All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
beta version of multi-processing for gnssir. It is called gnssir2 for now. I will merge with gnssir after more testing.
started experimenting with parallel processing. NOT official yet.
added some features to quickplt , relevant for SNR data. allow specific satellite to be shown (if standard SNR file). removes zeros to make it all more useful.
quickLook will use a very simple refraction correction in quickLook, but only if the coordinates are in the UNR database. This can be updated by someone to use the coordinates in the gnssir_input created file - as in nmea2snr - but I am not going to do that. This is important for VERY tall sites - but mostly irrelevant otherwise as quickLook is not an operational piece of software - it is for looking!
download_tides puts the request command behind a try so that there is a polite error message when it crashes for any reason.
New documentation, various.
added RINEX 3 pickups from $REFL_CODE/YYYY/rinex for gzipped crx and rnx files
Store peak2noise in invsnr_input
removed gazillion print statements from invsnr
Changed inputs pktnlim to peak2noise, tempres to dec and snr_ending to snr in invsnr to be consistent with other codes. I kept the interior variable names that David Purnell had used.
Mostly updating use cases
Added important verbiage about not allow python 3.11 for people with local python installations
Warnings for Rinex 3 conversions using no look
Checked that pypi and docker install works
Did some changes to how files (EGM96, station position database) were loaded so that they could be more easily installed with the docker. Currently they were being downloaded from github when they were already available locally in the source code area. They were not being installed as I thought from the Dockerfile.
Makan Karegar changed the elevation angle limits in refl_zones
Made quickplt faster with large datasets. I was using numpy append when i should have used a list and converted at the end.
Fixed a place where I was checking snr existence (twice) in rinex2snr when I really should not have been.
quickplot allows y-offsets.
added station_pos_2024.db - includes more station coordinates from nevada reno group.
Fixed bug for SNR files that used non-compliant filenames that are allowed by nmea2snr. routine that picks up the SNR file failed to check for gzipped files for these cases and it should have. For historical reasons it is called define_and_xz_snr, though now I am only using gz, not xz.
Added wuhan rapid orbit downloads from wuhan (community PR). Updated gnsssnrbigger.f to allow three days with five minute orbits This is activated from the wum2 orb flag
checked wum, which was pointing to ULA not ULT, i.e.
not sure if they changed the name or if it was always wrong.
Had problems with docker because I was not using proper version names
Changed sigma on snowdepth to better reflect true errors. Previous value was gross overestimate
Changed how the Hatanaka code was installed in the docker Need to follow up with how we use this code in install_exe
New optional DC polynomial elevation angle limits allowed for gnssir_input.
Added some warnings in gnssir for pele and e1/e2 mismatches
trying to fix readthedocs formatting
January 4, 2024
Added multiyear option to subdaily
Various changes to vwc
Updated quickplt to use proper boolean argument inputs Added errorbar option
December 8, 2023
A fair number of changes in vwc that are related to a new advanced option vwc. But you should not invoke this advanced option because it does not currently produce vwc.
I now have rinex2snr check to see if you have a compliant file, i.e. you say it is Rinex 2.11 (because you input a 4 character station name), but inside the code, it is Rinex 3 file. And vice versa, you say it is Rinex 3, but it is really Rinex 2.11. It now exits.
November 26, 2023
utc time offset (in hours) for quickplt. first version had a mistake (did not set default for utc_offset to zero as I should have )
minor updates to various plots in subdaily
tried to fix the phase plots in vwc.
added vwc inputs (soil texture min/max and min number of values per day) to the gnssir json file. see documentation for vwc. added satellite legend information
adding advanced option - in progress. cannot be used operationally.
November 22, 2023
New version of subdaily, datetime on most x-axis plots, removes gaps in the txt file.
November 18, 2023
Added highrate (1-sec) GNSS archive from Spain, IGN ES. RINEX 3 only. For this archive, use ignes and make sure to say -rate high -samplerate 1 . And -orb gnss because there are very likely to be good multi-GNSS data.
quickplt will let you pick out a particular frequency if you give it is standard LSP output file where frequency is being written in column 11.
Updated sc02 usecase and notebook install instructions.
Provided more feedback to people using nolook option in rinex2snr. Changed "local directory" printed to the screen to the actual directory.
