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Releases: spmeesseman/vscode-taskexplorer


27 Jan 05:59
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Bug FixExplorertsc tasks are not refreshed if a tsconfig.json is removed or moved.
Bug FixApiif multiple enable/disable settings are changed quickly programatically, several progress messages for parsing are opened in the toolbar.
Bug FixProvidersmakefile task does not use custom $gccte parser if ms-vscode.cpptools extension is not installed
Bug FixProviderscomposer parser throws unhandled exception parsing invalid JSON
Bug FixProviderscomposer tasks are scanned out of alpha order
DocumentationReadme**adm:**addtiooxtaltakpovidapi.[]References #22
DocumentationReadmeadd section on animated running task icons
FeatureApiwokigiitialimplmtatiooxtaltakpovidapi[]References #22


24 Jan 06:32
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Bug FixProviderscustom parser throws exception on invalid file
Bug FixProvidersant-program parser does not work
Bug FixApiusing the 'stop' command on a detached task throws unhandled exception
Bug FixTreedeleting a folder from outside VSCode while  open causes tree to break
RefactoringGeneraluse internal storage as opposed to vscode setting for storing custom task labels
RefactoringProvidersadd check for ignore in ReadTask


23 Jan 08:15
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Bug FixGeneralcomportakuanncorrctcommandwhncutd.[]
Fixes #166


23 Jan 08:06
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Bug FixGeneralnew bash glob patterns do not work
Bug FixGeneralthe new setting to disable animated icons broke context for running tasks


22 Jan 17:20
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Bug FixGeneralwhnttngforclckacton'Ecut',can'tuthothr'Opn'acton.[]Fixes #160
Bug FixGeneralpause button does not work in Explorer view
FeatureGeneraladdupprtfrphpcmprtakfundincmpr.jn[]Closes #150
FeatureGeneraladdnwtting'GbPattrnBah'frpcifyinggbpattrnfridntifyingbahcriptwithnxtnin.[]Closes #153
FeatureGeneraladdnwtting'Diabanimatdicn'tdiabpinningicnwhnrunningtak,knwntcauhighPUuagnmytm.[]Closes #157
FeatureGeneraladdabrnamcmmandfrpciafdritm[]Closes #164
RefactoringGeneralthe 'Include Ant' setting has been deprecated, use 'Glob Patterns Ant'.


29 Aug 02:40
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Bug FixGeneralmultiple scans occur if a task is running, the explorer view is not visible, and a package.json script name that is referenced in tasks.json is modified.


21 Aug 04:12
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Bug FixGeneralevents are processing for bothe sidebar and explorer view even if only one is activated and in use.


20 Aug 22:25
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Bug FixGeneralregression - leaving view while task is running then coming back after it has finished causes re-parse of all tasksif both main and sidebar view are enabled.
DocumentationReadmeupdate open source project list
Build SystemApupdate renamed 3.7  publishrc properties
Build SystemGeneralcodecov upload fails when using git bash


18 Aug 00:04
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Bug FixGeneralif a task completes while the explorer view is not visible, the tree is not refreshed
Build SystemGeneralfix -vscode release only contains webpacked files but vsce complains of 850+files in package.


17 Aug 08:58
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RefactoringGeneralhandle VSCode v1.56+ randomly emitting 10+ task start/stop events when a task starts and finishes
Build SystemPackage.jsonfix -vscode release only contains webpacked files but vsce complains of 850+files in package.
Build SystemGeneralfix - vsix fails to upload with guthub release