From fe028420c345c99651e1ef51672d6b35a2231fd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: action Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 01:29:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Add decoded output file --- output.js | 1420 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- | 2 +- 2 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 754 deletions(-) diff --git a/output.js b/output.js index 7e948f2f3..38c22d2b9 100644 --- a/output.js +++ b/output.js @@ -1,800 +1,714 @@ -//Tue Jul 23 2024 09:42:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) +//Mon Aug 05 2024 01:29:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) //Base: //Modify: -//Tue Jul 23 2024 09:41:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) -//Base: -//Modify: -const _0x58a094 = new _0x313dd5("\u5DF4\u5974\u706B\u9505\u5C0F\u7A0B\u5E8F"), - _0x38bb5b = "bnmdhg", - _0x521cbd = 1; -let _0x5405b0 = ["@", "\n"], - _0x45299e = "&", - _0x5e6b99 = "0.0.1"; -async function _0x104bb7() { - await _0x11b342("smallfawn/QLScriptPublic@main/bnmdhg_wx.js"); - await _0x455560(); - console.log("\n================== \u7528\u6237\u4FE1\u606F ==================\n"); - let _0x5c3f2e = []; - for (let _0x33113a of _0x58a094.userList) { - _0x33113a.ckStatus && (_0x5c3f2e.push(await _0x33113a.main()), await _0x58a094.wait(6000)); - } - await Promise.all(_0x5c3f2e); -} -class _0x4692a1 { - constructor(_0x3c9be1) { - this.index = ++_0x58a094.userIdx; - this.ckStatus = true; - this.member_id = _0x3c9be1.split(_0x45299e)[0]; - } - ["getUUID"]() { - var _0x5c4134 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 8, - _0x989672 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 16, - _0x7d4d6 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split(""), - _0x59d073 = [], - _0x2aa585 = 0; - if (_0x989672 = _0x989672 || _0x7d4d6.length, _0x5c4134) { - for (_0x2aa585 = 0; _0x2aa585 < _0x5c4134; _0x2aa585++) _0x59d073[_0x2aa585] = _0x7d4d6[0 | Math.random() * _0x989672]; - } else { - var _0x16f508 = void 0; - for (_0x59d073[8] = _0x59d073[13] = _0x59d073[18] = _0x59d073[23] = "-", _0x59d073[14] = "4", _0x2aa585 = 0; _0x2aa585 < 36; _0x2aa585++) _0x59d073[_0x2aa585] || (_0x16f508 = 0 | 16 * Math.random(), _0x59d073[_0x2aa585] = _0x7d4d6[19 === _0x2aa585 ? 3 & _0x16f508 | 8 : _0x16f508]); - } - return _0x59d073.join(""); +const _0x9ddfbf = $.isNode() ? require("./sendNotify") : "", + _0x2946b3 = $.isNode() ? require("./jdCookie.js") : "", + _0x29c7c3 = require("./function/dylans"), + _0x264141 = require("./USER_AGENTS"), + _0x54d4af = require("./function/dylib"); +let _0x3e8387 = true, + _0x1f3136 = [], + _0x35b11d = [], + _0xfc84a3 = [], + _0x1c8102 = [], + _0x499a39 = {}, + _0x40d6c0 = [], + _0x584117 = "", + _0x410731 = "", + _0x229170 = "", + _0x811f17 = "", + _0x334843; +const _0x1076b8 = process.env.DJGGLNUM || "9999", + _0xe2029e = process.env.DJGGLLTNUM || "-1", + _0x3421e9 = process.env.DJGGLDELAY || "1", + _0x36b4df = process.env.TXDELAY || "5", + _0x2bc8b6 = process.env.HLDELAY || "1", + _0xf02d4e = process.env.TXIVAL || "1", + _0x2eab8e = process.env.DJGGLTORED || false, + _0x9f9ff7 = process.env.DJGGLTOPPIN || "", + _0x255580 = process.env.TXSILENT || false, + _0x2aad6e = process.env.DJGGLCODE || "", + _0x3f0da2 = process.env.CXJLJQ_COUNT || "10", + _0x12163c = process.env.TX_MODE || "0", + _0xb8c4fa = process.env.CXJHELP_NODRAW || false, + _0x5a80ee = process.env.NOTX ? process.env.NOTX : false; +if (process.env.DY_PROXY) try { + _0x499a39 = require("./function/proxy.js"); + $.dget = _0x499a39.intoRequest($.get.bind($)); + $.dpost = _0x499a39.intoRequest($.post.bind($)); +} catch { + $.dget = $.get; + $.dpost = $.post; +} else $.dpost = $.post, $.dget = $.get; +if ($.isNode()) { + Object.keys(_0x2946b3).forEach(_0x2e176c => { + _0x40d6c0.push(_0x2946b3[_0x2e176c]); + }); + if (process.env.JD_DEBUG && process.env.JD_DEBUG === "false") console.log = () => {}; +} else _0x40d6c0 = [$.getdata("CookieJD"), $.getdata("CookieJD2"), ..._0x199592($.getdata("CookiesJD") || "[]").map(_0x3e6444 => _0x3e6444.cookie)].filter(_0x4eeaef => !!_0x4eeaef); +!(async () => { + if (!_0x40d6c0[0]) { + $.msg($.name, "【提示】请先获取京东账号一cookie\n直接使用NobyDa的京东签到获取", "", { + "open-url": "" + }); + return; } - ["getHeaders"]() { - let _0x36c3f4 = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000), - _0x47fbcf = this.getUUID(), - _0x301fa0 = this.getUUID(), - _0xa7c54f = { - "t": _0x36c3f4, - "n": _0x47fbcf, - "app_key": "5lOrfCGW", - "app_secret": "6dfzNDNkyi" - }, - _0xf3df46 = _0x55e9d0(_0x55e9d0(Object.values(_0xa7c54f).join(""))).split("").reverse().join(""); - return { - "Host": "", - "content-length": 48, - "n": _0x47fbcf, - "app_key": "5lOrfCGW", - "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 8 Lite Build/QKQ1.190910.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Mobile Safari/537.36 XWEB/5175 MMWEBSDK/20230405 MMWEBID/2585 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 Weixin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64 miniProgram/wx71373698c47f9a9f", - "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", - "accept": "application/json", - "tenancy_id": "banu", - "uuid": _0x301fa0, - "t": _0x36c3f4, - "platform_version_name": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 8 Lite Build/QKQ1.190910.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/111.0.5563.116 Mobile Safari/537.36 XWEB/5175 MMWEBSDK/20230405 MMWEBID/2585 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 Weixin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64 miniProgram/wx71373698c47f9a9f", - "sign": _0xf3df46, - "version": "", - "origin": "", - "x-requested-with": "", - "sec-fetch-site": "same-site", - "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", - "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", - "referer": "", - "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate", - "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" - }; + $.log("\n❗❗❗每天1次助力次数,0点刷新❗❗❗"); + $.log("\n当前版本:20240617"); + console.log("执行流程,车头开团--助力車頭--車頭抽獎--車頭提現"); + console.log("TG频道:"); + $.log("\n环境变量清单(可选项):"); + $.log(" 指定PIN车头:不指定默认CK1 DJGGLTOPPIN='jdpin'\n 指定助力CODE:都去助力TA DJGGLCODE='xxx'\n 多少助力停止:默认9999个 DJGGLNUM='100'\n 抽奖次数:默认抽完 DJGGLLTNUM='200'\n 抽奖间隔:默认1秒 DJGGLDELAY='3'\n 提现间隔:默认5秒 TXDELAY='3'\n 助力间隔:默认1秒 HLDELAY='3'\n 提现模式:默认提当前,设置1查列表提现,TX_MODE='1'\n 提现范围:默认1天内,太大会403 TXIVAL='3'\n 开启提现到上限转红包:DJGGLTORED='true'\n 支持代理API: DY_PROXY='apiurl'\n 垃圾券数量:默认10次,CXJLJQ_COUNT='20'\n 关闭抽奖:默认助力完车头自动抽奖,CXJHELP_NODRAW='true'\n 关闭提现:NOTX='true'\n"); + let _0x30713f = await _0x289ba0(); + if (_0x9f9ff7) { + console.log("\n已指定PIN:" + _0x9f9ff7); + let _0x2f46eb = _0x40d6c0.findIndex(_0x31e230 => _0x31e230.includes(_0x9f9ff7)); + if (_0x2f46eb == -1) { + console.log("运行的CK中没找到指定的PIN,停止执行"); + return; + } + _0x410731 = _0x40d6c0[_0x2f46eb]; + } else console.log("\n未指定PIN默认CK1车头"), _0x410731 = _0x40d6c0[0]; + _0x584117 = _0x410731; + $.UserName = decodeURIComponent(_0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && _0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); + $.isLogin = true; + $.nickName = ""; + $.UA = _0x264141.UARAM ? _0x264141.UARAM() : _0x264141.USER_AGENT; + console.log("\n————————————————————车头开团——————————————————————————"); + console.log("账号:" + ($.nickName || $.UserName)); + await _0x50bf52(); + if (!