Here we define the evaluation of unary and binary operators.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, operator: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> { .. }
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
/// Perform the operation on the mathematical integer `operand`,
/// but correcting for non-pure effects dependent of the `operand_ty`.
fn eval_int_un_op(op: IntUnOp, operand: Int, operand_ty: IntType) -> Result<Int> {
use IntUnOp::*;
ret(match op {
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
Neg => operand_ty.bring_in_bounds(-operand),
// Put the result into the right range (in case of a unsigned numbers, which `!`
// makes negative by inverting all the leading zeros).
BitNot => operand_ty.bring_in_bounds(!operand),
// This can never overflow, as the total number of bits is below `u32::MAX`.
CountOnes => Self::eval_count_ones(operand, operand_ty),
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::Int(op): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = op_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(operand) = operand else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let ret_ty = match op {
IntUnOp::CountOnes => IntType { signed: Unsigned, size: Size::from_bytes(4).unwrap() },
_ => int_ty,
let result = Value::Int(Self::eval_int_un_op(op, operand, int_ty)?);
// Sanity-check that the result of `eval_int_un_op` is in-bounds.
.expect("sanity check: result of UnOp::Int does not fit in the return type");
ret((result, Type::Int(ret_ty)))
aka ctpop
is a Rust intrinsic on integer types that always returns a u32
This is not a pure function on mathematical integers,
since the bit representation for non-negative values has infinite zeros,
and infinite ones for negatives values.
Therefore, the bit width is important, and iterating until remaining_bits = 0
is not correct.
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_count_ones(operand: Int, int_ty: IntType) -> Int {
let mut ones = Int::ZERO;
let mut remaining_bits = operand;
// Iterate once per bit in the bit width, afterwards the remaining bits are leading bits only.
for _ in Int::ZERO..int_ty.size.bits() {
// Extract the least significant bit and update `remaining_bits` to remove that bit.
ones += remaining_bits & Int::ONE;
remaining_bits >>= 1;
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_cast_op(cast_op: CastOp, (operand, old_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
use CastOp::*;
match cast_op {
IntToInt(int_ty) => {
let Value::Int(operand) = operand else { panic!("non-integer input to int-to-int cast") };
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(operand);
ret((Value::Int(result), Type::Int(int_ty)))
Transmute(new_ty) => {
if old_ty.size::<M::T>().expect_sized("WF ensures transmutes are sized")
!= new_ty.size::<M::T>().expect_sized("WF ensures transmutes are sized")
throw_ub!("transmute between types of different size")
let Some(val) = transmute(operand, old_ty, new_ty) else {
throw_ub!("transmuted value is not valid at new type")
ret((val, new_ty))
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::Cast(cast_op): UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
ret(Self::eval_cast_op(cast_op, (operand, op_ty))?)
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::GetThinPointer: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(ptr) = operand else { panic!("non-pointer GetThinPointer") };
let thin_ptr = Pointer { metadata: None, ..ptr };
let thin_ptr_ty = PtrType::Raw { meta_kind: PointerMetaKind::None };
ret((Value::Ptr(thin_ptr), Type::Ptr(thin_ptr_ty)))
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::GetMetadata: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(ptr) = operand else { panic!("non-pointer GetMetadata") };
if let Some(meta) = ptr.metadata {
let meta_value = meta.into_value::<M>();
let meta_ty = meta.meta_kind().ty::<M::T>().expect("meta is not None");
ret((meta_value, meta_ty))
} else {
ret((unit_value::<M>(), unit_type()))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_un_op(&self, UnOp::SizeOfVal: UnOp, (operand, op_ty): (Value<M>, Type)) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Ptr(PtrType::Ref { pointee, .. }) = op_ty else { panic!("non-reference input to SizeOfVal") };
let Value::Ptr(ptr) = operand else { panic!("non-pointer input to SizeOfVal") };
let size = pointee.size.compute(ptr.metadata);
ret((Value::Int(size.bytes()), Type::Int(IntType { signed: Unsigned, size: M::T::PTR_SIZE })))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_bin_op(
operator: BinOp,
(left, l_ty):
(Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> { .. }
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_int_bin_op(op: IntBinOp, left: Int, right: Int, left_ty: IntType) -> Result<Int> {
use IntBinOp::*;
ret(match op {
Add => left + right,
AddUnchecked => {
let result = left + right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked add");
Sub => left - right,
SubUnchecked => {
let result = left - right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked sub");
Mul => left * right,
MulUnchecked => {
let result = left * right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked mul");
Div => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("division by zero");
let result = left / right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) { // `int::MIN / -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in division");
DivExact => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("division by zero");
let result = left / right;
if !left_ty.can_represent(result) { // `int::MIN / -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in division");
if left % right != 0 {
throw_ub!("non-zero remainder in exact division");
Rem => {
if right == 0 {
throw_ub!("modulus of remainder is zero");
if !left_ty.can_represent(left / right) { // `int::MIN % -1` is UB
throw_ub!("overflow in remainder");
left % right
Shl | Shr => {
let bits = left_ty.size.bits();
let offset = right.rem_euclid(bits);
match op {
Shl => left << offset,
Shr => left >> offset,
_ => panic!(),
ShlUnchecked | ShrUnchecked => {
let bits = left_ty.size.bits();
if right < 0 || right >= bits {
throw_ub!("overflow in unchecked shift");
match op {
ShlUnchecked => left << right,
ShrUnchecked => left >> right,
_ => panic!(),
BitAnd => left & right,
BitOr => left | right,
BitXor => left ^ right,
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::Int(op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = l_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(left) = left else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
// Perform the operation.
