Building can be tricky because of the many system development library dependencies. It is recommended to follow the building locally guide. However, there is also a devcontainer guide with all the dependencies installed inside a container.
For development in VSCode, a devcontainer can be used.
Open the project in VSCode and hit F1
or Shift-Command-P
on Mac, type Reopen in Container
and wait for the container to build.
The provided .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
contains all required dependencies and
also mounts the source code into the container, so one can immediately start coding.
After the container starts, a development server is started that can be reached at localhost:8080. The development server will automatically reload on any code changes.
Dependency Changes: If you make changes to the devcontainer configuration or dependencies, you'll need to rebuild the container using "Rebuild Container" from the command palette.
VSCode Extensions: Ensure Docker and Remote Development extensions are installed.
Docker Engine: Ensure the development host has a full Docker engine installation (not just the runtime package). The full engine is required for buildx support, which enables cross-compilation features. Follow the official Docker Engine Install On Debian guide for installation instructions.
Download precompiled TensorFlow Lite C library for Linux from
Copy to /usr/local/lib and run ldconfig
sudo cp /usr/local/lib
sudo ldconfig
Clone tensorflow repository, this is required for header files to be present while compiling with CGO
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
Checkout TensorFlow v2.14.0 release
cd tensorflow
git checkout tags/v2.14.0
Clone BirdNET-Go repository
git clone
Build BirdNET-Go by make, compiled binary will be placed in go-birdnet/bin directory
cd BirdNET-Go
Windows build is cross compiled on Linux, for this you need MinGW-w64 on your build system
sudo apt install mingw-w64-tools gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 gcc-mingw-w64-i686
Download precompiled TensorFlow Lite C library for Windows from
Copy libtensorflowlite_c.dll to /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/
sudo cp libtensorflowlite_c.dll /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/
Clone tensorflow repository, this is required for header files to be present while compiling with CGO
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
Clone BirdNET-Go repository
git clone
Build BirdNET-Go by running make windows
cd BirdNET-Go
make windows
Windows executable is in bin/birdnet.exe, copy this and to your Windows system, library file must be in PATH for birdnet.exe to run properly.
Yes it is correct that you need libtensorflowlite_c.dll in /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/ for compile process, and on Windows you need for runtime. This sounds backwards but this is how it works.