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Subclassing is supported with limitations. Most notably you can only override actions/flows/computeds on prototype - you cannot override field declarations. Use override annotation for methods/getters overriden in subclass - see example below. Try to keep things simple and prefer composition over inheritance.

import { makeObservable, observable, computed, action } from "mobx"

class Parent {
    // Annotated instance fields are NOT overridable
    observable = 0
    arrowAction = () => {}

    // Non-annotated instance fields are overridable
    overridableArrowAction = action(() => {})

    // Annotated prototype methods/getters are overridable
    action() {}
    actionBound() {}
    get computed() {}

    constructor(value) {
        makeObservable(this, {
            observable: observable,
            arrowAction: action
            action: action,
            actionBound: action.bound,
            computed: computed,

class Child extends Parent {
    /* --- INHERITED --- */
    // THROWS - TypeError: Cannot redefine property
    // observable = 5
    // arrowAction = () = {}

    // OK - not annotated
    overridableArrowAction = action(() => {})

    // OK - prototype
    action() {}
    actionBound() {}
    get computed() {}

    /* --- NEW --- */
    childObservable = 0;
    childArrowAction = () => {}
    childAction() {}
    childActionBound() {}
    get childComputed() {}

    constructor(value) {
        makeObservable(this, {
            // inherited
            action: override,
            actionBound: override,
            computed: override,
            // new
            childObservable: observable,
            childArrowAction: action
            childAction: action,
            childActionBound: action.bound,
            childComputed: computed,


  1. Only action, computed, flow, action.bound defined on prototype can be overriden by subclass.
  2. Field can't be re-annotated in subclass, except with override.
  3. makeAutoObservable does not support subclassing.
  4. Extending builtins (ObservableMap, ObservableArray, etc) is not supported.
  5. You can't provide different options to makeObservable in subclass.
  6. You can't mix annotations/decorators in single inheritance chain.
  7. All other limitations apply as well

TypeError: Cannot redefine property

If you see this, you're probably trying to override arrow function in subclass x = () => {}. That's not possible because all annotated fields of classes are non-configurable (see limitations). You have two options:

1. Move function to prototype and use `action.bound` annotation instead
class Parent {
    // action = () => {};
    // =>
    action() {}

    constructor() {
        makeObservable(this, {
            action: action.bound
class Child {
    action() {}

    constructor() {
        makeObservable(this, {
            action: override
2. Remove `action` annotation and wrap the function in action manually: `x = action(() => {})`
class Parent {
    // action = () => {};
    // =>
    action = action(() => {})

    constructor() {
        makeObservable(this, {}) // <-- annotation removed
class Child {
    action = action(() => {})

    constructor() {
        makeObservable(this, {}) // <-- annotation removed