Included in these configurations:
- csf
- flat/csf
- recommended
- flat/recommended
Since Storybook 6.0, the ability to specify the hierarchy separators (how you control the grouping of story kinds in the sidebar) was removed. There is now a single separator /
, which cannot be configured. If you are using |
or .
as a separator, you should change all of them to /
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
export default {
title: 'Components|Forms/Input',
component: Input,
Examples of correct code for this rule:
export default {
title: 'Components/Forms/Input',
component: Input,
For more details about this change:
To automatically migrate all of your codebase and fix this issue, run this codemod in the root folder of your project:
npx storybook@latest migrate upgrade-hierarchy-separators --glob="*/**/*.stories.@(tsx|jsx|ts|js)"