This simple program uses the API to autoscale a Terminal cluster.
go build .
This will create a binary called autoscaler
For information on how to use it, run
./autoscaler --help
Example output (this may be somewhat outdated):
Usage of ./autoscaler:
-accesstoken string
Terminal Cluster user token
-apiurl string
Terminal Cluster API Path eg
-frequency int
Amount of time to wait between loop of polling cluster state, in seconds (default 5)
-nodestorage string
Storage type for nodes to spin up (ebs or ephemeral) (default "ebs")
-nodetype string
Name for node type to spin up, e.g. m4.large (default "m4.large")
-nodetyperam int
Amount of ram available on an empty node, e.g. 7834 (default 7834)
-policy string
The type of autoscaler you want to run general / gpu / other (default "general")
-tts int
Minimum time after your cluster grows, in seconds, before shrinking (e.g. if on AWS might as well be 1 hour) (default 3600)
-usertoken string
Terminal Cluster user token
The user and access token must be that of an admin user on the given cluster
Example usage:
./autoscaler -usertoken=$UT -accesstoken $AT -apiurl -frequency 5 -nodetype g2.2xlarge -nodetyperam 15000 -tts 3600 -policy=gpu -nodestorage ebs