You can run ssite shell
on an existing site, to get a python shell with the
variable set to the fully built staticsite.Site
object for the site.
staticsite uses pretty standard unittest-based tests. You can run them normally
with nose2-3
or ./ test
nose2-3 -C --coverage-report=html
sensible-browser htmlcov/index.html
python3 -m cProfile -o profile.out ./ssite build …
>>> import pstats
>>> from pstats import SortKey
>>> stats = pstats.Stats("profile.out")
>>> stats.sort_stats(SortKey.CUMULATIVE).print_stats(20)
You can use devel/profile-view
to get some ready made statistics on profile
data, and explore the profile results.
You can also use runsnakerun (in Debian, you currently need version 2.0.5 (not yet available in buster) to read python3 profile data).
You can run make check
to run a range of configured lint tools.
make mypy
codespell --write-changes --skip debian/copyright *.md debian doc example staticsite tests
- Run tests
make check
- Build for debian
debian/rules debsrc
sudo cowbuilder update
sudo cowbuilder build staticsite_$version.dsc
debsign staticsite_$version_source.changes
dput staticsite_$version_source.changes
- Tag release in git
git tag -s v$version
git push --tags
Documentation at