Substantially changed plots in subdaily to use datetime instead of day of year. Ultimately all of subdaily should be changed to MJD so as to allow datasets crossing year boundaries. It also removes gaps from the last spline output plot, but it has not been implemented in the output txt file as yet (nor in the second to last plot)
November 13, 2023
fixed bug(s) in rh_plots, which is not meant for general use. Thank you to Felipe Nievinski for finding this.
cleaned up subdaily, i.e. made and tried to limit to the major pieces of code. has the plotting and some of the writing routines. Eventually I will try to move the rest of the file writing codes as well.
November 9, 2023
Updated Juptyer Notebook information using PR 210
Added Hortho -RH column to the spline fit file created by subdaily. Will likely rewrite this to be consistent with the output of the in situ tide gauge files For now it uses the past column definition convention. This is not useful until someone writes documentation about what Hortho means in terms of comparing with tide gauges.
November 7, 2023
readthedocs appears to be alive again. We are now hardwiring python 3.11 in readthedocs creation via the file docs/environment.yml.
Added Hortho to gnssir_input. This is station orthometric height (altitude) in meters. If not provided on the command line it is calculated from the given station coordinates (either online or via the Nevada Reno database) and EGM96.
Hortho is also added to subdaily, and the final spline fit is now plotted using it.
November 5, 2023
Trying to chase down a data issue in invsnr. Added more screenstats output.
Made MJD output from ymd an option rather than required in response to user issue.
October 29, 2023
SNR files gzipped after use by invsnr.
SNR files are now gzip compressed after use by nmea2snr. If you don't want that to happen, there is a flag to turn it off. A previous version of the code had a flag called compress, and that was removed. This was done to make nmea2snr consistent with gnssir and rinex2snr.
Help added to Docker use for PCs
Version number now written in the LSP results file (see v 1.8.9)
October 28,2023
Fixed bug in default peak to nosie ratio limit assumed for invsnr. Was 4, but when the calculation of peak to noise was changed, the default limit was left the same. It is now 2.5, which is better than 4, but one is warned that this is not done the same as gnssir. The RH limits mean something different to invsnr than they do to gnssir.
October 26, 2023
Tried and failed to add version number to gnssir output (files stored in results directory) docker would not allow import of importlib.
October 25, 2023
decimation does not seem to be properly working in gnssir. I have fixed it.
fixed so that the minimum of the polynomial values to remove DC is not higher than e1 selected by user in the json analysis instructions
Default now is to gzip SNR files upon creation
2023 October 9 fixed bug when refraction set to zero (I think?). gnssir would crash
2023 October 9
Added a small utility - rinex_coords - that will grep out the a priori coordinates in RINEX file and print those and the Lat/Lon/Ht to the screen.
removed p475 as suggested use case for soil moisture
Added refraction model number (refr_model) to gnssir_input and thus station analysis json. on the way to implementing more than one refraction model. Default will remain refr_model = 1. 0 is no model. All information about the refraction models are in the code for gnssir_input
Double-checked that vwc code is creating a txt output file.
2023 September 26
Remove zero points from SNR traces in in
2023 September 25 added nmea2snr changes from naoyakadota. Invalid lines no longer crash the code.
multiple frequencies allowed
2023 September 20
Added plot changes to subdaily (e.g. allow fontsize choice from command line)
Fixed a weirdness where GNSS files with no SNR data would create a file with all zeros data. Which is technically correct, but not terribly friendly. The GPS orbit option exited with a message. Now GNSS files also exit with a message.
changed nyquist to max_resolve_RH so it makes more sense to learners. i.e. this is the max resolvable RH you can expect for a given station location.
2023 September 19
Allow Hatanaka and Hatanaka + unix compressed files (.Z) in the local directory for the nolook option. Hatanaka files also allowed in $REFL_CODE/YYYY/rinex/ station directory
Write out error message when people inadvertently throw out all data because they did not take into account that their receiver had an elevation mask and used e1 that is too small.
2023 September 17
rinex2snr SNR file creation fails are written to the log file. And users are told this on the screen. This does not seem to be helping people. This version writes the log file's explicit name to the screen
Various docs were hopefully improved.
gzipping the SNR files is now the default when running gnssir. Should save space and I don't think it will be a huge time sink. If it is, users can set gzip to False on the command line.
