Jump to any function, class or heading with F4. Go, Markdown, Python, C... A plugin for micro editor.
This help file can be viewed in Micro editor with ctrl-E 'help jump'.
Jump supports all languages supported by your ctags. My 'ctags --list-languages' has 44 entries: Ant, Asm, Asp, Awk, Basic, BETA, C, C++, C#, Cobol, DosBatch, Eiffel, Erlang, Flex, Fortran, Go, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Make, MatLab, ObjectiveC, OCaml, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REXX, Ruby, Scheme, Sh, SLang, SML, SQL, Tcl, Tex, Vera, Verilog, VHDL, Vim, YACC, markdown.
Install prerequisites. Jump requires fzf, ctags and bash. On Debian 11-Bullseye, the installation is
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install micro fzf exuberant-ctags
In some Ubuntu versions, ctags package name is different and the command is 'sudo apt-get install micro fzf ctags'. For other Linuxes, just install the packages that provide commands 'fzf', 'ctags' and 'bash'. Micro jump has not been tested on Windows or Mac OSX.
$ micro --plugin install jump
Now try it out!
$ micro tero.py
Write some Python. Jump also supports Go, C, JavaScript...
def hello():
def bar():
def foo():
Ctrl-S Save.
Press F4 to jump. Use up and down arrows to select a function. You can also type part of the name. Press enter to jump.
Your cursor now landed on the function. Well done!
The default key binding F4 works automatically, and you only need to modify bindings if you want to change it. Key bindings can be changed in $HOME/.config/micro/bindings.json
Default binding is
{ "F4": "command:jumptag" }
Markdown configuration is in examples/ctags.
$ cp -nv $HOME/.config/micro/plug/micro-jump/examples/ctags $HOME/.ctags
To test it, write some Markdown.
$ micro book.md
# Hello
Hello Tero
## Foo
More text
Ctrl-S Save.
Press F4 to jump. You can see your table of contents, and select between the headings "Hello" and "Foo".
As Jump shows MarkDown headings in document order, it also provides you an interactive table of contents.
Go write that book!
Copyright 2020-2022 Tero Karvinen https://TeroKarvinen.com