$.isLogin) { + $.msg($.name, "【提示】cookie已失效", "账号" + ($.nickName || $.UserName) + "\n请重新登录获取\n", { + "open-url": "" + }); + $.isNode() && (await _0x9ddfbf.sendNotify($.name + "cookie已失效 - " + $.UserName, "账号 " + $.UserName + "\n请重新登录获取cookie")); + return; } - async ["main"]() { - this.sign_info(); + await _0x78508d(1); + await $.wait(1000); + if (_0x30713f.length != 0) { + let _0x1cc73c = _0x30713f[Math.floor(Math.random() * _0x30713f.length)]; + console.log("车头去助力 -> 作者"); + $.UserName = decodeURIComponent(_0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && _0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); + $.UA = _0x264141.UARAM ? _0x264141.UARAM() : _0x264141.USER_AGENT; + await _0x43a202(_0x1cc73c); + await $.wait(2000); } - async ["sign_info"]() { - try { - let _0x193cb5 = { - "url": "" + this.member_id, - "headers": this.getHeaders() - }, - _0x50f53c = await _0x3d1792(_0x193cb5); - if (_0x50f53c.code == 200) _0x58a094.DoubleLog("\u2705\u8D26\u53F7[" + this.index + "] " + _0x50f53c.message + "\uD83C\uDF89"), _0x58a094.DoubleLog("\u2705\u8D26\u53F7[" + this.index + "] \u5DF2\u7B7E\u5230" + + "\u5929 \u83B7\u5F97\u79EF\u5206\u4E3A" + + "\uD83C\uDF89"), == false && (await this.sign_in()), this.ckStatus = true;else { - _0x58a094.DoubleLog("\u274C\u8D26\u53F7[" + this.index + "] \u5931\u8D25"); - this.ckStatus = false; - console.log(_0x50f53c); + console.log("——————————————————————————————————————————————————————"); + console.log("\n\n———————————开始助力车头(助力间隔" + _0x2bc8b6 + "秒)—————————————"); + _0x2aad6e && (console.log("\n已指定助力CODE,那抛弃车头去助力TA"), _0x1f3136 = [], _0x1f3136.push(_0x2aad6e)); + _0x334843 = 0; + for (let _0x574b96 of _0x1f3136) { + if (_0x40d6c0.length === 1) { + console.log(""); + break; + } + console.log("\n去助力-> " + _0x574b96); + $.suc = 0; + for (let _0x5ab9de = _0x334843; _0x5ab9de < _0x40d6c0.length; _0x5ab9de++) { + if (_0x40d6c0[_0x5ab9de]) { + _0x584117 = _0x40d6c0[_0x5ab9de]; + $.UserName = decodeURIComponent(_0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && _0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); + $.index = _0x5ab9de + 1; + $.isLogin = true; + $.nickName = ""; + $.UA = _0x264141.UARAM ? _0x264141.UARAM() : _0x264141.USER_AGENT; + console.log("\n开始【账号" + $.index + "】 " + ($.nickName || $.UserName) + "\n"); + await _0x43a202(_0x574b96); + _0x499a39.swip && (await _0x499a39.swip()); + if ($.suc >= Number(_0x1076b8)) { + $.log("已达目标助力数,跳出!"); + _0x334843 = _0x5ab9de + 1; + break; + } + await $.wait(_0x2bc8b6 * 1000); } - } catch (_0x29bd68) { - console.log(_0x29bd68); } - } - async ["sign_in"]() { - try { - let _0xa2561b = { - "url": "", - "headers": this.getHeaders(), - "body": JSON.stringify({ - "member_id": this.member_id - }) - }, - _0x533c27 = await _0x3d1792(_0xa2561b); - _0x533c27.code == 200 ? _0x58a094.DoubleLog("\u2705\u8D26\u53F7[" + this.index + "] \u7B7E\u5230: " + _0x533c27.message + "\uD83C\uDF89") : (_0x58a094.DoubleLog("\u274C\u8D26\u53F7[" + this.index + "] \u7B7E\u5230: \u5931\u8D25"), console.log(_0x533c27)); - } catch (_0x517248) { - console.log(_0x517248); + if ($.index === _0x40d6c0.length) { + console.log("\n没有可用于助力的ck,跳出!"); + break; } } -} -!(async () => { - if (!(await _0x52864e())) return; - _0x58a094.userList.length > 0 && (await _0x104bb7()); - await _0x58a094.SendMsg(_0x58a094.message); -})().catch(_0xb87f23 => console.log(_0xb87f23)).finally(() => _0x58a094.done()); -async function _0x52864e() { - let _0xe784f9 = (_0x58a094.isNode() ? process.env[_0x38bb5b] : _0x58a094.getdata(_0x38bb5b)) || ""; - if (_0xe784f9) { - let _0x5c44a5 = _0x5405b0[0]; - for (let _0x1e492c of _0x5405b0) if (_0xe784f9.indexOf(_0x1e492c) > -1) { - _0x5c44a5 = _0x1e492c; + if (_0xb8c4fa == "true") { + console.log("\n已设置不自动抽奖提现"); + return; + } + console.log("\n\n—————————————————开始车头抽奖和提现—————————————————"); + _0xe2029e > -1 && console.log("\n已设置本次运行抽奖次数:" + _0xe2029e); + let _0x3cbf1f = new Date(); + _0x3cbf1f.setDate(_0x3cbf1f.getDate() - _0xf02d4e); + _0x584117 = _0x410731; + $.UserName = decodeURIComponent(_0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && _0x584117.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); + $.isLogin = true; + $.nickName = ""; + $.fail = 0; + _0x35b11d = []; + _0xfc84a3 = []; + txjscore = []; + $.txj = true; + $.fg = 1; + $.txfull = false; + $.nocashnum = 0; + $.end = false; + $.hotflag = false; + $.toredfailnum = 0; + $.txjsuc = false; + $.banip = false; + $.xcrflag = 1; + $.UA = _0x264141.UARAM ? _0x264141.UARAM() : _0x264141.USER_AGENT; + let _0x5e798a = await _0x78508d(0); + await $.wait(1000); + if (_0x5e798a.code != "0") return; + $.log("本轮已抽奖次数:" +; + $.log("本轮剩余抽奖次数:" + $.times); + if ( { + if (["cashVo"]?.["state"] === 1) $.log("本轮兑换金进度:" + + "/" + + "(-" + + ")");else["cashVo"]?.["state"] === 3 && ($.log("本轮兑换金达成:" + + "/" +, $.txj = false, $.txjsuc = true); + } else $.txj = false; + $.log("本轮结束时间: " + _0x543533(new Date( +; + for (let _0x1dc076 = 0; _0x1dc076 < (_0xe2029e > -1 && _0xe2029e < $.times ? _0xe2029e : $.times); _0x1dc076++) { + process.stdout.write("\n第" + (_0x1dc076 + 1) + "次抽奖结果:"); + for (let _0x3ba035 of Array(1)) { + await _0x344ca1(_0x3ba035 + 1); + if (!$.hotflag) break; + await $.wait(Math.random() * 500 + _0x3421e9 * 1000); + } + if ($.banip || !$.isLogin) break; + if ($.end) { + console.log("\n本轮结束了,开启新一轮"); + let _0x52f949 = await _0x78508d(0); + _0x52f949.code == 0 && $.log("开启成功,结束时间: " + _0x543533(new Date( +; + } + $.txj && (await _0x48d090()); + await $.wait(Math.random() * 500 + _0x3421e9 * 1000); + if ($.fail > _0x3f0da2) { + $.log("连续垃圾券,不继续抽了"); break; } - for (let _0x3f338a of _0xe784f9.split(_0x5c44a5)) _0x3f338a && _0x58a094.userList.push(new _0x4692a1(_0x3f338a)); - } else { - console.log("\u672A\u627E\u5230CK"); - return; } - return console.log("\u5171\u627E\u5230" + _0x58a094.userList.length + "\u4E2A\u8D26\u53F7"), true; -} -function _0x3d1792(_0x1c21ef, _0x14bce4 = null) { - return _0x14bce4 = _0x1c21ef.method ? _0x1c21ef.method.toLowerCase() : _0x1c21ef.body ? "post" : "get", new Promise(_0x38e4e0 => { - _0x58a094[_0x14bce4](_0x1c21ef, (_0x4d59c0, _0x3e448d, _0x161303) => { - if (_0x4d59c0) console.log(_0x14bce4 + "\u8BF7\u6C42\u5931\u8D25"), _0x58a094.logErr(_0x4d59c0);else { - if (_0x161303) { - try { - _0x161303 = JSON.parse(_0x161303); - } catch (_0x44b2c5) {} - _0x38e4e0(_0x161303); - } else { - console.log("\u8BF7\u6C42api\u8FD4\u56DE\u6570\u636E\u4E3A\u7A7A\uFF0C\u8BF7\u68C0\u67E5\u81EA\u8EAB\u539F\u56E0"); + _0xfc84a3.length !== 0 && $.log("\n\n本次抽奖获得红包总计:" + _0xfc84a3.reduce((_0x27a9e2, _0x63eec8) => _0x27a9e2 + _0x63eec8 * 100, 0) / 100 + "元"); + _0x35b11d.length !== 0 && $.log("\n\n本次抽奖获得现金总计:" + _0x35b11d.reduce((_0x56edd4, _0x4888c1) => _0x56edd4 + _0x4888c1 * 100, 0) / 100 + "元"); + if (txjscore.length !== 0) { + let _0x3fd2b5 = txjscore.reduce((_0x4a75af, _0xe31dc3) => _0x4a75af + _0xe31dc3 * 100, 0) / 100; + $.log("\n\n本次抽奖获得兑换金:" + _0x3fd2b5 + "个, 平均" + (_0x3fd2b5 / (_0xe2029e > -1 ? Math.min.apply(null, [_0xe2029e, $.times]) : $.times)).toFixed(4) + "个/抽"); + } + if (_0x5a80ee != "true") { + if (new Date().getHours() < 6 && _0x255580) return; + $.log("\n——————————————开始提现(间隔" + _0x36b4df + "秒)————————————————"); + $.log("\n当前提现模式:" + (_0x12163c == "1" ? _0xf02d4e + "天内历史" : "本次所抽现金")); + $.log("上限转红包:" + (_0x2eab8e ? "开启" : "关闭(续期♻️)")); + $.txsuc = []; + $.toredsuc = []; + $.failtxlist = []; + $.banip = false; + if (_0x12163c == "1") { + for (let _0x20a569 = 0; _0x20a569 < 500; _0x20a569++) { + if ($.nocashnum > 2 || $.toredfailnum > 4 || $.banip) break; + process.stdout.write("\n" + (_0x20a569 + 1) + "页:"); + let _0x340cc1 = await _0xd38881(_0x20a569 + 1); + _0x340cc1 == "" && (await $.wait(5000), await _0xd38881(_0x20a569 + 1)); + if (!