Add the install script for Cisco Anyconnect to the roles/anyconnect/files/ folder.
The file name needs to match with "anyconnect-linux64-*.sh".
and change the name of your VPN server -
Start the Vagrant machine:
vagrant up anyconnect-vpn
Connect to this box and install the VPN client
vagrant ssh anyconnect-vpn # Use this script to install the Cisco Anyconnect VPN client $ vpn-install
Configure SSH on your host (
)Host anyconnect-vpn HostName Port 2240 # It may be necessary to fix this path IdentityFile ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key #IdentityFile ~/vagrant-anyconnect/.vagrant/machines/anyconnect-vpn/libvirt/private_key # The next line adds a Socks5 proxy on port 1080 DynamicForward 1080 User vagrant StrictHostKeyChecking=no PasswordAuthentication=no LogLevel=FATAL UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null IdentitiesOnly=yes ForwardAgent=yes # Connect to any number of internal hosts through the VPN box Host *.internal internal-host.domain.tld ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p anyconnect-vpn
Connect to the VPN
vagrant ssh anyconnect-vpn # Use this script to connect using the Cisco Anyconnect VPN client $ vpn-connect # Alternative: Connect with X11 forwarding and run the graphical VPN client ssh -X anyconnect-vpn $ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnui
Connect from the host to your destination server which is behind the VPN
ssh internal-host.domain.tld
Alternative: Use
to tunnel all traffic from your host through the VPN box- Exclude the IP of the VPN gateway (
- Exclude local networks (,
sshuttle \ --listen \ --exclude --exclude --exclude \ --remote anyconnect-vpn \ --dns 0/0
Disconnect and shutdown
vagrant ssh anyconnect-vpn $ vpn-disconnect vagrant halt anyconnect-vpn