CSE 142
8 + 6 * -2 + 4 + "0" + (2 + 5)
1 + 1 + "8 - 2" + (8 - 2) + 1 + 1
- Given the code below, what will the output be?
public class MysteryTouch {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String head = "shoulders";
String knees = "toes";
String elbow = "head";
String eye = "eyes and ears";
String ear = "eye";
touch(ear, elbow);
touch(head, "elbow");
touch(head, "knees " + knees);
public static void touch(String elbow, String ear) {
System.out.println("touch your " + elbow + " to your " + ear);
- Given the code below, what will the output be?
public class MysteryTouch {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String head = "shoulders";
String knees = "toes";
String elbow = "head";
String eye = "eyes and ears";
String ear = "eye";
touch(elbow, ear);
touch(knees, "Toes");
touch(eye, eye);
public static void touch(String elbow, String ear) {
System.out.println("touch your " + elbow + " to your " + ear);
Write a method named lastDigit that returns the last digit of an integer. For example, lastDigit(3572) should return 2. It should work for negative numbers as well. For example, lastDigit(-947) should return 7.
Write a method called printPowersOfN that accepts a base and an exponent as arguments and prints each power of the base from base0 (1) up to that maximum power, inclusive. For example, consider the following calls:
printPowersOfN(4, 3);
printPowersOfN(5, 6);
printPowersOfN(-2, 8);
These calls should produce the following output:
1 4 16 64
1 5 25 125 625 3125 15625
1 -2 4 -8 16 -32 64 -128 256