d ? void 0x0 : _0x17d51d, _0x1aafee = !0x1, _0x4489fe = 0x0; - function _0x3f803() { - _0x1b1a82 && clearTimeout(_0x1b1a82); - } - function _0x51269d() { - var _0x1aec3c = _0x530d; - for (var _0x46c3a0 = arguments['length'], _0x2427e0 = new Array(_0x46c3a0), _0x1a7bd8 = 0x0; _0x1a7bd8 < _0x46c3a0; _0x1a7bd8++) - _0x2427e0[_0x1a7bd8] = arguments[_0x1a7bd8]; - var _0x2c604e = this - , _0xffaadb = Date[_0x1aec3c(0x10b)]() - _0x4489fe; - function _0x359f3c() { - var _0x3ee435 = _0x1aec3c; - _0x4489fe = Date[_0x3ee435(0x10b)](), - _0x7402f8[_0x3ee435(0x116)](_0x2c604e, _0x2427e0); - } - function _0x172816() { - _0x1b1a82 = void 0x0; + _0x51269d.cancel = function () { + _0x3f803(); + _0x1aafee = true; + }; + return _0x51269d; + } + function _0x461dfa(_0x46d03c, _0x1e3406, _0xdf2f39) { + return undefined === _0xdf2f39 ? _0xc5fbe9(_0x46d03c, _0x1e3406, { + debounceMode: false + }) : _0xc5fbe9(_0x46d03c, _0xdf2f39, { + debounceMode: false !== _0x1e3406 + }); + } + var _0x274384 = ["click", "mousemove", "keydown", "DOMMouseScroll", "mousewheel", "mousedown", "touchstart", "touchmove", "focus"]; + var _0x1a4a5d = function () { + function _0x37512f(_0x47114b) { + var _0x182293 = this; + var _0x3b4ff6 = _0x47114b.activityEvents; + var _0x32e3c4 = undefined === _0x3b4ff6 ? _0x274384 : _0x3b4ff6; + var _0x785684 = _0x47114b.logStackMaxLength; + var _0x559a5f = undefined === _0x785684 ? 20 : _0x785684; + var _0x5f25b4 = _0x47114b.autoInit; + var _0x4d30f4 = undefined === _0x5f25b4 || _0x5f25b4; + _0x47114b.timeToStart; + var _0x58ba53 = _0x47114b.samplingTime; + var _0x2b14c3 = undefined === _0x58ba53 ? 100 : _0x58ba53; + var _0x305b0c = _0x47114b.countDistance; + var _0x44d475 = undefined !== _0x305b0c && _0x305b0c; + _0x360790()(this, _0x37512f); + _0x2e5341()(this, "logStack", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "logger", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "startTime", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "state", "stop"); + _0x2e5341()(this, "activityEvents", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "logStackMaxLength", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "preEvent", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "samplingTime", 100); + _0x2e5341()(this, "countDistance", undefined); + this.logStackMaxLength = _0x559a5f; + this.activityEvents = _0x32e3c4; + this.logStack = []; + this.samplingTime = _0x2b14c3; + this.countDistance = _0x44d475; + this.logger = this.initLogger(); + _0x4d30f4 && setTimeout(function () { + _0x182293.start(); + }); + } + _0x14e01a()(_0x37512f, [{ + key: "initLogger", + value: function () { + var _0x302192 = this; + return _0xc5fbe9(this.samplingTime, function (_0x5ac5ee) { + var _0x475fa8; + var _0x46b7c9; + var _0x1b0490; + var _0x31cecf; + var _0x843540; + var _0x81d11e; + var _0x397fc2; + var _0x3d9ba5; + if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof MouseEvent) { + _0x475fa8 = { + type: _0x5ac5ee.type, + x: _0x5ac5ee.clientX, + y: _0x5ac5ee.clientY, + preX: (null === (_0x46b7c9 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x46b7c9 ? undefined : _0x46b7c9.x) || 0, + preY: (null === (_0x1b0490 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x1b0490 ? undefined : _0x1b0490.y) || 0, + changeDistance: _0x302192.countDistance && (null === (_0x31cecf = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x31cecf ? undefined : _0x31cecf.x) && (null === (_0x843540 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x843540 ? undefined : _0x843540.y) && _0x3b8c84(_0x5ac5ee.clientX, _0x5ac5ee.clientY, null === (_0x81d11e = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x81d11e ? undefined : _0x81d11e.x, null === (_0x397fc2 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x397fc2 ? undefined : _0x397fc2.y) || 0, + timestamp: _0x302192.startTime && Date.now() - _0x302192.startTime || 0, + preType: null === (_0x3d9ba5 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x3d9ba5 ? undefined : _0x3d9ba5.type, + target: _0x5ac5ee.target + }; + _0x5ac5ee instanceof WheelEvent && (_0x475fa8.deltaX = _0x5ac5ee.deltaX, _0x475fa8.deltaY = _0x5ac5ee.deltaY); + } else { + if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof KeyboardEvent) { + var _0x3e46a2; + var _0x5d43ff; + _0x475fa8 = { + type: _0x551927.Keydown, + key: _0x5ac5ee.key, + preKey: (null === (_0x3e46a2 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x3e46a2 ? undefined : _0x3e46a2.key) || "mouse", + preType: null === (_0x5d43ff = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x5d43ff ? undefined : _0x5d43ff.type, + timestamp: _0x302192.startTime && Date.now() - _0x302192.startTime || 0, + target: _0x5ac5ee.target + }; + } else { + if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof FocusEvent) { + var _0x5e581b; + _0x475fa8 = { + type: _0x551927.Focus, + preType: null === (_0x5e581b = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x5e581b ? undefined : _0x5e581b.type, + timestamp: _0x302192.startTime && Date.now() - _0x302192.startTime || 0, + target: _0x5ac5ee.target + }; + } else { + if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof TouchEvent) { + var _0x504062; + var _0x4e19a3; + var _0x4d2840; + var _0x5a2b26; + var _0x5bea9f; + var _0x1ede57; + var _0x5ca0d3; + _0x475fa8 = { + type: _0x551927.Touch, + x: _0x5ac5ee.touches[0].clientX, + y: _0x5ac5ee.touches[0].clientY, + preX: (null === (_0x504062 