You will be provided a cheat sheet with the information below on your final. If you are interested in the actual format of the document, check out last year's version.
int[] data = new int[10];
Random r = new Random();
ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>
Math Method |
Description |
Math.abs(value) |
absolute value |
Math.min(v1, v2) |
smaller of two values |
Math.max(v1, v2) |
larger of two values |
Math.round(value) |
nearest whole number |
Math.pow(b, e) |
base to the exponent power |
Scanner Method |
Description |
nextInt() |
reads/returns token as int |
nextDouble() |
reads/returns token as double |
next() |
reads/returns token as String |
nextLine() |
reads/returns line as String |
hasNextInt() |
tests if reading an int will succeed |
hasNextDouble() |
tests if reading a double will succeed |
hasNext() |
tests if reading a token as a String will succeed |
hasNextLine() |
tests if reading a line as a String will succeed |
Random Method |
Description |
nextInt(max) |
random integer from 0 to max-1 |
String Method |
Description |
contains(str) |
true if this string contains the other's characters inside it |
endsWith(str), startsWith(str) |
true if this string starts/ends with the other's characters |
equals(str) |
true if this string is the same as str |
equalsIgnoreCase(str) |
true if this string is the same as str, ignoring capitalization |
indexOf(str) |
index in this string where given string begins (-1 if not found) |
length() |
number of characters in this string |
substring(i, j) |
characters in this string from index i (inclusive) to j (exclusive) |
substring(i) |
characters in this string from index i (inclusive) to end |
toLowerCase() , toUpperCase() |
a new string with all lowercase or uppercase letters |
charAt(i) |
returns char at index i |
Arraylist Method |
Description |
add(value) |
appends value at end of list |
add(index, value) |
inserts given value just before the given index, shifting subsequent values to the right |
get(index) |
returns the value at given index |
remove(index) |
removes/returns value at given index, shifting subsequent values to the left |
set(index, value) |
replaces value at given index with given value |
size() |
returns the number of elements in list |
public class name extends Critter {
// fields/constructor
public Color getColor() {
// statement(s) that return a Color (e.g., Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN)
public Action getMove(CritterInfo info) {
// statement(s) that return Action.INFECT, Action.HOP, Action.RIGHT, or Action.LEFT
public String toString() {
// statement(s) that return a String;
CritterInfo Method |
Description |
getFront() , getBack() , getLeft() , getRight() |
returns one of Neighbor.WALL , Neighbor.EMPTY , Neighbor.SAME , Neighbor.OTHER |
getDirection() |
returns one of Direction.NORTH , Direction.SOUTH , Direction.EAST , Direction.WEST |