$.baglist || $.baglist.length === 0) break; + for (let _0xc8692e of $.baglist) { + if (Math.max.apply(null, [new Date(_0xc8692e.createTime), new Date(_0xc8692e.startTime)]) < _0x3cbf1f || $.toredfailnum > 4) { + $.nocashnum = 5; + break; + } + if (_0xc8692e.prizeType == 4) { + $.txfail = false; + if (_0xc8692e.state == 0 || _0xc8692e.state == 2) { + process.stdout.write("" + Number(_0xc8692e.amount)); + let _0x49cd3b = await _0x5473da(_0xc8692e, Number(_0xc8692e.amount)); + $.txfail && (await $.wait(5000), _0x49cd3b = await _0x5473da(_0xc8692e, Number(_0xc8692e.amount))); + $.txfail && $.failtxlist.push(_0xc8692e); + if ("上限") && _0x2eab8e == "true" && $.toredfailnum < 5) await _0x28ab25(_0xc8692e, Number(_0xc8692e.amount)); + await $.wait(_0x36b4df * 1000); + } else { + if (_0xc8692e.state == 8) {} + } + } } + await $.wait(3000); } - _0x38e4e0(); - }); - }); -} -function _0x11b342(_0x4dbda0, _0x123ec5 = 3000) { - return new Promise(_0x2fa65b => { - const _0x4b69f0 = { - "url": "" + _0x4dbda0 + $.banip = false; + while ($.failtxlist.length > 0) { + console.log("\n" + $.failtxlist.length); + for (let _0x51d42b = 0; _0x51d42b < $.failtxlist.length;) { + let _0x58024c = $.failtxlist[_0x51d42b]; + if (_0x58024c.prizeType == 4) { + $.txfail = false; + process.stdout.write("" + Number(_0x58024c.amount)); + let _0x4c4cb3 = await _0x5473da(_0x58024c, Number(_0x58024c.amount)); + $.txfail && (await $.wait(5000), _0x4c4cb3 = await _0x5473da(_0x58024c, Number(_0x58024c.amount))); + $.txfail ? _0x51d42b++ : $.failtxlist.splice(_0x51d42b, 1); + if ("上限") && _0x2eab8e == "true" && $.toredfailnum < 5) await _0x28ab25(_0x58024c, Number(_0x58024c.amount)); + await $.wait(_0x36b4df * 1000); + } + } + } + } else for (let _0x3a3582 = 0; _0x3a3582 < 1; _0x3a3582++) { + if ($.nocashnum > 2 || $.toredfailnum > 4) break; + while (_0x1c8102.length > 0) { + console.log("\n" + _0x1c8102.length); + for (let _0xb1c4f5 = 0; _0xb1c4f5 < _0x1c8102.length;) { + let _0x26c042 = _0x1c8102[_0xb1c4f5]; + if (_0x26c042.prizeType == 4) { + $.txfail = false; + process.stdout.write("" + Number(_0x26c042.amount)); + let _0xdc4969 = await _0x5473da(_0x26c042, Number(_0x26c042.amount)); + $.txfail && (await $.wait(5000), _0xdc4969 = await _0x5473da(_0x26c042, Number(_0x26c042.amount))); + $.txfail ? _0xb1c4f5++ : _0x1c8102.splice(_0xb1c4f5, 1); + if ("上限") && _0x2eab8e == "true" && $.toredfailnum < 5) await _0x28ab25(_0x26c042, Number(_0x26c042.amount)); + await $.wait(_0x36b4df * 1000); + } + } + await $.wait(2000); + } + } + $.txsuc.length !== 0 && $.log("\n\n本次成功提现总计:" + $.txsuc.reduce((_0x163acc, _0x2bebbd) => _0x163acc + _0x2bebbd * 100, 0) / 100 + "元"); + $.toredsuc.length !== 0 && $.log("\n\n本次成功转红包总计:" + $.toredsuc.reduce((_0x2dc459, _0x25ca24) => _0x2dc459 + _0x25ca24 * 100, 0) / 100 + "元"); + } else $.log("\n\n⚠已设置不提现!"); + _0x1c8102 = []; + await $.wait(2000); +})().catch(_0x2114da => { + $.log("", "❌ " + $.name + ", 失败! 原因: " + _0x2114da + "!", ""); +}).finally(() => { + $.done(); +}); +async function _0x78508d(_0x2d5c8f) { + let _0x275f8b = { + "linkId": "1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA", + "inviter": "" + }, + _0x3ff07a = { + "appId": "eb67b", + "functionId": "inviteFissionHome", + "fn": "inviteFissionHome", + "body": _0x275f8b, + "appid": "activities_platform", + "apid": "activities_platform", + "clientVersion": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "ver": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "client": "ios", + "cl": "ios", + "user": $.UserName, + "t":, + "code": 1, + "xcr": $.xcrflag, + "ua": $.UA }; - _0x58a094.get(_0x4b69f0, (_0xad7a74, _0xdb33dd, _0x450f43) => { + _0x275f8b = await _0x29c7c3.getbody(_0x3ff07a); + if (!_0x275f8b) return; + return new Promise(async _0x561801 => { + $.dpost(_0x4308cc(_0x275f8b), async (_0x55afe5, _0x1f6bd8, _0x49ae78) => { try { - const _0x314dbc = /scriptVersionNow\s*=\s*(["'`])([\d.]+)\1/, - _0x166b9f = _0x450f43.match(_0x314dbc), - _0x271362 = _0x166b9f ? _0x166b9f[2] : ""; - _0x58a094.DoubleLog("\n====== \u5F53\u524D\u7248\u672C\uFF1A" + _0x5e6b99 + " \uD83D\uDCCC \u6700\u65B0\u7248\u672C\uFF1A" + _0x271362 + " ======"); - } catch (_0x519b79) { - _0x58a094.logErr(_0x519b79, _0xdb33dd); + if (_0x55afe5) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x55afe5)), console.log("homeinfo请求失败,请检查网路重试");else { + _0x49ae78 = JSON.parse(_0x49ae78); + if (_0x49ae78.code == 0) { + $.times =; + if (_0x2d5c8f) console.log("我的助力码:" +; + _0x1f3136.push(; + } else { + console.log(_0x49ae78.errMsg); + } + } + } catch (_0x289528) { + $.logErr(_0x289528, _0x1f6bd8); + } finally { + _0x561801(_0x49ae78); } - _0x2fa65b(); - }, _0x123ec5); + }); }); } -function _0x455560(_0x5c98d7 = 3000) { - return new Promise(_0x260144 => { - const _0x1bf344 = { - "url": "" +async function _0x48d090() { + let _0x1aea83 = { + "linkId": "1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA" + }, + _0x309259 = { + "appId": "b8469", + "functionId": "inviteFissionReceive", + "fn": "inviteFissionReceive", + "body": _0x1aea83, + "appid": "activities_platform", + "apid": "activities_platform", + "clientVersion": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "ver": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "client": "ios", + "cl": "ios", + "user": $.UserName, + "t":, + "code": 1, + "xcr": $.xcrflag, + "ua": $.UA }; - _0x58a094.get(_0x1bf344, (_0x45f850, _0x3f0de7, _0x2ac961) => { + $.xcrflag == 1 && ($.xcrflag = 0); + _0x1aea83 = await _0x29c7c3.getbody(_0x309259); + if (!_0x1aea83) return; + return new Promise(async _0xfafebb => { + $.dpost(_0x4308cc(_0x1aea83), async (_0x25e1c4, _0x8c0283, _0x48a1b6) => { try { - try { - _0x2ac961 = JSON.parse(_0x2ac961); - } catch (_0x4eb13a) {} - const _0xcf2e2c = _0x2ac961.notice.replace(/\n/g, "\n"); - _0x58a094.DoubleLog(_0xcf2e2c); - } catch (_0x2d4e7e) { - _0x58a094.logErr(_0x2d4e7e, _0x3f0de7); + if (_0x25e1c4) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x25e1c4)), console.log("receive请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x25e1c4.includes("403") && ($.banip = true);else { + _0x48a1b6 = JSON.parse(_0x48a1b6); + if (_0x48a1b6.code == 0) process.stdout.write("----兑换金" + + "(+" +[0].amount + ")"), txjscore.push([0].amount),["state"] == 3 && (process.stdout.write("----恭喜达成"), $.txj = false, $.txjsuc = true);else { + if (_0x48a1b6.code == 80208) process.stdout.write("----送的抽奖次数没有兑换金");else _0x48a1b6.code == 80209 ? (process.stdout.write("----完成标识"), $.txj = false) : console.log(JSON.stringify(_0x48a1b6)); + } + } + } catch (_0x30d771) { + $.logErr(_0x30d771, _0x8c0283); + } finally { + _0xfafebb(_0x48a1b6); } - _0x260144(); - }, _0x5c98d7); + }); }); } -function _0x313dd5(_0x5ccb4a, _0x528fb9) { - class _0x3cbe4f { - constructor(_0x50cc67) { - this.env = _0x50cc67; - } - ["send"](_0x347701, _0xa36b48 = "GET") { - _0x347701 = "string" == typeof _0x347701 ? { - "url": _0x347701 - } : _0x347701; - let _0x3e6da4 = this.get; - return "POST" === _0xa36b48 && (_0x3e6da4 =, new Promise((_0x583733, _0x4209a8) => { -, _0x347701, (_0x5351a3, _0x1942c5, _0x24d9c2) => { - _0x5351a3 ? _0x4209a8(_0x5351a3) : _0x583733(_0x1942c5); - }); - }); - } - ["get"](_0x34c7a0) { - return, _0x34c7a0); - } - ["post"](_0x4e4107) { - return, _0x4e4107, "POST"); - } - } - return new class { - constructor(_0x4649ef, _0x8d15db) { - this.userList = []; - this.userIdx = 0; - this.message = ""; - = _0x4649ef; - this.http = new _0x3cbe4f(this); - = null; - this.dataFile = "box.dat"; - this.logs = []; - this.isMute = !1; - this.isNeedRewrite = !1; - this.logSeparator = "\n"; - this.encoding = "utf-8"; - this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); - Object.assign(this, _0x8d15db); - this.log("", "\uD83D\uDD14" + + ",\u5F00\u59CB!"); - } - ["getEnv"]() { - return "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["surge-version"] ? "Surge" : "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["stash-version"] ? "Stash" : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? "Node.js" : "undefined" != typeof $task ? "Quantumult X" : "undefined" != typeof $loon ? "Loon" : "undefined" != typeof $rocket ? "Shadowrocket" : void 0; - } - ["isNode"]() { - return "Node.js" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["isQuanX"]() { - return "Quantumult X" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["isSurge"]() { - return "Surge" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["isLoon"]() { - return "Loon" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["isShadowrocket"]() { - return "Shadowrocket" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["isStash"]() { - return "Stash" === this.getEnv(); - } - ["toObj"](_0x1b72ff, _0x3df49c = null) { - try { - return JSON.parse(_0x1b72ff); - } catch { - return _0x3df49c; - } - } - ["toStr"](_0x11def3, _0x371088 = null) { - try { - return JSON.stringify(_0x11def3); - } catch { - return _0x371088; - } - } - ["getjson"](_0x2be84e, _0xe9eca6) { - let _0x471c10 = _0xe9eca6; - const _0x498f1c = this.getdata(_0x2be84e); - if (_0x498f1c) try { - _0x471c10 = JSON.parse(this.getdata(_0x2be84e)); - } catch {} - return _0x471c10; - } - ["setjson"](_0x2b069d, _0x44ea7f) { +async function _0x344ca1(_0x4859c9) { + let _0x3fdcc5 = { + "linkId": "1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA" + }, + _0x460f7b = { + "appId": "c02c6", + "functionId": "inviteFissionDrawPrize", + "fn": "inviteFissionDrawPrize", + "body": _0x3fdcc5, + "appid": "activities_platform", + "apid": "activities_platform", + "clientVersion": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "ver": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "client": "ios", + "cl": "ios", + "user": $.UserName, + "t":, + "code": 1, + "xcr": $.xcrflag, + "ua": $.UA + }; + $.xcrflag == 1 && ($.xcrflag = 0); + _0x3fdcc5 = await _0x29c7c3.getbody(_0x460f7b); + if (!_0x3fdcc5) return; + return new Promise(async _0x6fe85b => { + $.dpost(_0x4308cc(_0x3fdcc5), async (_0x1ed36d, _0x480ea0, _0x32f23b) => { try { - return this.setdata(JSON.stringify(_0x2b069d), _0x44ea7f); - } catch { - return !1; - } - } - ["getScript"](_0x3b0b8f) { - return new Promise(_0x1a5771 => { - this.get({ - "url": _0x3b0b8f - }, (_0x51609d, _0x4888f0, _0x474809) => _0x1a5771(_0x474809)); - }); - } - ["runScript"](_0x2b1cae, _0x1a5da0) { - return new Promise(_0x42caeb => { - let _0x274217 = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi"); - _0x274217 = _0x274217 ? _0x274217.replace(/\n/g, "").trim() : _0x274217; - let _0x4c9966 = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout"); - _0x4c9966 = _0x4c9966 ? 1 * _0x4c9966 : 20; - _0x4c9966 = _0x1a5da0 && _0x1a5da0.timeout ? _0x1a5da0.timeout : _0x4c9966; - const [_0x2b7dd0, _0x5a5b9c] = _0x274217.split("@"), - _0x544fde = { - "url": "http://" + _0x5a5b9c + "/v1/scripting/evaluate", - "body": { - "script_text": _0x2b1cae, - "mock_type": "cron", - "timeout": _0x4c9966 - }, - "headers": { - "X-Key": _0x2b7dd0, - "Accept": "*/*" - }, - "timeout": _0x4c9966 - }; -, (_0x21334f, _0x223c9e, _0x4afdba) => _0x42caeb(_0x4afdba)); - }).catch(_0xb02e16 => this.logErr(_0xb02e16)); - } - ["loaddata"]() { - if (!this.isNode()) return {}; - { - this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"); - this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path"); - const _0x59793c = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), - _0xe362b4 = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), - _0x5be483 = this.fs.existsSync(_0x59793c), - _0x471937 = !_0x5be483 && this.fs.existsSync(_0xe362b4); - if (!_0x5be483 && !_0x471937) return {}; - { - const _0xdeed53 = _0x5be483 ? _0x59793c : _0xe362b4; - try { - return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(_0xdeed53)); - } catch (_0x34654f) { - return {}; + if (_0x1ed36d) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x1ed36d)), console.log("lottery请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x1ed36d.includes("403") && ($.banip = true);else { + _0x32f23b = JSON.parse(_0x32f23b); + if (_0x32f23b.code == 0) { + const _0x468674 =; + if (!_0x468674) fail++; + switch (_0x468674) { + case 1: + process.stdout.write("垃.圾.券⚫"), $.txjsuc && $.fail++, $.fail++, $.hotflag = false; + break; + case 4: + let _0x4cca3e = parseFloat(; + process.stdout.write(_0x4cca3e + "现金💰️"), _0x35b11d.push(_0x4cca3e), _0x1c8102.push({ + "prizeValue":, + "id":, + "poolBaseId":, + "prizeGroupId":, + "prizeBaseId":, + "prizeType":, + "amount": + }), $.fail = 0, $.hotflag = false; + break; + case 2: + let _0x1d22e0 = parseFloat(; + process.stdout.write(_0x1d22e0 + "红包🧧"), _0xfc84a3.push(_0x1d22e0), $.fail = 0, $.hotflag = false; + break; + default: + $.hotflag = false, console.log(JSON.stringify(; + } + } else { + if (_0x32f23b.errMsg.includes("火爆")) process.stdout.write("未中奖 "), $.hotflag = true;else { + if (_0x32f23b.errMsg.includes("结束")) { + $.end = true; + $.hotflag = false; + console.log(_0x32f23b.errMsg); + } else _0x32f23b.errMsg.includes("未登录") ? ($.isLogin = false, $.hotflag = false, console.log(_0x32f23b.errMsg)) : ($.hotflag = false, console.log(_0x32f23b.errMsg)); + } } } + } catch (_0x5bfd4a) { + $.logErr(_0x5bfd4a, _0x480ea0); + } finally { + _0x6fe85b(_0x32f23b); } - } - ["writedata"]() { - if (this.isNode()) { - this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"); - this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path"); - const _0x3c6767 = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), - _0x3c6c8a = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), - _0x2d8a9f = this.fs.existsSync(_0x3c6767), - _0x42d026 = !_0x2d8a9f && this.fs.existsSync(_0x3c6c8a), - _0x287b76 = JSON.stringify(; - _0x2d8a9f ? this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x3c6767, _0x287b76) : _0x42d026 ? this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x3c6c8a, _0x287b76) : this.fs.writeFileSync(_0x3c6767, _0x287b76); - } - } - ["lodash_get"](_0x4fcfef, _0x562d04, _0x4309f7) { - const _0x5e1f4f = _0x562d04.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").split("."); - let _0x13f564 = _0x4fcfef; - for (const _0x3d7b14 of _0x5e1f4f) if (_0x13f564 = Object(_0x13f564)[_0x3d7b14], void 0 === _0x13f564) return _0x4309f7; - return _0x13f564; - } - ["lodash_set"](_0x30ef2d, _0x31db17, _0x53c018) { - return Object(_0x30ef2d) !== _0x30ef2d ? _0x30ef2d : (Array.isArray(_0x31db17) || (_0x31db17 = _0x31db17.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), _0x31db17.slice(0, -1).reduce((_0x30ac0d, _0x427467, _0x39f22c) => Object(_0x30ac0d[_0x427467]) === _0x30ac0d[_0x427467] ? _0x30ac0d[_0x427467] : _0x30ac0d[_0x427467] = Math.abs(_0x31db17[_0x39f22c + 1]) >> 0 == +_0x31db17[_0x39f22c + 1] ? [] : {}, _0x30ef2d)[_0x31db17[_0x31db17.length - 1]] = _0x53c018, _0x30ef2d); - } - ["getdata"](_0x2ec9fe) { - let _0x3405ad = this.getval(_0x2ec9fe); - if (/^@/.test(_0x2ec9fe)) { - const [, _0x16a75b, _0x5e6e36] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(_0x2ec9fe), - _0x52108b = _0x16a75b ? this.getval(_0x16a75b) : ""; - if (_0x52108b) try { - const _0x182af3 = JSON.parse(_0x52108b); - _0x3405ad = _0x182af3 ? this.lodash_get(_0x182af3, _0x5e6e36, "") : _0x3405ad; - } catch (_0x4a3b86) { - _0x3405ad = ""; - } - } - return _0x3405ad; - } - ["setdata"](_0x5b4868, _0x3134cf) { - let _0x214f2a = false; - if (/^@/.test(_0x3134cf)) { - const [, _0x1a9023, _0x139b19] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(_0x3134cf), - _0x3db402 = this.getval(_0x1a9023), - _0x2007ea = _0x1a9023 ? "null" === _0x3db402 ? null : _0x3db402 || "{}" : "{}"; - try { - const _0x3ff4c7 = JSON.parse(_0x2007ea); - this.lodash_set(_0x3ff4c7, _0x139b19, _0x5b4868); - _0x214f2a = this.setval(JSON.stringify(_0x3ff4c7), _0x1a9023); - } catch (_0x29d12e) { - const _0x249a4b = {}; - this.lodash_set(_0x249a4b, _0x139b19, _0x5b4868); - _0x214f2a = this.setval(JSON.stringify(_0x249a4b), _0x1a9023); + }); + }); +} +async function _0xd38881(_0x5a0175) { + let _0x46c6bd = { + "pageNum": _0x5a0175, + "pageSize": 100, + "linkId": "1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA", + "business": "fission" + }, + _0x499d50 = { + "appId": "f2b1d", + "functionId": "superRedBagList", + "fn": "superRedBagList", + "body": _0x46c6bd, + "appid": "activities_platform", + "apid": "activities_platform", + "clientVersion": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "ver": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "client": "ios", + "cl": "ios", + "user": $.UserName, + "t":, + "code": 1, + "xcr": $.xcrflag, + "ua": $.UA + }; + $.xcrflag == 1 && ($.xcrflag = 0); + _0x46c6bd = await _0x29c7c3.getbody(_0x499d50); + if (!