2023 September 14
leap second file picked up from github repository for pypi and git clone users. Tim will take care of shipping it in the docker
add documentation to nmea2snr
2023 September 13
moved leap second file location to REFL_CODE/Files to accommodate docker users
2023 September 13
Attempted to add leap second corrections to SNR files created by non-compliant nmea2snr code. Added small function to that installs a leap second file - and reads it. Returns the hopefully proper offset, which is applied when writing out the timetag in nmea2snr. Feedback appreciated.
added mjd utility
chagned nmea2snr so it allows signals other than L1. this required changing the fortran code that does the orbits for you. It is a slow module - maybe it always was. something to keep an eye on.
fixed some documentation in download_rinex that misdescribed the stream input as boolean, which it is not.
added tall site use case, ac59
Accepted Kelly Enloe PR, mostly Jupyter notebooks stuff
2023 August 29
accepted two PR
2023 August 28
plots saved in gnssir for docker users
improved documentation
2023 August 28
pypi failed last time ... trying again
2023 August 28
Added Taylor Smith's changes to nmea2snr. Allows gzip after the translation.
2023 August 25
added option to NOT apply RHdot correction in subdaily. This would make the code easier to use for lakes and rivers. It is NOT recommended to use this for tidal regions.
gnssir now requires "new" way of selecting arcs. newarcs optional cl input has no meaning.
added GPS Tool Box testcase instructions in docs/use_cases
2023 August 25
minor changes to documentation
Added height above sea level to query_unr
Too many functions were assuming that REFL_CODE/Files existed.
Too many functions were assuming that REFL_CODE/Files/station existed.
2023 August 21
testing why readthedocs versions 1.5.6 , 1.5.7, and 1.5.8 were not created (thought the latter was in latest)
2023 August 20
allow highres_figs in other functions
code now expects earthscope token to be stored in $REFL_CODE
2023 August 19
Try try again
2023 August 19
Subdaily outputs are written to the extension subdirectory. This allows the user to test out different strategies without worrying about renaming them, etc.
This build failed based on some advice on how to push the tags at the same time.
2023 August 18
fixed bug in gnssir_input when ediff is set. it was incorrectly thinking it was a string, when it is a float.
Added dittmann edits to "homeworks"
Updated understanding
August 14, 2023
Added IGN for Spain for rinex2snr, RINEX 3 and 30 second only These data are likely already available from SONEL. archive is called ignes
Save output from quickplt even if someone doesn't ask for it.
Improve discussion of QC in the understanding section of readthedocs.
August 10, 2023
New version
August 10, 2023
Updated daily_avg to have three sections. raw arcs, arcs with QC, daily average with QC. Updated the discussion page.
August 10, 2023
New option on daily_avg that plots the median value and the limits from that median value that are used to filter outliers before the daily average is computed.
More documentation about daily_avg has been added online.
Another version to get it on pypi
August 7, 2023
I am trying a new build with Tim Dittmann's changes to the docker build. This should allow us to define versions with tag numbers that are aligned with the verion.
pushed Tim Dittmann's changes to make_meta. Still some issues that need to be fixed.
Changed input on refl_zones for ellipsoidal height to be consistent with gnssir_input Commandl line variable shoud be height, not el_height.
Fixed unset variable in the data windowing function so it always has a value (iAzim).
I updated gnssir and quickLook so that it now reports the azimuth of the lowest elevation angle in the arc. Previously it used the average azimuth over the entire rising or setting arc.
Changed gnss back to its original setting, which is getting the multi-GNSS final GFZ orbits from CDDIS. I had sent those queries to rapid, not remembering that rapid GFZ does not have beidou.
gnss-gfz directly downloads multi-GNSS orbits from GFZ. this is equivalent to gnss3 option.
for all four constellations, use gnss-gfz or gnss options.
Added script to download tide gauge data from Queensland ...
quickplt allows xaxis limits in MJD (i.e. it will use datetimes to make a nicer x-axis)
Fixed bug in query_modern in that did not check to see if Files subdirectory existed before downloading station_pos.db.
I do not know WHY the docker does not provide the necessary file, as it should.