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x504062 ? undefined : _0x504062.x) || 0, + preY: (null === (_0x4e19a3 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x4e19a3 ? undefined : _0x4e19a3.y) || 0, + changeDistance: _0x302192.countDistance && (null === (_0x4d2840 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x4d2840 ? undefined : _0x4d2840.x) && (null === (_0x5a2b26 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x5a2b26 ? undefined : _0x5a2b26.y) && _0x3b8c84(_0x5ac5ee.touches[0].clientX, _0x5ac5ee.touches[0].clientY, null === (_0x5bea9f = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x5bea9f ? undefined : _0x5bea9f.x, null === (_0x1ede57 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x1ede57 ? undefined : _0x1ede57.y) || 0, + timestamp: _0x302192.startTime && Date.now() - _0x302192.startTime || 0, + preType: null === (_0x5ca0d3 = _0x302192.preEvent) || undefined === _0x5ca0d3 ? undefined : _0x5ca0d3.type, + target: _0x5ac5ee.target + }; } - _0x1aafee || (_0x43c76b || !_0xcb2e0f || _0x1b1a82 || _0x359f3c(), - _0x3f803(), - void 0x0 === _0xcb2e0f && _0xffaadb > _0x58e37e ? _0x43c76b ? (_0x4489fe = Date[_0x1aec3c(0x10b)](), - _0x2cc1c6 || (_0x1b1a82 = setTimeout(_0xcb2e0f ? _0x172816 : _0x359f3c, _0x58e37e))) : _0x359f3c() : !0x0 !== _0x2cc1c6 && (_0x1b1a82 = setTimeout(_0xcb2e0f ? _0x172816 : _0x359f3c, void 0x0 === _0xcb2e0f ? _0x58e37e - _0xffaadb : _0x58e37e))); + } } - return _0x51269d[_0x2214a3(0x103)] = function() { - _0x3f803(), - _0x1aafee = !0x0; - } - , - _0x51269d; - } - function _0x461dfa(_0x46d03c, _0x1e3406, _0xdf2f39) { - return void 0x0 === _0xdf2f39 ? _0xc5fbe9(_0x46d03c, _0x1e3406, { - 'debounceMode': !0x1 - }) : _0xc5fbe9(_0x46d03c, _0xdf2f39, { - 'debounceMode': !0x1 !== _0x1e3406 - }); - } - var _0x274384 = ['click', _0x47995c(0xef), _0x47995c(0x146), 'DOMMouseScroll', _0x47995c(0x17f), _0x47995c(0x168), _0x47995c(0x10f), _0x47995c(0x180), _0x47995c(0x104)] - , _0x1a4a5d = (function() { - var _0x10284e = _0x47995c; - function _0x37512f(_0x47114b) { - var _0x2909cb = _0x530d - , _0x182293 = this - , _0x3b4ff6 = _0x47114b[_0x2909cb(0xf8)] - , _0x32e3c4 = void 0x0 === _0x3b4ff6 ? _0x274384 : _0x3b4ff6 - , _0x785684 = _0x47114b['logStackMaxLength'] - , _0x559a5f = void 0x0 === _0x785684 ? 0x14 : _0x785684 - , _0x5f25b4 = _0x47114b['autoInit'] - , _0x4d30f4 = void 0x0 === _0x5f25b4 || _0x5f25b4 - , _0x58ba53 = (_0x47114b[_0x2909cb(0x142)], - _0x47114b[_0x2909cb(0x117)]) - , _0x2b14c3 = void 0x0 === _0x58ba53 ? 0x64 : _0x58ba53 - , _0x305b0c = _0x47114b[_0x2909cb(0x14c)] - , _0x44d475 = void 0x0 !== _0x305b0c && _0x305b0c; - _0x360790()(this, _0x37512f), - _0x2e5341()(this, 'logStack', void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x169), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x189), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, 'state', 'stop'), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0xf8), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x145), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x154), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x117), 0x64), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x2909cb(0x14c), void 0x0), - this['logStackMaxLength'] = _0x559a5f, - this['activityEvents'] = _0x32e3c4, - this[_0x2909cb(0x11a)] = [], - this[_0x2909cb(0x117)] = _0x2b14c3, - this[_0x2909cb(0x14c)] = _0x44d475, - this['logger'] = this[_0x2909cb(0x178)](), - _0x4d30f4 && setTimeout(function() { - var _0x5283db = _0x2909cb; - _0x182293[_0x5283db(0xf2)](); - }); - } - return _0x14e01a()(_0x37512f, [{ - 'key': _0x10284e(0x178), - 'value': function() { - var _0x302192 = this; - return _0xc5fbe9(this['samplingTime'], function(_0x5ac5ee) { - var _0x30b7dc = _0x530d, _0x475fa8, _0x46b7c9, _0x1b0490, _0x31cecf, _0x843540, _0x81d11e, _0x397fc2, _0x3d9ba5; - if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof MouseEvent) - _0x475fa8 = { - 'type': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x12f)], - 'x': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0xf4)], - 'y': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x112)], - 'preX': (null === (_0x46b7c9 = _0x302192['preEvent']) || void 0x0 === _0x46b7c9 ? void 0x0 : _0x46b7c9['x']) || 0x0, - 'preY': (null === (_0x1b0490 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x1b0490 ? void 0x0 : _0x1b0490['y']) || 0x0, - 'changeDistance': _0x302192['countDistance'] && (null === (_0x31cecf = _0x302192['preEvent']) || void 0x0 === _0x31cecf ? void 0x0 : _0x31cecf['x']) && (null === (_0x843540 = _0x302192['preEvent']) || void 0x0 === _0x843540 ? void 0x0 : _0x843540['y']) && _0x3b8c84(_0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0xf4)], _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x112)], null === (_0x81d11e = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x81d11e ? void 0x0 : _0x81d11e['x'], null === (_0x397fc2 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x397fc2 ? void 0x0 : _0x397fc2['y']) || 0x0, - 'timestamp': _0x302192['startTime'] && Date[_0x30b7dc(0x10b)]() - _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x189)] || 0x0, - 'preType': null === (_0x3d9ba5 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x3d9ba5 ? void 0x0 : _0x3d9ba5[_0x30b7dc(0x12f)], - 'target': _0x5ac5ee['target'] - }, - _0x5ac5ee instanceof WheelEvent && (_0x475fa8['deltaX'] = _0x5ac5ee['deltaX'], - _0x475fa8[_0x30b7dc(0x170)] = _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x170)]); - else { - if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof KeyboardEvent) { - var _0x3e46a2, _0x5d43ff; - _0x475fa8 = { - 'type': _0x551927[_0x30b7dc(0x14f)], - 'key': _0x5ac5ee['key'], - 'preKey': (null === (_0x3e46a2 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x3e46a2 ? void 0x0 : _0x3e46a2['key']) || _0x30b7dc(0xfa), - 'preType': null === (_0x5d43ff = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x5d43ff ? void 0x0 : _0x5d43ff[_0x30b7dc(0x12f)], - 'timestamp': _0x302192['startTime'] && Date[_0x30b7dc(0x10b)]() - _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x189)] || 0x0, - 'target': _0x5ac5ee['target'] - }; - } else { - if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof FocusEvent) { - var _0x5e581b; - _0x475fa8 = { - 'type': _0x551927[_0x30b7dc(0xfd)], - 'preType': null === (_0x5e581b = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x5e581b ? void 0x0 : _0x5e581b[_0x30b7dc(0x12f)], - 'timestamp': _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x189)] && Date[_0x30b7dc(0x10b)]() - _0x302192['startTime'] || 0x0, - 'target': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x16b)] - }; - } else { - if (_0x5ac5ee instanceof TouchEvent) { - var _0x504062, _0x4e19a3, _0x4d2840, _0x5a2b26, _0x5bea9f, _0x1ede57, _0x5ca0d3; - _0x475fa8 = { - 'type': _0x551927[_0x30b7dc(0x11d)], - 'x': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0xee)][0x0][_0x30b7dc(0xf4)], - 'y': _0x5ac5ee['touches'][0x0]['clientY'], - 'preX': (null === (_0x504062 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x504062 ? void 0x0 : _0x504062['x']) || 0x0, - 'preY': (null === (_0x4e19a3 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x4e19a3 ? void 0x0 : _0x4e19a3['y']) || 0x0, - 'changeDistance': _0x302192['countDistance'] && (null === (_0x4d2840 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x4d2840 ? void 0x0 : _0x4d2840['x']) && (null === (_0x5a2b26 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x5a2b26 ? void 0x0 : _0x5a2b26['y']) && _0x3b8c84(_0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0xee)][0x0][_0x30b7dc(0xf4)], _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0xee)][0x0]['clientY'], null === (_0x5bea9f = _0x302192['preEvent']) || void 0x0 === _0x5bea9f ? void 0x0 : _0x5bea9f['x'], null === (_0x1ede57 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x1ede57 ? void 0x0 : _0x1ede57['y']) || 0x0, - 'timestamp': _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x189)] && Date[_0x30b7dc(0x10b)]() - _0x302192['startTime'] || 0x0, - 'preType': null === (_0x5ca0d3 = _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]) || void 0x0 === _0x5ca0d3 ? void 0x0 : _0x5ca0d3['type'], - 'target': _0x5ac5ee[_0x30b7dc(0x16b)] - }; - } - } - } - } - _0x475fa8 && (_0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)] && _0x475fa8[_0x30b7dc(0x11e)] > _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x154)]['timestamp'] ? _0x302192['logStack']['push'](_0x475fa8) : _0x302192['preEvent'] || _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x11a)][_0x30b7dc(0x160)](_0x475fa8)), - _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x11a)][_0x30b7dc(0x109)] > _0x302192['logStackMaxLength'] && _0x302192[_0x30b7dc(0x11a)]['shift'](), - _0x302192['preEvent'] = _0x475fa8; - }); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x10284e(0xf2), - 'value': function() { - var _0x7d07fc = _0x10284e - , _0x28f73e = this; - _0x5d82b5() ? console[_0x7d07fc(0xfc)](_0x7d07fc(0xfe)) : (this['startTime'] = Date[_0x7d07fc(0x10b)](), - this[_0x7d07fc(0x166)] = _0x7d07fc(0xf2), - this[_0x7d07fc(0xf8)][_0x7d07fc(0x131)](function(_0x79ed67) { - var _0x4ba59c = _0x7d07fc; - window['addEventListener'](_0x79ed67, _0x28f73e[_0x4ba59c(0x169)]); - })); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x10284e(0x110), - 'value': function() { - var _0x2f275d = _0x10284e - , _0x377bd2 = this; - _0x5d82b5() ? console['error'](_0x2f275d(0xfe)) : (this[_0x2f275d(0x189)] = void 0x0, - this[_0x2f275d(0x166)] = _0x2f275d(0x110), - this['activityEvents']['forEach'](function(_0x535f91) { - var _0x1441b5 = _0x2f275d; - window[_0x1441b5(0x140)](_0x535f91, _0x377bd2[_0x1441b5(0x169)]); - })); - } - }, { - 'key': 'clearLog', - 'value': function() { - this['logStack'] = []; - } - }, { - 'key': _0x10284e(0x13a), - 'value': function(_0x2d841c) { - var _0x3b07e9 = _0x10284e; - if (_0x2d841c) { - var _0x4b5c67, _0x528471 = null === (_0x4b5c67 = this['logStack'][this[_0x3b07e9(0x11a)][_0x3b07e9(0x109)] - 0x1]) || void 0x0 === _0x4b5c67 ? void 0x0 : _0x4b5c67[_0x3b07e9(0x11e)]; - return _0x528471 && _0x528471 >= _0x2d841c ? this[_0x3b07e9(0x11a)][_0x3b07e9(0x176)](function(_0x14aecd) { - return _0x14aecd['timestamp'] && _0x14aecd['timestamp'] >= _0x528471 - _0x2d841c; - }) : this[_0x3b07e9(0x11a)]; - } - return this[_0x3b07e9(0x11a)]; - } - }, { - 'key': _0x10284e(0x138), - 'value': function(_0x55200c, _0x15ec11) { - var _0x12d20e = _0x10284e; - return _0x55200c && _0x15ec11 && _0x55200c < _0x15ec11 ? this[_0x12d20e(0x11a)]['filter'](function(_0x2a0d67, _0x2ed36f, _0x5d1062) { - var _0x3676b8 = _0x12d20e; - return !(_0x2ed36f && _0x2a0d67[_0x3676b8(0x11e)] < _0x5d1062[_0x2ed36f - 0x1][_0x3676b8(0x11e)]) && (_0x2a0d67[_0x3676b8(0x11e)] && _0x2a0d67['timestamp'] >= _0x55200c && _0x2a0d67[_0x3676b8(0x11e)] <= _0x15ec11); - }) : !