CSE 142
- Preview of next 142 lecture
- Extra resources (Github, Slack)
- Whiteboard exercises
- Practice midterm
- Make expectations more clear
- Better planning
- Final session: [Optional] Saturday, December 10th 10am – 4pm
- Other comments about this? Does there need to be more planning beyond the Saturday sessions?
- Required check-in meetings
- Optional?
- More flexible?
- Note: I do not have ability to do class and check-ins at the same time .. : [
- More interactive activities during Wednesday's class
- Collect/grade quizzes
- Record? or Grade and record?
- I lack the time to do grade the quizzes; but! Happy to discuss your quiz at our check-in meetings
- Wednesday's class too long
- If you have more feedback but don't want to talk to me directly, please use the Anonymous Feedback Form