_0x46c6bd) return; + let _0x26225d = { + "url": "", + "body": _0x46c6bd + "&loginType=2&loginWQBiz=wegame&uuid=" + $.uuid + "&build=169088&screen=414*736&networkType=wifi&d_brand=iPhone&d_model=iPhone10,2&lang=zh_CN&osVersion=&partner=-1&cthr=1", + "headers": { + "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", + "x-rp-client": "h5_1.0.0", + "Accept-Language": "zh-cn", + "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "Origin": "", + "User-Agent": $.UA, + "Referer": "", + "x-referer-page": "", + "request-from": "native", + "Cookie": _0x584117 + }, + "ciphers": _0x54d4af.cpstr + }; + return new Promise(async _0x5854a2 => { + $.dpost(_0x26225d, async (_0x2de767, _0x16e500, _0xb27131) => { + try { + if (_0x2de767) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x2de767)), console.log(" API请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x2de767.includes("403") && ($.banip = true), _0xb27131 = "";else { + _0xb27131 = JSON.parse(_0xb27131); + _0xb27131.code == 0 ? $.baglist = : console.log(_0xb27131.errMsg); } - } else _0x214f2a = this.setval(_0x5b4868, _0x3134cf); - return _0x214f2a; - } - ["getval"](_0x5181d5) { - switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - return $; - case "Quantumult X": - return $prefs.valueForKey(_0x5181d5); - case "Node.js": - return = this.loaddata(),[_0x5181d5]; - default: - return &&[_0x5181d5] || null; - } - } - ["setval"](_0x1b2fef, _0x321255) { - switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - return $persistentStore.write(_0x1b2fef, _0x321255); - case "Quantumult X": - return $prefs.setValueForKey(_0x1b2fef, _0x321255); - case "Node.js": - return = this.loaddata(),[_0x321255] = _0x1b2fef, this.writedata(), !0; - default: - return &&[_0x321255] || null; + } catch (_0x3875e2) { + $.logErr(_0x3875e2, _0x16e500); + } finally { + _0x5854a2(_0xb27131); } - } - ["initGotEnv"](_0x3a56ce) { - = ? : require("got"); - this.cktough = this.cktough ? this.cktough : require("tough-cookie"); - this.ckjar = this.ckjar ? this.ckjar : new this.cktough.CookieJar(); - _0x3a56ce && (_0x3a56ce.headers = _0x3a56ce.headers ? _0x3a56ce.headers : {}, void 0 === _0x3a56ce.headers.Cookie && void 0 === _0x3a56ce.cookieJar && (_0x3a56ce.cookieJar = this.ckjar)); - } - ["get"](_0x25c1e3, _0x3bb9f5 = () => {}) { - switch (_0x25c1e3.headers && (delete _0x25c1e3.headers["Content-Type"], delete _0x25c1e3.headers["Content-Length"], delete _0x25c1e3.headers["content-type"], delete _0x25c1e3.headers["content-length"]), _0x25c1e3.params && (_0x25c1e3.url += "?" + this.queryStr(_0x25c1e3.params)), this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - default: - this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x25c1e3.headers = _0x25c1e3.headers || {}, Object.assign(_0x25c1e3.headers, { - "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 - })), $httpClient.get(_0x25c1e3, (_0x5bc83d, _0x3155d8, _0x3e1c02) => { - !_0x5bc83d && _0x3155d8 && (_0x3155d8.body = _0x3e1c02, _0x3155d8.statusCode = _0x3155d8.status ? _0x3155d8.status : _0x3155d8.statusCode, _0x3155d8.status = _0x3155d8.statusCode); - _0x3bb9f5(_0x5bc83d, _0x3155d8, _0x3e1c02); - }); - break; - case "Quantumult X": - this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x25c1e3.opts = _0x25c1e3.opts || {}, Object.assign(_0x25c1e3.opts, { - "hints": !1 - })), $task.fetch(_0x25c1e3).then(_0x15817a => { - const { - statusCode: _0x11a97e, - statusCode: _0x20ca8a, - headers: _0x277cfb, - body: _0x371a8a, - bodyBytes: _0x24722e - } = _0x15817a; - _0x3bb9f5(null, { - "status": _0x11a97e, - "statusCode": _0x20ca8a, - "headers": _0x277cfb, - "body": _0x371a8a, - "bodyBytes": _0x24722e - }, _0x371a8a, _0x24722e); - }, _0x16ca99 => _0x3bb9f5(_0x16ca99 && _0x16ca99.error || "UndefinedError")); - break; - case "Node.js": - let _0xc9c5e3 = require("iconv-lite"); - this.initGotEnv(_0x25c1e3),"redirect", (_0x22156e, _0x31e9b5) => { - try { - if (_0x22156e.headers["set-cookie"]) { - const _0x3929dc = _0x22156e.headers["set-cookie"].map(this.cktough.Cookie.parse).toString(); - _0x3929dc && this.ckjar.setCookieSync(_0x3929dc, null); - _0x31e9b5.cookieJar = this.ckjar; + }); + }); +} +async function _0x43a202(_0x2a7c1e) { + let _0x2334ec = { + "linkId": "1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA", + "isJdApp": true, + "inviter": _0x2a7c1e + }, + _0x431dbc = { + "appId": "c5389", + "functionId": "inviteFissionhelp", + "fn": "inviteFissionhelp", + "body": _0x2334ec, + "appid": "activities_platform", + "apid": "activities_platform", + "clientVersion": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "ver": $.UA.split(";")[2], + "client": "ios", + "cl": "ios", + "user": $.UserName, + "t":, + "code": 1, + "xcr": 1, + "ua": $.UA + }; + _0x2334ec = await _0x29c7c3.getbody(_0x431dbc); + if (!_0x2334ec) return; + return new Promise(async _0x5d97c9 => { + $.dpost(_0x4308cc(_0x2334ec), async (_0x3a2f5b, _0x414b25, _0x154822) => { + try { + if (_0x3a2f5b) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x3a2f5b)), console.log("help请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x3a2f5b.includes("403") && ($.banip = true);else { + _0x154822 = JSON.parse(_0x154822); + if (_0x154822.code == 0) { + if (! { + $.log("结果:不能助力自己!"); + return; + } + if ( == 1) $.suc++, console.log("结果:助力成功 ✅ " + ($.suc || ""));else { + if ( == 6) { + console.log("结果:已经助力过TA!"); + } else { + if ( == 3) console.log("结果:没有次数!");else { + if ( == 2) $.log("结果:太火爆了 💣"), $.hot = true;else { + if ( == 4) $.log("结果:没有助力次数!");else == 8 ? $.log("结果:TA未开启新的一轮 💤") : console.log("结果:" +["helpResult"]); + } + } } - } catch (_0x114b6b) { - this.logErr(_0x114b6b); } - }).then(_0x65f306 => { - const { - statusCode: _0x195baf, - statusCode: _0x2ba517, - headers: _0xa22639, - rawBody: _0x23e802 - } = _0x65f306, - _0x5421e0 = _0xc9c5e3.decode(_0x23e802, this.encoding); - _0x3bb9f5(null, { - "status": _0x195baf, - "statusCode": _0x2ba517, - "headers": _0xa22639, - "rawBody": _0x23e802, - "body": _0x5421e0 - }, _0x5421e0); - }, _0x17ea43 => { - const { - message: _0x37eb53, - response: _0xe06aa1 - } = _0x17ea43; - _0x3bb9f5(_0x37eb53, _0xe06aa1, _0xe06aa1 && _0xc9c5e3.decode(_0xe06aa1.rawBody, this.encoding)); - }); - } - } - ["post"](_0x3849c4, _0x581456 = () => {}) { - const _0x1b96ee = _0x3849c4.method ? _0x3849c4.method.toLocaleLowerCase() : "post"; - switch (_0x3849c4.body && _0x3849c4.headers && !_0x3849c4.headers["Content-Type"] && !_0x3849c4.headers["content-type"] && (_0x3849c4.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), _0x3849c4.headers && (delete _0x3849c4.headers["Content-Length"], delete _0x3849c4.headers["content-length"]), this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - default: - this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x3849c4.headers = _0x3849c4.headers || {}, Object.assign(_0x3849c4.headers, { - "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 - })), $httpClient[_0x1b96ee](_0x3849c4, (_0x18310c, _0x902ca8, _0x22f41f) => { - !