- Notes
- Lessons
- day1: LAB | JS Basic Algorithms
- day2: LAB | JS Functions & Arrays
- day2: LAB | Ironhack Cart
- day3: LAB | JS Clue - Mixing objects and arrays
- day3: LAB | CSS Slack clone with Flexbox
- day4: assesstment JS Foundations
- day4: LAB | CSS Spotify clone
- day5: LAB | Greatest Movies of All Time
- Notes
- Lessons
- day1: LAB | DOM Pizza Builder
- day1: LAB | Reinforcement - OOP: LAB | JavaScript Memory Game -IP-
- day1: LAB | JS Koans
- day2: LAB | Ironhack Cart
- day2: LAB | JS Vikings
- day2: LAB | JS Advanced Algorithms
- day3: assesstment JS DOM
- day4: LAB | Cloning with Bootstrap -IP-
- day4: assesstment JS OOP
- day4: JS | Testing & Jest
- day5: LAB | Intro to testing with Jest
- Day1: LAB | Promise me a dinner
- Day1: LAB | ES6 JavaScript Koans
- Day2: LAB | MongoDB | Compass CRUD
- Day2: LAB | Intro to Node
- Day3: LAB | Express basic website
- Day4: LAB | Express IronBeers
- Day4: LAB | Mongoose Recipes
- Day5: LAB | Express Spotify Searcher
- Day1: LAB | Mongoose Movies
- Day2: LAB | Movies and celebrities
- Day2: LAB | Basic CRUD with Drones
- Day2: LAB | Express Cinema
- Day2: LAB | Basic Auth
- Day3: LAB | Authentication with PassportJS
- Day4: LAB | Financial Data Graphing -IP-
- Day4: LAB | Cloning with Bootstrap
- Day5: LAB | File Upload
- Day5: LAB | Express IronTumblr -missing bonus-
- Day5: Setting Up Nodemailer
- Day5: LAB | Sign up Confirmation Email
- Day1: LAB | React Tweets
- Day1: LAB | React Training -IP-
- Day2: LAB | React IronContacts
- Day3: LAB | React Ironbook
- Day3: LAB | React IronNutrition -IP-
- Day4: LAB | Thinking in React -IP-
- Day4: LAB | React WikiCountries
- Day5: LAB | React IronBeers