_0x15ec11 && _0x55200c ? this[_0x12d20e(0x11a)]['filter'](function(_0x438e11, _0x266b5e, _0x24433c) { - var _0xd96ad0 = _0x12d20e; - return !(_0x266b5e && _0x438e11[_0xd96ad0(0x11e)] < _0x24433c[_0x266b5e - 0x1][_0xd96ad0(0x11e)]) && (_0x438e11[_0xd96ad0(0x11e)] && _0x438e11[_0xd96ad0(0x11e)] >= _0x55200c); - }) : !_0x55200c && _0x15ec11 ? this[_0x12d20e(0x11a)]['filter'](function(_0x122d9e, _0x3936d0, _0x530413) { - var _0x12f707 = _0x12d20e; - return !(_0x3936d0 && _0x122d9e[_0x12f707(0x11e)] < _0x530413[_0x3936d0 - 0x1]['timestamp']) && (_0x122d9e[_0x12f707(0x11e)] && _0x122d9e[_0x12f707(0x11e)] <= _0x15ec11); - }) : this[_0x12d20e(0x11a)]; - } - }]), - _0x37512f; - }()) - , _0x3988f6 = {}; - Object[_0x47995c(0x162)](_0x551927)['forEach'](function(_0x416100, _0x3df9f3) { - _0x3988f6[_0x551927[_0x416100]] = _0x3df9f3; + } + _0x475fa8 && (_0x302192.preEvent && _0x475fa8.timestamp > _0x302192.preEvent.timestamp ? _0x302192.logStack.push(_0x475fa8) : _0x302192.preEvent || _0x302192.logStack.push(_0x475fa8)); + _0x302192.logStack.length > _0x302192.logStackMaxLength && _0x302192.logStack.shift(); + _0x302192.preEvent = _0x475fa8; }); - var _0x43dd3a = function(_0x1462b9, _0x51c2fe, _0x2b8849, _0x3f3cf7, _0x2da5d7, _0x413053) { - var _0xecfe09 = _0x47995c, _0x39d1c4, _0x80adec, _0xa46fe8 = _0x1a08dc(_0x2da5d7); - return void 0x0 !== _0x1462b9 && void 0x0 !== _0x51c2fe ? (_0x39d1c4 = _0x3cf30a(0x1) * _0x1462b9 + _0x3cf30a(0x0) * _0x51c2fe + _0xa46fe8, - _0x80adec = _0x3cf30a(0x2) * _0x1462b9 - _0x3cf30a(0x3) * _0x51c2fe + _0xa46fe8) : (_0x39d1c4 = _0x3cf30a(0x1) * _0xa46fe8 + _0x3cf30a(0x0) * _0xa46fe8 + _0xa46fe8, - _0x80adec = _0x3cf30a(0x2) * _0xa46fe8 - _0x3cf30a(0x3) * _0xa46fe8), - [_0x39d1c4, _0x80adec, _0xa46fe8, _0x2b8849, _0x413053 ? _0x413053[_0xecfe09(0xed)](0x0) : Math['floor'](0x43 * Math[_0xecfe09(0x12e)]()) + 0x3c, _0x3988f6[_0x3f3cf7]]; - } - , _0x12f7fa = ['Mg', 'Mw', 'NA', 'NQ'] - , _0x3cf30a = function(_0x5942a2) { - return Number(atob(_0x12f7fa[_0x5942a2] + '==')); + } + }, { + key: "start", + value: function () { + var _0x28f73e = this; + _0x5d82b5() ? console.error("ActivityDetector can not be used in SSR") : (this.startTime = Date.now(), this.state = "start", this.activityEvents.forEach(function (_0x79ed67) { + window.addEventListener(_0x79ed67, _0x28f73e.logger); + })); + } + }, { + key: "stop", + value: function () { + var _0x377bd2 = this; + _0x5d82b5() ? console.error("ActivityDetector can not be used in SSR") : (this.startTime = undefined, this.state = "stop", this.activityEvents.forEach(function (_0x535f91) { + window.removeEventListener(_0x535f91, _0x377bd2.logger); + })); + } + }, { + key: "clearLog", + value: function () { + this.logStack = []; + } + }, { + key: "getPreTimeLog", + value: function (_0x2d841c) { + if (_0x2d841c) { + var _0x4b5c67; + var _0x528471 = null === (_0x4b5c67 = this.logStack[this.logStack.length - 1]) || undefined === _0x4b5c67 ? undefined : _0x4b5c67.timestamp; + return _0x528471 && _0x528471 >= _0x2d841c ? this.logStack.filter(function (_0x14aecd) { + return _0x14aecd.timestamp && _0x14aecd.timestamp >= _0x528471 - _0x2d841c; + }) : this.logStack; } - , _0x1a08dc = function(_0x1b9d5a) { - var _0x329345 = _0x47995c; - return Math[_0x329345(0xf7)](0x72 * Math[_0x329345(0x12e)]() * _0x1b9d5a); - } - , _0x4bd36b = function(_0x5d1e8d) { - var _0xcecb34 = _0x47995c - , _0xfb1bfa = new TextEncoder()[_0xcecb34(0xfb)](_0x5d1e8d)[_0xcecb34(0x128)] - , _0x87c77a = new Uint8Array(_0xfb1bfa) - , _0x50a9f3 = btoa(String[_0xcecb34(0x148)][_0xcecb34(0x116)](null, _0x87c77a)); - return _0x50a9f3['substring'](0x0, _0x50a9f3[_0xcecb34(0x109)] - 0x2); - } - , _0x613a5f = _0x4c34b9(0x1e8) - , _0x16d5d6 = _0x4c34b9['n'](_0x613a5f) - , _0x5ec12e = ['g', 'w', 'A', 'Q'] - , _0x30ddcd = String[_0x47995c(0x148)](0x4d) - , _0x5d32aa = String[_0x47995c(0x148)](0x4e) - , _0x5773c2 = btoa(0x9b[_0x47995c(0x184)]())[_0x47995c(0x149)](0x6) - , _0x4a678a = Number(atob(_0x30ddcd + _0x5ec12e[0x0] + _0x5773c2)) - , _0x3bc098 = Number(atob(_0x30ddcd + _0x5ec12e[0x1] + _0x5773c2)) - , _0x1e4c6f = Number(atob(_0x5d32aa + _0x5ec12e[0x2] + _0x5773c2)) - , _0xb3fd69 = (Number(atob(_0x5d32aa + _0x5ec12e[0x3] + _0x5773c2)), - function(_0x361c67) { - var _0x2d267c = _0x47995c - , _0x556632 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x361c67, 0x2) - , _0x3dc4b6 = _0x556632[0x0] - , _0x2bea5e = _0x556632[0x1] - , _0x1b447a = Math[_0x2d267c(0xf7)](0x72 * Math[_0x2d267c(0x12e)]()); - return [_0x4a678a * _0x3dc4b6 + _0x4a678a * _0x2bea5e + _0x3bc098 * _0x1b447a, _0x1e4c6f * _0x3dc4b6 - _0x2bea5e + _0x1b447a, _0x1b447a]; - } - ) - , _0x445907 = function(_0x61fce4) { - var _0x536b06 = _0x47995c - , _0x2fb26a = _0x16d5d6()(_0x61fce4, 0x2) - , _0x18bce7 = _0x2fb26a[0x0] - , _0x24ce6a = _0x2fb26a[0x1] - , _0x4fcb44 = Math[_0x536b06(0xf7)](0x202 * Math[_0x536b06(0x12e)]()); - return [_0x3bc098 * _0x18bce7 + _0x4a678a * _0x24ce6a + _0x4fcb44, _0x1e4c6f * _0x18bce7 - _0x1e4c6f * _0x24ce6a + _0x4a678a * _0x4fcb44, _0x4fcb44]; + return this.logStack; + } + }, { + key: "getLog", + value: function (_0x55200c, _0x15ec11) { + return _0x55200c && _0x15ec11 && _0x55200c < _0x15ec11 ? this.logStack.filter(function (_0x2a0d67, _0x2ed36f, _0x5d1062) { + return !(_0x2ed36f && _0x2a0d67.timestamp < _0x5d1062[_0x2ed36f - 1].timestamp) && _0x2a0d67.timestamp && _0x2a0d67.timestamp >= _0x55200c && _0x2a0d67.timestamp <= _0x15ec11; + }) : !