let result = Self::eval_int_bin_op(op, left, right, int_ty)?;
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(result);
ret((Value::Int(result), Type::Int(int_ty)))
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::IntWithOverflow(op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Type::Int(int_ty) = l_ty else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(left) = left else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer input to integer operation") };
// Perform the operation.
let result = match op {
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Add => left + right,
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Sub => left - right,
IntBinOpWithOverflow::Mul => left * right,
let overflow = !int_ty.can_represent(result);
// Put the result into the right range (in case of overflow).
let result = int_ty.bring_in_bounds(result);
// Pack result and overflow bool into tuple.
let value = Value::Tuple(list![Value::Int::<M>(result), Value::Bool::<M>(overflow)]);
let ty = int_ty.with_overflow::<M::T>();
ret((value, ty))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_rel_op(rel: RelOp, left: Int, right: Int) -> (Value<M>, Type) {
use RelOp::*;
let b = match rel {
Lt => left < right,
Gt => left > right,
Le => left <= right,
Ge => left >= right,
Eq => left == right,
Ne => left != right,
Cmp => {
// 3-way comparison.
let result = if left < right {
} else if left == right {
} else {
// FIXME avoid using early return
return (Value::Int(result), Type::Int(IntType::I8));
(Value::Bool(b), Type::Bool)
/// Prepare a value for being compared with a `RelOp`. This involves turning it into an `Int`.
fn prepare_for_rel_op(val: Value<M>) -> Int {
match val {
Value::Int(i) => i,
Value::Bool(b) => if b { Int::from(1) } else { Int::from(0) },
Value::Ptr(p) if p.metadata.is_none() => p.thin_pointer.addr,
// TODO(UnsizedTypes): Prepare wide pointer for rel op: `addr * (MAX_META_VALUE+1) + meta_value`
Value::Ptr(_) => unimplemented!("comparing pointer with metadata"),
_ => panic!("invalid value for relational operator"),
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::Rel(rel_op): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let left = Self::prepare_for_rel_op(left);
let right = Self::prepare_for_rel_op(right);
ret(Self::eval_rel_op(rel_op, left, right))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
/// Perform a wrapping offset on the given pointer. (Can never fail.)
fn ptr_offset_wrapping(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>, offset: Int) -> ThinPointer<M::Provenance> {
/// Perform in-bounds arithmetic on the given pointer. This must not wrap,
/// and the offset must stay in bounds of a single allocation.
fn ptr_offset_inbounds(&self, ptr: ThinPointer<M::Provenance>, offset: Int) -> Result<ThinPointer<M::Provenance>> {
// Ensure dereferenceability.
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(ptr, offset)?;
// This also ensures that `offset` fits in an `isize`, since no allocation
// can be bigger than `isize`, and it ensures that the arithmetic does not overflow, since no
// allocation wraps around the edge of the address space.
assert!(offset.in_bounds(Signed, M::T::PTR_SIZE));
assert!((ptr.addr + offset).in_bounds(Unsigned, M::T::PTR_SIZE));
// All checked!
ret(ThinPointer { addr: ptr.addr + offset, ..ptr })
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::PtrOffset { inbounds }: BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: left, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `PtrOffset`")
let Value::Int(right) = right else { panic!("non-integer right input to `PtrOffset`") };
let offset_ptr = if inbounds {
self.ptr_offset_inbounds(left, right)?
} else {
self.ptr_offset_wrapping(left, right)
ret((Value::Ptr(offset_ptr.widen(None)), l_ty))
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::PtrOffsetFrom { inbounds, nonneg }: BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: left, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `PtrOffsetFrom`")
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer: right, metadata: None }) = right else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer right input to `PtrOffsetFrom`")
let distance = left.addr - right.addr;
let distance = if inbounds {
// The "gap" between the two pointers must be dereferenceable from both of them.
// This check also ensures that the distance is inbounds of `isize`.
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(left, -distance)?;
self.mem.signed_dereferenceable(right, distance)?;
// All checked!
} else {
distance.bring_in_bounds(Signed, M::T::PTR_SIZE)
if nonneg && distance < Int::ZERO {
throw_ub!("PtrOffsetFrom: negative result with `nonneg` flag set");
let isize_int = IntType { signed: Signed, size: M::T::PTR_SIZE };
ret((Value::Int(distance), Type::Int(isize_int)))
impl<M: Memory> Machine<M> {
fn eval_bin_op(
BinOp::ConstructWidePointer(ptr_ty): BinOp,
(left, l_ty): (Value<M>, Type),
(right, _r_ty): (Value<M>, Type)
) -> Result<(Value<M>, Type)> {
let Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer, metadata: None }) = left else {
panic!("non-thin-pointer left input to `ConstructWidePointer`")
let metadata = PointerMeta::from_value::<M>(right);
let wide_ptr = Value::Ptr(Pointer { thin_pointer, metadata });
wide_ptr.check_wf(Type::Ptr(ptr_ty)).expect("sanity check: constructed wide pointer is well-formed");
ret((wide_ptr, Type::Ptr(ptr_ty)))