This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 27, 2020. It is now read-only.
Notable changes:
- Search results are now sorted by seeders
- When scraping is enabled, it auto updates the seed/leech counts on torrents
- Enable/disable option to turn this on and off
- Scrape delay setting to adjust the scrape speed
- BitCannon will now re auto import based on the frequency values
- Console shows timestamps next to each event
- Implemented infinite scroll - when you get to the bottom of search results, more load in
- API errors are now displayed as a banner across the top
You may upgrade to this release from v0.1.0 without clearing the database
There is also a zip of just the web app for those who wish to use an http server separate from the BitCannon built in one.
This release is available for download from Mega:!BdYx2SLJ!E_DToiu1Faj9-YPoQQBylQ