_0x18310c && _0x902ca8 && (_0x902ca8.body = _0x22f41f, _0x902ca8.statusCode = _0x902ca8.status ? _0x902ca8.status : _0x902ca8.statusCode, _0x902ca8.status = _0x902ca8.statusCode); - _0x581456(_0x18310c, _0x902ca8, _0x22f41f); - }); - break; - case "Quantumult X": - _0x3849c4.method = _0x1b96ee, this.isNeedRewrite && (_0x3849c4.opts = _0x3849c4.opts || {}, Object.assign(_0x3849c4.opts, { - "hints": !1 - })), $task.fetch(_0x3849c4).then(_0x28e161 => { - const { - statusCode: _0x54ff8a, - statusCode: _0x4b8ac5, - headers: _0xb716dd, - body: _0x4b13fb, - bodyBytes: _0x578358 - } = _0x28e161; - _0x581456(null, { - "status": _0x54ff8a, - "statusCode": _0x4b8ac5, - "headers": _0xb716dd, - "body": _0x4b13fb, - "bodyBytes": _0x578358 - }, _0x4b13fb, _0x578358); - }, _0x193b9c => _0x581456(_0x193b9c && _0x193b9c.error || "UndefinedError")); - break; - case "Node.js": - let _0x331155 = require("iconv-lite"); - this.initGotEnv(_0x3849c4); - const { - url: _0x5482df, - ..._0x286362 - } = _0x3849c4; -[_0x1b96ee](_0x5482df, _0x286362).then(_0x1dfc6f => { - const { - statusCode: _0x5b3421, - statusCode: _0x590e6f, - headers: _0x3cbe68, - rawBody: _0x260caf - } = _0x1dfc6f, - _0x1f23ad = _0x331155.decode(_0x260caf, this.encoding); - _0x581456(null, { - "status": _0x5b3421, - "statusCode": _0x590e6f, - "headers": _0x3cbe68, - "rawBody": _0x260caf, - "body": _0x1f23ad - }, _0x1f23ad); - }, _0x190866 => { - const { - message: _0x25ddcd, - response: _0x1393b7 - } = _0x190866; - _0x581456(_0x25ddcd, _0x1393b7, _0x1393b7 && _0x331155.decode(_0x1393b7.rawBody, this.encoding)); - }); + } else { + console.log(_0x154822.errMsg); + } + } + } catch (_0x4eb753) { + $.logErr(_0x4eb753, _0x414b25); + } finally { + _0x5d97c9(_0x154822); } - } - ["time"](_0x193aed, _0x1c3f1b = null) { - const _0x860930 = _0x1c3f1b ? new Date(_0x1c3f1b) : new Date(); - let _0x1c587d = { - "M+": _0x860930.getMonth() + 1, - "d+": _0x860930.getDate(), - "H+": _0x860930.getHours(), - "m+": _0x860930.getMinutes(), - "s+": _0x860930.getSeconds(), - "q+": Math.floor((_0x860930.getMonth() + 3) / 3), - "S": _0x860930.getMilliseconds() - }; - /(y+)/.test(_0x193aed) && (_0x193aed = _0x193aed.replace(RegExp.$1, (_0x860930.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); - for (let _0x545c20 in _0x1c587d) new RegExp("(" + _0x545c20 + ")").test(_0x193aed) && (_0x193aed = _0x193aed.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? _0x1c587d[_0x545c20] : ("00" + _0x1c587d[_0x545c20]).substr(("" + _0x1c587d[_0x545c20]).length))); - return _0x193aed; - } - ["queryStr"](_0x57e7b5) { - let _0x1e1b8d = ""; - for (const _0x5857ab in _0x57e7b5) { - let _0x2b990e = _0x57e7b5[_0x5857ab]; - null != _0x2b990e && "" !== _0x2b990e && ("object" == typeof _0x2b990e && (_0x2b990e = JSON.stringify(_0x2b990e)), _0x1e1b8d += _0x5857ab + "=" + _0x2b990e + "&"); + }); + }); +} +async function _0x5473da(_0x2a0324, _0x34a9fd) { + let _0x382fb3 = "functionId=apCashWithDraw&body={\"linkId\":\"1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA\",\"businessSource\":\"NONE\",\"base\":{\"id\":" + + ",\"business\":\"fission\",\"poolBaseId\":" + _0x2a0324.poolBaseId + ",\"prizeGroupId\":" + _0x2a0324.prizeGroupId + ",\"prizeBaseId\":" + _0x2a0324.prizeBaseId + ",\"prizeType\":4}}&t=" + + "&appid=activities_platform&client=ios&clientVersion=" + $.UA.split(";")[2], + _0x367f4f = { + "url": "", + "body": _0x382fb3, + "headers": { + "Host": "", + "Origin": "", + "Referer": "", + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "User-Agent": $.UA, + "Cookie": _0x584117 } - return _0x1e1b8d = _0x1e1b8d.substring(0, _0x1e1b8d.length - 1), _0x1e1b8d; - } - ["msg"](_0x57bce8 = _0x5ccb4a, _0x9a161c = "", _0x2742f3 = "", _0x27c8b3) { - const _0x2be68b = _0xab9bc8 => { - switch (typeof _0xab9bc8) { - case void 0: - return _0xab9bc8; - case "string": - switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Stash": - default: - return { - "url": _0xab9bc8 - }; - case "Loon": - case "Shadowrocket": - return _0xab9bc8; - case "Quantumult X": - return { - "open-url": _0xab9bc8 - }; - case "Node.js": - return; - } - case "object": - switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - default: - { - let _0xb7bc19 = _0xab9bc8.url || _0xab9bc8.openUrl || _0xab9bc8["open-url"]; - return { - "url": _0xb7bc19 - }; - } - case "Loon": - { - let _0x591adf = _0xab9bc8.openUrl || _0xab9bc8.url || _0xab9bc8["open-url"], - _0x41f8d3 = _0xab9bc8.mediaUrl || _0xab9bc8["media-url"]; - return { - "openUrl": _0x591adf, - "mediaUrl": _0x41f8d3 - }; - } - case "Quantumult X": - { - let _0x2c989f = _0xab9bc8["open-url"] || _0xab9bc8.url || _0xab9bc8.openUrl, - _0x533db6 = _0xab9bc8["media-url"] || _0xab9bc8.mediaUrl, - _0x56f64c = _0xab9bc8["update-pasteboard"] || _0xab9bc8.updatePasteboard; - return { - "open-url": _0x2c989f, - "media-url": _0x533db6, - "update-pasteboard": _0x56f64c - }; - } - case "Node.js": - return; + }; + return new Promise(async _0x46c15a => { + $.dpost(_0x367f4f, async (_0x8a0b75, _0x59db31, _0x4a3a9d) => { + try { + if (_0x8a0b75) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x8a0b75)), console.log("apCashWithDraw请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x8a0b75.includes("403") && ($.banip = true);else { + _0x4a3a9d = JSON.parse(_0x4a3a9d); + if (_0x4a3a9d.code == 0) { + if ("待发放") > -1) process.stdout.write("" + (!$.txfail ? "❌" : "❌ ")), $.txfail = true;else { + if ("上限")) !_0x2eab8e && process.stdout.write("♻️ "), $.txfull = true, $.txfail = false;else"提现") ? (process.stdout.write("✔️ "), $.txsuc.push(_0x34a9fd), $.txfail = false) : console.log(; } - default: - return; + } else console.log(_0x4a3a9d.errMsg); } - }; - if (!this.isMute) switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - default: - $, _0x9a161c, _0x2742f3, _0x2be68b(_0x27c8b3)); - break; - case "Quantumult X": - $notify(_0x57bce8, _0x9a161c, _0x2742f3, _0x2be68b(_0x27c8b3)); - break; - case "Node.js": - } - if (!this.isMuteLog) { - let _0x4cb65f = ["", "==============\uD83D\uDCE3\u7CFB\u7EDF\u901A\u77E5\uD83D\uDCE3=============="]; - _0x4cb65f.push(_0x57bce8); - _0x9a161c && _0x4cb65f.push(_0x9a161c); - _0x2742f3 && _0x4cb65f.push(_0x2742f3); - console.log(_0x4cb65f.join("\n")); - this.logs = this.logs.concat(_0x4cb65f); + } catch (_0x38ee1e) { + $.logErr(_0x38ee1e, _0x59db31); + } finally { + _0x46c15a(_0x4a3a9d || ""); } - } - ["log"](..._0x5790be) { - _0x5790be.length > 0 && (this.logs = [...this.logs, ..._0x5790be]); - console.log(_0x5790be.join(this.logSeparator)); - } - ["logErr"](_0x18809c, _0x461a1f) { - switch (this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - case "Quantumult X": - default: - this.log("", "\u2757\uFE0F" + + ",\u9519\u8BEF!", _0x18809c); - break; - case "Node.js": - this.log("", "\u2757\uFE0F" + + ",\u9519\u8BEF!", _0x18809c.stack); + }); + }); +} +async function _0x28ab25(_0x7195fa, _0x33e052) { + let _0x7d2d5a = "functionId=apRecompenseDrawPrize&body={\"drawRecordId\":" + + ",\"business\":\"fission\",\"poolId\":" + _0x7195fa.poolBaseId + ",\"prizeGroupId\":" + _0x7195fa.prizeGroupId + ",\"prizeId\":" + _0x7195fa.prizeBaseId + ",\"linkId\":\"1v8ROyHv8LXPs559oaclNA\"}&t=" + + "&appid=activities_platform&client=ios&clientVersion=" + $.UA.split(";")[2], + _0x4f514c = { + "url": "", + "body": _0x7d2d5a, + "headers": { + "Host": "", + "Origin": "", + "Referer": "", + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "User-Agent": $.UA, + "Cookie": _0x584117 } - } - ["wait"](_0x2723b7) { - return new Promise(_0x249990 => setTimeout(_0x249990, _0x2723b7)); - } - ["DoubleLog"](_0x1e0a39) { - if (this.isNode()) { - if (_0x1e0a39) { - console.log("" + _0x1e0a39); - this.message += "\n " + _0x1e0a39; + }; + return new Promise(async _0x26713a => { + $.dpost(_0x4f514c, async (_0x7ba67f, _0x3514e9, _0x389e72) => { + try { + if (_0x7ba67f) console.log("" + JSON.stringify(_0x7ba67f)), console.log("apRecompenseDrawPrize 请求失败,请检查网路重试"), _0x7ba67f.includes("403") && ($.banip = true);else { + _0x389e72 = JSON.parse(_0x389e72); + if (_0x389e72.code == 0) { + === "0" ? (process.stdout.write("🧧 "), $.toredsuc.push(_0x33e052)) : (process.stdout.write("❎ "), $.toredfailnum++); + } else _0x389e72.errMsg === "失败" ? (process.stdout.write("❎ "), $.toredfailnum++) : console.log(_0x389e72.errMsg); } - } else console.log("" + _0x1e0a39), this.message += "\n " + _0x1e0a39; - } - async ["SendMsg"](_0x82d415) { - if (!