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Password blacklisting

Usage of the Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Validator\Constraints\Blacklist constraint works different then other strength validators.

The BlacklistValidator requires a blacklist provider before any validation can be performed. This library comes already pre-bundled with support for, in-memory, SQLite3 and PDO.

Note. Blacklisted passwords are case-sensitive.


First you need a blacklist provider (for this example we will use the ArrayProvider):


use Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\ArrayProvider;
use Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Validator\Constraints\BlacklistValidator;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;

// ...

$blacklistProvider = new ArrayProvider(['root', 'password']);
$blacklistValidator = new BlacklistValidator($blacklistProvider);

// The service container is expected to have the `BlacklistValidator` loadable as service
// by id (Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Validator\Constraints\BlacklistValidator).
$container = ...; // \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface

$constraintFactory = new ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory($container);

$validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder()

That's it, you can choose to replace the $blacklistProvider with a more powerful provider like PDO or the ChainProvider so you can use multiple providers at once.


If you are using annotations for validation, include the constraints namespace:

use Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Validator\Constraints as RollerworksPassword;

and then add the PasswordStrength validator to the relevant field:

 * @RollerworksPassword\Blacklist()
protected $password;



The Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\ArrayProvider uses a static list of values to check for blacklisting. This provider is best used for small lists or testing.

For a blacklist with more then 20 entries it's better to use a database provider.

$blacklistProvider = new ArrayProvider(['root', 'password']);


The Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\PdoProvider cannot be constructed, you can use this abstract class as a blueprint for creating your own blacklist provider.

This provider can be updated using the provided [Console commands][1].


The Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\SqliteProvider uses a local SQLite3 flat-file database for keeping the blacklist entries.

This provider requires the SQLite3 extension or the PDO extension (with the sqlite driver) is enabled.

Caution: SQLite requires a full path for the database file (relative locations are not supported).

This provider can be updated using the provided [Console commands][1].

$blacklistProvider = new SqliteProvider('sqlite:/path/to/the/db/file.db');


The Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\ChainProvider searches in the blacklist providers until a positive result is given (a password is blacklisted).

$blacklistProvider = new ChainProvider([
    new ArrayProvider(['root', 'password']),
    new SqliteProvider('sqlite:/path/to/the/db/file.db')


Alternatively it's recommended to use the Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Blacklist\LazyChainProvider as this allows to load providers lazy (and thus preventing opening resources unneeded).

$container = ...; // \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
$serviceIds = ['provider1']; // An array of service-id's to use for lazy loading providers. 

$blacklistProvider = new LazyChainProvider($container, $serviceIds);

Updating the blacklist database

To update your blacklist providers with new entries (or purge outdated outdated entries) this library provides a number of command-line commands which you can use.

To use these commands you need to install the [Symfony Console component][2]. And register these commands for usage (see the Symfony manual for details).

Each command expects a PSR-11 compatible container with the service-id as the provider name. At least "default" is expected to exists.


$providersContainer = ...; // \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface

$application->add(new Rollerworks\Component\PasswordStrength\Command\BlacklistListCommand($providersContainer));

To add new passwords to the blacklist:

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:update password password2 "this pass word has spaces"

To remove passwords from the blacklist.

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:delete password password2 "this pass word has spaces"

Or when you want import a list of passwords from a file, use the --file parameter.

Every line (supports both Windows and Unix file-endings) in the file is considered a password.

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:update --file="/tmp/passwords-blacklist.txt"

To remove the database completely (this will remove all the blacklisted passwords from your database).

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:purge

To export the database (this will display all the blacklisted passwords (one per line)) use.

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:list

You can also forward the result to a text file.

$ bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:list > /tmp/exported-blacklist.txt

Use a different provider

To use a different provider then the de "default" use the --provider option, eg. bin/console rollerworks-password:blacklist:purge --provider=sqlite

Existing blacklists

To get started you can use the bad/leaked passwords databases provider by Skull Security.

Its recommended to use at least the 500-worst-passwords database. Especially when not enforcing strong passwords using the PasswordStrengthValidator.