I incorrectly implemented the refraction correction when I wrote the newarcs option of gnssir. This has been fixed with this version. I will be removing all pypi versions that have the bug in it. Effectively, the refraction correction was not being implemented at all. this will cause a bias between series computed before and after. It has no impact on the SNR data files. Only on gnssir output (and the programs that use those outputs, like subdaily, snowdepth, phase, and vwc).
changed WSV water level to 30 day downloads instead of 15
gnssir_input incorrectly defined e1 and e2 as integers ... fixed.
quickLook also incorrectly defined e1 and e2 as integers ... fixed
added more columns to subdaily outlier file...
fixed major bug in gnssir for old arc selection
nyquist plots to the screen
Allow multiple elev ranges - see gnssir_input for information about setting it up. required changeds to gnssir as well - let me know if something seems not to work anymore.
try to reduce print statements by using screenstats in rinex2snr and download_rinex
added azimuth limits to quickLook (they were missing from when I updated it)
newarcs is now the default for gnssir
removed make_json_input, command line version is no longer generated.
updated software_tests and use cases for these changes
added gnss3 orbit option for testing. eventually will use this for gnss. it downloads multi-GNSS sp3files directly from GFZ instead of from CDDIS.
gnss now points to rapid when appropriate. hopefully.
added risky option to nmea2snr for people that do not read the screen output warning them they are doing a bad thing.
allows gzip RINEX 2.11 files in local directory
went back to original CDDIS access. apparently there was something wrong with their sftp access ? in any case, we now have two ways to access CDDIS, and eventually we will likely need the other one.
new version number to synch pypi and github versions
changed bkg archive to bkg-igs or bkg-euref
Time sorted daily_avg output Added x-axis limits to quickplt Snowdepth can be limited to a single frequency (useful for earlier datasets that only had useful L2C)
Added community pubication page to docs/pages/
Problems making the readthedocs - So many problems.... downgraded sphinx version in the build. fixed it.
added hires_figs to subdaily - makes eps file instead of png.
nmea2snr uses sp3 file as default now. Low quality azel records in the NMEA files for some sensors.
New version of quickLook. Uses a better algorithm for extracting rising and setting arcs. Should be transparent to the user - but let me know.
delTmax allowed as input to quickLook
added azlist2 to gnssir - in testing phase - seems to work so far. use gnssir -newarcs T
made gnssir_input - this will be the new make_json_input. coordinates no longer required meaning UNR database is the default.
fixed bug in gnssir that didn't allow plots for newarcs -T
added smoosh_snr for decimating snr files
added some missing stations to the UNR database function
print out lat/lon/ht and XYZ for query_unr
added azlist2 to make_json_input to get ready for new way of identifying arcs
Default rinex2snr orbit is GPS only before doy 137, 2021 and multi-GNSS from GFZ after that.
tried smoke test for NMEA using wget
Check whether someone tries to download CDDIS highrate data that are too old.
Major changes to nmea2snr. Allows azimuth, elevation angle inputs from SP3 files. And decimation. LLH can be input on the command line or it can be read from the $REFL_CODE/input/station.json file
Updated the readthedocs
Added nyquist utility code (was previously living at
Fixed bug in refl_zones - caused it to crash
Allowed bfg to have zip as well as gz files
Changed inputs to invsnr_input. They are now optional - you don't have to memorize the order of RH, elevation angles and azimuth angles as it was before. Am using my variable for azimuth, i.e. azim1, azim2.
New version of nmea2snr - doesn't crash on bad files
Updated short course materials in
Fixed a bug in daily_avg that was unhappy when no results were found. Now it more politely exits.
renamed to
hopefully check multiple directories at CDDIS because of inconsistencies in how they name/store files
Fixed bug in phase code. Caused by my inability to type the word "plt." Updated a lot of documentation and use cases.
fixed bug in soil moisture code. code was crashing. have tried to improve how it detects and removes bad tracks.
fixed bare soil bug in azimuth snow model. added optional input for bare soil to
added check_rinex_file to the utilities section. looks for L2C and returns other header information to the screen
testing documentation
Improved rinex3_rinex2 and rinex3_snr (added more options, allow gzipped files, streamlined)
Individual tide gauge download scripts turned into functions - now called by download_tides
Fixed links in the online docs to eventually allow a pdf user guide.