_0x82d415) return; - if (_0x521cbd > 0) { - if (this.isNode()) { - var _0x55fa57 = require("./sendNotify"); - await _0x55fa57.sendNotify(, _0x82d415); - } else this.msg(, "", _0x82d415); - } else { - console.log(_0x82d415); + } catch (_0xac7c65) { + $.logErr(_0xac7c65, _0x3514e9); + } finally { + _0x26713a(_0x389e72); } - } - ["done"](_0x50c76d = {}) { - const _0x153b28 = new Date().getTime(), - _0x26855c = (_0x153b28 - this.startTime) / 1000; - switch (this.log("", "\uD83D\uDD14" + + ",\u7ED3\u675F!\uD83D\uDD5B" + _0x26855c + "\u79D2"), this.log(), this.getEnv()) { - case "Surge": - case "Loon": - case "Stash": - case "Shadowrocket": - case "Quantumult X": - default: - $done(_0x50c76d); - break; - case "Node.js": - process.exit(1); + }); + }); +} +function _0x4308cc(_0x2f9414) { + return { + "url": "" + _0x2f9414, + "headers": { + "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", + "x-rp-client": "h5_1.0.0", + "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "User-Agent": $.UA, + "x-referer-page": "", + "Origin": "", + "X-Requested-With": "", + "Referer": "", + "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", + "Accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7", + "Cookie": _0x584117 + } + }; +} +function _0x50bf52() { + return new Promise(_0x25bbe8 => { + const _0x3d33af = { + "url": "", + "headers": { + "Cookie": _0x584117, + "referer": "", + "User-Agent": $.UA + }, + "timeout": 10000 + }; + $.get(_0x3d33af, (_0x440d32, _0x2a4b56, _0x2a66d7) => { + try { + if (_0x2a66d7) { + _0x2a66d7 = JSON.parse(_0x2a66d7); + if (_0x2a66d7.islogin === "1") {} else _0x2a66d7.islogin === "0" && ($.isLogin = false); + } + } catch (_0x4e5ac2) { + console.log(_0x4e5ac2); + } finally { + _0x25bbe8(); } + }); + }); +} +function _0x585d88() { + return new Promise(_0x18582c => { + if (!_0x3e8387) $.msg($.name, "", "" + _0x229170);else { + $.log("京东账号" + $.index + $.nickName + "\n" + _0x229170); } - }(_0x5ccb4a, _0x528fb9); + _0x18582c(); + }); } -function _0x55e9d0(_0x2fb25d) { - function _0x24f75c(_0x26f2ae, _0x4ca984) { - return _0x26f2ae << _0x4ca984 | _0x26f2ae >>> 32 - _0x4ca984; +function _0xfc0c36(_0x3208b3) { + try { + if (typeof JSON.parse(_0x3208b3) == "object") return true; + } catch (_0x58fbb9) { + return console.log(_0x58fbb9), console.log("京东服务器访问数据为空,请检查自身设备网络情况"), false; } - function _0x5b0ce8(_0x587886, _0x904456) { - var _0x758c2a, _0x14a26d, _0x576a47, _0x2493c9, _0x3309c5; - return _0x576a47 = 2147483648 & _0x587886, _0x2493c9 = 2147483648 & _0x904456, _0x758c2a = 1073741824 & _0x587886, _0x14a26d = 1073741824 & _0x904456, _0x3309c5 = (1073741823 & _0x587886) + (1073741823 & _0x904456), _0x758c2a & _0x14a26d ? 2147483648 ^ _0x3309c5 ^ _0x576a47 ^ _0x2493c9 : _0x758c2a | _0x14a26d ? 1073741824 & _0x3309c5 ? 3221225472 ^ _0x3309c5 ^ _0x576a47 ^ _0x2493c9 : 1073741824 ^ _0x3309c5 ^ _0x576a47 ^ _0x2493c9 : _0x3309c5 ^ _0x576a47 ^ _0x2493c9; - } - function _0x51f21f(_0x5bf491, _0x1e6208, _0x2e8770) { - return _0x5bf491 & _0x1e6208 | ~_0x5bf491 & _0x2e8770; - } - function _0xe9b824(_0xc01777, _0x58e50c, _0x32d121) { - return _0xc01777 & _0x32d121 | _0x58e50c & ~_0x32d121; - } - function _0x4ed984(_0x3e517f, _0x96552, _0x489169) { - return _0x3e517f ^ _0x96552 ^ _0x489169; - } - function _0x12e80f(_0x1c8e77, _0x26bf2b, _0x5ac5c5) { - return _0x26bf2b ^ (_0x1c8e77 | ~_0x5ac5c5); - } - function _0x12fb69(_0x4a1049, _0xfcb1b9, _0x3cf11b, _0x1d16d9, _0x30d310, _0x3a7f88, _0x5cd0e1) { - return _0x4a1049 = _0x5b0ce8(_0x4a1049, _0x5b0ce8(_0x5b0ce8(_0x51f21f(_0xfcb1b9, _0x3cf11b, _0x1d16d9), _0x30d310), _0x5cd0e1)), _0x5b0ce8(_0x24f75c(_0x4a1049, _0x3a7f88), _0xfcb1b9); - } - function _0x536e86(_0x4eab83, _0x59ad8e, _0x12ae53, _0xff86e3, _0x545e27, _0x20d816, _0x8fb0c1) { - return _0x4eab83 = _0x5b0ce8(_0x4eab83, _0x5b0ce8(_0x5b0ce8(_0xe9b824(_0x59ad8e, _0x12ae53, _0xff86e3), _0x545e27), _0x8fb0c1)), _0x5b0ce8(_0x24f75c(_0x4eab83, _0x20d816), _0x59ad8e); - } - function _0x5160a5(_0x53a09f, _0xbcc909, _0x184388, _0xeb081b, _0x1143ee, _0x581f76, _0x2eb000) { - return _0x53a09f = _0x5b0ce8(_0x53a09f, _0x5b0ce8(_0x5b0ce8(_0x4ed984(_0xbcc909, _0x184388, _0xeb081b), _0x1143ee), _0x2eb000)), _0x5b0ce8(_0x24f75c(_0x53a09f, _0x581f76), _0xbcc909); - } - function _0x4950cc(_0x5b0007, _0x23334f, _0x29988c, _0x5152f9, _0x15907d, _0x46bf6e, _0x111068) { - return _0x5b0007 = _0x5b0ce8(_0x5b0007, _0x5b0ce8(_0x5b0ce8(_0x12e80f(_0x23334f, _0x29988c, _0x5152f9), _0x15907d), _0x111068)), _0x5b0ce8(_0x24f75c(_0x5b0007, _0x46bf6e), _0x23334f); - } - function _0x2647ca(_0x4da091) { - for (var _0x51df1c, _0x394fbc = _0x4da091.length, _0xda5186 = _0x394fbc + 8, _0x2cb521 = (_0xda5186 - _0xda5186 % 64) / 64, _0x468e9b = 16 * (_0x2cb521 + 1), _0x4c9aa0 = new Array(_0x468e9b - 1), _0x39ffb5 = 0, _0x5be6e5 = 0; _0x394fbc > _0x5be6e5;) _0x51df1c = (_0x5be6e5 - _0x5be6e5 % 4) / 4, _0x39ffb5 = _0x5be6e5 % 4 * 8, _0x4c9aa0[_0x51df1c] = _0x4c9aa0[_0x51df1c] | _0x4da091.charCodeAt(_0x5be6e5) << _0x39ffb5, _0x5be6e5++; - return _0x51df1c = (_0x5be6e5 - _0x5be6e5 % 4) / 4, _0x39ffb5 = _0x5be6e5 % 4 * 8, _0x4c9aa0[_0x51df1c] = _0x4c9aa0[_0x51df1c] | 128 << _0x39ffb5, _0x4c9aa0[_0x468e9b - 2] = _0x394fbc << 3, _0x4c9aa0[_0x468e9b - 1] = _0x394fbc >>> 29, _0x4c9aa0; - } - function _0x4e8ef0(_0x170140) { - var _0xb2947d, - _0x57781b, - _0x1175d3 = "", - _0xf76ca8 = ""; - for (_0x57781b = 0; 3 >= _0x57781b; _0x57781b++) _0xb2947d = _0x170140 >>> 8 * _0x57781b & 255, _0xf76ca8 = "0" + _0xb2947d.toString(16), _0x1175d3 += _0xf76ca8.substr(_0xf76ca8.length - 2, 2); - return _0x1175d3; - } - function _0x84030a(_0x3b8a5f) { - _0x3b8a5f = _0x3b8a5f.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); - for (var _0x40a2bc = "", _0x406a71 = 0; _0x406a71 < _0x3b8a5f.length; _0x406a71++) { - var _0x369c58 = _0x3b8a5f.charCodeAt(_0x406a71); - 128 > _0x369c58 ? _0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(_0x369c58) : _0x369c58 > 127 && 2048 > _0x369c58 ? (_0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(_0x369c58 >> 6 | 192), _0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(63 & _0x369c58 | 128)) : (_0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(_0x369c58 >> 12 | 224), _0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(_0x369c58 >> 6 & 63 | 128), _0x40a2bc += String.fromCharCode(63 & _0x369c58 | 128)); +} +function _0x289ba0() { + let _0x40bec1 = { + "url": "", + "timeout": 30000 + }; + return new Promise(_0x1740d8 => { + $.get(_0x40bec1, async (_0x4bfbbb, _0x38f79e, _0x338fcf) => { + try { + if (_0x4bfbbb) console.log("\n服务连接失败,终止执行!"), process.exit(111);else { + if (_0x338fcf) { + _0x338fcf = JSON.parse(_0x338fcf); + if (_0x338fcf.code === 200) _0x811f17 =;else {} + } + } + } catch (_0x5d7cd1) { + $.logErr(_0x5d7cd1, _0x38f79e); + } finally { + _0x1740d8(_0x811f17); + } + }); + }); +} +function _0x543533(_0x1a3b69) { + const _0x1d5f84 = _0x1a3b69.getFullYear(), + _0x3b4a90 = ("0" + (_0x1a3b69.