_0x15ec11 && _0x55200c ? this.logStack.filter(function (_0x438e11, _0x266b5e, _0x24433c) { + return !(_0x266b5e && _0x438e11.timestamp < _0x24433c[_0x266b5e - 1].timestamp) && _0x438e11.timestamp && _0x438e11.timestamp >= _0x55200c; + }) : !_0x55200c && _0x15ec11 ? this.logStack.filter(function (_0x122d9e, _0x3936d0, _0x530413) { + return !(_0x3936d0 && _0x122d9e.timestamp < _0x530413[_0x3936d0 - 1].timestamp) && _0x122d9e.timestamp && _0x122d9e.timestamp <= _0x15ec11; + }) : this.logStack; + } + }]); + return _0x37512f; + }(); + var _0x3988f6 = {}; + Object.keys(_0x551927).forEach(function (_0x416100, _0x3df9f3) { + _0x3988f6[_0x551927[_0x416100]] = _0x3df9f3; + }); + var _0x43dd3a = function (_0x1462b9, _0x51c2fe, _0x2b8849, _0x3f3cf7, _0x2da5d7, _0x413053) { + var _0x39d1c4; + var _0x80adec; + var _0xa46fe8 = _0x1a08dc(_0x2da5d7); + undefined !== _0x1462b9 && undefined !== _0x51c2fe ? (_0x39d1c4 = _0x3cf30a(1) * _0x1462b9 + _0x3cf30a(0) * _0x51c2fe + _0xa46fe8, _0x80adec = _0x3cf30a(2) * _0x1462b9 - _0x3cf30a(3) * _0x51c2fe + _0xa46fe8) : (_0x39d1c4 = _0x3cf30a(1) * _0xa46fe8 + _0x3cf30a(0) * _0xa46fe8 + _0xa46fe8, _0x80adec = _0x3cf30a(2) * _0xa46fe8 - _0x3cf30a(3) * _0xa46fe8); + return [_0x39d1c4, _0x80adec, _0xa46fe8, _0x2b8849, _0x413053 ? _0x413053.charCodeAt(0) : Math.floor(67 * Math.random()) + 60, _0x3988f6[_0x3f3cf7]]; + }; + var _0x12f7fa = ["Mg", "Mw", "NA", "NQ"]; + var _0x3cf30a = function (_0x5942a2) { + return Number(atob(_0x12f7fa[_0x5942a2] + "==")); + }; + var _0x1a08dc = function (_0x1b9d5a) { + return Math.floor(114 * Math.random() * _0x1b9d5a); + }; + var _0x4bd36b = function (_0x5d1e8d) { + var _0xfb1bfa = new TextEncoder().encode(_0x5d1e8d).buffer; + var _0x87c77a = new Uint8Array(_0xfb1bfa); + var _0x50a9f3 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, _0x87c77a)); + return _0x50a9f3.substring(0, _0x50a9f3.length - 2); + }; + var _0x613a5f = _0x4c34b9(488); + var _0x16d5d6 = _0x4c34b9.n(_0x613a5f); + var _0x30ddcd = String.fromCharCode(77); + var _0x5d32aa = String.fromCharCode(78); + var _0x5773c2 = btoa(155 .toString()).substring(6); + var _0x4a678a = Number(atob(_0x30ddcd + "g" + _0x5773c2)); + var _0x3bc098 = Number(atob(_0x30ddcd + "w" + _0x5773c2)); + var _0x1e4c6f = Number(atob(_0x5d32aa + "A" + _0x5773c2)); + Number(atob(_0x5d32aa + "Q" + _0x5773c2)); + var _0xb3fd69 = function (_0x361c67) { + var _0x556632 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x361c67, 2); + var _0x3dc4b6 = _0x556632[0]; + var _0x2bea5e = _0x556632[1]; + var _0x1b447a = Math.floor(114 * Math.random()); + return [_0x4a678a * _0x3dc4b6 + _0x4a678a * _0x2bea5e + _0x3bc098 * _0x1b447a, _0x1e4c6f * _0x3dc4b6 - _0x2bea5e + _0x1b447a, _0x1b447a]; + }; + var _0x445907 = function (_0x61fce4) { + var _0x2fb26a = _0x16d5d6()(_0x61fce4, 2); + var _0x18bce7 = _0x2fb26a[0]; + var _0x24ce6a = _0x2fb26a[1]; + var _0x4fcb44 = Math.floor(514 * Math.random()); + return [_0x3bc098 * _0x18bce7 + _0x4a678a * _0x24ce6a + _0x4fcb44, _0x1e4c6f * _0x18bce7 - _0x1e4c6f * _0x24ce6a + _0x4a678a * _0x4fcb44, _0x4fcb44]; + }; + var _0x3ebba9 = { + span: 1, + div: 2, + p: 3, + a: 4, + img: 5, + input: 6, + button: 7, + ul: 8, + ol: 9, + li: 10, + h1: 11, + h2: 12, + h3: 13, + h4: 14, + h5: 15, + h6: 16, + form: 17, + textarea: 18, + select: 19, + option: 20, + table: 21, + tr: 22, + td: 23, + th: 24, + label: 25, + strong: 26, + em: 27, + section: 28, + article: 29 + }; + var _0xed08b = function (_0x4b0395) { + var _0x34de41 = _0x4b0395.tagName.toLowerCase(); + return _0x3ebba9[_0x34de41] || 0; + }; + var _0x416f02 = function (_0x572074) { + var _0x3a4ad8 = _0x572074.getBoundingClientRect(); + return [~~_0x3a4ad8.top, ~~_0x3a4ad8.left, ~~_0x3a4ad8.width, ~~_0x3a4ad8.height]; + }; + var _0x29fc56 = function (_0x40ff97) { + return _0x4bd36b(_0x40ff97.className || ""); + }; + var _0x25fc1f = JSON.parse("{\"u2\":\"@bilibili/bili-user-fingerprint\",\"i8\":\"1.1.3\"}"); + _0x25fc1f.u2; + var _0x3b190c = _0x25fc1f.i8; + var _0x19c087 = function () { + function _0x3373e6(_0x3d7044) { + _0x360790()(this, _0x3373e6); + _0x2e5341()(this, "webglStr", ""); + _0x2e5341()(this, "webglVendorAndRenderer", ""); + _0x2e5341()(this, "activityDetector", undefined); + _0x2e5341()(this, "winWidth", 0); + _0x2e5341()(this, "winHeight", 0); + _0x2e5341()(this, "scrollTop", 0); + _0x2e5341()(this, "scrollLeft", 0); + this.activityDetector = new _0x1a4a5d(_0x3d7044); + } + _0x14e01a()(_0x3373e6, [{ + key: "stop", + value: function () { + _0x3373e6.instance && "start" === this.activityDetector.state && this.activityDetector.stop(); + } + }, { + key: "clearLog", + value: function () { + _0x3373e6.instance && this.activityDetector.clearLog(); + } + }, { + key: "reStart", + value: function () { + _0x3373e6.instance && "stop" === this.activityDetector.state && this.activityDetector.start(); + } + }, { + key: "getLog", + value: function (_0x39836b, _0x1bc856) { + return this.activityDetector.getLog(_0x39836b, _0x1bc856); + } + }, { + key: "getPreTimeLog", + value: function (_0x154f74) { + return this.activityDetector.getPreTimeLog(_0x154f74); + } + }, { + key: "getElInfo", + value: function (_0x1f3a0a, _0x5dd8a4) { + var _0x7d11f7 = []; + if (_0x5dd8a4) { + if ("string" == typeof _0x5dd8a4) { + var _0x3fcc78 = document.querySelectorAll("div[data-v-risk=\"".concat(_0x5dd8a4, "\"]")); + _0x3fcc78.length && _0x7d11f7.push.apply(_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array.from(_0x3fcc78))); + } else { + Array.isArray(_0x5dd8a4) ? _0x5dd8a4.forEach(function (_0x30ebd9) { + if ("string" == typeof _0x30ebd9) { + var _0x12b73f = document.querySelectorAll("div[data-v-risk=\"".concat(_0x5dd8a4, "\"]")); + _0x12b73f.length && _0x7d11f7.push.apply(_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array.from(_0x12b73f))); + } else { + _0x7d11f7.push(_0x30ebd9); + } + }) : "object" === _0x23bd84()(_0x5dd8a4) ? _0x7d11f7.push(_0x5dd8a4) : console.error("target type error"); + } + } else { + if (_0x1f3a0a.length) { + var _0x3263ae = _0x1f3a0a[_0x1f3a0a.length - 1]; + _0x3263ae && _0x3263ae.target && _0x7d11f7.push(_0x3263ae.target); + } else { + var _0x53f1c5 = document.querySelectorAll("div[data-v-risk=\"".concat("fingerprint", "\"]")); + _0x53f1c5.length && _0x7d11f7.push.apply(_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array.from(_0x53f1c5))); + } } - , _0x3ebba9 = { - 'span': 0x1, - 'div': 0x2, - 'p': 0x3, - 'a': 0x4, - 'img': 0x5, - 'input': 0x6, - 'button': 0x7, - 'ul': 0x8, - 'ol': 0x9, - 'li': 0xa, - 'h1': 0xb, - 'h2': 0xc, - 'h3': 0xd, - 'h4': 0xe, - 'h5': 0xf, - 'h6': 0x10, - 'form': 0x11, - 'textarea': 0x12, - 'select': 0x13, - 'option': 0x14, - 'table': 0x15, - 'tr': 0x16, - 'td': 0x17, - 'th': 0x18, - 'label': 0x19, - 'strong': 0x1a, - 'em': 0x1b, - 'section': 0x1c, - 'article': 0x1d + return _0x7d11f7 ? _0x7d11f7.map(function (_0x4a1c6c) { + _0x2015a3 = _0x416f02(_0xa856db = _0x4a1c6c); + _0x8039f3 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x2015a3, 4); + _0x1f5014 = _0x8039f3[0]; + _0x4d8ce2 = _0x8039f3[1]; + _0x49a3ee = _0x8039f3[2]; + _0x33ccfa = _0x8039f3[3]; + _0x45bde5 = _0xb3fd69([_0x1f5014, _0x4d8ce2]); + _0x421a0c = _0x16d5d6()(_0x45bde5, 3); + _0x121960 = _0x421a0c[0]; + _0x416e77 = _0x421a0c[1]; + _0x80dda9 = _0x421a0c[2]; + _0x12b649 = _0x445907([_0x49a3ee, _0x33ccfa]); + _0x21b533 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x12b649, 3); + _0x2a503f = _0x21b533[0]; + _0x243c67 = _0x21b533[1]; + _0x2e280a = _0x21b533[2]; + return { + t: _0xed08b(_0xa856db), + c: _0x29fc56(_0xa856db), + p: [_0x121960, _0x80dda9, _0x416e77], + s: [_0x2e280a, _0x2a503f, _0x243c67] + }; + var _0xa856db; + var _0x2015a3; + var _0x8039f3; + var _0x1f5014; + var _0x4d8ce2; + var _0x49a3ee; + var _0x33ccfa; + var _0x45bde5; + var _0x421a0c; + var _0x121960; + var _0x416e77; + var _0x80dda9; + var _0x12b649; + var _0x21b533; + var _0x2a503f; + var _0x243c67; + var _0x2e280a; + }) : []; + } + }, { + key: "getActiveFeaturesStr", + value: function (_0x211a54) { + var _0x2cac63 = { + ds: this.getElInfo(this.activityDetector.logStack, _0x211a54), + wh: _0xb3fd69([~~this.winWidth, ~~this.winHeight]), + of: _0x445907([~~this.scrollTop, ~~this.scrollLeft]) + }; + try { + return JSON.stringify(_0x2cac63); + } catch (_0x37217e) { + return ""; } - , _0xed08b = function(_0x4b0395) { - var _0x1eb41b = _0x47995c - , _0x34de41 = _0x4b0395[_0x1eb41b(0x15c)][_0x1eb41b(0x121)](); - return _0x3ebba9[_0x34de41] || 0x0; + } + }, { + key: "getUserWebglInfo", + value: function () { + var _0x3332aa = document.createElement("canvas"); + var _0xac5efd = _0x3332aa.getContext("webgl"); + if (!_0xac5efd) { + this.webglVendorAndRenderer = "no webgl"; + return void (this.webglStr = "no webgl"); } - , _0x416f02 = function(_0x572074) { - var _0x5a5f4d = _0x47995c - , _0x3a4ad8 = _0x572074['getBoundingClientRect'](); - return [~~_0x3a4ad8['top'], ~~_0x3a4ad8[_0x5a5f4d(0x11c)], ~~_0x3a4ad8[_0x5a5f4d(0x123)], ~~_0x3a4ad8['height']]; + this.webglStr = _0xac5efd.getParameter(_0xac5efd.VERSION); + var _0x1495c1 = null == _0xac5efd ? undefined : _0xac5efd.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info"); + if (_0x1495c1) { + var _0x49a3fd = _0xac5efd.getParameter(_0x1495c1.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL); + var _0x1050ff = _0xac5efd.getParameter(_0x1495c1.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL); + this.webglVendorAndRenderer = _0x49a3fd + _0x1050ff; + } else { + this.webglVendorAndRenderer = "no webgl extension"; } - , _0x29fc56 = function(_0x40ff97) { - var _0x4d8bf6 = _0x47995c; - return _0x4bd36b(_0x40ff97[_0x4d8bf6(0x108)] || ''); + _0x3332aa.remove(); + } + }, { + key: "listenChange", + value: function () { + var _0x154079 = this; + var _0x54e7ac = function () { + _0x154079.winWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; + _0x154079.winHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; + }; + var _0x174dd3 = function () { + _0x154079.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; + _0x154079.scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; + }; + var _0x3fe2e6 = _0x461dfa(800, _0x54e7ac); + var _0xc1504e = _0x461dfa(800, _0x174dd3); + _0x54e7ac(); + _0x174dd3(); + window.addEventListener("resize", _0x3fe2e6); + window.addEventListener("scroll", _0xc1504e); + } + }], [{ + key: "init", + value: function (_0x155cbc) { + if (!_0x5d82b5()) { + if (!