removed download_tides - now download_noaa explicitly. Will ultimately combine all the tide download scripts to be one
Fixed longstanding bug in where the refraction pickle file is stored. was working in the docker. was working for github clone. not working for pypi because it did not check for the input subdirectory existence.
changed az_sectors to azlist in refl_zones to be consistent with other codes
changed snr 88 for rinex2snr fortran codes.
tried to fix the software_tests so we can have smoke tests again. for now, I removed unavco tests.
changed online doc for rinex2snr and nmea2snr for snr type 88.
for rinex2snr (and download_rinex), the default behavior will now search sopac before unavco for rinex2.11 files
Added nrcan and gfz to RINEX 3 archive list
Fixed bugs related to bkg inputs for IGS/EUREF folders
Updated various documentation.
add quick_recall documentation
bkg option in rinex2snr specifically for highrate files, since BKG has two directories(IGS and EUREF). For 30 sec files we will be kind and search both directories for users.
Changed output format for download_noaa, ioc, and wsv
Added tmin and tmax soil moisture properties inputs to vwc. Modified documentation.
Added new tide gauge download (for WSV). Added documentation for all of them (new page)
subdaily now has a working spline_outlier input. This allows you to use an outlier criterion in meters instead of the default 3 sigma. The latter can be too restrictive. spline_outlier1 is for the first phase (RHdot) and spline_outlier2 is for the second one, after Rhdot and interfrequency biases are removed. Units are meters.
I have made good faith effort to institute the requirement for earthscope logins. I had to change rinex 2.11, rinex 3, and highrate rinex 2.11 file downloads in both rinex2snr and download_rinex. We will know on March 31 if I was successful.
I fixed a bug in gnssir triggered by unphysical elevation angles in NMEA messages They peg at the same value - which makes LSP think that they have a window length of zero. A warning is sent to the screen (if screenstats is set to True) and the satellite is skipped. now directs users to readthedocs.
added unavco2 option to test new unavco download protocols requires earthscope-sdk import currently works - I believe - for RINEX 2.11 users will need an account with Earthscope. For more information on this
Made minor changes to subdaily. outlier file is created on the second go-thru, e.g.
Added alaska CORS sites if using the jeff archive.
added a few option to quickplt (mostly label axes)
Made a new option for snowdepth. Azimuth dependent bare soil correction is now the default.
Changed RHdot calculation in subdaily to default behavior.
Added rt_rinex3_snr to allow real-time rinex3 generated files
Fixed various documentation pages.
Docker is refusing to build with these libraries. Adding test version of refl_zones that looks for blocking signal azimuths. Requires adding geopandas, xarray, and rioxarray. This module is current undocumented.
Fixed minor bug in refl_zones that did not properly act on information from UNR database query.
Accommodated CDDIS file structure change for MGEX orbits.
Changed how the periodograms in quickLook are displayed. Initially tried to set to the maximum used by matplotlib. This can be dominated by bad tracks, so now pick by maximum good track (times 1.1). If there are not any good tracks at all this can be tricky. Now using a min value of 2 for that.
Restricting RH region to be at least 5.5 meters (consistent with gnssir). This is needed to stop people using RH region to remove outliers. The RH region also determines whether the periodogram is valid.
Fixing the refl_zones restriction of 25 degrees elevation angle. Increasing to 30 degrees and providing error message.
refl_zones now writes out satellite number and elevation angle in the kml file. Makes it easier for people to take out specific Fresnel zones if they wish.
Changed default RH max in quickLook to 8 meters.
Multiple azimuth regions allowed in refl_zones. Documentation updated.
Require RH constraints (set in make_json_input or by hand) and then invoked by gnssir must be at least 5 meters apart. These are used for the periodogram and for quality control. Sometimes people think this setting is only for outliers. Outliers can still be removed in subdaily with RH constraints. For now I am going to continue allowing this kind of constraint in quickLook, but eventually I may remove it there too.
Changed make_json_input default max RH to 8 meters. Slight change to peak2noise default. The first change will make peak2noise stats higher in general.
Added reflector height plot in subdaily that shows the results with respect to azimuth. Should hopefully make it easier to track down azimuth issues for a mask.
Upon request, subdaily writes out evenly sampled RH values for the last spline fit.
