- Additional openSUSE Repositories
- Build Dependencies
- Runtime Dependencies
- Packages required for UI development
- Packages required for tests
Some of the required packages are located in different openSUSE repositories. Please, make sure to have them configured in your system to be able to install all the packages listed in the sections below.
See this FAQ for more information on how configure your system to access those repository.
$ sudo zypper install gcc make autoconf automake gettext-tools git \
rpm-build libxslt-tools
$ sudo zypper install libvirt-python libvirt kvm python-ethtool \
python-ipaddr libvirt-daemon-config-network \
nfs-client open-iscsi python-parted \
python-libguestfs python-configobj guestfs-tools \
python-websockify novnc python-magic \
python-paramiko python-Pillow
$ sudo zypper install gcc-c++ python-devel python-pip
$ sudo pip install cython libsass
$ sudo zypper install python-pyflakes python-pep8 python-requests python-mock rpmlint