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Releases: spmeesseman/vscode-taskexplorer


27 Feb 10:23
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2.0.5 (2021-02-27)

Bug Fixes

  • add to favorites fails if there is only one workspace folder and no tasks exist in the last tasks folder (6456148)
  • adding a grouped node to excludes via context menu isnt working, it has be done at the root node (ce4ad76)
  • broken async on add/remove favorite (c4cf8ab)
  • manually stopping a task at the instant it finishes can cause extension to stop responding (4e84592)
  • npm install tasks are showing up for subfolders containg a package.json, npm management tasks should only showin file node context menu (1712966)
  • regression - removing a workspace folder causes extension to stop responding (4703ebb)

Build System

  • initial preparation for webpack build (e7cedef)

Code Refactoring

  • additional logging [references #138] (359bf37)
  • improve logging indentation for better readability (e35a80e)



20 Feb 05:27
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2.0.4 (2021-02-20)

Bug Fixes

  • open command does not work for vscode/workspace tasks if a path property is defined. (8535d69)
  • tree build loops indefinitely when vscode/worskspace tasks with path properties exist. [fixes #133] (d8fb390)


19 Feb 05:51
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2.0.3 (2021-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • makefile targets are not parsed correctly in v2. [fixes #136] (2ac9c6c)
  • modifying a task file other than an npm package.json causes workspace tasks to disappear nd requires manual refresh to get back (44385f9)


15 Feb 09:08
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2.0.2 (2021-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • if no ant includes are specified in sttings.json, the xtension does not start if all task types are enabled (0a4ede6)
  • insiders 1.53.1 build hangs randomly (70e34c8)

Code Refactoring

  • extract more funcitonality into base task interface for easier debugging (a2ff41a)


15 Feb 06:06
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2.0.1 (2021-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • after modifying and saving an ant file, changes are no longer noticed. (de7dfdd)
  • modifying a package.json that has defined tasks in a tasks.json file causes the vscode tasks tree node to break (7b0c4f7)

Code Refactoring

  • task definitions are not properly exposed to vscode api (bc1f0b4)



14 Feb 14:45
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2.0.0 (2021-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • altering the 'includeAnt' globs has no effect when removing globs until after a restart (71c97f9)
  • ant files with an uppercase letter other than the first letter do not display with the path prepandature (3b0d639)
  • ant task discovery is breaking async /await process (658da17)
  • bild node groupings breaks async/await processing (d784c75)
  • gulfile.babel.js and gulpfile.mjs are no longer found (a5aa7fd)
  • if npm.packageManager setting is 'auto', the npm icon is missing in all npm tree nodes (a3504a0)
  • logValue does not log a false boolean value (bf99324)
  • run with no terminal still opens the terminal (ea2fd8f)
  • switching between explorer and sidebar views can cause a crash in certain cases. (f2e85cf)
  • the 'open' button icon is missing in the sidebar view (2a63421)
  • the context menu npm commands fail if the package manager setting in Code is set to 'auto' (0e42fd4)
  • when modifying an ant file, the tree randomly breaks and must be refreshed manually (9e5d0e0)

Build System

  • finalize update to eslint from tslint (52a2d93)
  • set visual tag as patch (e169b0f)

Code Refactoring

  • add temp handler for v2 to clean up tasks caches (e3f030d)
  • add timestamps to logging (8d9cf9d)
  • improve log readability (291280f)
  • sort project folders (e424b5b)


  • readme: add new section for v2 (f68591c)
  • readme: add ref to new vscode-extjs language server extension (b0f45eb)
  • readme: update 2.0 info (5877652)


  • add 'clear list' action to last tasks tree node (06afff0)
  • add favorites list (decf2cd)
  • do all processing with async/await (48098b4)

Performance Improvements

  • config changes for some settings refresh performance increased by 2-5x (b146814)
  • major performance improvement in tree refresh when tasks start and when they complete. (a2b271e)
  • when a watched file is modified, created, or deleted, re-ask the VSCode task engine for tasks of only the task type that the file is associated with. (a74bfac)

Visual Enhancements


08 Feb 09:31
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1.30.2 (2021-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • editing a gulp files are causies its respective tree node to break. (f4c6479)
  • grouped task labels in tree still contain the grouping parts, only the last part should display (6117ac8)

Code Refactoring

  • add setting to turn task label renaming on/off (7be7488)


08 Feb 06:04
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1.30.1 (2021-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • editing a package.json or tasks.json file no longer refresh the treeview with changes (2a168a4)

Code Refactoring


06 Feb 21:01
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1.29.0 (2021-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • if 'yarn is package manager set in VSCode, package.json tasks still show npm icon. [fix #125] (52acdc1)
  • problem matcher used in makefile tasks is undefined. [fixes #123] (cae79ea)
  • the context menu tasks for npm folder nodes does not run the package manager set in VSCode settings, will always use npm. [fix #62] (79695f0)
  • vscode tasks - compound tasks with no 'command' property do not launch. [fixes #130] (f5a92fc)


  • readme: update by-version features list (97233be)


  • ADD option to disable auto-refresh. [closes #124] (82aa4bd)
  • add support for 'User' tasks. [closes #127] (43f7399)
  • add support for multi-level groupings (configurable level). [fix #129] (35da55e)


05 Feb 21:46
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1.28.0 (2021-02-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Get string instead of array (a96f6bb)
  • grouped tasks momre than two tree nodes deep are not appropriately renamed (by removing the grouped text from the task name). (5e4622a)
  • if more than one package.json exists within a workspace directory, the task names do not have the 'separator paths' stripped out of the task name in the tree. [skip ci] (99b10d7)

Code Refactoring



  • Create parseTargetLine with support for Makefile aliases (aeadb4e)