Word corpus from SMC : https://gitlab.com/smc/corpus
The process is done with the help of VSCodium and terminal. At the end of the process, you'll get a file of words on each line from which some can be manually picked to populate answers array in game.
Reverse transliterate words in a file :
while read in; do varnamcli -s ml -reverse "$in" | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1;}' >> out.txt; done < nouns.txt
Some regex utilities:
- Remove words greater than 5 char
- Remove words lesser than 5 char
- Remove words with non alphabetic characters in it:
- Remove words with capital letters in it (case sensitive regex):
- Replace empty lines (repeatedly do this):
TODO : Sort file based on popularity of word (use Varnam DB for this)
while read in; do varnamcli -s ml "$in" | sed -n 1p | awk '{print $1" "$2;}' >> out.txt; done < out.txt
Find duplicates in answer array:
answers.filter((item, index) => index !== numbers.indexOf(item))