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), + _0x9521ab = ("0" + _0x1a3b69.getDate()).slice(-2), + _0x5e2bde = ("0" + _0x1a3b69.getHours()).slice(-2), + _0x236da4 = ("0" + _0x1a3b69.getMinutes()).slice(-2), + _0x1a34b0 = ("0" + _0x1a3b69.getSeconds()).slice(-2); + return _0x1d5f84 + "/" + _0x3b4a90 + "/" + _0x9521ab + " " + _0x5e2bde + ":" + _0x236da4 + ":" + _0x1a34b0; +} +function _0x199592(_0x5d20b4) { + if (typeof _0x5d20b4 == "string") { + try { + return JSON.parse(_0x5d20b4); + } catch (_0x182d9b) { + return console.log(_0x182d9b), $.msg($.name, "", "请勿随意在BoxJs输入框修改内容\n建议通过脚本去获取cookie"), []; } - return _0x40a2bc; } - var _0x4a6889, - _0x565cfa, - _0x25a5ee, - _0xdfdafe, - _0x4c3796, - _0x18917b, - _0x1e568b, - _0x396fbf, - _0x435d84, - _0x17b6db = [], - _0x1356a4 = 7, - _0xae08fd = 12, - _0x18dc1f = 17, - _0x7d2b32 = 22, - _0x46b6d3 = 5, - _0xaa48ed = 9, - _0x5dcb15 = 14, - _0x2ee0a9 = 20, - _0x4a0d53 = 4, - _0x4bdbc7 = 11, - _0x151f75 = 16, - _0x1c0d82 = 23, - _0x539797 = 6, - _0x347595 = 10, - _0x4dc567 = 15, - _0x59bd24 = 21; - for (_0x2fb25d = _0x84030a(_0x2fb25d), _0x17b6db = _0x2647ca(_0x2fb25d), _0x18917b = 1732584193, _0x1e568b = 4023233417, _0x396fbf = 2562383102, _0x435d84 = 271733878, _0x4a6889 = 0; _0x4a6889 < _0x17b6db.length; _0x4a6889 += 16) _0x565cfa = _0x18917b, _0x25a5ee = _0x1e568b, _0xdfdafe = _0x396fbf, _0x4c3796 = _0x435d84, _0x18917b = _0x12fb69(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 0], _0x1356a4, 3614090360), _0x435d84 = _0x12fb69(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 1], _0xae08fd, 3905402710), _0x396fbf = _0x12fb69(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 2], _0x18dc1f, 606105819), _0x1e568b = _0x12fb69(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 3], _0x7d2b32, 3250441966), _0x18917b = _0x12fb69(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 4], _0x1356a4, 4118548399), _0x435d84 = _0x12fb69(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 5], _0xae08fd, 1200080426), _0x396fbf = _0x12fb69(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 6], _0x18dc1f, 2821735955), _0x1e568b = _0x12fb69(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 7], _0x7d2b32, 4249261313), _0x18917b = _0x12fb69(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 8], _0x1356a4, 1770035416), _0x435d84 = _0x12fb69(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 9], _0xae08fd, 2336552879), _0x396fbf = _0x12fb69(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 10], _0x18dc1f, 4294925233), _0x1e568b = _0x12fb69(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 11], _0x7d2b32, 2304563134), _0x18917b = _0x12fb69(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 12], _0x1356a4, 1804603682), _0x435d84 = _0x12fb69(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 13], _0xae08fd, 4254626195), _0x396fbf = _0x12fb69(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 14], _0x18dc1f, 2792965006), _0x1e568b = _0x12fb69(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 15], _0x7d2b32, 1236535329), _0x18917b = _0x536e86(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 1], _0x46b6d3, 4129170786), _0x435d84 = _0x536e86(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 6], _0xaa48ed, 3225465664), _0x396fbf = _0x536e86(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 11], _0x5dcb15, 643717713), _0x1e568b = _0x536e86(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 0], _0x2ee0a9, 3921069994), _0x18917b = _0x536e86(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 5], _0x46b6d3, 3593408605), _0x435d84 = _0x536e86(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 10], _0xaa48ed, 38016083), _0x396fbf = _0x536e86(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 15], _0x5dcb15, 3634488961), _0x1e568b = _0x536e86(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 4], _0x2ee0a9, 3889429448), _0x18917b = _0x536e86(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 9], _0x46b6d3, 568446438), _0x435d84 = _0x536e86(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 14], _0xaa48ed, 3275163606), _0x396fbf = _0x536e86(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 3], _0x5dcb15, 4107603335), _0x1e568b = _0x536e86(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 8], _0x2ee0a9, 1163531501), _0x18917b = _0x536e86(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 13], _0x46b6d3, 2850285829), _0x435d84 = _0x536e86(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 2], _0xaa48ed, 4243563512), _0x396fbf = _0x536e86(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 7], _0x5dcb15, 1735328473), _0x1e568b = _0x536e86(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 12], _0x2ee0a9, 2368359562), _0x18917b = _0x5160a5(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 5], _0x4a0d53, 4294588738), _0x435d84 = _0x5160a5(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 8], _0x4bdbc7, 2272392833), _0x396fbf = _0x5160a5(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 11], _0x151f75, 1839030562), _0x1e568b = _0x5160a5(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 14], _0x1c0d82, 4259657740), _0x18917b = _0x5160a5(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 1], _0x4a0d53, 2763975236), _0x435d84 = _0x5160a5(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 4], _0x4bdbc7, 1272893353), _0x396fbf = _0x5160a5(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 7], _0x151f75, 4139469664), _0x1e568b = _0x5160a5(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 10], _0x1c0d82, 3200236656), _0x18917b = _0x5160a5(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 13], _0x4a0d53, 681279174), _0x435d84 = _0x5160a5(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 0], _0x4bdbc7, 3936430074), _0x396fbf = _0x5160a5(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 3], _0x151f75, 3572445317), _0x1e568b = _0x5160a5(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 6], _0x1c0d82, 76029189), _0x18917b = _0x5160a5(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 9], _0x4a0d53, 3654602809), _0x435d84 = _0x5160a5(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 12], _0x4bdbc7, 3873151461), _0x396fbf = _0x5160a5(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 15], _0x151f75, 530742520), _0x1e568b = _0x5160a5(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 2], _0x1c0d82, 3299628645), _0x18917b = _0x4950cc(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 0], _0x539797, 4096336452), _0x435d84 = _0x4950cc(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 7], _0x347595, 1126891415), _0x396fbf = _0x4950cc(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 14], _0x4dc567, 2878612391), _0x1e568b = _0x4950cc(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 5], _0x59bd24, 4237533241), _0x18917b = _0x4950cc(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 12], _0x539797, 1700485571), _0x435d84 = _0x4950cc(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 3], _0x347595, 2399980690), _0x396fbf = _0x4950cc(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 10], _0x4dc567, 4293915773), _0x1e568b = _0x4950cc(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 1], _0x59bd24, 2240044497), _0x18917b = _0x4950cc(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 8], _0x539797, 1873313359), _0x435d84 = _0x4950cc(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 15], _0x347595, 4264355552), _0x396fbf = _0x4950cc(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 6], _0x4dc567, 2734768916), _0x1e568b = _0x4950cc(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 13], _0x59bd24, 1309151649), _0x18917b = _0x4950cc(_0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 4], _0x539797, 4149444226), _0x435d84 = _0x4950cc(_0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 11], _0x347595, 3174756917), _0x396fbf = _0x4950cc(_0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x1e568b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 2], _0x4dc567, 718787259), _0x1e568b = _0x4950cc(_0x1e568b, _0x396fbf, _0x435d84, _0x18917b, _0x17b6db[_0x4a6889 + 9], _0x59bd24, 3951481745), _0x18917b = _0x5b0ce8(_0x18917b, _0x565cfa), _0x1e568b = _0x5b0ce8(_0x1e568b, _0x25a5ee), _0x396fbf = _0x5b0ce8(_0x396fbf, _0xdfdafe), _0x435d84 = _0x5b0ce8(_0x435d84, _0x4c3796); - var _0x533442 = _0x4e8ef0(_0x18917b) + _0x4e8ef0(_0x1e568b) + _0x4e8ef0(_0x396fbf) + _0x4e8ef0(_0x435d84); - return _0x533442.toLowerCase(); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index da4fe06e2..f5917ed52 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#2024-07-23 09:42:30 +#2024-08-05 01:29:21 import requests import os import time