_0x3373e6.instance) { + console.info("%c%s", "line-height: 30px; color: #FF6699", "bili-fe-fp: ".concat(_0x3b190c)); + var _0x519655 = new _0x3373e6(_0x155cbc); + _0x519655.getUserWebglInfo(); + _0x519655.activityDetector.start(); + _0x519655.listenChange(); + _0x3373e6.instance = _0x519655; + } + return _0x3373e6.instance; } - , _0x25fc1f = JSON[_0x47995c(0xf5)](_0x47995c(0x177)) - , _0x3b190c = (_0x25fc1f['u2'], - _0x25fc1f['i8']) - , _0x19c087 = (function() { - var _0x39f1bb = _0x47995c; - function _0x3373e6(_0x3d7044) { - var _0x134186 = _0x530d; - _0x360790()(this, _0x3373e6), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x135), ''), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x119), ''), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x10e), void 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, 'winWidth', 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x122), 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x16a), 0x0), - _0x2e5341()(this, _0x134186(0x157), 0x0), - this[_0x134186(0x10e)] = new _0x1a4a5d(_0x3d7044); - } - return _0x14e01a()(_0x3373e6, [{ - 'key': 'stop', - 'value': function() { - var _0x44575d = _0x530d; - _0x3373e6[_0x44575d(0x14b)] && _0x44575d(0xf2) === this[_0x44575d(0x10e)]['state'] && this[_0x44575d(0x10e)][_0x44575d(0x110)](); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x137), - 'value': function() { - var _0x129da0 = _0x39f1bb; - _0x3373e6[_0x129da0(0x14b)] && this[_0x129da0(0x10e)][_0x129da0(0x137)](); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x10c), - 'value': function() { - var _0x1f2801 = _0x39f1bb; - _0x3373e6[_0x1f2801(0x14b)] && _0x1f2801(0x110) === this[_0x1f2801(0x10e)][_0x1f2801(0x166)] && this[_0x1f2801(0x10e)][_0x1f2801(0xf2)](); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x138), - 'value': function(_0x39836b, _0x1bc856) { - var _0x3ee245 = _0x39f1bb; - return this[_0x3ee245(0x10e)]['getLog'](_0x39836b, _0x1bc856); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x13a), - 'value': function(_0x154f74) { - var _0x105993 = _0x39f1bb; - return this[_0x105993(0x10e)][_0x105993(0x13a)](_0x154f74); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x150), - 'value': function(_0x1f3a0a, _0x5dd8a4) { - var _0x589177 = _0x39f1bb - , _0x7d11f7 = []; - if (_0x5dd8a4) { - if (_0x589177(0x15b) == typeof _0x5dd8a4) { - var _0x3fcc78 = document[_0x589177(0x143)]('div[data-v-risk=\x22'['concat'](_0x5dd8a4, '\x22]')); - _0x3fcc78[_0x589177(0x109)] && _0x7d11f7[_0x589177(0x160)]['apply'](_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array[_0x589177(0x106)](_0x3fcc78))); - } else - Array[_0x589177(0x14d)](_0x5dd8a4) ? _0x5dd8a4[_0x589177(0x131)](function(_0x30ebd9) { - var _0x585400 = _0x589177; - if (_0x585400(0x15b) == typeof _0x30ebd9) { - var _0x12b73f = document[_0x585400(0x143)](_0x585400(0x167)[_0x585400(0x16d)](_0x5dd8a4, '\x22]')); - _0x12b73f[_0x585400(0x109)] && _0x7d11f7[_0x585400(0x160)][_0x585400(0x116)](_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array[_0x585400(0x106)](_0x12b73f))); - } else - _0x7d11f7['push'](_0x30ebd9); - }) : _0x589177(0x18b) === _0x23bd84()(_0x5dd8a4) ? _0x7d11f7[_0x589177(0x160)](_0x5dd8a4) : console[_0x589177(0xfc)](_0x589177(0x12a)); - } else { - if (_0x1f3a0a['length']) { - var _0x3263ae = _0x1f3a0a[_0x1f3a0a[_0x589177(0x109)] - 0x1]; - _0x3263ae && _0x3263ae['target'] && _0x7d11f7['push'](_0x3263ae['target']); - } else { - var _0x53f1c5 = document['querySelectorAll'](_0x589177(0x167)[_0x589177(0x16d)](_0x589177(0x156), '\x22]')); - _0x53f1c5['length'] && _0x7d11f7['push'][_0x589177(0x116)](_0x7d11f7, _0x33f38e()(Array[_0x589177(0x106)](_0x53f1c5))); - } - } - return _0x7d11f7 ? _0x7d11f7[_0x589177(0x159)](function(_0x4a1c6c) { - return _0x2015a3 = _0x416f02(_0xa856db = _0x4a1c6c), - _0x8039f3 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x2015a3, 0x4), - _0x1f5014 = _0x8039f3[0x0], - _0x4d8ce2 = _0x8039f3[0x1], - _0x49a3ee = _0x8039f3[0x2], - _0x33ccfa = _0x8039f3[0x3], - _0x45bde5 = _0xb3fd69([_0x1f5014, _0x4d8ce2]), - _0x421a0c = _0x16d5d6()(_0x45bde5, 0x3), - _0x121960 = _0x421a0c[0x0], - _0x416e77 = _0x421a0c[0x1], - _0x80dda9 = _0x421a0c[0x2], - _0x12b649 = _0x445907([_0x49a3ee, _0x33ccfa]), - _0x21b533 = _0x16d5d6()(_0x12b649, 0x3), - _0x2a503f = _0x21b533[0x0], - _0x243c67 = _0x21b533[0x1], - _0x2e280a = _0x21b533[0x2], - { - 't': _0xed08b(_0xa856db), - 'c': _0x29fc56(_0xa856db), - 'p': [_0x121960, _0x80dda9, _0x416e77], - 's': [_0x2e280a, _0x2a503f, _0x243c67] - }; - var _0xa856db, _0x2015a3, _0x8039f3, _0x1f5014, _0x4d8ce2, _0x49a3ee, _0x33ccfa, _0x45bde5, _0x421a0c, _0x121960, _0x416e77, _0x80dda9, _0x12b649, _0x21b533, _0x2a503f, _0x243c67, _0x2e280a; - }) : []; - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0xff), - 'value': function(_0x211a54) { - var _0x286186 = _0x39f1bb - , _0x2cac63 = { - 'ds': this[_0x286186(0x150)](this[_0x286186(0x10e)][_0x286186(0x11a)], _0x211a54), - 'wh': _0xb3fd69([~~this[_0x286186(0x185)], ~~this[_0x286186(0x122)]]), - 'of': _0x445907([~~this[_0x286186(0x16a)], ~~this['scrollLeft']]) - }; - try { - return JSON[_0x286186(0x164)](_0x2cac63); - } catch (_0x37217e) { - return ''; - } - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x158), - 'value': function() { - var _0x3996cb = _0x39f1bb - , _0x3332aa = document[_0x3996cb(0x183)](_0x3996cb(0x13f)) - , _0xac5efd = _0x3332aa[_0x3996cb(0x107)](_0x3996cb(0x12b)); - if (!