Add newest L2C transmitting GPS satellite, PRN 28. Transmitting since January 31, 2023. I do not believe it is healthy.
y-axis limits are now the same in quickLook periodograms.
Add L1C (I think) to rinex3 reading code - but it is a backup signal to default L1 C/A (S1C).
But I would really need to see more receivers to see what is going on here. They all seem to
use different settings.
Fixed persistent bugs that occur when trying to use gnssir to isolate problems with one satellite. Now checks that the requested satellite is available on the requested frequency. If not, it exits gracefully instead of crashing. This is when using -sat option, which is not relevant for routine processing.
Allow capital letter station names in quickLook and gnssir (mac does not distinguish between these two cases, but other machines do).
Explicitly check that people are not using illegal frequencies when they run gnssir
Fix bugs in nmea2snr related to how directories were created and discontinued numpy libraries
Updated snowdepth to have user-friendler bare soil definitions.
Added initial snowdepth utility.
removed np.float and from library (no longer defined in newer numpy versions)
Slight changes to the behavior of refl_zones - it make a station icon and the output goes to a subdirectory now to decrease the clutter in $REFL_CODE/Files.
Added more optional inputs to quickplt
Added Glonass to nmea2snr
. Thank you to Daniel Nowacki for helping on this one.
Added a new utility - rh_plot
- which is basically a way to look at RH results before you start making
products (snow, sea level, etc). It uses libraries developed for subdaily and daily_avg
Fixed bug for multi-freq json analysis instructions when there are no Beidou data. Even if there were no Beidou data in the RINEX file, gnssir will fail.
New pypi with a successful automated build
New pypi build, working on automating build.
Uploaded this version to pypi on December 26, 2022
Fixed bug in -dec option in gnssir. Previously failed if the data were not multi-GNSS.
New Feature:
New command line tool - quickplt. It will plot plain text files, presumably time series on x-axis - will convert to datetime, reverse sign of the y-values etc.
- Subdaily writes out evenly sampled results if requested. This is from a spline fit - to the reflector height observations and thus is dependent on the assumption that the water level is smooth.
- Fixed a bug for delTmax in quickLook that had been changed to 45 minutes - returned it to 75 minutes to accommondate snow/soil moisture applications. I had fixed it in make_json_input, but not in quickLook.
Added azlist to make_json_input command line. This means you can control the azimuth regions without editing the json file. Thre regions are entered in pairs, i.e. 0 90 180 270 would be the northeast and southwest regions.
Added frlist to make_json_input command line. This allows simpler access to the multi-constellation frequencies, i.e. 1,2,101,102 would be the original GPS and Glonass frequencies.
- I had tried out making delTmax input for gnssir to 45 minutes, but that is way too short for soil moisture. I put it back to 75 minutes. For sea level studies where you expect tidal ranges to be significant over an arc, you should be careful with this parameter.
- Fixed output in subdaily. The file with the IF correction was wrong.
The Files directory was getting too cluttered. I now create and use a subdirectory for results. The subdirectory is the same as the 4 character station name unless subdir is chosen on the command line. This has been linked for vwc, daily_avg, subdaily and the plots for quickLook
added IF bias correction to subdaily
- csv outputs are currently not working in subdaily.
Rewrote the spline fit used in subdaily. It no longer cuts off data at the beginning and end of the data series.
Output files are written with the are interfrequency bias corrected relative to L1. This output is written to a new column.
Improved the document header for the RHdot correction
- Added ediff as commandline input to quickLook. The default is 2 degrees and is meant as a quality control parameters. If you choose 5 and 20 degrees as your elevation angle limits, this would mean your arcs should be at least from 7 to 18 degrees. If you want to allow shorter arcs than this, you can make ediff much larger. Within gnssir, it can be defined in the json file.
New Features:
refl_zones module added. Command line driven.
EGM96 is now accessible from This provides simple geoid corrections in meters as a function of latitude and longitude.
- updated download_ioc to allow multi month downloads.
Bug fixes:
- fixed bug in invsnr that did not allow SNR files unless they were uncompressed. Code now allows xz and gz compression
New Features:
- Changed how CDDIS archive is used, from a wget subprocess call to using FTPS. This required checking that downloaded file was not zero size.
New Features:
- Soil moisture module added vwc_input and vwc are the main programs.