_0xac5efd) - return this[_0x3996cb(0x119)] = _0x3996cb(0x105), - void (this[_0x3996cb(0x135)] = _0x3996cb(0x105)); - this[_0x3996cb(0x135)] = _0xac5efd['getParameter'](_0xac5efd[_0x3996cb(0x16f)]); - var _0x1495c1 = null == _0xac5efd ? void 0x0 : _0xac5efd['getExtension'](_0x3996cb(0x100)); - if (_0x1495c1) { - var _0x49a3fd = _0xac5efd['getParameter'](_0x1495c1[_0x3996cb(0x124)]) - , _0x1050ff = _0xac5efd[_0x3996cb(0x11b)](_0x1495c1[_0x3996cb(0x133)]); - this[_0x3996cb(0x119)] = _0x49a3fd + _0x1050ff; - } else - this[_0x3996cb(0x119)] = 'no\x20webgl\x20extension'; - _0x3332aa[_0x3996cb(0x114)](); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x13d), - 'value': function() { - var _0x186bc5 = _0x39f1bb - , _0x154079 = this - , _0x54e7ac = function() { - var _0x5b0751 = _0x530d; - _0x154079[_0x5b0751(0x185)] = window[_0x5b0751(0x175)] || document[_0x5b0751(0x17a)][_0x5b0751(0x16e)] || document[_0x5b0751(0x11f)]['clientWidth'], - _0x154079[_0x5b0751(0x122)] = window['innerHeight'] || document['documentElement'][_0x5b0751(0x17e)] || document[_0x5b0751(0x11f)][_0x5b0751(0x17e)]; - } - , _0x174dd3 = function() { - var _0x22db04 = _0x530d; - _0x154079[_0x22db04(0x16a)] = document[_0x22db04(0x17a)][_0x22db04(0x16a)] || document[_0x22db04(0x11f)][_0x22db04(0x16a)], - _0x154079[_0x22db04(0x157)] = document[_0x22db04(0x17a)][_0x22db04(0x157)] || document[_0x22db04(0x11f)][_0x22db04(0x157)]; - } - , _0x3fe2e6 = _0x461dfa(0x320, _0x54e7ac) - , _0xc1504e = _0x461dfa(0x320, _0x174dd3); - _0x54e7ac(), - _0x174dd3(), - window[_0x186bc5(0x10a)](_0x186bc5(0xf1), _0x3fe2e6), - window['addEventListener'](_0x186bc5(0x118), _0xc1504e); - } - }], [{ - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x139), - 'value': function(_0x155cbc) { - var _0xcd15ce = _0x39f1bb; - if (!_0x5d82b5()) { - if (!_0x3373e6[_0xcd15ce(0x14b)]) { - console[_0xcd15ce(0x141)]('%c%s', _0xcd15ce(0x127), _0xcd15ce(0x144)[_0xcd15ce(0x16d)](_0x3b190c)); - var _0x519655 = new _0x3373e6(_0x155cbc); - _0x519655['getUserWebglInfo'](), - _0x519655[_0xcd15ce(0x10e)][_0xcd15ce(0xf2)](), - _0x519655[_0xcd15ce(0x13d)](), - _0x3373e6[_0xcd15ce(0x14b)] = _0x519655; - } - return _0x3373e6[_0xcd15ce(0x14b)]; - } - console[_0xcd15ce(0xfc)](_0xcd15ce(0xf9)); - } - }, { - 'key': _0x39f1bb(0x130), - 'value': function(_0x17dd09) { - var _0x1879be = _0x39f1bb - , _0x426595 = _0x17dd09[_0x1879be(0x129)] - , _0x3a62e5 = _0x17dd09[_0x1879be(0x189)] - , _0x1acf30 = _0x17dd09[_0x1879be(0x163)] - , _0x5a6aa4 = _0x17dd09['target']; - if (!this[_0x1879be(0x14b)]) { - var _0x4898b8 = window[_0x1879be(0xeb)]; - this[_0x1879be(0x139)](_0x4898b8 || {}); - } - var _0x44d7cc = function(_0x165939) { - var _0x10ddce = _0x1879be - , _0x4cd45a = _0x165939['map'](function(_0x4dabe4, _0x50bd81) { - var _0x2ae8d7 = _0x530d - , _0x3661e6 = _0x4dabe4['x'] - , _0x19553d = void 0x0 === _0x3661e6 ? 0x0 : _0x3661e6 - , _0x34e6f1 = _0x4dabe4['y'] - , _0xd8f6e5 = void 0x0 === _0x34e6f1 ? 0x0 : _0x34e6f1 - , _0x5856e2 = _0x4dabe4[_0x2ae8d7(0x11e)] - , _0x5b5403 = _0x4dabe4[_0x2ae8d7(0x12f)] - , _0x12882f = _0x4dabe4[_0x2ae8d7(0x15a)]; - return _0x43dd3a(_0x19553d, _0xd8f6e5, _0x5856e2, _0x5b5403, _0x50bd81, _0x12882f); - }) - , _0x93ccc2 = _0x4cd45a[_0x10ddce(0x159)](function(_0x18775c) { - return { - 'x': _0x18775c[0x0], - 'y': _0x18775c[0x1], - 'z': _0x18775c[0x2], - 'timestamp': _0x18775c[0x3], - 'k': _0x18775c[0x4], - 'type': _0x18775c[0x5] - }; - }); - try { - return JSON[_0x10ddce(0x164)](_0x93ccc2); - } catch (_0x5ddf46) { - return console[_0x10ddce(0x187)](_0x5ddf46), - ''; - } - }(_0x426595 ? this[_0x1879be(0x14b)][_0x1879be(0x13a)](_0x426595) : this[_0x1879be(0x14b)][_0x1879be(0x138)](_0x3a62e5, _0x1acf30)); - return [_0x44d7cc, _0x4bd36b(this[_0x1879be(0x14b)][_0x1879be(0x135)]), _0x4bd36b(this[_0x1879be(0x14b)][_0x1879be(0x119)]), this[_0x1879be(0x14b)][_0x1879be(0xff)](_0x5a6aa4)]; - } - }]), - _0x3373e6; - }()); - if (_0x2e5341()(_0x19c087, 'instance', void 0x0), - !_0x5d82b5()) { - var _0x2f1bf4 = window[_0x47995c(0xeb)]; - _0x2f1bf4 && _0x19c087[_0x47995c(0x139)](_0x2f1bf4); + console.error("BiliUserLog can not be used in SSR"); + } + }, { + key: "queryUserLog", + value: function (_0x17dd09) { + var _0x426595 = _0x17dd09.preTime; + var _0x3a62e5 = _0x17dd09.startTime; + var _0x1acf30 = _0x17dd09.endTime; + var _0x5a6aa4 = _0x17dd09.target; + if (!this.instance) { + var _0x4898b8 = window.__USER_FP_CONFIG__; + this.init(_0x4898b8 || {}); } - var _0x35ba8e = _0x19c087; - }()), - _0x4c536c = _0x4c536c['default']; - }()); -})); + var _0x44d7cc = function (_0x165939) { + var _0x4cd45a = _0x165939.map(function (_0x4dabe4, _0x50bd81) { + var _0x3661e6 = _0x4dabe4.x; + var _0x19553d = undefined === _0x3661e6 ? 0 : _0x3661e6; + var _0x34e6f1 = _0x4dabe4.y; + var _0xd8f6e5 = undefined === _0x34e6f1 ? 0 : _0x34e6f1; + var _0x5856e2 = _0x4dabe4.timestamp; + var _0x5b5403 = _0x4dabe4.type; + var _0x12882f = _0x4dabe4.key; + return _0x43dd3a(_0x19553d, _0xd8f6e5, _0x5856e2, _0x5b5403, _0x50bd81, _0x12882f); + }); + var _0x93ccc2 = _0x4cd45a.map(function (_0x18775c) { + return { + x: _0x18775c[0], + y: _0x18775c[1], + z: _0x18775c[2], + timestamp: _0x18775c[3], + k: _0x18775c[4], + type: _0x18775c[5] + }; + }); + try { + return JSON.stringify(_0x93ccc2); + } catch (_0x5ddf46) { + console.log(_0x5ddf46); + return ""; + } + }(_0x426595 ? this.instance.getPreTimeLog(_0x426595) : this.instance.getLog(_0x3a62e5, _0x1acf30)); + return [_0x44d7cc, _0x4bd36b(this.instance.webglStr), _0x4bd36b(this.instance.webglVendorAndRenderer), this.instance.getActiveFeaturesStr(_0x5a6aa4)]; + } + }]); + return _0x3373e6; + }(); + if (_0x2e5341()(_0x19c087, "instance", undefined), !_0x5d82b5()) { + var _0x2f1bf4 = window.__USER_FP_CONFIG__; + _0x2f1bf4 && _0x19c087.init(_0x2f1bf4); + } + var _0x35ba8e = _0x19c087; + })(); + return _0x4c536c = _0x4c536c.default; + }(); +});